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Summer Boy Ch. 02

Story Info
Young troublemaker pushes his luck, gets disciplined.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 07/23/2011
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


The sun cooked Beau's broad shoulders as he pushed the lawnmower across the yard. Clad in cargo shorts and sneakers, Beau tramped through the grass, sweat sliding down his back. His shorts hung low, revealing the very top of his meaty ass. He stopped, wiping his brow. Beau surveyed his surroundings. At his mother's insistence, the 18-year-old was spending the summer at his aunt's country house to keep out of trouble.

His aunt had devised a number of tasks in order to keep the boy busy and keep his behavior problems in check. His task today was to mow the lawn. What would have been a twenty-minute task at his mother's house in the suburbs was a day-long affair on his aunt's sprawling property. He had already been at the task an hour and a half and wasn't even halfway finished. Beau put his hands on his hips and looked out at the vast lawn. His buff form was bronzed from all the time he had spent in the sun in the week since arriving at his aunt's. Not only were his chores largely outdoors, he showered at least once daily using his aunt's only shower, located in the backyard.

His initial hesitation at being completely exposed outdoors had been tempered by the scorching temperatures and the relative solitude. At this point he thought nothing of his mother's sister-in-law seeing him naked, and the only other person to cross his path as he bathed had been the gruff, towering man who apparently lived down the road. Beau still thought of how the man had commanded him with practically no effort. The mark the man's strong hand left on Beau's bare ass had remained for a day. Thinking of it, Beau absent-mindedly rubbed his soft ass where the man had struck him. Beau was dripping with sweat to the point that his already-low-slung cargo shorts were a millimeter away from revealing the dark hair that surrounded his impressive cock.

"Fuck this," he said, through labored breaths. He looked at his phone; 1 pm. No messages, of course; he got no service here. Beau wasn't used to taking on his share of responsibility for the upkeep of a house. It was simple to him: if he didn't want to do something, he didn't. It was bad enough he had to spend his summer in the middle of nowhere; he wasn't about to spend it getting heatstroke doing a bunch of stupid fucking chores. The lawnmower sputtered and stopped as Beau turned and walked across the front yard.

Rounding the corner to the back of the house, Beau kicked off his shoes. He turned the spigot of the outdoor shower, releasing a stream of cold water cascading onto the stone platform below. In one swift motion, Beau dropped his shorts and boxers and stepped atop the platform. He gasped as the cold water hit his neck and shoulders, falling down his toned body, his long, thick cock and his round, tight ass. His cock swung slightly as water droplets landed on it. He hung his head under the stream, letting the water wash the sweat away.

After a minute, Beau shut off the water, grabbed his shorts, and walked naked back to the house. He showered outside so often now that he thought nothing of walking around the house and the yard without clothes, his cock hitting his muscular thighs as he walked. He could swear he occasionally caught his mother's sister-in-law letting here eyes linger on his cock. He didn't blame her. It wasn't infrequent that a friend of his would comment on what they thought was a massive hard-on in Beau's shorts. "I'm not hard," he'd reply. "I just have a huge dong."

In his bedroom, Beau picked out a T-shirt and his other pair of cargo shorts, thankfully clean. He checked for clean boxers and found none. Briefs it was. He pulled up a pair of white Hanes, which barely constrained his cock. He finished dressing, slipped on a pair of flip-flops, and headed out the door. In his brief time in the country, Beau had discovered a bar within what passed for walking distance in this town. An hour's walk down the road and he could at least get drunk; they never carded in this place, and Beau looked older than he was anyway. He began his walk down the dirt road and lit a joint he had rolled using weed he bought last time he was at the bar. Living in the middle of nowhere had its occasional privileges.


It was dark when Beau sauntered up the gravel driveway of his aunt's house. He swayed as he walked, too drunk to even attempt a straight line, a bent cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth. He had fallen a few times on the walk back, and it was all he could do to keep upright now. His time at the bar had been relatively uneventful. He had pounded back beers and tequila shots with some locals, and unsuccessfully hit on the couple women who had ventured into the bar. Drunk off his ass, he hadn't been particularly smooth. Beau spit out his cigarette and stumbled as he walked in the door, and laughed to himself.

"What on God's green earth do you think you're doing, young man?" His aunt's voice caused Beau to clumsily swing around. She sat in the living room staring at him, fire in her eyes.

