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Straight Girl Turned at Le Chateau


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Sara smiled, her smile devious, "Maybe later."

"I'll keep you to that," Jane nodded, as she said, "Mrs. Hamilton crawl to the cheerleader to your right."

"Yes, Miss Jane," I heard from underneath the table.

My leg was bumped again, and then my foot as Mrs. Hamilton repositioned herself assumedly between Sara's legs.

Jane and I both watched Sara as she got eaten out by a stranger. After a moment, Sara asked, "What?"

Jane shrugged, "Just happy you are joining the team."

"Yes, now I'm a full time lesbiaaaaan," Sara quipped and then moaned.

I wanted to be eaten out too, my pussy so long neglected it was now on fire. Yet, I couldn't say the words.

Suddenly, the music stopped and a very pretty redhead in a cowgirl costume spoke. "Welcome to Le Chateau Club this lovely Halloween evening."

Polite clapping responded as did a few hoots and hollers.

"Also, welcome, to our annual Halloween naughty games competitions," she continued.

More clapping.

"I will be your hostess for tonight's games and in case you don't know me I'm Cara with a C," she continued. "Our first game is Mummy Wrap. Models come out."

I watched as three beautiful women sauntered out, all naked as the day they were born.

"Welcome Maureen, Mary and Maggie," Cara announced.

More cheering.

"As is our tradition, each of you who were willing to potentially play entered your name and now three will be drawn to compete in game one, Mummy Wrap," Cara continued.

My eyes went wide.

Jane said, "Trust me, the odds aren't in your favour to be called up."

"Fuuuuck," Sara moaned, as she came from the stranger's tongue.

"Sure you don't want her to munch on your cunt too?" Jane asked.

"Yes," I said, my horniness fading as I worried I would be called on stage.

Cara drew three names. "Allison Valentine, Miranda White and Jasmine Walker."

A huge sigh of relief escaped my lips.

Jane warned, "You wanted to be a part of this one. The next ones are a bit wilder."

The woman underneath the table crawled out, stood up and said, the words so strange, "Thank you. Ms. Jane."

"You're welcome," Jane smiled, "See you in a couple of weeks."

"Is it check-up time?" Mrs. Hamilton asked.

"Oh, how the months fly by...yes it's probably check-up time," Jane shrugged.

"See you then," the older woman nodded.

"Bye, doctor," Jane said, looking at me.

"She's your doctor?" I asked, although again the answer seemed obvious.

"She does house calls, too," Jane smiled.

"It's very close," Cara declared.

I turned to watch the three contestants wrapping their no longer naked mummies.

I watched as the three girls frantically tried to finish. The oldest one, looking to be almost 40, finally won.

"We have a winner," Cara declared. "Jasmine Walker and her prize is her own private room for the rest of the night with our three mummies."

The crowd roared.

I asked, "There are prizes?"

"Each one better than the last," Jane nodded.

Suddenly, a younger girl who couldn't possibly be twenty-one, dressed as a slutty fire fighter, was at our table. "Hi, Jane."

"Hi, Jenny," Jane greeted, "you look absolutely delicious."

"Thank you," Jenny nodded. "You look amazing too."

"Thank you," Jane nodded. "These are my two friends, whom I finally dragged here."

"Nice to meet you," Jenny greeted politely, so sweet and cute.

I extended my hand, "I'm Beth. And this is Sara."

Sara greeted, "Hi"

Jenny shook my hand, "nice to meet you, Beth, Sara."

Her hands were so soft, her smile so sweet, her voice so cute and her eyes so alluring, I felt my already wet cunt get wetter.

Jenny continued, looking back at Jane, "Are these two your pets?"

My face went red at the assumption, but before I could respond, Jane explained, "No, no. Just two friends who I wanted to give a chance to experience the club."

Jenny's smile went wider, as she turned her eyes to me, "Mistress Megan would love to have you come join her for a drink."

"Me?" I asked, hearing the words but not comprehending them, my mind drawn completely into the adorably cute girl.

"Yes, that is my Mistress over there," Jenny pointed over to a beautiful woman at a table with a glass of wine, dressed in a devil's costume.

"Mistress?" I questioned, apparently not able to speak a complete sentence.

"Yes," Jenny nodded. "Will you come and join us for a drink?"

I don't know why I agreed, but I heard myself saying, "Sure." I felt myself standing up, I felt the wetness leaking down my leg wishing I was wearing panties and I felt myself follow the beautiful young girl to her Mistress, an equally beautiful woman.

