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Street Boy Rising

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Beau needs something to eat.
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both characters are over eighteen.


"I'm hungry. Can you get me something?" I had just stepped out of my car to go into the fast food place for a quick breakfast. On the way to where I sell antiques and things, about a half hour away, the urge to eat made me pull off the highway. This was supposed to be a very quick stop. It turned out differently.

I look into the face of the kid asking for a handout. Figure him to be all of eighteen or nineteen. At thirty, I have known some pretty hard times myself...but not to the point of begging for anything. "Sure. Come on in."

"Two breakfast specials and coffees, please." The worker gives my 'guest' a knowing glance. I get a somewhat cooler stare.

"Bobby." I hold out my hand.

"Beau. And thanks." His grasp is strong. We get our food and sit at the back. I want to talk with my new friend.

"Tell me, Beau, what's your story?" Sometimes it is easier to talk with a stranger than with a close relative or friend. I have the feeling that Beau needs to talk, as well as to eat. But talking will have to wait. Beau is attacking his food like he has not eaten in a week. After a few sips of his coffee, he begins.

"Got kicked out for being..." He pauses to lock eyes with mine.

I nod. "It's okay."

"He beat me up, and I had nowhere to go. My dad freaked when he found out the details."

"Your dad beat you up?"

"No." Another long pause and eye lock. "My...ex." I had started to check him out in the parking lot. Look, I would have given food to anyone who asked and needed it. But it didn't hurt that Beau was a little hottie. Long auburn hair pulled back into a man-bun, tight tee showing nicely chiseled upper body, some good bulge to his arms...and a real nice bulge a little lower down. He walked with his hands in his pockets, head lowered, like a defeated cub. I held the door for him. His beautifully rounded and full ass entered the place ahead of me.

"Ah. Girl trouble." I'm not stupid. I figured it would take some awful big female to take Beau down. Must have been his ex boyfriend. But I needed him to say it. He gave a sheepish smile and shook his head.

"Bobby. I'm a fag. I do cock, not cunt. My ex was, like, forty, and at his age, bears do not like to hear the word: 'no'."

"What was the question?" I find myself more into his story at this point, than into the possibility of...other possibilities.

"Would I fuck for his buddies? I said no, because while he was inside my preference zone, his pals definitely were not. He had just come back from the bar; and his fists hit me hard before I could defend myself. After he was exhausted and passed out, I gathered my things and went back home. My dad went ballistic when he heard I was gay. He thought I was with a girl. He told me to..." Tears started to cloud Beau's expressive grey eyes. I reached over to squeeze his shoulder.

"You know the guy who took our order?" I had to clear that up.

"Just 'cause he's seen me two days in a row getting help from different marks. Sorry. No offense meant. I really appreciate the food. And the talk." He looks like he wants to smile, but it's just not happening right now. The kid is downtrodden. I will not take advantage of someone in his state. I will, however, offer more help to him.

"None taken. If you don't have better plans, come with me to my booth space. I can use the help unloading and setting up. Lunch included!" He is giving me the kind of deep stare that seeks to look into my very soul to get answers to his questions. He must have been satisfied.


Part 2 -

I sell my finds at a group shop. It helps pay my way. I usually have a dozen boxes in my car when I go there. Beau and I have a half hour ride to get to know each other better.

"So who fits your 'preferences'?" I shoot him a quick glance while driving.

"You're no bear...but you'll do!"

"Thanks. I think. Look, Beau, you don't have to..." His hand is on my thigh.

"I know. I want to. You're the first person in a month who has shown me any real kindness."

"You got kicked out a month ago? Where do you sleep and stuff?"

The 'Y'; and the park on nice days. I started thinking about making some money when mine ran out last week."

"Doing what?" I could have chosen better words.

"I don't have antiques to sell, Bobby, but I do have a rockin' body!" He actually sounds upbeat.

"That you do, Beau. That you do." Small talk ensues, and before long, we pull into the parking lot of the group shop. Beau and I grab a few boxes, and as we enter the building, he stops in his tracks.

"Damn. This is awesome!"

"Glad you like it. This has been my hobby since before I was your age."

"How old are you, Bobby?"


"You a hairy guy?" His smile and chuckle set me at ease. I think Beau is setting his sites on something more permanent than a one day handout.

"Something like that. Come on. My space is up here on the left." We set the first boxes down, and go back and forth to bring the rest in. "We can take a tour of the place after this stuff is put out, okay?"

"Then lunch?" He looks pensive. Eating still tops his list of needs. After that....we'll see!

"Sure. I'll fill you up." My turn to smile and look churlish.

"Bet you will!" Topped.

With our shelf-stocking done, Beau and I walk the aisles and take in the variety of offerings at the various booths. He is amazed at the things he sees...and at the prices!

"That much for a bowl?" It is a Pyrex mixing bowl in a very desirable color.

