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Sticky Fingers

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Sydney Sweeney seduces a male masseur.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All names of characters are fictional and were made up. Please do not copy and plagiarize my work.


Los Angeles, California

The sun glared across the metallic silver paint, blinding anyone who was standing directly behind the minivan. A shadow cast across the back as one man was checking to make sure the back was closed. The tail lights had been previously scrubbed clean earlier in the day to wash away a trip made on back roads. The van was a late 2000s Dodge model. The side doors were decorated with a company logo in a blue rectangle and red lettering stickers spelling out First Circle Massage. Inside was a folded-up table with various oils and other necessities contained within cardboard boxes. The van acted as a mobile business of sorts, dispatching for private appointments. After the pandemic, the business model had changed for what used to be a well-managed massage parlor.

Gone were the days of a large building and workforce centered in Downtown L.A. The pandemic had changed everything, forcing management to make cost-cutting decisions and moving to a smaller office. All appointments had to be scheduled online or over the phone, and a destination had to be booked. Most of the time, this required a traveling masseuse or masseur traveling to a home where they had to bring all of the gear necessary for a private session. This had become routine for a staff that consisted of only six masseurs compared to fourteen masseuses. This difference in staff had to do with the overwhelming number of male clients the business saw. After the pandemic, the company only hired two new masseurs after laying off most of the previous staff. For that alone, Henry Anderson had to consider himself to be fortunate.

The job itself was seen as nothing more than that. A way to earn a living and have a check every Friday. At twenty-five years old, Henry liked to think he had been in worse spots financially. Since moving out of his rural hometown, he spent his time hustling and finding ways to get by. One job after another would introduce him to new people. It was through a friend that he was recommended the masseur job, not that he truly desired it. The hours were better than the previous minimum wage jobs and did not require an education. That was fine for him since he had dropped out of high school before his senior year. Henry drifted from town to town until he finally found his place in Los Angeles. He had been settled since the pandemic, making use of a bad situation that had resulted him in a small fortune.

His only motivations in life centered around making money and chasing women. With a slim build and short brown hair to match his eyes, Henry felt he had the right looks for his later goal in life. He saw no need to plan for a family or any kind of future like that. Live fast and enjoy it while you can--that was his motto. Once this job dries up, he would be back on the streets drifting and hustling to a different part of town. That was not the case today, thankfully. Henry was a man in uniform, at least for the job. A white T-shirt with the company logo covered his slim chest, and he had the choice of wearing a pair of denim blue shorts to go with his black sneakers. All the gear he needed for the day was packed in the trunk of the van. He stepped to the driver's side door and pulled it open, ready to spend another day driving through the streets of Santa Monica.

Calabasas was home to multiple clients who called the company in the past month. Henry's last ride was down a fancy street of mansions and through the open gates leading to a large mansion. He was prepared to take a trip down that same road today since his next client lived close by the last one. The GPS tracking system supplied in the company van had become a reliable tool for venturing off on streets Henry was unfamiliar with. Before he took this job, he had spent most of his time drifting around Idlewood. Santa Monica was close to that area, but he had never wandered off into Calabasas. Upon shutting the door to the van, Henry let out a sigh while studying his reflection across the windshield. The appointment was scheduled for 1 PM, an hour away. He had time to kill and was not in any hurry to start driving to his destination.

His client for the day was a woman of fame, or so Henry had been told. The name Sydney Sweeney did not ring any bells for him. If she was some kind of celebrity, he had no idea from where. Henry rarely ever kept up with Hollywood news. The gossip rags he always seen on display at gas stations were not his type of magazines. Browsing the internet and looking at models were not his cup of tea either. In his youth, Henry had consumed much entertainment through television, but he felt out of touch with the current generation of famous faces. Henry would not know the status of fame for some random woman if their name didn't end with Kardashian or some other name. As he sat in the minivan, he cranked it up to get the air conditioner running. Upon shifting gears, his cellphone began to ring. It was sitting in the front passenger seat until Henry reached across to fetch it. He swiped the screen to answer it without reading the caller's name.