Reaching the table, Jenny introduced us, "Mistress Megan, this is Beth. Beth, Mistress Megan."

Megan smiled and said warmly, "Nice to meet you, Beth, I'm happy you could join us."

I nodded, feeling a sense of the surreal, as I nervously replied, "Thank you for inviting me."

"Please have a seat," she offered.

I did, my legs trembling underneath the table, a mixture of nervousness and the unknown coursing through me as Jenny walked away.

She poured me a glass of wine and guessed correctly, "Is this your first time here, Beth?"

"Is it that obvious?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood for myself.

"The big eyes, the fidgeting, and the look of surprise were all hints," Megan answered.

"I didn't know we were coming here," I explained.

"Jane dragged you here I'm guessing," Megan correctly assumed.

"Both Sara and me," I answered.

"Have you ever had a woman pleasure you?" Megan asked bluntly.

"No," I admitted, the idea now more enticing than ever, so much so that I admitted, "Although both Jane and Sara each licked me once today as we played Barbie for Jane.

"Did you want more?" Megan asked quizzically.

"I'm not sure," I answered, my cheeks going redder as I wondered where Jenny was. I looked around and located Jenny upstairs in line for Big Rosie.

Megan,,seeing me look, asked, "Did Jane explain Big Rosie?"

I nodded, while still looking at the line of four women: the youngest Jenny, but also in line a woman who looked to be 60, a chubby brunette and a thin Asian girl.

"It's crazy that people will line up to eat someone," Megan chuckled, before adding, "but every regular here has done so."

"You have?" I questioned.

She laughed, "More than once, I tend to be more on the receiving end than giving usually, but some pussy is just too delicious to resist."

"So it seems," I vaguely agreed.

"May I be direct with you?" Megan asked.

"This hasn't been direct?" I joked, turning my attention back to her.

"Okay, can I be even more direct?" she smiled warmly.

"Sure," I smiled back, curious what she was going to say, kind of feeling like a teenager again.

"I'm assuming you have never tasted a pussy before?" She assumed correctly, based on my earlier answer.

"Correct," I nodded.

"And although you have always held pretty steadfast to the belief you're straight, you are beginning to question that," Megan continued, her hand moving under the table and onto my leg.

I could feel the heat in my cheeks, as well as the chill up my spine at her touch on my leg.

I stammered, "I-I-I don't know."

Her hand moved ever so slowly up my thigh as she continued, her voice softer, "I think you know, but you're still in denial."

Cara spoke again. "And now it is time for game number two. It is our version of bobbing for apples, licking for licorice. Come out ladies."

Five attractive women, all topless, sauntered onstage wearing only black and orange panties, and laid down on the blankets.

"Next we need five competitors," she announced.

I stiffened, paralyzed by the thought of being called on stage to likely eat out a woman.

Megan squeezed my leg and whispered, "Just relax, my dear."

Her words were strangely comforting. Five names were called, none were mine and I let out a sigh of relief.

The woman explained the rules, "Using only your mouth, tug off your partner's panties, then using your tongue and fingers, retrieve all five pieces of licorice that are in your partner's pussy. Are we ready?"

Screams echoed on the ground and there was clapping among the audience.

"Three, two, one, go," Cara counted down.

As soon as the word 'go' was declared the five contestants tugged off the women's panties and buried their faces in between their partner's legs.

Megan's hand slid underneath my lame excuse for a skirt. I should have stopped her, but her touch warmed me and the earlier quick licks, Mrs. Hamilton, and the live action I was currently witnessing had my pussy begging for attention.

Without thinking. I opened my legs allowing her complete access to my very wet pussy.

As moans echoed on the stage, I let out my own moan when Megan's fingers moved between my thighs. My moan was reactive, anticipating her fingers touching me, yet they didn't. Her fingers so close to my pussy I wanted to grab her hand and shove it inside me.

She whispered, her hot breath on my ear, "What do you want, Beth?"

So horny, my pussy doing my thinking for me, I answered, "To come."

"I'll make sure you have the most amazing orgasm of your life, but first you must do something for me," she continued, tugging on my ear.

"We have a winner, Amanda Campton" Cara declared. "What does she win? A front of the line spot pass for Big Rosie and a strap-on she can use on her partner right here and now."

The middle-aged brunette who won had the strap-on put on her by a much younger woman and then she had her partner get onto all fours and began fucking her in front of all of us. I was mortified; I was jealous.

As I watched in awe of the lesbian act I was witnessing, Megan asked, "Do you wish that was you on your knees?"

"I guesssss," I agreed, overwhelmed by what I was witnessing.

