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Standing in for Dad Ch. 32

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War done American style.
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Part 32 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 06/08/2022
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Within minutes of each other, these things all occurred or began:

The President called the Mexican Ambassador and told him the United States had declared war on Mexico.

Bunker Buster bombs were released from Air Force fighters which took out all the known tunnels into the States.

Troop carriers which had previously been slowly approaching the port of Vera Cruz under cover of darkness quickly entered the port, unloaded, and immediately began to set up a layered defensive perimeter.

Every home, business, warehouse, drug manufacturing plant, and property of the 5 crime families was raided. Known bad actors were eliminated, and assets were located and seized.

Known and identified street gang headquarters were bombed.

The American Embassy in Mexico City was shut down by its own Marine contingent and the Ambassador and his subordinates were arrested.

The banks in Mexico, the United States, and in multiple other countries were electronically raided and every single account associated with the Mexican crime families was sucked dry and put into a special account in Isabella's name (that took all of 15 minutes).

The Mexican/U.S. border was shut down completely by a full military blockade supported by helicopters, infrared vision, gun boats, amphibious troop carriers, and drone reconnaissance. Only commercial traffic and U.S. citizens returning to the United States were allowed to cross after a full inspection at the border crossing stations. All other traffic was stopped in its tracks by turning it back towards Mexico or elimination if they resisted with violence.

Special Forces units began moving through the major cities taking out known criminal street gangs, distributing the prepaid cell phones, and announcing where food and water supplies would be distributed to those in need. (This was to be the one on-going military action which would take a month or so to complete.)

Electrical power plants and sub stations were secured.

The airports were secured via cargo planes landing and disgorging troops along with portable anti-air and anti-missile batteries with light armor which were put in place along with drug and bomb sniffing dogs. Other heightened security measures were added to the standard airport security to prevent criminal activity.


As I hit the 5 minute mark on the countdown, the President called the Mexican Ambassador, who had been summoned earlier, into his Oval Office and over coffee said, "Mr. Ambassador, I am so thankful you were able to come to see me on such short notice."

The Ambassador shot him a sharp look, "Well, I certainly hope this is worth the disruption to my day."

Bill then smiled and handed the Ambassador a date and time stamped letter on presidential letterhead declaring the existence of a state of war between the United States and Mexico. It named all the grievances leading up to that declaration and was signed by the President.

"Perhaps other countries will think twice about attempting to assassinate a sitting President of the United States, Ambassador. You are dismissed."

"Mr. President, with all due respect, only your Congress can declare war!"

"Oh! Did you miss the announcement? That was passed about a week ago." Bill then waived to the Secret Service agents in the room to escort the Ambassador to his Embassy.


As I gave the first 'go' code, multiple F-15s dropped their laser guided bunker busters exactly where intelligence had found the underground tunnels. The timing was impeccable as my last 'go' code was transmitted only an instant before the first bomb buried itself into the ground. Soon muffled explosions, more felt than heard, shook the ground and small lines of indented surface lowered a bit to fill in the caves underneath.

One tunnel was currently in use by a car thief ring. The tunnel collapsing on all of them, giving them a fitting burial, the bomb having sucked all the oxygen from the tunnel and instantly stopping all the vehicles, knocking out the drivers and passengers in an instant before covering them in dirt and timbers. Something none recovered consciousness from.


Within a minute, the Port of Vera Cruz was awash in Marines. They fanned out to pre-assigned positions, not expecting resistance. Elements from the Navy were in place to oversee the port's operations within 5 minutes of our forces landing as a group broke down the door of the port authority and took control of the port traffic.

At least for the day, everything was shut down as the Marines immediately began to set up layers of increasingly capable defensive perimeters around the port to secure it from land and air incursions. It would be several hours before this was completed, but once in place, not even a mouse was getting past them.

There were two cruise ships in port and they were informed they were allowed to collect their passengers and leave the port. One had not yet disembarked its passengers and the other had just finished loading theirs from the evening's planned shore festivities, so that was fortunate.