"Hey! You out on the road now?"

The deep voice on the other end of the phone was Barry's. He was another masseur from work, roughly around the same age as Henry.

"Yeah, I'm leaving now. Why are you calling? You wanna bug me a little before I go to work?"

Barry laughed. As coworkers, they liked a bit of playful banter to tease each other. On this particular job, however, Henry was under the belief that Barry might have been jealous.

"If I wanna bother you, you'd know! I'd blow your phone up like I did last time."


Another chuckle was heard through the phone before Barry went quiet for a moment. Henry did not like to drive while talking on the phone. It aggravated him to no end to see reckless drivers distracted by their phones. He sat there, not ready to venture out into the streets, as the minivan was still running.

"We just got a call from Miss. Sweeney. She's waiting on you."

"She wants me to come early?"

"Yeah. You know, you're lucky that she wants you for some reason. Had I picked up the phone, I would've offered to make the trip for you."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Barry laughed before he continued.

"I told you yesterday, man. You should look up those scenes from Euphoria. Maybe then you might appreciate the fact she wants a massage from you."

Rolling his eyes, Henry decided to cut this conversation short by going back to the main subject.

"Is she expecting me now? You said she was waiting on me."

"Yeah! I'm calling to nag you to get your ass over there and don't keep her sexy ass waiting!"

"Alright dude, I'll catch you later."

Pulling the phone away from the side of his face, Henry swiped his fingers across it to hang up. He let out a sigh of relief after tossing it back into the empty passenger seat. His hand found the gear shift, and now it was time to finally move his minivan out onto the street. All phone calls from clients went through the office; otherwise, he imagined this girl would have called him personally. Once he was navigating the streets, Henry let out a sigh of relief. He had yet to be face-to-face with Sydney to know what she looked like, regardless of the description Barry had given him. It would have been easy to browse the internet and learn more about her, but why spoil such a surprise? Maybe she would be a real stunner. Some time had passed since Henry last had some luck with a fine woman. Something had given him a good feeling for today's work.

The sunlight blinded down from the left corner of the windshield. The traffic was not so bad around now, so Henry saw a break to reach Calabasas faster. The van remained quiet as he fought the urge to turn on the radio and listen to the FM channels. Another driver had used this company van yesterday, and he hated having to mess with the buttons to find a decent classic rock station. The scenery changed from light poles on the streets to large trees offering shade through the passing miles. Henry was beginning to feel a sense of familiarity with the gated communities of Calabasas. Rows of mansions hidden behind stone brick walls and large black gates had given him a sense of walking into a different world. It was one thing to see images of this on television, but another to be there in person, driving past the many houses.

He slowed down while checking the GPS system, finding that he was only minutes away from the destination. Henry's eyes scanned across the street as he noticed the large black gate had already been opened beforehand. That was a sign that she was waiting for his early arrival. He pulled the minivan through the driveway and immediately noticed a few classic cars sitting near the garage. One was a fiesta-red vintage Bronco painted in fiesta red. Another was a yellow car that looked to be a Camaro, but Henry was unsure. The mansion walls were a faded cream color with white lining and what looked to be a darkly painted roof. It was hard for him to properly see the color with the sun blinding down on it. The front door was definitely black with a satin paint finish. Metal bars covered a diamond shaped window at the front, while the door knob was painted silver. Henry studied the door as he turned the key in the ignition to turn off the minivan.

A thump sound was heard from behind after he pressed a button to pop the trunk door. It was best to go ahead and do this before he made his trip back to the van. He would need to drag out the fold-up table and other gear required for this massage. As he stepped out of the driver's side door, Henry took a hard look at the red Bronco sitting in her driveway. The paint was fresh, with rays of sunlight reflecting back across the surface. It must have been a sixties year model, at least he would guess. The other car was definitely vintage, and his assumption was proven correct when he saw the Camaro logo on it. Whoever this girl was, he liked the appreciation she had for classic cars. It reminded him of the days when he went to see car shows outside Los Angeles. Maybe she had a vintage Cadillac sitting in the garage somewhere. He was already thinking about what kind of conversation they could indulge themselves in as he worked on massaging her body.