"You only guess?" She asked.

"Yes, I'd love that to be me," I admitted, this woman somehow able to press all my buttons. I couldn't fathom getting fucked in front of all these women, yet at the moment if Megan offered to fuck me on stage I would.

"Under the table, my pet," Megan ordered, as her finger finally traced my pussy lips.

My whole body trembled at her touch as my head spun with what she wanted me to do next. After a brief delay, I wordlessly, not looking over to Jane and Sara, slithered under the table. It was dark, but with just enough light to see the silhouette of her legs. I moved between them, filled with trepidation and curiosity. She was wearing thigh highs too I learned as I moved between her legs.

"Go ahead, Beth," Megan offered soothingly.

I no longer could resist my curiosity as I leaned forward and extended my tongue. I wouldn't say that the moment I began licking I was addicted, but it did feel very natural. I started slowly, exploring her pussy lips.

Megan moaned, "That's it, my pet, take your time down there."

Being called 'pet' sent a chill up my spine. Part of me was offended by the name, yet another part of me felt it was just a natural progression in tonight's journey.

As I licked, she got wetter and my addiction began. As I tasted her natural wetness, I wanted more. I wanted to get her off, to taste the full flavour of her juices. As the hunger built inside me, so did an urgency. I began licking faster, moving up to her hard clit, and tugging it between my lips. Megan's hands went to the back of my head, and she gently pulled me deeper into her cunt as I continued pleasuring her eagerly.

Megan moaned louder, "Getting close, my pet, get your Mistress off."

Earlier the term 'pet' was used and now it was 'Mistress'. Did she imagine this would be more than a one night thing? Did I want it to be just this one time or did I want it to be more? These questions bounced around my head before I decided to live for the moment and finish what I had started. I shook my head sideways, her clit between my lips, something an old boyfriend used to do that always got me off. It seemed to work, as I felt her legs squeeze around me, holding my head hard against her pussy and seconds later I felt my face coated with pussy juice. I kept lapping, the taste of the actual full flood even more gratifying than the teasing samples before she came.

I remained under the table, slowly licking, even after Megan let go of my head. Feeling like a pet, I waited further instructions, I was also nervous about coming out from underneath the table and being seen by all.

Finally, Megan spoke, "Come back up here, my pet."

I obeyed, my knees kind of sore, and slyly, trying to be inconspicuous, returned to my seat. I could feel Megan's wetness on my face and wondered if anyone else could see guilt literally written all over my face.

"Did you enjoy yourself, my pet?" Megan asked.

"Yes," I nodded, hearing loud moans echoing around the room. I turned and saw that three girls, one being Sara, all wearing strap-ons fucking three girls on all fours.

"Yes, what?" Megan questioned.

I was staring at Sara who was clearly enjoying the hard fucking she was giving a chubby brunette.

"Pardon?" I asked, looking back at Megan.

"Yes, what, my pet?" she repeated, her tone so soft and reassuring.

"Um," I said, distracted by the reality that Sara was on stage really fucking the brunette hard and beginning to talking faster, as well as by the consequences of saying the words Megan was expecting me to say.

Hearing Sara demanded, "Come, you fucking slut." I was momentarily stunned and unable to speak.

Megan smiled, her hand back on my knee, "It's okay my pet, watch your friend try to win the competition and then we will continue our conversation."

"Thank you, Mistress," I replied, not even realizing I said it until after the words escaped my lips.

I blushed as I returned to watching the orgy on stage. I focused on Sara who continued to pound the woman hard, slamming into her.

"Come now, you, or I'll pull out completely," Sara threatened,

Seconds later, the brunette screamed, "Fuuuuuuuuuck, yessssssss."

Cara announced, "We have a winner, Sara Simpson."

The crowd clapped.

"Her award, besides keeping the strap-on, is to fuck the other participants to orgasm too and then take one home with her for the night," Cara announced.

The losers pulled out of the girls they had been fucking and Sara moved behind a slim Asian and began fucking her.

I turned to Megan, "She gets to choose a pet to take home for the night?"

"Yep, the models of these games are all willing participants and know they could end up being the prize," Megan explained.

"Wow," was all I could muster, returning to watch Sara slam into the Asian. Sara, so out of character, grabbed the Asian's hair and seconds later she came hard.

Sara instantly pulled out and moved to the next girl, a gorgeous blonde and, instead of slamming into her, asked, "Do you want to be fucked?"

"Yes," the blonde replied.

"How badly?" Sara asked.

"I'll do anything," she answered.

"You'll take it in the ass?" Sara questioned, with a devilish smile.

