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Stalking Amber Ch. 03

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A Trick and A Tryst.
8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/13/2015
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Thanks TSB for plot/structure advice :)


Furious about being left tied up, Amber's rage eventually faded as she mulled over the last exchange with Brad. It was obvious by the way his eyes continuously darted to her lower body, that he had sex on the brain. Grudgingly Amber acknowledged she was lucky he'd accepted her hollow apology and not taken it further.

Fixing her pale-blue eyes on the ceiling, she pursed her lips in thought. Brad confessed he was infatuated with her, so maybe she could influence him somehow. Slightly shaking her head at herself, Amber knew that wouldn't get her very far, the guy wasn't as stupid as she'd hoped. It was just her luck to get stuck with a nut-job with an inkling of intelligence. Going by the house alone, he'd evidently done well for himself.

Amber started as the door opened, and Brad calmly walked in carrying two large bottles of water. Setting them down next to the fruit and sandwiches, he turned and leaned back against the table, resting the heels of his palms on the black glossy surface.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, his eyes travelling down her slim body and again resting between her spread legs.

"A little," Amber admitted warily, wondering if it would be wiser to stay hungry than have him come near her.

"Well, how about we call a little truce?" Brad suggested, pushing off the desk and moving closer.

"What kind of truce?" Amber asked suspiciously, resisting the urge to tug against her restraints as he approached the bed.

Brad smiled down at her, and casually slipped his hands into the pockets of his black pants. "If you can refrain from trying to cause me bodily harm, I'll untie you, so you can eat." Shifting his gaze to one of the bedposts, he traced a finger along down the smooth, brown column before glancing back at Amber, gauging her reaction. "If you attack me again, we'll be back to square one. I should clarify that 'square one' involves me stripping you naked and having my wicked way with you."

"Ok, I won't try anything," Amber immediately nodded, thinking it was probably the best deal she'd been offered so far. As Brad untied her restraints, Amber fought the urge to slap and kick at his caressing hands when they sensually lingered on her skin. She jumped at the feel of cool metal on her ankle as he reapplied the chain. Avoiding his eyes, she quickly climbed off the bed, grimacing at the sound of the chain hitting the ground and dragging along it.

"I'm afraid that's non-negotiable," Brad chuckled, seeing her cast an irritated glance at her ankle.

Picking up a vibrantly red apple, Amber was careful to keep her back against the desk so she could watch his movements, and hide her mostly naked behind from his lustful stare. Taking a big, hungry bite out of the apple, she enjoyed the fruit's flesh as its juices spread over her lips. After her small pink tongue darted out to collect the sweet moisture from the corners of her mouth, Amber nervously slowed her chewing, seeing Brad's expression suddenly freeze as his blue eyes fixed on her mouth.

Brad exhaled heavily, and his brown fringe curled across his forehead as he quickly turned to inspect the bedpost, well aware of his cock forming into yet another painful erection. If he watched Amber too carefully, she might suspect the food had been tampered with, and he didn't want to give the game away.

"So, Amber," Brad spoke with a serenity was far from feeling, "I've given some thought to how we might more peacefully... get along." Turning back to her, he saw the storm gathering in the pastel-blue of her eyes, narrowing at his euphemism for sexual assault. Glaring at him unblinkingly, Amber took a particularly vicious bite out of the apple.

"For example," Brad continued pleasantly, ignoring her death stare, "I'm aware that the idea of falling pregnant doesn't appeal to you right now. I could compromise on that."

Amber angrily gulped down another bite and showed her teeth as her lip curled in disgust. "Right now? It won't appeal to me, ever! I could be pregnant already!" she snapped.

"But you might not be," Brad countered, smugly holding her furious gaze for a few seconds before shrugging nonchalantly. "Oh, I guess we could just keep going and see what happens. I'd prefer it, actually."

"W-What would I have to do?" Amber faltered, losing some of her edge as she realised being chained didn't seem so bad, alongside the prospect of being knocked-up by her captor.

Hearing the resignation in her voice, Brad barely managed to suppress a triumphant grin. "We can start small," he said simply, crossing his arms. "It's a limitless bargaining chip, really. How about you try on some of the lingerie I bought you? I'll even let you pick."

Brad suffered a mild surprise when the apple core sharply bounced off his forehead. "Amber," he chided with humorous bewilderment, wiping the juice from his skin and only just stopping himself from licking the sticky wetness off his fingers. "That's not my definition of getting along."