"Because it is not just a bowl, Beau, but a collectible, as well. You ready for lunch, pal?" He nods, and we are off to a local pizza and beer place that I like very much.

We chow down, drink up, and talk and laugh our way back to where we first met. It is getting dark, and I don't know what to do next.

"Thanks for today, Bobby. You made a difference." His look is genuinely open and loving, and my heart is breaking.

"Look, Beau..." I can't choose between the many things to say, the questions to ask, the paths to take. Beau puts his hand on my thigh, not for the first time today, but this time it lingers.

"It'll be okay, Bobby. I'll find..."

"NO! No. You already 'found'. Where are you staying tonight?" He just stares at me, not wanting to lie, not willing to take advantage. "Okay. Here's the deal. You sleep in my spare bed tonight. Take a shower, have dinner with me, and see what the morning brings." He nods.

"I have a bag in the locker inside the fast food place. The guy who took our order this morning let me keep it there. I'll be right back." With Beau inside getting his bag, I have to move the car out of the drive-through lane; and there are no spots on this side of the building. I find a place to park on the other side, and quickly enter the building, but do not see Beau anywhere! Exiting on the side I dropped him off, there he is at the end of the lot, sitting dejectedly on the curb next to his bag, with his head in his hands.

"BEAU!" I race to his side. He looks up at me in surprise; tears are streaming down his handsome face.

"Bobby!" He has sprung up and is bear-hugging me.

"Come on, Beau, let's go home."

Part 3 -

My house is cozy, and has two bedrooms on the first floor where I live. The second floor is rented out to a tenant. I show Beau around; and we sit on the patio with a fire going on this early Fall night.

"Sure is nice here, Bobby." He looks over at me and there is peace in his eyes. I feel good. Really good. Tonight my intentions are pure - just to let Beau get a good nights sleep. He needs it. I need something, too. I need someone in my life. I have not had a boyfriend since I was his age, and the loneliness is hard on me.

"Ready for bed, stud?" He nods. As I hand Beau a towel and a toothbrush, and show him the bathroom, my heart races a bit. I would love to watch him undress. To see his hard young body in all its glory. To be close to him. To feel his heat. To breathe in his scent..... "Come into the kitchen when you're done."


I am sitting at the kitchen table, gathering my thoughts. How I would love to have a boyfriend like Beau. Heck, he was with a guy much older than me. My free spirited new friend did not even close the bathroom door. I could hear him singing in the shower!

"Thank you, Bobby." He places a gentle kiss on my neck. His hair is down around his ears. The towel is clinging to his hips. He looks positively wonderful! Beau has a tight and toned body that screams to be played with. My resolve is now tested to its limits.

"Thank you also, Beau."

"For what?"

"For giving me hope. For inspiring me. For being here." He sits across from me. While he was in the shower, I put some of my fairly new clothes on his bed. We are about the same build. "I put some things on your bed for you to wear."

"I'll repay you."

"No need. I have enough money to share."

"Not with money. I don't have any." He is testing my resolve for sure.

"Get some sleep, Beau. Tomorrow is Sunday. We can talk more then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Bobby." We each go to our respective bedrooms. Ten minutes later there is a knock at my door.

"Can we just cuddle, Bobby?" I look over at him standing by my bed. He is wearing the pajama bottoms I gave him, no top. Without a word, I pull back the covers for him. In my briefs, I know that in a moment, I will feel his warm flesh at my back. His young body slips into my bed. His arms go around me. I feel his chest against my back; and his rock hard cock is poking at my butt. He smells wonderful. I feel wonderful. We fall asleep together in minutes; and the morning sun wakens us both at the same time.

"Good morning, Bobby." His warm lips feel good on my neck; and his kiss is very sensual and sweet.

"Morning, stud." I wriggle onto my side to face him. His mouth plunges directly onto mine, and his tongue invades my space in the most wonderful way. I want to devour him whole! But my conscience will not let me take advantage of someone in his circumstance. It will have to be his decision. His desire. His move.

"I want to thank you properly, Bobby." I await his next move. "I had a friend in high school who told me I was real good at this." Beau has his hands at the waistband of my briefs, which are already tenting nicely. I watch as he slowly pulls the fabric down, stopping when he uncovers my pubes. Pressing his face down onto me, with a gentle sigh Beau proceeds to rub back and forth. His breathing is deep; and I know that he is sucking down my scent into his lungs. Propped up on my elbows, I watch as he licks up and down my trail. Turning his face to me, all smiles, he closes the gap between our mouths in something like a slow motion video feed. "Gonna feed on you, Bobby." His quick kiss signals a desire to get down to business.

My chub is at half mast. Gingerly lifting the swelling member to his parting lips, He blows a warm stream of air onto the bulging head. I melt as the sensation climbs upward through my spine. Not content with this erection alone, four digits and one opposable thumb (his other hand) have been busy barely pressing into the flesh of my taint. "Oh, Beau. That feels soooo good."

