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Sprayed and Played

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He thought the party was for him. They had different plans.
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It was an extremely busy Friday night at the Last Stop. Trevor was in training to become a shift leader and had been closing the bar the last six nights in a row. He was working with his boss tonight in an effort to show him he could handle the business and that he was ready to run shifts by himself. As he was finishing up with his deposit and closing paperwork he let out a big and boisterous yawn. Paul, his boss, who was standing in the office doorway asked, "Are you gonna make it?"

"Yeah, just a long week, and tonight was a killer. Just a bit stressed, I really want this promotion" Trevor replied. He was in the last week of his training period and had really been putting the "extra mile" so to speak. He had been working there since he was eighteen, started as a dishwasher and kept his head down. Trevor has always been a quiet young man, always shy around girls and less than popular in high school. He had never even been on date until his best friend, Dave, planned a double date, then begged Trevor to go and be his wing-man. He was grateful because he knew he would never have the courage to ask a girl out on his own. It's been three years since that date, Dave has had several new partners but Trevor, well Trevor has not. In fact he was still dating Jenny, the girl from the date, and to say they were dating was a stretch. More so friends that occasionally went out. Jenny was an average looking young women, she had a really nice body, a shapely bottom and tits proportionate to her body. Her downside was her facial features. She wore dark framed "nerd" glasses, shoulder length, unstyled hair, and it was a shame her parents couldn't afford braces. On the same hand however, Trevor too was at best, average. He was tall and skinny, he had a bit of a skater cut do and dirty blonde hair. His friends said he was a bug eyed skeleton. He decided when he turned twenty one that he had to up his game, get a better job, work on his physique and most importantly, get laid! Since working hard towards a promotion at work was the most attainable of his goals, that's where he decided to start.

"Don't stress to hard Tre, you're a natural. You're gonna do great. I already talked to John," the owner of the Last Stop,"told him you're ready. He agrees and will be down Monday to make it official." Trevor s eyes lit up at the news, he didn't say anything, but he was all smiles. "Tell you what, since you're part of the management staff now, why don't you come over to place tonight to celebrate? Ron and Jimmy are coming over anyways to play some poker, might as well make it a party, what do ya say?" Paul moved around the back of Trevor s chair and squeezed his shoulders, "Take some time to destress and unwind, who knows, maybe even have a little fun."

Knowing it was too late to try and hook up with Jenny, he agreed. Paul looked extremely pleased, smiled and lightly chuckled under his breath, "Well, lets wrap this up and get goin."

"Sounds good boss," Trevor smiled, "let's go."

Trevor foll wed Paul to his house, he noticed Jimmys car already parked outside but he wasn't in it. After he parked, he asked Paul as they were walking towards the door, "Where is Jimmy?"

"Oh, he and my roomy, Jake are friends. He's been here a bit already."

They entered Paul s apartment, a decent sized place, they cut through the family room into the kitchen where the boys were sitting. "Paul!" Jimmy shouted, "Er, um and Trevor? What are you doing here?"

"He's here to celebrate," Paul answered for him.

"Celebrating what?" Jimmy asked.

"His promotion, he's your new boss." Paul laughed as he looked at Jimmy with I'm giving you shit eyes.

"Well, well." Jimmy humphed. "You'll promote anyone won't ya Paul?"

"Any of you could of tried for it, Trevor did."

"Congrats Trevor," Ron said with a genuine smile, "you can count on me buddy."

"Awesome, thanks Ron, I'll need all the support I can get."

"Yeah, congrats Trevor," Jake said as he entered the room with a pitcher of margaritas, "Let's party and fuck with your employee, Jimmy." Jake said while bursting with laughter.

Trevor just smiled and laughed, to timid to say anything like that to Jimmy. Jimmy was the bouncer at work, he was in great shape. He worked out regularly and you could tell, especially with the super tight shirts he always wears.

"Alright, alright," Paul said, "my boy Trevor here has had a hard week and needs to relax and have some fun. Ron, deal up them cards."

While Ron was dealing, Jake was passing out tequila shots. Paul grinning, grabbed Trevor by the knee under the table, "I'm proud of you man," he said. They played several different games of poker, had done several shots and were now halfway through the pitcher of margaritas. Everyone was hootin and hollarin and laughin as they continued to drink and play. A couple of hours later the card playing had slowed and the drinking took precedent. Trevor, pretty smashed by now stood up and announced he was going to pee. He wobbled when he stood up, then awkwardly slid by Paul. He paused then asked with a smile, "Where is the bathroom Paul?"

