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Summer in Amber Ch. 01


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Out the side of my eye I saw Miss Amber approaching me again. But this time her red button down shirt was slightly undone, revealing a noticeable amount of cleavage. She looked incredible, and it took all my effort not to stare.

"I've got another question for you," she said matter-of-factly, stopping directly in front of me.

"Sure, shoot," I replied, attempting, again, to look cool and collected.

"How come you never stop to chat with me, huh? I see you around back here all the time but you never say a word. If I didn't know better I'd say you were stalking me."

I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"No, of course not," I stuttered. I hadn't expected to be confronted in this way, so I said the first thing that popped into my head. "I just figured you were busy."

She let out a quiet laugh. "I'm never too busy to say hello, and you know it."

I didn't know how to respond, so all I could do was shrug my shoulders and nervously laugh with her. Suddenly Miss Amber stepped closer to me, and my palms started getting sweaty.

"Are you letting your hair grow?" she inquired.

I didn't know what to say so again I blurted out the first thing I could think of.

"Yeah, but only because I'm too lazy to get a haircut."

It was true. I hated getting a hair cut. I found the whole experience of having a stranger messing around with my hair oddly intimate and uncomfortable, especially if an attractive woman was doing it.

"Well I like it long. It looks good on you," she said, lightly combing her fingers through my curly brown hair. This completely took me by surprise, and I had no idea how to respond.

"Thanks," was all I could think to say.

Miss Amber must have sensed my lack of confidence because she continued to compliment me. "I bet those curls get you a lot of female attention."

Again, my mind was drawing blanks on what to say. And there was only the truth. "No, not really," I admitted, my head hanging down with slight embarrassment.

"I find that hard to believe. You're a very handsome young man." She ran her hand through my hair again, this time dropping down to my face, gently stroking my right cheek down to my chin, and ending with her thumb briefly making contact with my lower lip. I was trembling, and instantly I felt my cock grow rigid. I saw her eyes glance down, and to my horror I realized she knew.

I was frozen, not knowing what to do. Miss Amber simply smiled a sly smile, locked her eyes with mine, and strode away, hips swinging side to side with confidence.

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the ceiling. "The library is now closed, please exit the building."

The library grew silent when Miss Amber turned back to me. "See you tomorrow Jacob," she said, still smiling.


That night I was too anxious to sleep. I couldn't believe I let myself get a boner right in front of Miss Amber. I was so embarrassed. I figured she must've thought I was a disgusting pervert. I was afraid that she would tell Sandy and I would lose my job. I didn't want to stop working there, especially because it meant I would no longer see her every day. But then I remembered how she responded. And that smile. It was so unbelievably sexy. I masturbated multiple times that night thinking about how she saw my erect cock, and how turned on she looked.

As much as I wanted my fantasy to be reality however, I quickly came to the conclusion that I was misreading things, and that it was just wishful thinking. I figured there was no way she could want me. But I wanted her. I wanted to know what it felt like to have her red lips pressed against mine. I wanted to feel her breasts in my hands, and the warmth of her pussy wrapped tight around my cock. Fucking Miss Amber would be a dream come true, and even just the mere possibility of it made me hard.

The next day as soon as I finished pulling holds I rushed back to children's as soon as I could. But to my great disappointment Miss Amber wasn't there. One of the circulation staff was sitting at the desk in her place. Immediately I felt my fears had been realized and I became certain that I was in trouble. My mind swirled with possibilities. What if she reported me for sexual harassment? What if I offended her and she quit? I felt like such an idiot. The last thing I ever wanted was to make Miss Amber uncomfortable. Now I truly felt like a pervert.

I spent nearly all of my shift waiting for the inevitable; waiting for Sandy to call me into her office and fire me. I imagined Miss Amber sitting with her, looking upset and disappointed, accusing me of lewd behavior, and me with my head down, unable to look at either of them.

But nothing happened. The day came and went with no complications. Nobody appeared to be acting different, not even Sandy. It appeared that Miss Amber hadn't told anyone, but I couldn't be sure. The only thing that stood out was her absence. I thought about asking Sandy where she was, but I figured that would be a bad idea.

