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Summer Camp

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New camp counsellor learns management has changed.
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"Well, Brian, it's up to you. I checked with the people at Camp Wakamatchee - or, rather at Camp Sunawatchee, which is what the new owners are calling it. They said they'd be willing to honor your reservation for the season, if you really wanted to go there. They also said they'd be happy to have you as a counsellor, since the Camp Wakamatchee people had agreed to it, they said they assumed you were well-qualified."

Brian was overjoyed. Camp Wakamatchee had been the high point of his year since he was 10 years old. Now, at age 18, just as he was finally qualified to be one of the elite of the elite - the Camp Wakamatchee counsellors - they went and sold the place. He was totally bummed when he heard about it. He had a full athletic scholarship for college in the fall (he had been a star in high school as catcher for a champion baseball team), and he'd been looking forward to one last year at the camp - and even making a little spending money as a counsellor. He was so relieved that he wouldn't have to change his plans.

His mother looked over the letter she had just received. "They said they sent you a brochure and the new book of regulations - did you get a chance to look them over?"

"What? Oh, sure, sure I did." He never bothered with stuff like that. All those things were so long and boring and you could never figure out what they were getting at, anyway.

"So, they need your signature on the application form they sent - you know, that you've read them and agree to abide by them, and so on. They need that on file before they can officially accept you."

"OK, OK. I'll get it." He ran up to his room and dug the material out of his waste basket. He pulled out the form - all it took was a couple of check-off boxes and a signature. He took it down and gave it to his mother.

"Didn't it have a return envelope?" she sighed. She knew her forgetful son. If she didn't do everything for him, it'd never happen.

He dashed back up and retrieved it.

"OK, I'll get a stamp and mail this for you, but from here on, you're going to be dealing with all this on your own. When you leave, I'm going down to the shore for a couple of weeks, just to relax a little bit myself. I won't be here to bail you out, so make sure you don't forget anything. I'll put a little money in your checking account, in case there's anything you have to pay for up there."

Brian's mom was his favorite person in the world. She made life so easy for him. Not that he was irresponsible - in the areas he was interested in, he did it all on his own. It's just that she took care of all the humdrum, everyday stuff and gave him quite a lot of freedom.

"Thanks, Mom. I'll be back for dinner. Gotta go to practice." Brian took off in the direction of the Little League group he was coaching for the next couple of weeks.

Mrs. Marquette sighed - more out of habit than irritation. She thought the world of her only son. She only wished he could be a little more... reliable. She grinned as she watched him run down the street. He was so damned good looking! That perfect athletic grace of his - the strong shoulders, the sexy ass, the tight, flat belly. And the ultimate boy-next-door face - fine, strong features, wavy brown hair. She knew that as soon as he got to college, he'd hook up with some unbelievable girl who would steal him away from her without even trying.

She smiled ruefully - and that's just as it should be!


Two weeks later, Brian and his suitcase were on the bus to Camp Sunawatchee. He still didn't like that name, but he supposed he'd get used to it. He'd packed everything the camp director had specified in his acceptance letter, but he'd added a couple of changes of clothes for those long-anticipated privileged Saturday nights in town with the other counsellors. The camp had essentially only specified the clothes he was wearing, indicating that they'd supply everything else he might need. But then of course they wouldn't have given any instructions for what he might want for off-camp activities. Even so, his suitcase was pretty minimal. All the athletic equipment, of course, was already at the camp, so his favorite catcher's glove was his only contribution on that score.

When he arrived at the bus station in the small town nearest the camp, he was happy to see a couple of other counsellors already waiting there - obviously also newly arrived, with their suitcases in hand. They introduced themselves - he'd never seen either of them before, but they were both guys who looked to be about his own age.

He learned that neither of them had ever been to Camp Wakamatchee, but that they'd attended another camp by the people who had taken over this year. Each of them already had one year's experience at counselling, so Brian hoped they could give him some pointers, if necessary, while he was being trained. In fact, as he learned, these two guys would be training all the newbies this week. The guests wouldn't begin arriving until early next week. As before, the camp was divided into the girls' side and the boys'. There were certain activities later in the summer that they'd do jointly, but for the most part, the sexes were kept separate. The management felt it made for a more relaxed, fun atmosphere if teenagers didn't have to constantly worry about dealing with the opposite sex.