The Navy took a bit of time to seal off the blockade, but ships don't move that fast. The Subs, however, were already in position and were tracking all the surface and any subsurface traffic in the area.

There was one very nice yacht that pulled away from its dock and made a bee line for the exit to the protected port. As soon as it broke cover it was spotted by the USS Cole (DDG-67) which took up pursuit.

"Montecello this is the United States Destroyer USS Cole, you will power down and we will come along side you. Should you not comply you will be sunk. If you do not respond to this message you will be sunk. Awaiting your decision. Over."

"USS Cole, this is Montecello, we are a civilian vessel in Mexican territorial waters. You have no authority here. Over."

"Montecello, just in case you have not figured it out, the United States and Mexico are at war and this port is now under a blockade. You will heave to or you will become a fish habitat. You have 1 minute to comply before we cut you in half. Over."

"Commander, the gun crew has reported manned and ready!"

"Very well, have them aim for the forestem and put a shot through it on my mark."

After a minute, the Montecello had not complied. "5 inch Gun crew, you may fire when ready."

The round took out the first six inches of the forestem. It was just gone in a shower of shrapnel that hit the sea on the other side of the cruise ship with a cone of debris.

"USS Cole! Cease fire! Cease fire! We are a civilian vessel!"

Montecello, this is the USS Cole, if you look out your starboard window you will see the 6 inch gun is now targeting you amidships with a high incendiary round which will likely cause your fuel to ignite and incinerate your crew. You have 30 seconds to power down before we fire. Over."

The Montecello cut her engines and was boarded. On board was one of the lieutenants of one of the crime families and he was taken into custody, the yacht impounded, and piloted back to port. Her crew were dismissed and a naval crew took over with Captain HL and his XO having crews work up the communications suite and repairing the forestem so they could take temporary residence during the blockade.


The army deployed rapidly via parachutes, personnel carriers, humvees, even busses and formed a line at the busiest border crossings and moved forward. They boxed in the trespassers between them and the river and soon amphibious troop carriers were available to transport them back over the Rio Grand. Other small gunboats fired warning shots in front of those still trying to cross, turning them back.

When all the illegal trespassers had been returned to Mexico, the army then began to traverse the Rio Grand and continued to push back the growing horde who now panicked and dispersed. The army then held a line 1 mile from the river on the Mexican side and set up stations with food, water, and medical facilities to deal with the mass of people who were no longer allowed to illegally enter the United States. They also made arrangements to ship them back to their home countries or towns in Mexico.


Inside the American Embassy, the Ambassador was awakened by the Marine guard contingent, along with his Intelligence Officer, and he and she were put on a chopper and ferried out to the carrier and jailed as traitors.

"Mr. Ambassador, you need to get dressed, Sir. By order of the President of the United States, you are under arrest for Treason."

"Staff Sergeant! What are you doing in my private quarters! This is preposterous! I am an Ambassador and have diplomatic immunity!"

"You have immunity with other nations, Sir. Not with the United States. You can get up and get dressed or I can haul your mangy ass as is to the brig on the Carrier Harry Truman, Sir. Your decision, but make it fast."

He got dressed. A similar discussion occurred with the intelligence officer but she refused to comply and she was hauled out in her see through nightgown and put on the chopper bound for the Carrier group. One of the men on the chopper threw her a blanket to save them having to deal with her partial nudity. She was yelling and screaming profanities until someone taped her mouth shut and secured her hands to the armrests of her seat.

All of them knew why these two were arrested and none of them gave a flying fuck about their welfare.


"Military convoy to MEX controllers, clear all airspace and runways for military aircraft. Over."

"Military convoy this is MEX, your approach is denied, you may enter the landing pattern at 1500 meters and land as instructed."

"MEX, this is the military convoy. I don't think you understand the situation, son. We are at war and are invading your country. Move your shit or we will blow it out of the sky and do it now. We are on direct approach and if anything is on the runways it will be utterly and completely destroyed. Over."

"MEX to military convoy, this is a takeover! You cannot get away with this!"

