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Stay Tuned and Hard Ch. 01

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Taking advantage of Unhappily Ever After's Tiffany & Sable.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/16/2023
Created 11/30/2022
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the television series, actresses etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Unhappily Ever After, its characters or any of the actresses etc who appeared in it

Starring: Tiffany Malloy [As portrayed by Nikki Cox], Sable O'Brien [Kristanna Loken]

Stay Tuned And Hard -- Chapter 1: Unhappily Ever After

An erotic multiverse fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, MFF, oral, anal.

* * *

"And here I thought old Uncle Fred was just good for creepy stories." Obi Hesse grumbled as he put down the last box of old VHS tapes onto the pile. "Whole bunch of shit I'm never gonna make any money out of." He complained, seeing the many piles of boxes now filling up his basement which is supposed to be his living space and bedroom.

Hesse was a perhaps stereotypical unsightly, basement dwelling type with an overweight body, far from attractive looks, and his sense of 'style' was more what looked at least half clean or only had a couple stains on his shirts and shorts. Rarely venturing out except for work in a basic, boring job or to get some food. Spending the rest of his time online, watching streaming services and shows new, old and ancient.

Perhaps that hobby of classic TV watching trickling through to Uncle Fred who, at his untimely passing, left in his will Obi a vast collection of old tapes of recordings of countless TV shows, series, specials and even a selection of movies. Along with an old style cathode-ray tube set and a similarly aged VHS player. The rest of his family thought it was more of a punishment to have to shift so many boxes.

"Well, better check if this thing even works..." Obi sighed as he pulled in the TV set to the wall and did the same with the player. Everything plugged in right before he pulled out a random tape from one of the boxes. About to push it in when he saw that there was already a tape in the machine. Pressing the button to eject as he furrowed his brow. Seeing the label on the tape reading 'ENJOY THE TRIP, NEPHEW OBI!'. "The Hell does that mean?" He questioned to himself before he got startled when, without any buttons being pushed, the tape was sucked back into the machine and starting to load. Just as the TV turned itself on to show off crackling static.

"This shit is weird..." He stated the obvious as he reached for the power button on the set, only to see the front screen begin to not just flicker, but act like it was cracking. Unnaturally, things like tentacles made up of that flashing static pushing out from the cracks as the sound of white noise blasted out. "Shit shit shit!!" He tried to run, but his waddling body meant his just turned around and knocked over boxes. Barely getting steps ahead before he yelled. His arms and legs captured before he was yanked back and through the air. The set impossibly expanding as it swallowed him up like something from a cartoon to make him vanish 'into' the set. The screen reforming to be in its original, whole condition as the static played for a moment before it and the VHS player turned off completely.

* * *

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Obi's flabby arms pathetically flailed around as he found himself falling through what seemed an endless tube of colours mixed with static. Having been sucked into a fantasy world that he seemingly had no control over. A little like that old TV show where the guy was world hopping but only he wasn't becoming an existing person in that universe.

In the next moment though he suddenly found himself crashing down onto a couch of a home straight out of the 90s with a classic couch, and the house layout curiously all designed as if it was just made to be seen from a front view. Obi letting out a grunt as he landed on the furniture which creaked from the impact. Just laying there and gasping out as he caught his bearings for a few moments. "What the fuck just happened??" He rightfully questioned. Groaning as he moved himself up to sit up properly. "Wait, where the Hell am I? This all, uh, looks a little familiar... I've seen this place before..." He said, scratching the back of his head.

After a while he eventually stood up, looking around. "Hang on... I have scene this before!" He said as his eyes widened. "This is... It's the damn Malloy's house! From that old 90s sitcom series 'Unhappily Ever After'..." He remembered, taking a moment to look around. "But how did Uncle Fred's old TV manage to suck me into here? I mean, is this even real? Am I even still alive?" He pondered out loud even with no one else apparently being in the house. "I need to find a way to get back to the basement..."

"Mom? Is that you??" He jolted a bit, hearing footsteps from above as he looked to the stairs. Seeing a stunning, young woman with a curvy body walking down in high heels. One of not just the Malloy family, be arguably the woman who became a lead star of the show he was now 'in' in Tiffany Malloy. Looking like she'd been ripped right from an episode to look in her prime hotness. Her large, rounded tits encased in a short sleeved blue top while her red hair hung down her back. Topped off with a short, blue skirt as her midsection was shown off. "Did you remember to get... Oh? Who are you?" Tiffany brushed her hair back as she saw the stranger standing in her family home.