That night, for the first time since I met her, I found myself unable to jerk off to Miss Amber. I was too depressed at the possibility of never seeing her again. I dreaded going to work the next day and once again seeing someone else sitting at her desk. I rushed through my school work and went to bed early, hoping sleep would give me temporary relief from my thoughts.

The next day, sleep deprived and full of guilt, I went to work with little hope that Miss Amber would be back, and sure enough, as I expected, her desk was empty. My heart sank. I knew this would happen. I was now certain she was gone for good.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey Jacob."

The sound of her alone gave me goosebumps. I turned around and there she was, standing on a stool, putting up a banner on the display board above the picture books. I could barely contain my relief.

"Oh, hey Miss Amber," I exclaimed. Instantly I realized how desperate I sounded, and attempted to regain my composure. "Uh, nice to see you back."

"I hope you didn't miss me too much," she said with a cheeky laugh. I had no idea what to say back, so all I could do was awkwardly laugh along with her.

"You have perfect timing actually," she said. "Mind giving me a hand?"

"Sure, no problem," I replied.

I grabbed another stool and positioned myself at the opposite end of the display board, and with boths hands held up my end of the banner while Miss Amber began stapling it across the top. It read, "SUMMER READING: MAY 25 - JULY 24".

Summer Reading was my least favorite time of the year at the library. Programs every week, lots of kids running around, and a surplus of books to be shelved made it a crowded, busy place, and I didn't like that.

At this moment though I couldn't have cared less about Summer Reading. I could only think about how incredible Miss Amber looked. She was wearing a plain white button-up with a black pencil skirt, and she had her hair in a relaxed ponytail. The way her reddish-brown hair shimmered under the fluorescent lights was mesmerizing.

About halfway through the banner, Miss Amber stepped down from the stool.

"I swear to god," she murmured, "they never turn the air conditioning on back here."

I had noticed this too. It was always warmer in children's than the rest of the library, and even I was starting to break a sweat just by standing there. Miss Amber rolled up her sleeves and, to my delight, undid three of her buttons, revealing a significant amount of cleavage. Her tits looked phenomenal, and I felt an all too familiar stirring in my pants.

Miss Amber stepped back onto her stool and continued stapling, getting closer to me as she went along. By the time she was near my end of the banner I let go, figuring she didn't need me to hold it up anymore.

"Hey, don't let go," she said curtly. Miss Amber's tone of voice gave me shivers, and I hastily returned to my post. At this point she was standing right next to me, her stool parallel to mine. She was so close that her familiar scent filled my nostrils, and I eagerly breathed it in.

She leaned over me to staple my end of the banner, and in the process her chest met me at eye level, giving me a direct view down her shirt. As much as I was afraid to look for fear of getting caught again, I couldn't help myself, and was greeted with a light purple bra securely cupping her naturally ample breasts, pressing them together like two soft white pillows I desperately wanted to sleep on.

By the time Miss Amber had finished stapling the banner, I was completely hard. She stepped down from the stool, and as she turned, her ponytail lightly brushed against my face; the sweet smell of her hair almost enough to finish me off.

"There, all done," she said," Thanks for your help. I'm going to have to tell Sandy what a great worker you are."

"No problem," I said as I stepped down from the stool.

She looked at me, then her eyes fell to my pants, and I realized that she could see my erection again. I quickly covered my groin with my hands and crossed my legs. I could feel my face turning bright red as I scrambled for an excuse.

"I'm so sorry Miss Amber, I can't help myself. I...I..." She made no attempt to interrupt my stammering, letting me simmer in the awkwardness of the moment until suddenly, she stepped closer to me.

"It's alright Jacob," she whispered sweetly. I seized up as she placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head to look directly at her. "You're a young man in the prime of his life; you can't control what goes on down there. I'm sure it doesn't help that you lack a woman to relieve you of all that stress. What a shame."

Without saying another word, she abruptly turned around and returned to her desk. I stood there for a few seconds, frozen, and unsure of what just happened. I continued to stare at Miss Amber as she began typing something at her computer, never once looking back at me.