Amber struggled to contain her anger. Though she regretted her recklessness, she couldn't stop herself. It was useless and petty, but it felt pretty damn good. Glancing behind her at the plates on the table, she was sorely tempted to throw more food at him.

"Amber," Brad cautioned softly, clearly following her thoughts, "remember square one." The apple core hadn't bothered him in the slightest, but he didn't want to be pelted with fruit. The experience of keeping a beautiful woman prisoner was unexpectedly feeling more like being a parent.

"Just put something on for me," he coaxed, again crossing his large arms. "I won't make love to you, unless you want me to. And if you behave, next time we're intimate, I promise I'll wear a condom. It's a sweet deal for you." Seeing her eyes flare at him and her hand shift toward the fruit plate, he hastily continued. "Or you can start a food-fight and we'll just get down to it, without protection. The choice is yours. I'm trying to cut you a break here."

"Why don't you cut me loose?" Amber argued, stamping the foot attached to the chain.

"Come on, Amber," he sighed tiredly. "I don't have all day." Shifting from the bedpost, he pulled the key from his back pocket. "I'll temporarily unlock you," he informed her. "But this time, I'll be ready for any surprises. I don't think I have to tell you what will happen if you try anything." Amber trembled as he got down on one knee and released her ankle from the chain.

Picking up the discarded apple core, he raised to his full height and sauntered toward the door. "I'll give you half an hour. That should be plenty of time to get changed and eat, if you're still hungry." Gently shutting the door behind him, Brad's blue eyes lit up with amusement as he heard her swearing frenzy on the other side. Striding a few metres down the hall, he pressed his large back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position to wait. Resting his forearms on his knees he grinned aimlessly at the wall in front of him.

"It's working," he breathed. Looking down at the apple-core in his hand, he seriously contemplated fixing his mouth to it, knowing Amber's lips had been on it more recently. But he wasn't in the habit of eating food off the floor, and the apple had been laced with a very expensive aphrodisiac. Given his current sex-drive, any enhancement would be very ill-advised.


Almost 40 minutes later, Brad stood somewhat nervously before the door. It was pure anticipation, as though he was about to go on a first date, knowing she was dressed and waiting for him. Pulling himself together, he gently knocked and entered. Disappointment shot through his chest as he saw Amber siting on the bed in her grey tracksuit, pouting adorably.

"Well, Amber?" Brad inquired, walking toward her.

"I put something on," Amber muttered, sullenly gesturing to the cabinet of drawers.

"Oh," Brad replied softly, concealing his surprise. He'd immediately assumed Amber was being difficult. Noting the flush that crept along her fine cheekbones, he realised she was just shy. The prospect of watching her undress, or undressing her, actually suited him better than discovering her in lingerie.

Standing in front of her, he held out his hands. "Come," he instructed, firmly holding the small hands tentatively placed in his. Pulling Amber to her feet, he circled her waist with one arm and held her hand up with the other, bringing their bodies close together, slowly rocking them side to side, like a first dance at their wedding. Brushing his lips along her hairline, he bent to whisper in her ear.

"You dressed for me, baby?" Brad murmured sexily, feeling a shiver run through her body as he cheekily blew into her sensitive ear.

Feeling the familiar hardness of his erection pressing against her, Amber jerked her head away and tried to pull out of his arms. Easily holding her tight against him, Brad chuckled, hearing Amber exhale in a frustrated huff. The arm around her waist shifted, and a large, warm hand crept under her shirt, traced her naked waist and moved up to cup her breast.

"You don't find me attractive in the slightest?" he teased, eager to know if the apple affected her.

"No," Amber lied, squirming as she felt her body respond to the heat of his, small thrills running down her torso and gathering between her legs while his hand slowly caressed her.

Brad's excitement mounted as his thumb moved over the silk on her breast, wondering what she had chosen to wear for him. He leaned back slightly so he could look down into her face. "Undress for me?" he suggested lightly, but Amber knew it was an order.

"Fine," she agreed flatly, fantasising about telling him to go fuck himself. The thought of a pregnancy was at the front of her mind, and she knew he'd use any excuse to mount her. Brad buoyantly twirled her in his arms and kissed her temple before releasing her, backing onto the bed. He patiently rested his hands on his thighs as he sat, his erection clearly straining against the black track-pants.