"Oh, me? I uh, I just literally dropped in!" Obi said with a nervous chuckle. But wasn't having the benefit of hearing a laugh track to mask the bad joke. "Who am I? I'm uh... I'm Obi! I'm a friend of your father's, Tiffany!" He lied, remembering what he could of the old TV show's plot from way back. "You know how him and your mother aren't on speaking terms, so he sent me over just to check things up." He said through a clearly nervous smile, knowing how much bullshit that excuse was.

"Oh? Oh, right! Of course. Dad's friend, Obi!" Tiffany smiled as she gave a nod. "Must have slipped my mind, sorry." She said. Obi just left blinking as he couldn't believe that she had so easily bought that excuse. "Had a lot going on at school, you know."

"Uh, yes! Of course, no worries!" Hesse replied. Thinking to himself about how gullible she was to believe him right off the bat, and clearly willingly so. Was everyone in this world the same. "So, anyway, if you don't mind me asking..." He began to say, before the doorbell ringing interrupted things.

"Hold on, let me get that..." Tiffany sighed, and didn't seem to notice as Obi checked out her swaying ass as she walked over to the front door at the side of the 'set' home. Opening it up and seeing an unimpressed, very attractive blonde woman staring back at her with hands on her hips. "E No thanks, don't want any." Tiffany said, making the blonde gasp in disgust as the door was slammed in her face. "So! What did you say Dad wanted to know?" Tiffany tried to change the conversation as the doorbell was angrily rang again and again.

"Uh, actually? Do you mind if I see about that?" Obi offered as he moved over. "I want to test something... I mean, check on something. Being a good friend to your Dad and all." He lied.

"Oh, sure! You're helping a lot more than he has around here already." Tiffany said, buying it again.

Hesse opened the door up, so that the blonde stunner who was Tiffany's rival for a few episodes in Sable O'Brien could walk in. "Thank you!" The arrogant beauty said with a hair flip. Her own stunning, nicely curved body contained in a matching sleeveless top and skirt of black and white with gold zippers. "At least someone around here knows how to treat a Lady!" She rudely said as she cast a glare at Tiffany, before turning to Obi as he closed the door. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm just Obi. A family friend to Tiffany's Dad, Sable." Obi explained again as he looked to see if this woman was as gullible as the first.

"Makes sense." Sable replied with a nod, as she too was buying this with ease. Not even questioning how a man she's only just met knows her name. Turning her attention to her nemesis as the two women got face to face, and almost pressing big, rounded tits into one another. "You. You need to stay out of my way." Sable bluntly said with a cold tone.

"Uh, excuse me? You're the one messing things up with me and my family!" Tiffany countered with hands on her hips to stare back.

"Oh no, it's you! You're the one getting on my nerves! So you need to back off." Sable responded as she took up a similar pose.

"No, you!" Tiffany said back with a raised voice.

"You!" Sable responded with her own tone having a bit more volume than before.



"You!" The two of them going back and forth for a situation that if Hesse had just been watching the show, would have had audience laughter playing out.

"Woah! Hey now, easy there ladies!" Obi finally stepped in after a minute of the two women bickering away at each other. Actually stepping between as he put a hand on each of their shoulders and despite the close touch, neither woman seemed to object to this unsightly man invading their personal space. "Now I can feel the tension in the air here. Clearly you both think you're better than the other, right?" He stated, glancing between the two as he wanted to see exactly how far he could go with them with how much they were instantly believing everything he was saying to them.

"Well, obviously I'm the better out of the two of us." Sable said, much to the redhead's jaw dropping disapproval. "I mean, just look at me, Obi!" She said, smirking as she did a hair flip and raised her arm, sticking out her hip a little.

"Oh no no no! Look at me!" Tiffany bragged, ruffling up her hair a bit and posing on her own. "I'm the best and you both know it!" She claimed as Sable gave a glare.

"Ah, well then! Perhaps there's a way we can settle this all before we get to yelling all over again!" Obi suggested as the two beauties looked to him. "After all, I may be a family friend of Tiffany here but I'm really just a neutral party. So I'm really best suited to settle this little argument between the two of you." He claimed.