Later that day I was taking my break alone in the staff lounge like I always did, the moment with Miss Amber replaying in my mind on a constant loop. At least now I knew I wasn't going to get in trouble. But now I'd been caught twice, and both times her reaction was surprisingly accepting, and I still didn't know what to make of it. The way she looked at me and touched me both times left me both aroused and confused. And the more I thought about it the more I was convinced she let me look down her shirt on purpose; it was too obvious and there was no other explanation. It felt like she was intentionally tempting me.

Could that really be true? I thought to myself.

As much as I both wanted and feared for that to be the case, and no matter how much I reasoned with myself, I just couldn't believe that she could or would want me. I didn't trust my ability to read social cues at all, and so I was still convinced I was reading too much into it.

She probably was just hot, I figured, and I was a pervert for looking.

In the middle of my thinking I heard the click of the staff lounge door, and in walked Miss Amber, and immediately adrenaline began pumping through my body.

"Hey Miss Amber," I said nervously.

Curiously she didn't respond. She just stared at me as she walked over to the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee. For thirty agonizing seconds she just stood there, not saying a word, fixated on me with those green eyes of hers. The worst part was that I couldn't think of anything to say to break the silence. Instead all I could do was look down at my feet, wishing for her to just say something, anything. It was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable.

Finally Miss Amber proceeded to sit down, right across from me, still saying nothing. Even though I continued to avoid her gaze, I could feel her eyes on me, watching me. I heard her take a tiny sip of her coffee, followed by something clattering to the floor underneath the table near my feet. It was her left heel. A simple all black dress pump.

"Jacob, be a dear and get that for me," she requested.

"Oh, sure," I said, and bent down to pick up the heel.

As I was grabbing it, as much as I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't help but sneak a peak up Miss Amber's skirt. And I was stunned to see that her legs were completely uncrossed, giving me full view of her underwear. She was wearing light purple lace panties, the same color as her bra, and they clung so tightly to her skin that I could make out the shape of her pussy lips through the fabric. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Enjoying the view?"

Her voice startled me, and suddenly I realized I had been underneath the table for so long it was obvious what I was doing. I panicked and immediately shot up and handed her the heel. She leisurely reached across the table and gripped it from my hand, rubbing her index finger lightly over mine.

"Jake, are you a virgin?" Miss Amber asked.

Her question was a freight train. I quickly pulled my hand away and felt blood rush to my face. I felt flushed all over and got super nervous. I couldn't answer that question; I couldn't even talk. But that didn't matter. My reaction was all the answer she needed.

"Of course you are," she said sympathetically.

Suddenly I felt a light pressure on my groin, and looked down to see Miss Amber's bare foot resting on my crotch. She began moving her foot, ever so gently, just enough that I could barely feel it through my jeans.

"I don't think it's fair that a handsome young man like yourself should be deprived of life's carnal pleasures just because he lacks a little confidence, do you?"

I was almost completely erect already, and she'd barely even touched me.

"Answer me," she demanded, her tone assertive.

"No," I whimpered.

Softly she pushed my inflating cock up against my belly and began to rub me harder, up and down my underside. It felt good. Really good.

"Louder Jake. That's what I'm going to call you from now on, ok?"

"Ok," I said louder.

Miss Amber leaned forward on the table, propping herself on her left elbow, her hand resting just beneath her chin. "Before we proceed any further, I'm setting some ground rules, " she said. "First, don't ever lie to me. If I ask you a question, you always answer honestly. Am I clear?"

"Yes," I said, squirming in my chair.

"Second, you will always refer to me as Miss Amber. No exceptions. If you agree, say yes Miss Amber, I understand."

"Yes Miss Amber, I understand." I felt a sudden grip on my now fully erect cock as she secured it between her toes, slowly stroking me.

"Do you wanna fuck me Jake?"

"Yes." The swiftness with which I admitted it surprised even me.

"That's good, because I've decided to give you what you want. The only condition is that you have to give me what I want. You have to do exactly what I say, when I say it. Say yes if you agree."

"Yes." Again, no hesitation.

"That's very good Jake. Keep up and I'll let you do more than just look. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Oh god yes..."

"That's good. I knew you were smart. You exist to fulfill my desires now."

She began stroking faster while still maintaining her gentle touch.

