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Spicing Up Your Love Life

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Tired, repetitive, she decides to spice things up.
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Sophie looked over to the other sofa where her husband Tom sat. Another night of one-word answers only. She shouldn't grumble, he worked hard and his boss had asked him to stay late again today. Another twelve-hour working day had left him tired. He worked, came home and ate, then watched TV until going to bed. Rinse and repeat, day after day. She'd asked him to change jobs but he enjoyed what he did, and the money earned was very good, good enough to keep them very comfortable and living in a luxurious house. It was a little too big now it was just the two of them, their children both living away at University.

"I'm going to bed, I can't keep my eyes open," Tom told her.

"Okay, I'll be up in a minute," she replied, winking.

"Not tonight love, I've got a headache from being over-tired I think," he frowned, "finish watching the film."

Sophie sat forlorn, she loved Tom dearly but the lack of attention was making her feel unwanted, unloved. If he wasn't stuck in his endless cycle she'd have wondered if he was having an affair. She laughed at the thought. He was a balding, pot-bellied forty-five-year-old man, quite short at only 5' 8" tall, just two inches taller than Sophie herself. She was also forty-five, petite with a 32B bust, long flowing blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

It had been a thing they'd laughed about when they'd met when they were both twenty. She'd caught Tom watching somebody checking her out at a party, they'd been together for around six months at that stage. Rather than Tom going mad and accusing her of flirting, he'd told her he took it as a massive compliment that someone else found her attractive, but that wasn't an invitation for her to cheat on him.

They'd had a lot of sex in the early days, before and after the children were born, Sophie mainly keeping her figure despite giving birth twice. A lot of jogging not only kept her trim but also gave her a firm round arse. Before they'd had cars, they used to mutually masturbate on public transport, liking nothing better than teasing each other, wondering if fellow passengers were aware of what they were up to. Sometimes they'd take journeys just to tease each other until they got home and fucked like crazy.

Sophie had upped the game by going to work by bus, taking pictures of her exposed tits and pussy using her digital camera, it being back when cameras on phones weren't at a premium or non-existent on most models. She liked nothing more than taking pictures and leaving the phone for Tom to find.

Waking the next morning she went to the kitchen to make their lunches for the day, not bothering to get dressed. Tom came down, suit on and dishevelled tie, shirt buttons fastened incorrectly, and grabbed a piece of toast. Sophie moved from behind the kitchen island, showing him her nakedness.

"Oh boy," he said as she strode towards him and cupped his crotch.

She kissed him, working her tongue into his mouth as she squeezed his balls, enjoying the feel of his manhood growing, until he gently pushed her away.

"Sorry babe, I'm going to be late for work," he told her.

"Oh, I was hoping for a session before I go away," Sophie giggled.

"Away?" he asked.

"Yes, I have to go to my work conference later today, I'm there until the weekend, did you forget?" she responded.

"I remember, it just slipped my mind. Have a good time," he answered, kissing her on the cheek and walking out of the door.

Sophie sighed loudly as the door shut. That had been a waste of time. She finished her breakfast, went upstairs to dress, then picked up her already packed case and left for work. There were a few of them going, so the company had hired a minibus and hotel rooms for all, the hotel being at the other end of the country, a six-hour drive away. Getting there she found there was a reception area, with rooms at floor level on either side, more rooms above the reception. Some had asked for views of the city, and some like Sophie said they'd take a ground-floor room.

She went into her room after collecting her keys and dropped her case on the bed. Taking out her phone she'd had a message from Tom.

"You looked good enough to eat this morning, I was just running late or I'd have enjoyed what you were offering," he'd written.

"Something to look forward to when I'm back?" she replied.

"Oh yes, can't wait," he sent.

She slept easier that night, a little less stressed that Tom had gone off her. The following day a few of her work colleagues mentioned her being more upbeat, and she simply smiled at them. She got asked if she wanted to go to a local pub with some of them that evening but she declined, saying she was going to relax and watch some TV or maybe a film. Getting back she quickly pulled her case out and onto the bed, opening it eagerly. Delving through it she found out what she'd been after, her old digital camera. She'd charged it before leaving, making sure it was ready for use.