"Well yes, that's true..." Sable said, glancing at her rival. Believing him without question once again

"Right." Tiffany agreed as well. "But how can we settle this, exactly?" She questioned, looking to him as if he's been a part of her life for years rather than minutes.

"Oh, well, that's easy!" He said, as his hands boldly moved from their shoulders to slipping down to their slim waists. Pulling the two women against his far for unsightly and flabby body with a grin. "You both think you're the best out of one another, right?" He asked and got nods from them both, without either woman complaining about him having a hold of them. "Well, that means you both think you're the hottest and sexiest as well. So, we prove that by, uh, seeing which of you is the best at sex!" He bluntly said as he took a moment to check them both out.

"Sex? I'm supposed to be saving myself for marriage, you know." Tiffany claimed as she brushed her hair back but noticeably didn't sound or look outraged by such a sinful offer to settle a rivalry.

"Sounds like you're making excuses already for when you lose!" Sable said with an arrogant smile.

"Am not! And I never said I was backing out of this either!" Tiffany responded before looking to Obi. "OK, Obi! I'll prove I'm the best." She said to all too easily agree to this without even knowing what the rules were.

"You're just going to be a loser, just like you are in college." Sable claimed as she looked to him. "I'm going to win this and it won't even be a challenge." She vowed as she consented as well.

"Lucky me! I mean, uh, luckily for you two I'm the expert to decide this all!" He claimed as he reached down. Pushing his shorts down to step out of them along with his boxers. "Oh, hey... That's... That's new..." He had to pause as he blinked. Staring down over his gut and seeing that, unlike usual, in this new fantasy world he had somehow been 'blessed' with having a far longer, thicker cock than he had previously had. Looking like he was hung like a porn star but having a body of a true couch potato.

"Oh, I know exactly what to do to prove I'm the best!" Sable announced as she eagerly lowered herself down to her knees. Leaving Tiffany playing catch-up as Sable already gripped that rock hard shaft. "Maybe you can just sit and take notes..." She said rudely to her rival, earning a glare as both women leaned in. Staring at one another while fighting lightly over this big cock. Their tongues out and starting to slide along the thick crown of his pole as Tiffany got the left side while Sable worked over the right. Both women moaning already from the taste of his dick as Sable stroked off the lower part of his dick while Tiffany's hand gripped the upper part. Leaving their hands bumping into one another as they still locked eyes and tried to use their strokes on that big cock to assert their dominance over the other.

All it was really doing was making the man they were double teaming moan and smile as he stared down. "Oh man! MMMM... This is fucking good! MMMM... And I'm already lasting longer than I did before when just jerking off back at home!" He admitted as he groaned out. Getting to enjoy soft, wet tongues across his bell-end as the two women exchanged glares but didn't seem to furious when they had their tongues gliding and meeting one another's as they licked away. Even able to look down the tops of the women and check out their nicely sized racks as the two rivals lapped at his length. A light covering across the head while their pumping hands focused on his rod. "AHHHH... You're both doing good, ladies! MMMM... I can see this is going to be... MMMM! A tough one for me to judge!" He claimed, moving himself back into pretending that this was some sort of actual test instead of taking advantage of the stunning, young women in their gullible states. His moans already echoing around this front room he's being serviced in as he reached down and had a hand on the back of their long haired heads.

"Doing good? Oh, I can do better than just that!" Sable gave a smirk when she puled back and removed her hand from his length, just to use it to shove Tiffany back a bit much to her gasping disgust. The redhead having to let go of him as well as she regained her balance. Giving the blonde the free space to move down and capture his prick between her soft, pouty lips as she began to suck him off. "Mmmmmphhh! MMMMM... Mmmmmphh!" She groaned around the size, making her lips stretch from the sheer thickness as she ran her mouth up and down over his length. Filling herself up as her eyes stared up with a seductive stare, much like she's shown on the TV show, in an attempt to win this battle. Her lips able to sink down to the half-way mark without any issue before sliding back up with a smooth motion. Keeping the crown inside before she pushed back down and worked her saliva along those thick inches.