It was only a few minutes before one of the senior staff at the camp arrived in a jeep to pick the three of them up. The guy, who said to call him Don, looked about 35 or 40 - very well built and tan - was wearing just a pair of khaki shorts and moccasins. Brian was impressed - he looked like a real athlete.

Once they arrived at the camp, Don dropped them off at the temporary counsellors' dorm cabin (for the training period). Tom and Corey (the other two counsellors) volunteered to show Brian the ropes and Don left them to it, driving off toward the administration center.

In the cabin, Corey and Tom picked their bunks, and then gave him the choice of the others (there were 6 in all, so it looked like there wouldn't be more than 4 trainees). Corey showed Brian where to stow his things and told him to strip off his clothes and stow them in the drawer beside his bunk.

At this point, Brian noticed that Tom had already done the same and was completely naked as he unpacked his suitcase and started putting his belongings away. He didn't think much of it, being used to locker rooms, where he spent a lot of time around other bare-assed athletes. He decided to follow Corey's suggestion and found it sort of fun to be so casual around two other guys while they worked on getting themselves installed. He was an only child and summer camp was really the only experience he had of not having complete privacy whenever he wanted it.


Although Brian hadn't yet figured it out, his favorite summer camp had changed a whole lot more than its name. The new management had added Camp Wakamatchee to its long list of nudist camps - in this case, the camp was specifically designated for teens.

Both Tom and Corey were quick to pick up on Brian's Speedo tan. Obviously, this kid had never been to a nudist camp before. While they were both basically straight, neither of them could resist staring at the good-looking teen's hot body - his oversized uncut cock and big balls were going to be getting a lot of attention over the next several weeks. And his full, round ass was so white as to appear to be glowing - there was no way to ignore the way those big muscular teen cheeks of his dimpled and bounced as he moved around, stowing his gear.

The two of them caught each other's eye and grinned. This one was obviously one of the unconscious newbies - every year there were a couple of kids that showed up at the camp, completely unaware of its naturist orientation. Brian's case was easily explained - he'd been one of the camp's regulars and the two experienced counsellors were willing to bet the kid hadn't bothered to read the rulebook or brochure. Well, they'd played this game before - they planned to have some fun with this one.

After about 15 minutes, they were all pretty much set. Tom said, "Well, let's get over to the kitchen - we're supposed to help out for the first day or two. Not all the staff are here yet and there's only one cook."

When they started walking toward the cabin door, Brian laughed. "Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As he started pulling the t-shirt over his head, he heard Tom laugh.

"Hey, what're you doing? No clothes allowed, remember? Get that t-shirt off right now!"

He felt a pair of hands grab the shirt where it was - halfway over his head - and jerk it back off. He gaped at Corey, who was holding the t-shirt in one hand and looking at him with a puzzled expression. "What're you doing? I'm putting some clothes on. If we're going outside, I'm sure as hell not going bare-ass."

Tom and Corey looked at each other and burst out laughing. "You're not kidding, are you? Didn't you look at the brochure? Didn't you read the regulations?"

Brian found himself blushing. "Well, no, not entirely. I figured I knew how it worked - I've been going to camp every year since I was a kid."

Tom grinned at him. "Kid, this is a nature camp. That means no clothes. Why do you think they changed the name to Sunawatchee? Surely you knew that?" He knew Brian wouldn't want to look like a complete idiot.

Sure enough, even though Brian's mind was spinning in circles and he wanted to scream, he did what he could to try to recover a little ground. "Well... sure, I knew that. I... I just thought that wouldn't apply until the regular campers got here."

"Well, of course it does - you're gonna be bareass naked from now until the end of the summer, so get used to it." Tom was in control again. "OK, come on, let's get going. I don't want to be late on our first day. They do keep track of demerits, you know." He grabbed Brian by the arm and started toward the door. Brian wanted to break away, but he realized he'd have to go along with it. If he acted like a kid, they'd lose all respect for him.