She closed the curtains as it was almost dark now anyway, then switched off the main lights and turned on all the table lamps. She stripped off, making sure nothing was on the bed, then lay along it. Picking up the camera, she took a picture and then checked the memory card it saved onto. Hmm, it was okay but she'd need the flash on. She took another and checked again. Better, but not a great picture. She deleted them both, ready to start again.

She glanced up at the time as her stomach rumbled. It was 7:30 pm. She hadn't realised it was that time. She opened the door and glanced out, thinking she could hear rain. She was right, it was pouring down. Pointless getting dressed to go out to eat she thought, I'll see if I can get a pizza order. She glanced about, but nobody seemed to be about. Taking a deep breath she put a foot outside and peered about again. Taking a deep breath she ran outside, the rain splashing over her body, only for a few seconds but it felt like a lifetime.

Running back into her room she shut the door quickly behind herself and laughed uncontrollably. Oh boy, what a rush that was, anyone could have seen her. Her heart was pounding with excitement. She noticed herself in the mirror, her long blonde hair soaked through even from the short time she'd been outside, the raindrops glistened on her skin. These would make for some great photos she thought to herself. She quickly grabbed the camera and started taking pictures, some of her face then a few faraway shots, then a closeup just as a raindrop was trickling off one of her now erect nipples. She giggled to herself again, and then the door knocked.

Oh shit. She'd forgotten about the pizza. Quickly she shouted she wouldn't be long and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, wrapping it around herself. She opened the door a little, asking the driver to bring the pizza in while she grabbed some cash. She turned away from the door, picking up the money she'd left ready and turned back.

"Oh, there's two of you," she stammered.

A young lad and an older guy, old enough to be his dad, stood in the doorway, the door shut behind them.

"He's my nephew, eighteen years old, just passed his driving test so I'm showing him the ropes so he can earn some cash while at college," the older guy told her.

All the while he was talking the older guy was looking around the room.

"What are you doing? What are you looking for?" Sophie quizzed him.

"Towel wrapped around you, hair wet pretending you've been in the shower. You're going to drop the towel aren't you, that's why it surprised you that there were two of us eh?" he shot back.

"No, really I'm not, I've no intention of dropping this towel, it's the first thing I picked up," Sophie told him.

"First thing? You ordered thirty minutes ago, you've had plenty of time to get dressed," he laughed, "so where are the cameras then?"

Sophie looked at him puzzled, then at the young lad.

"This is the only camera I have," she said, picking hers up.

"Old school, nice. So if you're not going to flash us, what are you doing exactly?" he asked.

Sophie blushed.

"I was taking some pictures for my husband, spicing up our love life," she blurted out awkwardly.

"Uncle Dave is an amateur photographer," the young lad told her.

It was the first time he'd spoken to her, but she'd noticed he was staring intently at her. Dave took the camera from her and as Sophie went to grab it back the towel nearly fell open, Sophie had to stop to grab it with both hands. She watched as Dave started viewing the photos on the memory card, showing the young lad whose face lit up.

"Not bad, not brilliant. Should be okay for hubby to like, what do you think Pete?" Dave asked the younger lad.

"I think he'll be wanking over them, or giving her a good seeing too after," he laughed.

"You don't think they're good enough?" Sophie said a little angrily, "You think you could do better?"

She realised exactly what she'd said as Dave told her yes, then pointed the camera at her and took a picture.

"You have beautiful eyes, to match your beautiful body, but you're not doing it justice," he told her, "push the towel down a little, show me a little cleavage, lean forward a little more, that's nice."

He took another picture and showed her. The remaining raindrops looked like little pools of water, with a little river running down between her tits. Sophie took a deep breath and pulled the towel down to her belly button.

"Go on then, it's been a long time since I've done anything like this, take some photos of me," she urged him.

Her mind was racing, what was she doing? Her head was telling her to stop, her heart was pounding at how naughty this was. Despite this, the towel was soon dropped to the floor and she stood in front of them both naked.

"Sit on the edge of the bed," Dave instructed, "run your hands through your hair."

He took more snaps, smiling and nodding as he did so, before crouching down.

"Now part your legs a little but put your hand between them,

as though you're trying to cover up."

Sophie did so, the palm of her hand feeling how wet she was already. Dave told her to use her other hand to play with her nipples, which she did. God her nipples were so sensitive, that hard she thought they'd break off in her fingers.