Stepping around to the back of his minivan, Henry grabbed the fold out table held within a zip-up black leather bag. Bottles of lotion were in another bag he placed over his left shoulder. He shut the trunk and then finally walked to the front door by following a stone path from the driveway. Henry knocked three times with his right hand. He stood there and waited for the door to open. He was greeted by a short, blonde-haired woman answering the door in a pair of black gym shorts and a matching sports bra. Her blonde locks of hair flowed behind her shoulders, showing a hint of gold hoop earrings. Piercing blue eyes gazed back at Henry as she flashed her perfect white teeth in a smile. If she truly was a Hollywood star, she certainly had the smile and the body to be a sex symbol. Henry returned the smile, offering his hand to her.

"Hi, my name's Henry. I'm your masseur from First Circle."

As she shook her hand, she nodded.

"Yes, you're the guy I requested. It's nice to finally meet you, Henry. I'm Sydney, as you probably already know."

They shared a laugh as he grinned back at her. She stepped back, offering him entry into her luxury home.

"Come on in. I don't want to leave you standing out there in the heat with all your stuff."

She turned her back to Henry and stepped forward. From where he stood, he had a view of her buttocks before noticing that she was barefoot. The floor was made up of slanted square tiles in a dark brown color. A large spiral staircase was seen on the right side of the doorway. The wallpaper was of a faded yellow color, giving the impression that it was once white. Henry's eyes wandered around the room. He guessed this had to be the foyer, and it appeared she was all alone in this giant house.

"Wow, this place is huge. You live here by yourself?"

Sydney turned around, nodding at him.

"Yeah, this is my place. I'm all by myself today, except for you joining me."

Her voice cracked into a giggle, echoing throughout the house. Henry blushed with a smirk. His eyes glanced below her face, checking out her body. Her belly button was exposed along with the rest of her chest. Her boobs were contained inside what must have been a tight sports bra, leaving him to guess how big they might be.

"So where do you want me to get the table set up? In here or maybe-"

Sydney cut him off in his speech.

"Right here. I think this room is big enough."

That made a lot of sense, Henry thought to himself. Most clients preferred him he set up the table in their living room, but maybe Sydney was thinking about her own privacy. He could easily guess that she did not want a stranger roaming through her large house. It was of no concern to Henry as he set the large black bag down and began to unzip it. Sydney stood there, hands on her hips, watching him begin to prepare the table. It folded into two pieces with adjustable plastic legs that also folded out. The table itself was large enough to fit two people of her size thanks to the adjusted width on the sides. Henry forgot the proper measurements of the table, but it was not important.

"I'm glad you got here when you did, cause I'm in need of a massage after yesterday. I hate to rush you, but I didn't want to have to wait, you know? I've been working out and have some cramps in my legs."

Henry turned his attention to gaze up at her. He was down on the floor, digging out the white sheet to cover the table. With a nod, he replied back to her with a question.

"Is this your first time getting a massage?"

She shook her head.

"Ummmm, I've had one massage a while back, but it wasn't that great."

Stepping a bit closer, Sydney grinned at him as she grabbed one end of the sheet and helped Henry adjust it across the table.

"I hear you're really good with your hands."

Flashing her teeth in a grin, she continued speaking.

"So I have high expectations for you, Henry. You better meet 'em!"

Laughing at the end of her speech, she pushed her hands down over the table and leaned over, still grinning at him. Henry was surprised she was flirting with him like this so quickly, but he wanted to remain on subject.

"Is it just your legs cramping up?"

Still smirking, she shook her head at him.

"No, I'm a little bit sore in other places."

Sydney leaned up from the table and pressed her hands over her bra. Her sparkling blue eyes never leaving his as she spoke again in a low voice.

"My boobs. I guess you could say they're sore too."