"Not fair! That's cheating!" Tiffany pouted before she moved back in and leaned towards his crotch. Despite claiming to be 'saving' herself, she seemed to know what to do here as she began to push her tongue out and work over the heavy balls he was packing. Groaning herself at just the taste of him here as her tongue explored around the sack closest to her. Giving just enough space for Sable to keep sucking him off as the two beauties worked over both parts of his manhood. Tiffany eagerly lapping at his balls to show she won't be beaten so easily even with the main event of Sable's oral talents were being shown off with the repeated slurps deep along his member. Seeing the arousal building in them both with the outlines of hard nipples now poking through those tight tops they wore.

"MMMMMPHHH! Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh! MMMM..." Sable had to reach up and stroke back her long golden hair as it was falling out of place as she eagerly showed off her clear oral experience to a man she's only just met. Caring not for how far from her type this overweight man was as she bobbed along his meaty prick to keep her saliva dripping downward. Drops falling from her chin as well to hit the tops of of her breasts, exposed and pushed up by her clothing. "Mmmm... MMMMPHHH!! MMMMM..." Loving the taste as well as she sucked up and down and pushed her mouth down as deep as she could. Leaving his dick hitting the back of that soothing but bitchy mouth of the character only seen for a few episodes in this TV show he's fallen into. Casting a glare down at the beauty licking at his balls and getting one in return as that other head at his crotch was keeping Sable from trying to push all the way down as she had to share this dick in order to prove she was the better woman. Even at the expense of making herself look more like a shameless slut from this level of smooth and quick dick sucking.

"Come on! My turn now!" Tiffany eventually demanded as she sat up. Sable rolling her eyes as she relented and pulled off, letting out a sexy groan after the loud popping sound was heard from the release. "He's my Dad's friend after all!" Malloy added, showing she still completely believed the lies she'd been told that created this situation. The redhead giving a grin as she shifted in front and then slipped that big dick between her own set of ripe and full lips. Her moans muffled around his thickness as she began to rock her head up and down, and getting him groaning in approval in turn. "MMMMMPHHH... MMMM... MMMMMPHHH!!" She didn't waste too much time either as she got her gorgeous face sliding up and down along his vast size. Adding in her own saliva to the coating he already had as she quickly went to work, getting into a steady and swift pace like she was making up for lost time. Yet still able to cast how own sensual look up at a man who she's never met before, despite believing his claims of him somehow being a friend to her father.

"She's not even trying... You know you don't need to fake those moans just to make her feel better, Obi." Sable rudely said as she brushed her hair back. Taking her turn now to move down towards his base as she took a moment to swat her tongue at the lower inches of his dick that her rival hadn't claimed with her mouth yet. Licking as far around him as she could reach before sliding down to his nutsack. Working over his other ball to get it nicely soaked in spit as she smooched across the sack before letting her tongue explore all around. The roles reversed from just minutes before but still feeling fantastic to him with a red hot mouth and a frisky tongue taking care of his manhood at both parts.

"MMMM! Oh boy... This is fucking awesome! MMMM! Keep going ladies!" Hesse groaned out as he wiped a little sweat from off his forehead. Unable to believe not just his lucky to be getting a dose of collaborative oral from these two beautiful 90s sitcom characters, but being able to handle it for this long. Taking advantage of the fact that against all logic, he's somehow gotten a porn star level of stamina just by being sucked into this TV world. "MMMM! And it's nice you two are able to share despite your differences! Very mature of you both!" He teased, knowing the nature of these two women and their rivalry. But he was more concerned with being able to get some fine action out of them. That being well achieved by how soaked his shaft was from tip to base and dripping down to the balls with the combined saliva from both women to easily keep him moaning and smiling.

"HHHMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM... MMMMMPHHH!!" The busty beauty who became the leading lady if not co-star of later series and episodes of the show making her long hair hair sway as she had to reach up and brush it back. Her eager slurping making it fall back across her face as she drove up and down with a swift pace. Keeping a lusty gaze up at him while she sunk her full lips up and down. Only breaking the look to exchanged heated glared with her nemesis still pleasuring his balls while she sucked off the rod. "MMMMM! MMMMMPHHH... MMMM!!" Tiffany was showing off a different kind of ambition and need for achievement than she's known for with this deep, quick slurping she was doing. Not even fazed by the saliva drooling off her chin to stain her stylish top and hit her tanned breasts as she worked sharply up and down on this massive dick. Perhaps showing she was far from virtuous after all with this level of cock sucking more expected from a seasoned whore.

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