"Now, put your arms on the bed behind you, lean back on them and lift one leg onto the bed," he asked.

She didn't put her legs quite right, and she jumped as Dave's hand touched her knee. He positioned her leg and knelt right between her legs, smiling broadly as he saw her wetness, her labia glistening in the lights. After taking a few pictures like this, he asked Sophie to look right up at the ceiling and raise both legs in the air.

"Great shots," he called out.

He took hold of her legs again, pushing them over to one side of the bed, exposing her arse to him. He whistled as he crouched and took more snaps, her closed legs almost hiding the treasure between her legs.

"Now push your top leg right up, knee touching your tits," he asked her.

Sophie did as she was asked, smiling when she heard Dave call out how pretty her arsehole looked, Sophie, having made a point of shaving around that as well as her pussy. She felt his hand on her buttocks, pulling them apart, telling her he wanted a close-up shot of it. This time she didn't jump at his touch.

"Up onto all fours now love," he instructed.

He whistled again as she positioned herself, arse facing towards him.

"That's a hell of an arse love, and I love the way your tits are still as firm and pert even though they're pointing downwards," he praised her, "makes for better pictures then."

Sophie realised how exposed she was to him as his hands now moved her freely, rubbing over her nipples to check they were erect, even though it was obvious they were, hands on her inner thighs positioning her legs.

"Now, bury your face on the bed, reach back and pull your buttocks apart," he asked.

Sophie didn't even think how she'd look, she did so and smiled to herself as she heard Dave cry out how fucking hot she looked with both holes gaping.

"Do you have a dildo love?" he asked.

"A dildo, what for?" Sophie asked naively.

"Well, you look like you could do with it," he said, showing her his fingers sticky with her juices, "and that's just off your thighs," he laughed.

"Erm, no I don't. Why does it matter?" she asked.

"You think hubby wouldn't be turned on by pictures of you using it?" he laughed.

"Well, yes he would, but I don't have one, although yes I could probably do with one, to be honest," Sophie told him.

Dave looked deep in thought, looking around the room.

"You could pose with Pete I suppose," he blurted out.

Sophie looked in his direction, she'd nearly forgotten he was in the room.

"He won't want to pose with an old woman like me," Sophie laughed.

Pete stood and started undoing his jeans, kicking his trainers off.

"Get back onto all fours if that's a yes then," Dave said, seeing her not stop Pete from removing his clothes.

Sophie got back up onto the bed, moving to leave room for Pete. She felt the bed move and looked back, his youthful taut torso showing above her back. Dave had moved around the other side of the bed, by her head. He took a couple of pictures, then told her to put a hand out behind her. She did so and felt something hard press against her palm. Dave told her to concentrate on him, so she did so.

"Keep looking at me while I take these shots, Pete is going to move around the bed to the side of your head slowly while I do," he instructed, "use that hand between your legs now."

He told her how good the shots looked as her fingers found her pussy, making her eyes close and her mouth drop open. Sophie moaned and groaned as she ran her fingers through her wet folds, resisting the urge to touch her clit or thrust fingers up herself. She felt the bed move right by her shoulder and opened her eyes.

"Good god, what is that thing?" she squealed.

She heard Pete laugh as his erect cock, all ten inches of it, pointed at Sophie. She looked back at Dave.

"Big lad isn't he?" he laughed, "how big is hubby?"

"About seven inches," she heard herself saying absentmindedly.

She felt Dave's hands on her again, moving her onto her back, head hanging off the edge of the bed. Pete moved and knelt over her, cock hovering above her mouth.

"Stick your tongue out love," Dave urged.

"What for?" Sophie asked.

"It's just simulation love, it just looks like you're about to blow him," Dave told her.

Sophie did so instinctively, brushing it against the underside of Pete's cock as she did so, quickly putting her tongue back in her mouth.

"Sorry," she said.

"No, do it again, keep your tongue out," Dave urged.

She did so again, again her tongue brushed against the underside of Pete's cock. Dave took the snaps then moved the camera, showing it to Sophie.

"Look at how that string of pre-cum links between his cock and your tongue, what a fucking sexy shot that is," enthused Dave.