The blonde looked back and said, her tone so sexy my pussy gushed, "Fuck my ass, Mistress."

Sara smiled, "Mistress, I like that," and ordered, "slut, come lick her asshole."

The Asian girl didn't hesitate as she crawled to the blonde and buried her face in the blonde girl's ass.

The scene was so naughty, so hot, that I briefly wished Sara was fucking me.

After a minute of anal licking, Sara pulled the Asian out of the way and began sliding her plastic cock in the blonde's ass.

The blonde moaned, a mixture of pleasure and pain, "Oh yes, fuck my asshole."

Sara wasn't gentle either. Once she filled the blonde's ass, she began slamming into her. I had never considered back door sex, but watching it live all of a sudden another door was open, pardon the pun.

Megan asked, "Ever been fucked in the ass, my pet?"

I shook my head no as I turned back to her.

"It's an acquired taste," Megan nodded, "although the blonde, Mandi there is clearly enjoying it. Your friend has quite a dominant streak in her."

"So it seems," I nodded, returning my gaze to the ass fucking on stage.

"Oh God, yes, fuck, ream my asshole," Mandi moaned, her breathing increasing.

"Come, you ass slut," Sara ordered, continuing to ream her back door.

"Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, yesssssss," Mandi screamed, a few hard thrusts later.

Megan asked, "So are you ready to be my pet?"

I turned back to her, "I don't know," I honestly answered.

"I like your honesty," Megan nodded, her hand still on my leg. "I only take pets under my wing if they are interested in exploring their lesbian side."

"I didn't know I had a lesbian side," I countered, which was true before today.

"Well, I'm not just saying this to win you over," Megan continued, "but for a first time pussy pleaser I think you've got a natural talent."

"Really?" I asked, her words somehow flattering.

"Yes, many first timers just dive in and lick, others just move around with no focus, but you took your time, you enjoyed the experience."

I nodded, "Surprisingly, it did feel natural."

"Can I ask you another personal question?" Megan asked.

"I'm an open book," I joked.

"I sense the past few men in your life have disappointed you," Megan somehow accurately deduced.

"That is an understatement," I nodded.

"I was once straight too, but betrayal by a man opened up the possibilities of exploring my sexuality and like you, I think, one taste, and I was forever changed," Megan explained, just as Jenny returned.

"Was Big Rosie tasty, my pet?" Megan asked.

"Heavenly as always," Jenny nodded, sitting down opposite of me.

"Do you want Jenny to get you off, Beth? You must be a near wreck by now," Megan correctly assessed.

I looked at Jenny, who smiled at me with such sweetness that agreeing just seemed the natural thing to do. "Yes, please," I nodded.

"Go ahead, Jenny," Megan ordered.

"Yes, Mistress," Jenny agreed, moving under the table. I opened my legs, the anticipation of my long awaited orgasm overriding everything else.

Megan explained, "Plus, it will be good to get yourself off, in case your name is called for the next game."

"What is the next gaaaaaaame," I asked, moaning as Jenny's tongue made contact.

"Don't Scream," Megan answered.

"I think I'll fail that one," I moaned, Jenny's tongue doing wonders to me in just seconds.

"Well, in Don't Scream, the last one who doesn't come, wins," Megan explained.

"Ohhhh," I moaned, thinking I would have a good chance since I never have multiple orgasms. I added, saying what I was thinking, "I've never had more than one orgasm in a session."

"Never?" Megan questioned, her face aghast with shock or horror.

"Never, eveeeeer," I answered, my orgasm already rising in less than a minute.

"Well, I will definitely fix that if you become my pet," Megan promised. "Men just don't understand the woman's body or mind."

I had to agree based on my past. No one had ever made me feel the pleasure I was feeling today and no man had ever drawn me into them the way Megan had. It was always suck them off, or wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. "I am learning thaaaaat," I nodded, as I grabbed the table knowing my orgasm was close.

"And who do you choose?" Cara asked, "To be your slut for the night?"

"This blonde ass slut," Sara said, the idea of Sara having her own pet the final straw that broke my cunt's back.

"Fuuuuuuck," I screamed, loud enough to allow all others to know I was coming, never able to just have a quiet orgasm.

A few people clapped around me, as my face went even redder at the shame of coming in public yet my orgasm made it all worthwhile. It was easily the most intense orgasm of my life and I didn't want it to ever end.

I looked over to Jane, who was drinking her drink and smiling at me. She winked and I looked away, frustrated that she had pulled me into this and equally thankful, not that I would ever tell her that.

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