Amber hesitated for a moment, wondering if he'd consider it a renege on their agreement if she aggressively threw her clothes into his face. Not wanting to take the chance, she slowly unzipped the hoodie, and pushed down the track-pants, leaving her only in the red gym shirt and pair of sheer Victoria's Secret bottoms. The front of the panties were solid, black satin, but the back only half-covered her ass with a fine veil of mesh. It was one of the few items of lingerie she'd damaged, but seeing Brad's blue eyes darken as his pupils rapidly dilated, Amber realised she made a mistake choosing the torn fabric, it only made her appear wildly sexier. Pausing awkwardly under Brad's burning gaze, Amber's eyes uncertainly darted to the side, wondering if it was enough.

"Keep going," Brad breathed, having to consciously remind himself to inhale as his breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.

Amber firmly gripped the ends of the red t-shirt, and slowly pulled it up and over her head, furiously blushing as she cast the last conservative piece of her clothing to the floor, exposing her to Brad's lustful gaze. Seeing his jaw slightly drop, Amber was astonished by the way her body began to tingle under his heated perusal.

With her light blond hair and angelic eyes, wearing the black Victoria's Secret ensemble, Amber was an enticing contradiction - both alluringly innocent and decadently sexy. It took Brad several seconds before he realised he was holding his breath. Pulling himself together, he inhaled deeply, unable to resist exhaling in long, appreciative whistle. At the sound of his approval, Amber's porcelain cheekbones seemed to glow an even deeper red.

"Come here," Brad commanded hoarsely, reaching for her, like a kid about to receive candy.

"Y-You promised-" Amber stuttered anxiously as he pulled her toward him so she stood between his legs, running his hands down her smooth back to settle on her ass-cheeks. He chuckled, delightedly squeezing them through the thin fabric.

"I know what I said," Brad murmured, "I won't make love to you. There are other things we can do." He leaned to the side of her waist to ogle her ass, and he playfully plucked at delicate material where it had torn across one buttock.

"What happened here?" he teased. Amber didn't know if she gasped in surprise or excitement as Brad shifted back onto the bed and drew her forward into his lap until she straddled him.

"Do you feel that?" he asked excitedly, tracing his lips along her collarbone and tugging her bra strap down her shoulder with his teeth. His large hands tightened on her ass, slowly grinding her up and down against his erection. "This is what you do to me, Amber."

Ambers bright blue eyes widened with shock and arousal. Things were escalating much faster than she'd expected, and her body seemed to be running with it. The feeing of his rock-hard cock rubbing between her parted legs caused a deep, longing ache to build around her pussy. She felt her juices gather across the delicate fabric between her legs and prayed Brad wouldn't go far enough to discover it.

Sliding a large hand up her smooth stomach to squeeze her breast, Brad looked into her eyes.

"Amber," he panted, taking in her doll-like features and coming to rest on her delicious, pink mouth, slightly parted in her flustered state. "Amber, I need you to- I need to taste you."

"Huh?" Amber gaped, uneasily pushing both hands against his chest, tentatively trying to distance herself from the intensity of his eyes. In response he seized her ass-cheeks and sharply pulled her groin forward against his.

"It's not sex," Brad reassured her, his blue eyes glowing with lust. Determined not to break his promise, his desire had reached an unbearable state, and if he wasn't going to fuck her, he needed something more than kisses. Circling her waist with one arm, he shifted back onto the bed, keeping her in his lap. "Turn around, baby," he insisted, "this has to happen."

'Turn around?' Amber thought bewilderedly. Brad lay back and his hands firmly gripped her small hips, directing her to rotate until they were in a sixty-nine position. She started as she felt him pull the thin slip of fabric aside, felt his warm breath on her pussy as he strained upward to taste her.

"Oh!" Amber gasped, arching upwards to lift away from Brad's hot, wet mouth.

"No, no," Brad chided, sliding two hands over her half-naked buttocks and squeezing indulgently. "Come on, Amber, you should see how wet you are." Dropping his head back to the bed, he moved one hand from the curve of her ass and began to play with her pussy through the sleek material. Then, without warning, he hooked his fingers around the scrap of fabric and ripped the crotch clear from her panties. As the delicate lingerie tore apart and gently fluttered about his face, he quickly fixed his mouth to her aching pussy.