"Military convoy to MEX: Duh! What the fuck do you think war is? Dumb ass! Move it or lose it! We are coming in!"

Within fifteen minutes the runways were cleared and the air traffic that could be diverted was diverted with emergency landings of those that could not who were immediately moved out of the way of the incoming waves of military transports.


I watched it all take place on the multiple televisions I had installed in my safe-room which was converted into my command center. I had Dad, the SEAL Lieutenants, and Captain Barnes all watching with me to help me keep my attention where it was needed most.

All the crime families and their assets were dealt with and confiscated within 20 minutes of my go code.

Searches of all their real estate located multiple multi-million dollar cash, gold, and precious jewel stashes which were immediately confiscated and placed on helicopters which were then unloaded into several covered and secured armored troop carriers until it could be counted and put into Bella's account or placed into the safe (the jewels) here at the Embassy or the gold deposited into the international banking system.

The sum total of all those assets came to about 6 trillion dollars, making Bella one of the richest people on the planet.

I was impressed.

Most of the goals I hoped to accomplish during the first day were reached within 30 minutes of commencing Operation Chili Pepper.


"Mad Dog to squad, we need to converge on the gang house, Jamie, watch our six, Mikey, take point! Round the gang into their headquarters, bunch them up so Ghoster can take em out with a mark 84 GBU-15, over."

"Roger that Lieutenant."

The squad moved forward quickly and professionally. It was still before dawn and their target is a primary for their team today. According to intel there should be lookouts. Being seen was part of the plan to awaken and condense the gang into their defensive positions and to that end 4 squads are approaching from four directions. Mad Dog and his squad had operational control and his was the only team slated to actually engage the target.

"Mad Dog, we have no contacts. I don't like it, it's too easy. Over."

"Keep your eyes peeled Mikey."

After a few more minutes, Mikey called back, "Mad Dog I have reached our target, still no contacts. Area is completely deserted, Over."

"Roger, Mikey. Hold position until we reach you. Jamie link back up with us, over."

"On my way Mad Dog."

"Ghoster this is Mad Dog, do you read? Over."

"Ghoster is in position, pickle is hot. Dropping on your mark, Mad Dog."

"Mad Dog, this is Mikey, switching to infrared, something isn't right. There are no guards where intel told us they should be, over."

"Roger Mikey. Team, switch to infrared."

Just then, every second floor window lit up with weapons fire and the squad was surrounded! Evidently someone let them know we had parachuted in and they set up a kill zone. These hardened criminals had stayed inside and under cover, avoiding the drone surveillance, and Deep Look was occupied elsewhere.

"FUCK! WE ARE IN A CROSSFIRE! Ghoster, drop your full compliment on our location and the gang house, over!"

"Negative Mad Dog, you are danger close, I will take you out, Over!"

"Ghoster, drop em, none of us will be ali....."

"Mad Dog, this is Ghoster, over!"


"Mad Dog! Do you read, over!"


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Mad Dog, if you read, tell those mother fuckers Ghoster is comin' and hell is coming with me!"

"Bomb 1 away!"

"Bomb 2 away!"

"Bomb 3 away!"

"Bomb 4 away!"

Ghoster made a sharp turn and watched as all four bombs scored direct hits. Every building around the assault team was leveled.

With a salute he softly transmits, "Rest in peace soldiers, Ghoster sent them all to hell for you."

With a tear he returned to base.


Part of me knew I was sending some good men and women in harms way. And to expect all of them to come back alive really was unrealistic. Still, hearing the chatter that a team taking out a gang house was hit hard and down grabbed at my heart. It was one of the Lieutenants who brought my attention to the situation and by the time I was listening in they were already lost and the pilot had dropped his ordinance, taking out the entire gang building and the buildings around the kill zone.

I mourned their loss for a moment and then Doc's and DD's words came back to me from when I had killed, 'In the moment you have to divest yourself of the emotions. You have a job to do, so do it to the best of your ability. You can look into the mirror later, when other lives are not on the line.'

"Mark that unit, Lieutenant, I will need their names and next of kin later."