They both laughed at that statement together as Henry gave her a nod. He was thinking to himself, this was going to be an easy game. It seemed she wanted to seduce him more than the other way around. Today would likely be one of luck, as he saw an opportunity with this gorgeous actress.

"I meant to ask you earlier, who was it that referred you to me?"

She raised her right hand index finger, pointing up as she spoke.

"My friend, Cindy. She said you were really good. Do you need her name on record or something?"

"No, I was just curious."

"Well, I think we're ready to get started. How about you leave the room real quick? I need a moment to get undressed, and then I'll meet you back here."

"Sure, that's fine. Do you mind if I take my shoes off?"

Sydney shook her head.

"No! Go ahead and make yourself at home. I know you'll work harder if you're comfortable."

She pointed across the room to a hallway, gesturing for him to leave the room. Henry turned his back to her and walked off. He ignored the picture frames hanging from both sides of the wall when he noticed the hall splintered off from the left side. He stepped through to see a small cutout connected to the back foyer wall. A few cardboard boxes were sitting there, but between them was a sliver of light where Henry could see into the foyer. He quietly stood there and closed one eye to concentrate on peeping through the small crack. Henry placed a hand over one box and quietly slid it to the side to make a better view between the boxes. Sydney had stripped herself of the shorts. She stood without panties, revealing her pussy that was completely shaved. That was an impressive sight, but it was watching her take that sports bra off that made Henry's eyes become enlarged.

Holy shit! Henry quietly thought to himself upon gasping in shock at the sight of the breasts. They were bouncing and jiggling around in all their glory. She slung the sports bra over her head and onto the floor. He looked away only for a moment, just to hope she did not catch his curious eye from the corner. It was rude to peep like this, but Henry could not help himself. He was now witnessing the epic boobs of Sydney Sweeney that his friend Barry had talked about. She stood there for a moment in complete nudity while throwing her hands behind her head to fix her hair into a ponytail. The gold hoop earrings dangled and were now seen more clearly. Whatever surprise may have been in store with the reveal of her buxom body, had now been completely spoiled. Henry glanced away only to lean down and begin loosening the strings of his shoes.

"Henry! Come out, come out, where ever you are!"

Sydney's voice echoed through the halls in a playful tone. He stepped out of one shoe, then removed the other. A mental note would need to be made to remember where he left his shoes before leaving, but that was not of importance right now. When he returned to the foyer room, Sydney laid herself across the massage table. Not even a towel or sheet covered her naked body as she propped her hands beneath her chin and rested her head on the left side. Henry gazed at her body, surveying the curves of her hips and a fine booty exposed completely.

"I hope you don't mind getting started with my back first."

He shook his head.

"No, I don't mind at all. It's your choice."

Circling around the table, Henry could not take his eyes off her ass. He noticed the smug grin across her lips. Maybe she had noticed his wandering eyes. Then again, perhaps not. He leaned down and reached into his bag for a bottle of lotion. Now that he was standing on the right side of her, he flipped open the bottle to squirt the cold, sticky substance into the palm of his right hand. He dropped the bottle back into the bag before slathering his hands in the oil. Sydney kept her eyes closed as Henry moved both hands to gently rub her shoulders. From there, he proceeded to rub the lotion down her back, making her skin glisten and shine.

"So Cindy referred me? I know her house is close to yours."

"Mmmmhhhhmmmmmm. She works with me back in Hollywood. You know who I am, right?"

There was a phrase he did not expect to hear from her. Henry had a chuckle at this question.

"To be honest, no. My coworker told me you're some actress, is that right?"


He pressed his fingers down over her shoulders, and she replied softly. Once his palms pressed against her oily skin, he gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. From there, he slowly slid his hands further down her back to rub her skin.

"I guess I'm not that famous yet if you couldn't recognize me."

Henry chuckled at her remark.

"I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. I'm a boring guy who doesn't follow Hollywood, if you believe it or not. I couldn't tell you who's a big name right now or not."

"So you're a simple man, huh?"

"Yeah, except I have good hands for giving you a massage."

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