"Then how does this feel?"

"AHH! DAMN!" Digit called 'middle' has just plunged deeply into the portal at the bottom of my world. And one quick head-bob has my 'Little Bobby's' head firmly ensconced between silky-soft, wet, warm lips. The large pearl of precum oozing forth from me has disappeared into Beau's hungry pie hole.

"Wish I could drain this stuff by the quart, Bobby. Your nectar is very silky and sweet,"

"That can be arranged. Edge me for the next three hours, and, well, maybe not a quart...." His tongue brings my own clear fluid into my mouth. We dance this way, Beau's mouth and mine; taking turns licking, sucking, and swallowing each other.

"Can't, Bobby. Not now, anyway. I need more. I need a lot more; and sooner than three hours." Now the hand gripping my shaft begins a steady and rhythmic pump. The finger in my hole mimics the effort. I spread out my legs and lower my back to the sheets in pure and uninhibited surrender. The boy at my crotch enflames my soul. The man milking my cock is about to get his reward.

"Beau. Getting close. I..." The words hardly have time to register, when I feel a tremendous gurgle of cream push upward through my crotch. I can't even prepare myself for the main event. It arrives too quickly to manage.

"BEAU! BEAU! BEAUBEAUBEAU!!!!!" Exploding ropes surge through me; and fly through my raging cock, held tight at the corona by firm young lips. Swallowing sounds fill my ears. Eight strong ropes fill Beau's throat. He takes me totally. With cum ceasing to flow, I feel strong cheeks start to suck at me like I was a straw and the milkshake was too thick to pass through it. Already on a morning high, this feeling titillates my now sensitive body into an even higher state of euphoria. I am spent and spinning. Beau is insatiable.

"You good?" I have collapsed into a pool of myself.

"Unh." That's all I can muster.

"Me too." Pressing himself on top of me, his warm and firm body is held tight in my arms. His mouth and tongue invade my own; and I can taste myself on him. Never had a better morning. Never.

Part 4 -

Lifting himself up so that we can look into each other's eyes, we need no words. I know he may just need me for obvious reasons...but I don't care. I am perfectly willing to go along this path and see where it leads. Another gurgling sound catches both our ears.

"Hunger. You drained me, boy. Let's shower, and get breakfast."

"Deal." He pops up and heads to the bathroom; I hear the water running. Getting out of the bed we shared is not easy to do. I feel like staying here all day! His heat and scent are all around me; and on me. To shower that away is criminal.

"Let's soap each other down. Bobby." The water is nice and warm. Beau proceeds to bathe me like I was his child. I do not say a word. My head is in the clouds!

"Your turn." Soaping his slick body is pure joy. Running my slippery hands over his tight and muscular torso gives me the chills, in a good way. But I am totally spent. It occurs to me that Beau has not gotten off yet today. I insist that both partners orgasm, ever since I was once left high and dry after a selfish weekend hookup.

"To do what?" He looks puzzled.

"Me!" I turn from Beau, place my hands onto the tile of the shower wall, and spread my legs for him. Without wasting any time, there is fresh soap sliding through my ass crack, and onto my twitching pucker. Beau is in full display of his youthful glory. All seven inches of him are at full erection; and as he fists his cock and rubs the head onto my body, I take in a deep breath and hold it. He knows what to do.

"Oh, Bobby. This feels so good." I feel the same way.

"Me, too." His cock clings to my channel; and the fullness there fills my senses with a satisfaction that is beyond words. Hardly moving within me, Beau savors his own feelings.

"It's like my body is an open spigot, just waiting for the rush to begin. My cock is all I can concentrate on, Bobby. It is all I am!" Well said. I brace myself for what is soon to come. His cum will pump into the depths of me; and I will love it!

"Breed me, son. Seed my body with every ounce of you that aches for release. Pump yourself dry. Fill my hole with cum! I'm ready for you. You, Beau. YOU! I want your baby. I WANT YOUR BABY!"

That did it. "Oh, God. Oh. Bobby. BOBBY!!!" His last thrust pushed me into the wall. Beau is a strong one. His arms cling to my shoulders. His teeth are deep into my flesh. There will either be blood, or the biggest hickey of my lifetime!

When he regains himself, Beau and I hug, kiss, and finish our shower. We towel each other off like lovers do. Walking naked together into the bedroom, we dress, head for the kitchen, and prepare a morning feast.

"Hungry as a lion, Bobby!" I look over at him. He is beaming. He is beautiful. He is everything.... and we need to talk.

"More like my cub, Beau. Yeah. You sure are that!"


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CorjixCorjixover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for reading about Beau and Bobby, guys. As a 'mature' man...I was inspired by some of the hot young (innocent?) men I have known. They exude a fresh and fragrant aura of sexiness that is unspoiled by time. These two have more ahead of them! Corjix

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