"Down the hall, second door on left," he said smiling.

Trevor nodded and continued to attempt to walk.

"Damn that boy is fucked up!" He heard Jimmy saying as he walked away.

Moments later the group heard a thud from down the hall. Paul jumped up, "Sounds like our little friend just bit it."

"If you need any help," Jake offered.

Paul went to the bathroom door and knocked, "You okay in there?"

Trevors response was illegible and muffled. Paul tried the doorknob, fortunately it was unlocked. He opened the door and saw Trevor lying on the floor moaning. "Damn man, are you okay, did you hit your head?" Paul asked frantically.

"Yeahhh," Trevor slurred, "room was spinning...still have to pee."

"Shit, alright let's get you on your feet." Paul said as he grabbed one of Trevors hands and put his other hand in the top of Trevors pants so he could heave him up. Once standing, still dizzy, Trevor put his arm around Paul for balance, "Gotta pee Paul." He mumbled. "Help?"

Paul stood behind Trevor, braced his shoulders and pressed his body against Trevors back, so he could lean on him. "Alright, I got you steady, do your business."

Trevor reached down to unzip, struggling he managed to pull his pecker out of his boxers, took aim and let loose, only to miss the bowl completely.

"Whoa, whoa," Paul reacted almost without thinking and reached around to aim Trevors cock back towards the bowl. Standing there behind Trevor, he looked in the mirror to see Trevors face while he controlled the flow. He didn't look shocked or upset that Paul took upon himself to grab his cock, in fact he looked, well peaceful. Trevor finished peeing and Paul gave his dick a little shake.

"Shake more than once and you're playing with it," Paul said with a smile.

Trevor opened his eyes, relieved that his bladder was empty and saw the scene in the mirror. "Oh my god," Trevor said, "I'm so sorry Paul, I shouldn't of got so fucked up. I...I think maybe I should go," he said embarrassed. He reached down and noticed Paul was still holding his cock, he slid his hand across the top of Pauls hand and gently tucked his prick back into his pants.

"Uh, sorry buddy but you're not going anywhere till you sober up. You're staying here tonight." Paul replied. "Go ahead and wash up your hands, I'll meet you in the hall." As he turned to exit he let his hand slide around Trevors slender waistline and finishing with a light smack on his ass.

Trevor jumped, not expecting that yet he didn't seem to mind. He washed his hands, splashed some cold water on his face and left the bathroom. Paul was standing at the end of the hall, Trevor didn't recall ever noticing how stout of man Paul was. Paul was probably in his late thirties, full head of jet black hair and a scruffy five o'clock shadow. He stood about 6'2 and had a solid frame, his eyes were dark and he had a great smile. "Come here Trevor."

Trevor looked at Paul. Pauls gaze made Trevor feel unsure, confused. He wasn't sure if he was just really drunk or what, but that gaze gave him goosebumps. As Trevor walked slowly, shakily down the hall, Paul reached behind him and opened a door. "This is our spare bedroom Tre, where you'll be passing out tonight," he chuckled.

Paul stood in the doorway, forcing Trevor to squeeze past him, chest to chest. They never broke eye-contact and Paul grunted under his breath when Trevor passed by. Trevor went further into the room, Paul tailing behind.

"So this is your bed, you know where the bathroom is and I'll be in the room across the hall."

Still a little weak in the knees, he lost balance trying to take his shirt off. Paul, still behind him, braced him and helped him pull his shirt up over his head. Paul, smiling said,"need help with anything else?"

Trevor noticed that Paul was lustfully checking him out. "Uh, no...I think I'll just lye here for awhile."

Paul winked as he closed the door behind him.

Trevor lied on the bed staring at the ceiling, why did he feel so excited. He was thinking of the bathroom experience and how quick Paul was to grab his cock. 'Is Paul gay?' he thought to himself. Then he thought of the gaze they shared in the hall and he started feeling horny. He reached down and began rubbing himself through his pants. 'What am I doing,' he thought, 'Am I gay?' He had never really had thought about men before, before tonight. 'No, you're not gay, you have a girlfriend, kinda.' He unbuckled his jeans and slid his hand into his boxers lightly stroking his dick, he thought of Pauls hand sliding around his waist and his dick got firmer. 'I can't jerk off in his guest bed' he thought as he pulled his hand out of his pants. Instead he turned the bed-lamp off and focused on falling asleep. As he drifted off he imagine that he was grabbing Pauls cock and helping him pee.