"Oh...OH!" Amber cried out in pleasure and surprise, as Brad's tongue intimately delved into the depths of her, licking, stroking, circling her clit and dipping inside.

"You taste so good," Brad moaned, stimulating her with every word. "Please, Amber," he begged, "don't fight me."

"I-I-" Amber faltered breathlessly, torn between desire and confusion. She didn't know what was worse - that his mouth was intimately working on her or the fact she immensely enjoyed it. With Brad's other hand flexing around her ass, Amber's thoughts completely scattered when he inserted a finger inside her while flicking his tongue over her throbbing nub. Feeling him slowly squeeze his finger in and out of her tightness, it was all too much. Recklessly Amber decided she was past the point of chastising herself for her body's response. Her slim torso curved forward as she writhed above him in ecstasy, wantonly grinding her pussy into his face, silently encouraging him to eat her out.

Brad heard her moan, felt her deliberately push against his mouth, and his cock ached painfully. Just as he began to revel in how well things were going, something amazing happened. He felt Amber quickly slip both hands down his pants and free his cock. Feeling her small, soft hands wrap firmly around his shaft, Brad instinctively thrust upwards, still eating her pussy like a man dying of thirst. Kissing and licking her, feeling her touch on his throbbing cock, Brad was ready to blow.

At the same time Amber jerked her pussy against Brad's mouth, she stared heatedly down at his cock, getting a good look at it for the first time. It was large, perfectly shaped, the skin heatedly velvet-soft against her palm. Feeling Brad's mouth on her, moving her hips against his face, Amber's eyelids lowered with arousal, and she bent to take him into her mouth. At that second she wasn't a prisoner forced into circumstances beyond her control, she was in the midst of a tantalising sexual encounter.

Wholly in the grip of an inexplicable lust, Amber was no more than a highly-sexed woman, being pleasured by a strikingly attractive man, and in the heat of the moment she completely forgot everything besides the fact that she wanted his cock in her mouth. Desperate to ease her primal urges with the taste of him, Amber wrapped her pretty lips about the head of Brad's cock and sucked as hard as she could, feeling him sharply gasp against her as she ran her tongue along the underside.

In truth, Brad could have been an inanimate object for all Amber cared. She was emotionally separated from the situation, focused on a basic need that he was conveniently present to satisfy. Brad's feelings were directly contrary. He chest ached with tenderness as he savoured their intimacy, that she reciprocated his attentions without being prompted. In his eyes, they were treasuring each other like lovers.

"Oh, Amber, yes, suck my dick!" Brad groaned against her pussy, almost painfully squeezing her ass as he bucked his hips upward, silently begging her to take him deeper. "Oh, Amber," he moaned, stroking his hands from her ass, up and down her back, sensually massaging her small waist above him.

Brad's cock slipped out of Amber's mouth with a wet 'pop' as she tipped her head back and cried out, ready to come. "Oh, oh, ahh...fuck!" she moaned as her face constricted with her gathering orgasm. "Ahh...ah...OH!" Amber squealed as she came on his face, a sensational thrill rushing heatedly through her veins like molten desire. Then she opened her eyes and watched with fascination as the cock in her hand trembled and spurted cum. In a trance she pumped him, shivering excitedly, still feeling her pussy tingle under the lingering attentions of Brad's mouth.

Amber felt Brad hotly panting against her pussy, his body shudder beneath her. When he dropped his head back in exhaustion, Amber slowly regained her senses, realising she was on one hand and two knees on top of Brad, dressed like a high-class call-girl, her cum-covered hand wrapped around his cock. She'd ground into his face like a cat on heat, and put her mouth on him without being asked. In her painful arousal, it never occurred to her to bite off his dick.

Scandalised, Amber frantically clambered off Brad and dove for her grey tracksuit. Brad curled forward and watched as she fled into the bathroom with the clothes under one arm. After thoroughly washing her hands, she quickly dressed and stomped back into the bedroom and glowered at Brad.

"It wasn't good for you?" Brad teased weakly, fairly spent from the intensity of their encounter, but more than ready to give chase if she made a run for it.

Amber's eyes flared with agitation, and her chest heaved as her mouth opened and shut several times. Cursing her irrational sex-drive, she was unspeakably angry with herself. She could think of no words to insult him and excuse herself at the same time. What the hell had gotten into her?

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