Once they were out on the grass, Brian tried to act nonchalant. He realized this was the first time he remembered ever being bare naked outdoors. It felt funny to feel the breeze between his legs and around his balls. In a way, it was kind of pleasant.

"Hey, this must be your first year at a nature camp. Look at that tan line," Corey said. The two experienced naturists examined Brian's body. Brian felt a little self-conscious, aware of the two teenagers' eyes on his big cock as it swung back and forth, bouncing from one thigh to the other as he walked.

Tom chimed in, "You got one hell of a body, though. You must be an athlete, right?"

Brian tried to sound offhand as he answered, "Yeah - I was the catcher for our high school baseball team. We did pretty good this year - made it to the state championships." He blushed as he noticed Corey dropping back and checking out his muscular catcher's butt. He knew he was pretty well-developed back there.

Tom nodded respectfully, "Well, Pierre's sure gonna like you."

That sounded a little ominous.

"Uh... who's Pierre?"

Corey laughed. "He's the cook. The owners are crazy about him - they ship him in every summer. We're lucky they assigned him here. He's a great cook."

"But... uh... what do you mean about him liking me? Does he like baseball or something?"

They both laughed as if he'd said something hilarious. "Oh, yeah," Tom replied. "He loves baseball players. Keep in mind, though - Pierre's not a naturist himself. He'll be wearing clothes - thank God!" They both laughed again. "No, Pierre just likes the boys a little more than he should." Brian's eyes widened. "But don't worry - he's harmless. He just likes to look."

"Oh, God!" Brian was thinking, just as they reached the dining hall, more conscious than ever of the way his big cock was flopping around. Tom and Corey led the way in and through a door at the back that took them into the kitchen. Brian followed anxiously and was horrified to see an enormous bear of a man welcoming them with a huge leer on his face. He looked more like a professional wrestler than a cook, and Brian noticed that he had yet to raise his eyes above waist level. He saw the man's eyes widen as he focussed on Brian's fat cock and balls. Pierre's eyes slowly panned up Brian's body, taking in every square inch of the teenager's flat abs and big pecs until finally he reached his blushing face.

"Ah, and what a beauty! Beautiful face, too, eh?" Pierre roared as if he'd made a joke. "You will help Pierre in kitchen today. Inspire Pierre to new heights of glory. We together create something... something incredible!" He laughed again when he saw Brian's horrified reaction. "You no be afraid. Pierre not hurt you. You are... inspiration only!"

"Well, I guess that's it, then - you'll be kitchen help today, Brian," Tom grinned. "We'll be out getting the tables and stuff ready. If you need anything, just let out a holler. We'll be on the other side of the door." He winked conspiratorially at Brian.

Pierre assigned Brian to the task of cleaning off the counters and floor. He started with the counters - at least that way his front was concealed. But sooner or later, he had to do the floors. This involved getting down on all fours with a scrub brush. To get any leverage at all for the scrubbing, he found he had to spread his knees wide and lean forward to press down - hard - on the scrub brush. The vision of his snow-white ass, thrust up in the air, spread wide to reveal his tiny pink asshole was almost more than Pierre could take. With a tiny groan, he stopped all pretense of working and just stared at the hot young baseball player.

While Brian realized that Pierre was probably sneaking peeks at him, he had no idea the man was simply standing behind him and staring at the spectacular view he was offering, his bare ass wiggling in rhythm with his scrubbing. Pierre was totally entranced as he watched the teenager's dangling ball sac and huge cock, swinging back and forth between his wide-spread thighs.

In the meantime, Tom and Corey, curious that there were no sounds at all coming from the kitchen, quietly opened the door a crack to see what was going on. When they saw the display Brian was putting on, their mouths dropped open. Just as Brian was about to turn around to see why everything was so quiet, Don came up behind the two spying counsellors and pushed past them into the kitchen with a breezy, "Well, so how's everything going here?"

He looked down and saw Brian's bare ass, spread wide as he scrubbed the floor. "Oh, my God!" he exclaimed.

Brian jerked his head around, alarmed. He saw a shocked (and completely naked) Don staring down at him. He flushed as he realized what a sight he must be from that angle.

"I didn't realize this was your first year at a naturist camp. There are certain procedures..." Don looked accusingly at the other two boys. "Why didn't you mention this?"