Awhile later he woke up in a fog, he heard Jimmy and Ron loudly laughing. He then heard Jake say, "You guys better pass out on the couch, I'm going to bed, pretty sure Paul is too."

Trevor heard Paul ask, "Should we check on our guest Jake?"

He couldn't hear Jakes response but just then heard the bedroom door crack open. A shawdoy silohette creep ed into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Trevor felt a hand on his chest, slowly brushing from one side to the other. He couldn't help it, he could feel the twitching in his pants again. Trevor let out a quiet gasp as the hand slowly made it down his abdomen and rested at the top of his pant-line.

Trevor, not realizing that his body was reacting to the hand, slightly raised his hips, and whimpered. He lowered his hand to meet the shadows, then grabbing the hand, tugged at the top of his pants. Then he felt the shadows other hand on his stomach, sliding down towards his pants. He felt pure excitement as the hands tried to pull down his pants, he lifted his pelvis again to make it easier. He felt his boxers slide over the head of his semi erect cock. He then felt one of the hands gently cup his balls. It lightly fondled and tickled them, he felt a cool stream of air blowing on his raging cock. As his anticipation took over him he noticed the hands let go.

"No, please," he whimpered, "Don't stop." he begged.

Suddenly the bedside lamp clicked on. Much to his surprise he stared in shock to see Jimmy sitting next to him. "No one is stopping, heh, heh, in fact were just getting started. Scoot over boy." Jimmy said.

Still beyond surprise that it wasn't Paul in here with him, 'Jimmy doesn't even like me' he thought. Jimmy stood up and lifted his shirt off, his muscle toned chest flexing. He then slid his sweat pants down leaving only his monster hiding behind his bikini underwear. He got on the bed and walked on his knees next to Trevors face. Trevor, having never had sex before, with anyone was dumbfounded, "I, I've never done this before, I...I..," His sentence fell short when Jimmy pulled his enlarged member out, it hung down right over Trevors mouth Trevor stared in disbelief, not at all what he thought was going to happen. "Open your mouth boy, you know you want to try it."

Trevor opened his mouth a little, he never thought he wanted something like this, but as he lifted his head and wrapped his mouth around the tip of Jimmys cock he suddenly knew that he did want it. He shifted to his side so he could get a better angle. He grabbed the base of Jimmys thick penis, he could feel the girth of it in his hand. He licked the tip of his cock, slowly rotating around it. He only managed to put a couple of inches in his mouth, still sucking on the head. Jimmy grunted as he swung his leg across Trevor, now straddling his face, his head pressed upright against the headboard.

"Suck it boy, take it all," Jimmy grunted, pushing his cock deeper into his mouth. Trevors eyes widening with each thrust, feeling that large stiff cock forcing its way down his throat. "Paul was right, you are a natural." He said with witty pleasure and a smirk.

Trevor, lying on his back with Jimmy's pulsating prick pushing in and out of him heard the bedroom door click open. He looked out the corner of his eye and saw Paul walking in, followed by Jake. "What do we have here Jimmy?" Paul asked.

"Ahhh, a great little cocksucker Paul," Jimmy groaned, breathing heavily. He backed up enough for his cock to pop out of Trevors mouth, saliva and a thick coating of precum oozed down his chin. "Now, no wasting boy," as he scooped up precum with his dick and put it back into Trevors mouth.

Paul was standing by the edge of the bed watching Trevor. Jimmy continued face fucking Trevor, increasing his tempo and thrusting deeper into his throat. Trevor watched as Paul started stripping, pulling off his t-shirt exposing his chest. He had a small pot belly and was covered in hair. Paul reached down and grabbed Trevors semi erect cock and gave it a tug, "Hmph, a lot bigger than last time," he grimaced. Jake was walking to the foot of the bed looking very lusty.

Stroking Trevors rather long but skinny peter, Paul began sliding down his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear and his fat long johnson smacked him on the cheek when it gained its freedom. Eyeing Pauls huge member in anticipation of his intentions, he noticed out of the corner of his eye as Ron peeked into the room. He looked Trevor in the eye and smiled.

In the meantime Jake had knelt down by the bottom of the bed. He reached up and gently caressed Trevors calves, slowly sliding upwards. As Ron came to stand on the other side of the bed, Jimmy started grunting faster, "Oh Tre, are you ready for your reward? Swallow it all big boy," he grunted.