Sophie felt her heart flutter seeing Pete's cock so close to her mouth and yes, Dave was right, the photo looked hot. He told Sophie to keep looking towards him but to squeeze her tits together. As she did so she felt Pete push his cock into her cleavage. Oh fuck, his cock felt very warm on her skin, like a red-hot poker.

Dave asked her to keep her hands there and Pete moved down the bed, Dave taking another couple of shots and then moving around the bed, when Sophie looked up she saw Pete hovering between her legs. He grabbed her ankles and lifted them high, then shuffled forward, his cock now almost touching her wet lips.

"Hold steady love, let Pete move closer, don't jump if he touches you," Dave instructed.

She felt the bed move and then Pete's cock nudged against her pussy lips, pushing them apart A fire ripped through Sophie's body, especially hearing Dave shout out how great the shots looked. Pete moved away and Dave had them do the same thing with Sophie on all fours. Again Pete shuffled in so his cock gently nudged between her folds, Dave taking shots from both ends, capturing the look of pure ecstasy on her face.

"Just one more pose should be enough," Dave told her.

Sophie gulped, part of her didn't want this to stop. She was urging herself not to touch, but her insides were churning with anticipation. Dave got Pete to lie on the bed with his feet hanging down, asking Sophie to straddle him, looking down the bed towards him but planting her feet on the edge. She positioned herself right above Pete's cock, trying to keep her balance. A couple of times she moved and Pete's cock pushed against her.

"I need you to squeeze your tits together again, looking right at the camera," he instructed.

Sophie tried but couldn't keep her balance. Dave told Pete to grab her hips which helped. Sophie's fingers went to her nipples, twisting and tweaking them, Dave asked her to squat lower, and lower again until she felt Pete's cock again.

"Just push down onto him, just a couple of inches, then back up until it's nearly out of you," Dave said, "this will be the crowning shot."

Sophie pushed down, Pete's cock stretching her, making her groan loudly, then lifted herself again.

"Fuck, your lips are gripping him tightly, it's a better shot than I thought it would be. Hold still if you can," Dave cried out.

Spasms ran through her body, all the teasing and now having Pete's cock just inside her were proving too much. While Dave took close-up shots, Sophie slid a hand down over her clit. Seconds later, she came, a river of juices flowing out of her and down Pete's shaft.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Sophie cried out as her body shook.

Before she'd finished she started riding Pete's cock, sliding down hard and grinding her arse against his stomach, crying out loudly as his cock pushed deep into her. She felt his hands on her back, pushing her forward, then looked up to see Dave now naked, cock in hand, moving towards Sophie's mouth. His cock wasn't as big, about as big as Tom's, but wider, about as wide as her wrist. He pushed his cock into her mouth and she slobbered on him greedily.

A few minutes later she found herself being moved, lying on her side on the bed. Pete now shoved his cock into her mouth, Sophie greedily using her tongue to slurp down their collective juices. Dave knelt behind her, lifted a leg onto his shoulder and started fucking her pussy as hard as he could manage. As he did so he rubbed his fingers over Sophie's clit until she came again.

She felt the bed move again and slumped down onto her stomach, lying face down. Her legs were parted wide, and fingers probed her arsehole, then pushed inside. She groaned as one, two and then three fingers pushed inside, then were removed. Hands pulled her buttocks apart, then a cock nudged at her arsehole, then paused as if waiting for permission,

"Get some picture of this for me, hubby doesn't like anal," Sophie cried out.

She heard the camera clicks as a short fat cock pushed into her, making her cry out. Hands went onto her shoulder blades, pinning her to the bed as the cock pushed as deep as possible, his hips grinding into her buttocks as he pushed her apart. She felt a hand slide underneath her, just enough for a finger to find her clit. It didn't move, just stayed put so that as Dave thrust into her his momentum rubbed her clit against the finger. Sophie felt her body start to shake again, trying to remember the last time she'd cum more than twice before Dave cried out loudly as he shot his cum deep into her arse, just as Sophie started to orgasm herself.

She heard camera clicks and hands pulling her buttocks apart and contented chuckling, then the bed moved and mild panic set in as Pete's cock started pushing into her arse. Fuck no, surely he was too big.

Her fears were unfounded as a mixture of her juices and the remnants of Dave's seed provided a very healthy lubricant. Far easier than she'd expected Pete's cock


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