"From now on you only get to come when I say you can come. You're going to give me whatever I want, whenever I ask for it, and if you listen then maybe you'll learn how to really please a woman. And then who knows, perhaps by the time you go off to college you'll be able to give all the girls what they've never had. Does that sound like a fair trade to you?"

My eyes were squeezed tight, and I could feel myself rapidly reaching the threshold. "Yes, please, oh god, I'll do whatever you want," I said, begging without thinking.

"I'm your god now, Jake," she said devilishly, enjoying her power as she began massaging my cock with her soft, delicate toes. "Look at me."

I obeyed, and opened my eyes to meet hers.

"I want you to come. Right here, right now. Do it for me. I wanna see you come."

The way her foot felt on me, even through my jeans, was better than anything I had experienced before. I looked down to watch her angelic cream-colored foot clasping my clothed cock like it was hers; hers to do whatever she wanted with. And I was totally hooked.

"Hey Jake," she whispered coyly.

"Yes Miss Amber?"

"Could you imagine if somebody walked in on us right now?" she said, snickering. "They'd get to see you come too."

That's when I remembered where we were, and that somebody could walk in at any moment. Suddenly I started to get anxious, and immediately directed my attention to the door.

"Forget the door Jake," Miss Amber commanded. "You're mine."

Her voice was like music, and I immediately turned back to her, yielding to the sweetness I was experiencing. I was so close to release, and in an instant I didn't care if someone walked in. I fell into Miss Amber's emerald eyes, and suddenly nothing else mattered.

"Come for me Jake," she said, "and don't look away."

I obeyed, and never once averted my gaze from hers, even as I felt myself exploding with pleasure all over the inside of my pants. As I came she pressed firmly on my cock with the sole of her foot, forcing every last drop of sperm out of my balls. My face twitched, and I let out an uncontrollable moan. And the whole time I never looked away.

"Very good Jake," Miss Amber said. She sounded satisfied, as if she were training a puppy how to sit.

Breathing heavily as relief washed over me, I slouched into my seat, watching Miss Amber as she slowly put her heel back on. She stood up, walked over to me and looked down, her eyes lighting up to the mess of her making. Semen was oozing out from the top of my jeans, and I could feel it drizzling down my lower abdomen and upper thigh. I could tell she was pleased with herself. She leaned down and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"Now clean yourself up," Miss Amber ordered, "We've got work to do."

And I obeyed.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm sorry, but I counted a total of 3 misspelled words, including one with just TWO letters!!!

Write more of the story, but get a proofreader or something first!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I was done after the first few paragraphs.

Having to be told by your father to get a job at 18??

You had no other girls in your grade school or neighborhood before puberty hit and caused you to look at them differently?

You could still be shy, but if you couldn't even open your mouth, you should have gotten counseling. You parents could obviously afford since they carried your full load until you turned 18.

Everyone I knew from school started working at 16 or younger.

Trying to play fantasy off as truth.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Terrific premise.

Nicely told.

Clearly, it's just the back story to what will come next (no pun intended), but it's exciting.

Five stars.

George_BarretGeorge_Barretalmost 3 years ago

I enjoyed this story. Granted I’m not much for the dominated aspect of it but there is a real genuine tone throughout the story that speaks with authenticity to the frustrations of unrealized sexual desires that happen in youth. And with the slow burn and build up to the climax of this part makes the read that much more worthwhile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I see so much of myae,f in young Jacob, in that I also work in my .local library as a 'shelver', and ai also fell in Lust with a fellow worker at the library, but she failed to notice my interest in her. Who n kows? Maybe I was not as obvious as was Jacob. I certainly was as hotny as was he. The thing was, our lubrary was scheduled to be rebuilt over the summer months,so I didn't see the object of my affections for oh, so long. And to make matters worse, when they reopened the library, she no longer worked there. And so simply was too shy to ask where she went, afraid someone would notice my interest in her, and take too m6ch no r6 ice of it. You see, I was not a college student like Jacob, but rather, a fifty-something-ywar old divorced man, who should know better than to be ogg.ing a twentysomething girl who probably didn't even know he worked with her. I hope Jacob has better luck with his librarian than I did with mine.


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