Beau tried to stand up straight, but the room kept spinning. "Err... uhhh... heyassssSarah." His words slurred hopelessly. He leaned against the wall.

She stood up and walked toward him. "God dammit! Look at you! Not only did you not finish your chores, which landed me in a world of shit with the appraiser when he came by this afternoon, you're drunk as a goddamn skunk. Here I promise your mother I'm going to keep you out of trouble this summer, and you're getting shit-faced with... well, I don't even know where the fuck you were."

"Mmsorry," mumbled Beau. He attempted to slide off his flip-flop and landed on his ass in the process.

"For god's sake, get up here." The woman lifted the boy to the best of his ability. "Damn, you're heavy." She guided the boy back to his room and spilled him onto the bed. His long legs and big feet hung off its edge. "You stay there and sober up. Don't think we won't talk about this tomorrow."

Beau tried to respond, but instead threw his head back and passed out, the room still spinning.


"Whu-h?" Beau sat upright. "Augh..." He rubbed the back of his head, which was pounding. He looked down at himself. Still dressed in last night's clothes, a single flip-flop hanging off his left toe. "The fuck...?"

He tried to remember the night prior. He could recall being at the bar, drinking beer and doing shots, maybe talking to some locals, although it was a blur. He vaguely remembered walking back along the dirt road and... oh, shit. The confrontation with his aunt. "Fuck." He couldn't remember exactly what had been said, just that she had been angry. Stumbling out of bed, he walked out of his room into the kitchen, wondering if she'd be there waiting for him.

It was empty. On the counter sat a note.


Beau put down the note. "Fuck." He rubbed his forehead. At least she didn't give me any chores, he thought. Padding about the kitchen, he fixed himself some food and coffee, and threw back a handful of aspirin for his aching head. Must've drank a fucking shit ton, he thought to himself. He knew he'd have to deal with his aunt eventually, but this was hardly the first time he had been in trouble. Her fault for making me do her bitch work, he thought.

Having taken some time to nurse his hangover, Beau walked back to his room. He lifted his shirt over and off his head and ran his hands over his smooth chest. Shower, he thought. He dropped his shorts and briefs, wrapped a too-small towel around his waist, and walked out the door to the backyard shower. He dropped the towel and started the water. Standing under it, he could feel his headache subsiding. Another few minutes of this, he thought, and he may be able to bear the harsh glare of the sun in his eyes. He groaned slightly, looking forward to getting back inside and crashing until his aunt got home.


Beau heard. His eyes went wide as he recognized the voice.

"You are twice as dumb as I thought you were, and you are fucked besides."

Beau turned cautiously. Henry. The man who a week prior had warned Beau from antagonizing his aunt again stood before him. Beau made a slight gesture toward covering his huge cock with his hands, before remembering where that got him last time and leaving his arms at his side. He unconsciously pushed his shoulders back and stood a bit straighter. "Hen – S-sir..."

"Oh no, not near good enough. You stand at attention when I address you, boy."

Beau stood straight, wincing as his head throbbed. Looking down, he took in his visitor. Henry was tall as he remembered. Elevated by the platform, Beau looked down at him, but standing on even ground the man easily eclipsed Beau. Unlike last time, Henry came bare-chested. Beau could now see what he only got a hint of last time. Henry was built. Years of hard manual labor had given the man a massive, rock-hard body. Beau noted how different it was from his own; Beau's body came from hours in the gym, from vanity. A life of backbreaking labor had sculpted Henry's. Even where Beau and Henry had similarly-sized muscles, Beau thought that the man looked like he could break Beau in half if he wanted. The broad, solid chest was covered with a coating of brown hair, with a smattering of grey, matching the short, salt-and-pepper hair atop his head. The man wore jeans over massive legs, and work boots. Sweat dripped from the man's grey temples onto the coarse stubble that covered his face, and his bare chest glistened. Beau wasn't sure how old he was, but he appeared to be about forty.

"I thought that I made myself clear last time I was here." The man's voice boomed. "You do not fuck around with your aunt." He stepped forward, his face inches from Beau's chest. "So imagine my surprise when I get a phone call from her yesterday afternoon, hysterical, begging me to come over and finish mowing her lawn so that she doesn't get fucked when the appraiser comes over. 'Course, I'm happy to help out Sarah, but then she told me why she needed my help." Fucking punk, thought Henry. All the same. Still, Henry knew how to break his type.