"Already done, Ambassador."

Also, allocate their secondary targets and responsibilities to a backup unit and get them in the game ASAP.

"Aye Aye, Ambassador."


Before me was a montage of one sided battles. It seemed the crime families either had no clue, were over confident, more inept at conducting a war than we could fathom, our highly trained troops were really just that bad ass, or they just didn't believe the United States would retaliate like this for their attempted assassination. My personal opinion is a combination of the later two. Being honest with myself, I knew this was long overdue and the last incident was just the straw that broke the Camel's back.

I was most interested in the raid of the Presidential Palace, having a vested interest there.

I watched the live feed from the Squad leader's helmet cam and listened to his communications as the raid commenced.

I have included the AAR (After Action Report) of the Squad Leader, with a few additions, to give everyone a sense of just exactly how devastating and how lightening fast this war actually was.


My squad was a ground force of special operators and was tasked with a raid of the Presidential Palace to capture the Mexican President. For over a week prior, a combination of satellite and drone surveillance captured patterns of life in and around the compound. Both hard and soft targets were identified with the assistance of image recognition and multi sensor analysis, including guard posts, backup power generators, and communications connections.

Based on the analysis of these targets, I, as squad leader, using my AI-powered software tools, calculated the required minimum payloads to destroy the necessary targets and provided my drone controllers with a list of appropriate ordnance options paired with a probability of success score. This score balanced multiple considerations such as proportionality, collateral damage, and known enemy defenses into my assessment.

Relevant data was then downloaded onto tablets for controlling the loitering munitions carried by my ground force and saved in a secure cloud-based server for MQ-9 Reaper pilots and other joint-force operators to access as needed.

Switchblade "kamikaze" drones were selected as the primary ordnance for the identified targets. These small '300 series' drones were carried both by the forward air controller (FAC) on the ground and my squad members while the '600 series' drones were carried by the MQ-9s on-station above.

The Switchblade's small size and low operating altitude made them more resilient to enemy air-defenses, while the capability to launch and control them from multiple agents created a killweb resilient to interruptions that would break a traditional kill chain. These devices were programmed to launch while the team was in the assembly area, made to loiter while the team approached our attack position, and strike just prior to actions on the objective, thus maintaining the element of surprise.

All this was in place and on station; and we were ready to commence operations when the 'GO' code was broadcast. Immediately after that code, the primary MQ-9 tasked its 600s. When I gave the signal, the Reaper pilot guided the first Switchblades to strike their preset targets, taking out power, communications, and enemy overwatch positions along with the elevator shaft heading to the underground escape route for the President.

My ground team deployed, while the overhead MQ-9 controlled the Switchblade 600s above the battle space. Those devices can loiter for up to 40 minutes, allowing for sequenced strikes from the munitions in coordination with my ground team's movements.

"Approach the main entrance in a standard 2 x 2 formation!" As my team met minor resistance we took cover and I reacted, "FAC! Use your tablet and its imagery of the compound and direct more loitering drones launched by the MQ-9 to strike entrenched enemy positions!"

Switchblades flew into windows and through doorways, exploding on impact and killing enemy combatants, including the guards at the front of the building. Another one took out the barracks by flying through a window, across a room, out the room's door, and through the wall in the hallway to blow up right inside the barracks.

Another 600 took out the guards in an adjoining room to the Presidential bedroom suite.

The last two 600s and several 600s from a second reaper I had requested were set to loiter so they would be ready to deal with any additional threats as they arose.

My team reached the main entrance without having to fire a shot. "Team! Take strategic positions as we move through the compound! Take out any hostiles as we make our way up the stairs! Move! Move! Move! We have to get to the third floor before non-combatants begin to use the stairs to flee!" My FAC had locked out the elevators when he took out the power.

The team moved as quickly as it was safe, strongly voicing, "Clear! Clear! Clear!" communications as we passed possible threat points along the way. We reached the third floor in a matter of seconds. At this point the operation had taken a total of less than 5 minutes from the 'GO' transmission.

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