Tom looked a little chagrined. "Well, we just found out ourselves, the same way you did."

"Well, you should have brought him right over. You know that newbies need to get greased up or they'll burn like crazy." He turned back to Brian. "Here, leave that scrubbing for now and come with me." He turned to Tom and Corey, "You, too. I'm gonna show you what you need to do, but he'll be your responsibility from now on."

Brian awkwardly got to his feet and followed the older man out of the building and across a grassy lawn to the administration cabin, the other two counsellors just behind him. He still didn't really have the hang of walking naked and he found himself blushing at the loud slap-slapping sound of his cock and balls as they swung from thigh to thigh. It sounded obscene over the faint sound of songbirds on this quiet summer day.

Once in his office, Don told Brian to bend over and rest his chest on his desk. The desk was lower than the teenager expected and he rested his weight on his arms instead.

"Not like that. Your chest directly on the surface. I want your ass in the air. And spread your legs while you're at it - at least three feet apart. I've got to get this stuff everywhere that the sun don't shine - or at least everywhere that it hasn't shined so far." Don chuckled at his own wit while Brian struggled to achieve the position his supervisor wanted him in. It was actually surprisingly comfortable.

Don poured some heavy-duty sunscreen over both his hands and rubbed them together. "OK, now, guys, watch carefully - you'll be doing this three times a day for the next couple of weeks and I don't want you screwing it up." He placed one greasy palm on each of Brian's full, round asscheeks and began spreading the lotion over the teenager's smooth pale skin, making wide circular motions. As he spread the lotion, he also spread the cheeks, exposing Brian's deep crack to the view of the other two boys. With every rotation, he used his greasy thumbs to spread the liquid up and down Brian's asscrack, firmly massaging every inch of surface until the lotion was absorbed. "And be sure not to skimp down here - you'd be surprised how much sun makes it between the cheeks, and there's nothing more painful than a sunburned asshole." Suiting actions to words, he concentrated for a few minutes on massaging the liquid thoroughly into Brian's tight pink little hole, alternately pressing the tips of his thumbs an inch or two inside.

Brian gasped and wiggled his ass at the unexpected sensation - no one had ever even seen his asshole before and to have a man rubbing it was making him breathless.

Don finished by rubbing a serious amount of lotion into the smooth area below his asshole and his balls. Without warning, he stopped and gave Brian a sharp slap across the right asscheek. "OK, stand up and turn around. We're almost done."

"Yow!" Brian's ass bounced in reaction, exposing his greasy pink asshole to everyone in the room. He quickly stood up and turned around, relieved to have his most vulnerable spot at least a little bit concealed again.

Don quickly and thoroughly lubricated Brian's groin and hips, then continued his instruction, "Now don't get all squeamish - you've got to be sure and get his cock and balls completely protected." He gently but firmly massaged Brian's balls until they were as shiny and greasy as the rest of him. He then grasped Brian's big, uncut cock and began stroking and massaging the lotion into the length of it. Brian gasped sharply and his cock became instantly as hard as a rock. "My God, this thing is huge! Look at it! I can barely get my hand around it." Don kept up a running commentary as he stroked the teenager's huge hard-on until it was leaking seriously and pointing its full 10-inches directly at the ceiling.

As abruptly as he had started, he stopped, leaving Brian gasping and his rigid cock jerking and bouncing. When Don let go of it, it flew up and hit the boy's belly with a loud, liquid "Thwappp!" that almost brought the boy to orgasm. It took every ounce of control for him to control his breathing and he tried to think distracting thoughts, doing everything he could to lose this huge embarrassing erection. Slowly it began sagging - still huge and shiny with sunscreen, but no longer pointing north, it finally subsided to the point where it was merely sticking straight out in front of him. He was embarrassed to see that both the counsellors were still staring at it.

"Well, guys, everything clear?" Don handed the tube of sunscreen to Tom. "I want you to apply at least that much three times a day - first thing in the morning, again about noon, and again about 4 p.m. That should take care of it. Do that for about two weeks and I'll look him over again. If his color looks good then, we can cut back for the rest of the summer - maybe just once a day or so."


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