Beau had first been startled, but now he was tense and, he admitted to himself, fearful with the large man yelling at him when Beau was naked and vulnerable. Also a concern was the fact that Beau's cock was centimeters away from touching the bare skin of the man's chest.

"She needed my help because you," Henry punctuated this last room with a sharp poke in the middle of Beau's hairless chest. "YOU skipped out on your chores! Off getting fucked up some way or the other, I'd bet. Is that it? I said, was that it, boy?" Another poke.

Beau had to shift to keep his balance every time the man's massive hand touched his skin. "Yes, sir. That was it, sir. I was at the bar. Getting drunk."

"Fuckin' layabout piece of trash. You think you're gonna pull that shit on my watch? You think I'm not going to teach you a lesson?"

Beau had it. It was bad enough this creep was interrupting his shower. Bad enough that his shouting was aggravating Beau's headache. Bad enough that he was manhandling Beau's naked body. But if this asshole thought he was going to come over here and treat Beau like a bitch, he didn't know whom he was dealing with. "Listen, old man," said Beau, surprisingly himself with how forceful he managed to make his voice., "You think I'm going to punk out like a little bitch because some old-ass fucker doesn't have anything better to do that fuck with me, you can just go to fucking hell. Now get the fuck out of my face, and get the fuck out of here!" Beau stood, his chest heaving. He stared into Henry's eyes.

Henry didn't move a centimeter. The older man's hands were on his hips. His breathing didn't change an iota. The expression on his face was intense, yet almost amused.

"I said fucking leave!" Beau swung his fist at the man. He had been in dozens of fights before, and he won them all. Other guys knew not to fuck with Beau unless they wanted to get their asses kicked, badly. He had sent guys to the hospital with broken bones. If this old man wasn't going to listen to him, he was going to put him down.

Beau's fist connected with Henry's jaw. Henry staggered back slightly. Beau stood, still on the platform, arms at the ready, cock swinging between his legs. He breathed heavily, his eyes wide. The man had his head turned to the side, and a hand in front of it. A red drop fell onto the man's hairy chest. Shit, thought Beau. Maybe I broke the dude's jaw, or knocked out a tooth. Beau smiled broadly. The man spit on the ground. Beau shouted, "Not so tough now, are you, fucker?"

"Heh. Hah!"

Beau dropped his fists slightly. His look of glee was replaced with confusion.

The man dropped his hand and looked at Beau. He smiled from ear to ear. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth down his chin. He continued to chuckle. "Hah! Boy, I do not know where you are from, but that was the weakest, pussiest punch I have ever felt in my life. Fuck, your aunt could lay a stronger one than that on my jaw. Fuckin' Hell, you do need me to break you in. Make you a man." Henry stepped forward again. "Now, remember, boy, this's for your own good."

Beau didn't have time to move before the man landed a blow square on Beau's cheek. Pain exploded across Beau's face. He blacked out for a moment as he flew off the stone platform and landed square on his ass in the grass. He fell back, his back and head hitting the ground, his legs outstretched, his cock flopping on his stomach. His head spun. He sat staring at the sky for a length of time he couldn't determine. He knew he had to get up. The boy turned on his stomach, resting his weight on his elbow, and attempted to raise himself on his knees.

Suddenly, an irresistible weight fell on Beau's back. He felt rock hard, sweaty muscles and coarse hair pressed into his back. He felt hot breath and hard stubble against the back of his neck. An arm like steel cable wrapped itself around Beau's neck, putting the boy in a headlock. Beau felt a powerful hand on his ass, forcing his lower body into the ground. "What the fu-"

Henry cut off the boy's words by tightening the headlock slightly. Henry beamed. The boy's actions cracked him up, his arms trying desperately to pry Henry's arms off him, yet not budging Henry a centimeter. "Now, you're going to listen to me, boy. I know your type, like I said. Big, buff stud. Got all the girls screaming when you fuck 'em with your big-ass dick. Yeah, I saw that thing. Bet you it impresses those girls. Not me, though." Henry chuckled. It was almost cute how he could feel the boy's muscles squirming beneath him. "See, I've been around the block. I know what separates a boy from a man. You're about as useful as a horse and not half as smart. But I'm gonna make you better, boy. I'm going to make you a man." He lightened his headlock.