Trevor felt Jimmys cock swell in his mouth, noticed his eyes glaze over and prepared himself best he could for the payload Jimmy was offering. Freaking out to himself, not how he imagined his first sexual encounter. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a hot, salty and powerful stream of Jimmys jizz spraying into the back of his throat. He gagged, trying to spit but denied by Jimmy forcing his cock deeper in his mouth. Jimmy delivered at least three more squirts of cum before his cock began to relax. As he pulled it out a puddle of cum rolled down his chin unto his chest. He smacked his cock on his tongue a few times saying,"You're a good little cocksucker boy, mmm."

Jimmy propped himself, swung his leg over and slid off the bed. He winked at Trevor as he left the room.

Trevor briefly tried to regain his thoughts as to how this all came to be when he felt Jakes strong hands dragging him to the bed bottom, just far enough that his ass was barely hanging over. Paul and Ron got on there knees on the bed and stopped next to Trevors head, one on each side. Trevor looked awe stricken when he realized what they wanted. Before he could protest he jumped by the sensation of Jakes wet tongue poking into his backdoor. While he was opening his mouth to gasp, Paul was pushing his now erect cock into his mouth, Ron reached for Trevors hand and placed it on his cock, helping him stroke it until Trevor realized what he wanted. Trevor swallowed by perverted lust eagerly swallows as much of Pauls dick as possible. Trying to maintain his spot was becoming more difficult while Jake was tonguing his ass. He pulled Paul out sure to suck the precum into his mouth, then switching cocks he started stroking Paul while lunging towards Rons excited stick. The taste of multiple cocks was overwhelming, yet he wanted to taste more. He vigorously continued sucking Ron off and stroking Paul. Then he would switch back again, taking Paul all of the way.

Paul was starting to pant heavily and moan when in a seconds time Trevor stopped. He looked tense as he felt the coolness of lube being rubbed on his anus. Jake stood up from his brown eyed pie, took his well lubed harder than a rock cock and pressed it against Trevors virgin hole. Jake raised Trevors long skinny legs up then pushed Trevors knees against his chest causing his anus to wink and twitch. Paul impatiently shoved his cock back in Trevors mouth, then Trevor moaned, loud.

"Ahhhh, oh, oh, it hu...hurts...Ahhh, please?"

Jake took it as a cue to pull out and slam it back in, then continued to slowly fuck his ass, only giving him half of his pecker. Jake, Ron and Paul all noticed as Trevors cock got harder and harder the faster and deeper Jake fucked him. Trevor was still playing pass the cock in his mouth with Ron and Paul. Jakes thrusts became so fast and deep that trevor found himself trying to fit both cocks in his mouth at the same time. Rubbing the heads together, tasting the mix of cum.

Jake, with one great push gave Trevor his entire cock, balls deep in his ass. He held it there, grinding and thrusting. Ron was at a point of no return having his cock sucked and stroked, grabbed the back of Trevors head, rested the head of his cock on Trevors open lips and began furiously stroking off. Within seconds his creamy eruption splatted all over Trevors face, followed by even more cum shooting into his mouth. Like a contagious yawn, the site of Trevor lapping up cum drove Paul over the edge, slamming his swollen cock back into Trevors cum filled mouth, forcefully throat fucking him while Jake continued to pound his ass.

"Ahhhhhhh, Trevorrr," Paul gasped as he spewed a thick load of cum into Trevors throat. Sliding his cock slowly back out while continuing to spray cum on Trevors face. "Swallow it." Paul instructed, "swallow it all."

Trevor, looked at Paul as we gulped down the double load from Paul and Ron. He then felt his asshole spreading apart, Jake fucking him like a champ, with one final deep stroke he felt his goo shooting out, load after load, after load. His extascy knew no bounds, fucking him till he was pushed out. "Damn boy," Jake sighed "looks like just one more to swallow."

Trevor looked confused as Jake cupped his hand by Trevors asshole, catching his cum as it oozed out of his ass. Looking at Trevor he said, "open up."

Not being able to refuse, Trevor opened his mouth while Jake funneled is ass cum into Trevors mouth. "You know what to do."

Yes he did know, he eagerly swallowed the cum, then layed there with an open mouth as Paul and Ron used there cocks as cum spoons, scooping up the remaining cum and pushing it in his mouth.

Paul, Ron and Jake stood up, smiling, "Seems you know how to take care of a cock, just one more load to finish my little cum slut."

Trevor, then knew what he wanted. He grabbed his prick and stroked it fast and hard, he was so worked up and teased that it didn't take long for him to spray cum all over his chest and belly. He kept stroking and his cock kept cumming. While catching his breath, he looked at Paul and scooped up his own cum and happily poured it in his mouth, holding it there to savor the taste before swallowing it.


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