Beau exhaled. He breathed heavily. He was using all his strength to try and get the man's arms off him, and he couldn't even manage to make Henry struggle. Beau didn't know how this was happening. He had never physically been at anybody's mercy. "Help!"

Henry laughed. "You forget where you are? Shit, you're so dumb maybe you did. Nobody's gonna hear you out here. Now, you play along here, you can learn something, and it'll be better for you."

Beau put all his strength into trying to push Henry off him. Beau succeeded in rising to his hands and knees, but Henry remained on top of him, an iron grip on Beau's body.

"Gonna be like that, huh? No difference to me."

Beau felt a hand that could have been carved from granite reach between his legs and firmly clutch his balls. Beau froze.

"Told you, boy. To me you're just an especially dumb farm animal. If that's how I gotta treat you, so be it." Henry emphasized his final statement by squeezing the boy's hanging balls. He snickered at the boy's exclamation.

Beau's mind raced. Think through this, man, he thought to himself. You're on your hands and knees like a fucking animal. You gave this old dude your best shot and now he's fucking owning you. He's literally got you by the fucking balls. Christ, this hurts. Just play along for now, Beau. Get him off you, get your balls free, then wait until he turns his back and kick his ass. What's that noise, anyway. Almost sounds like he's spitting in his hand. "Ahh!"

In assessing his situation in his hangover-plagued mind, Beau hadn't been paying attention to Henry. All he knew is that he suddenly felt something pressed... there. Beau felt something huge pressed against his asshole. His eyes went wider than ever in his life. He tried to yell, but was stopped by Henry's arm around his neck.

"I told you, boy, " the man said, "Your big dick may impress those little girls back home, but not me. You know why, boy?" Henry, smirking, leaned his head down next to the boy's ear.

Beau could feel hot breath on the side of his face. The 18-year-old was trembling.

"Because I'm bigger, Beau."

Beau shouted as he felt something huge penetrate his hole. He had never had anything up there, ever. It was unlike anything he had ever felt. He was being invaded. He could feel it sliding deeper and deeper inside. "Please!" He shouted. "Please stop!"

"Hah!" Henry chuckled. "You could've prevented this easy. Not my fault you had to be such a fuckin' punk. Now, what you're feeling now is my cock, lubed up and sliding into your sweet ass." Henry gave Beau a full-strength slap on the ass, and grinned both at the yelp that issued from the boy, and the bright red handprint he left on the boy's creamy, white, smooth ass. "It'll feel better if you relax, boy. And you'd better, because I'm not even halfway in."

Beau wanted to keep shouting, but knew that nobody would hear him. They were too isolated, and his aunt wouldn't be home for hours. He could barely process the feeling inside his ass. The man's cock felt like a fucking flagpole. It was huge. How could it not be in all the way? This man was bigger, faster, stronger than Beau, and his cock was bigger than his, too? What am I supposed to do, he thought. I can't get him off me. Can't shout for help. Is he right? Should I just relax? Beau's thoughts went blank as he felt the man's cock drilling deeper and deeper into him. He heard himself shouting. At one point he felt the huge tool hit something inside him, and Beau could swear that his shouting started to sound more like... moaning.

"There ya go," said Henry. "Knew you'd come around. I'm almost all the way in you now. Trust me, once I start fucking you, you're gonna forget all about the pain."

"Y... you're going to fuck me?" Beau could hear the fear and exasperation in his voice. He felt tears running down his cheek. It seemed like a stupid question when he thought of it. After all, Henry's dick was buried in his ass already. But Beau never thought he'd be getting fucked by a dude at all, let alone be totally owned by some old guy.

"What was that?" Henry finally pushed himself entirely inside the boy.

Beau groaned loudly. "You're going to fuck me... sir?" His voice was meek.

"Yes,", said Henry. "Yes I am. It's a learning experience. You see, you think the world revolves around you. You think you can walk all over everybody. You don't answer to anybody. You gotta learn different. If you're going to be a fucking little punk, then I'm gonna teach you that you belong to me." With that Henry pulled his cock back and again sank it deep into Beau's ass. "Trust me, when I'm done you'll thank me."

Beau lowered his head. He had never heard himself make the noises he heard coming from his mouth as the man again and again slid his cock in and out of Beau's tight ass. What started as a slow, deliberate pace to Beau's first fucking was speeding up. He became aware not only of the huge tool destroying him, but the older man's hips slapping against his ass.


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