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Summer Lovin'

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A solicitor learns what's important in life.
12.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/28/2007
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Aneurin Morgan gave a low growl of displeasure as he arrived to embark on the all-inclusive two-week cruise on the beautiful ship. His displeasure was not directed at the boat, the cruise or being the recipient of such a prestigious gift from his notably ancient and eminent firm of solicitors. The cruise was a reward for the successful conclusion of a particularly gruelling case and Nye felt justifiably proud of his achievement and the generous bonus. However, he was not happy to be sharing it with such an unsavoury companion. Nye ran his hand through straggly, sandy blond hair. He had been somewhat surprised to be allowed to keep his hair so long given the old-fashioned nature of his firm. However he wasn't going to tempt fate by dwelling on it. His hand then rubbed at a clean-shaven chin as he took in the magnificence of the ship before him. / so I'll share a table with the creep/ Nye thought. /'s plenty of space to avoid him for the rest of the cruise./ Satisfied with his own course of action, Nye strode purposefully aboard, determined to make the most of the opportunity.

People queued to be ticked off passenger lists and Nye duly joined one such line. He could see the attractive, slim brunette who was smiling and taking names at the front of the queue he was in, but then Nye heard an almost inaudible gasp and dimly realised he'd been the one to make it. Standing to the side of the attractive woman was an even more attractive young man. The short, silver blond hair lit from behind by the sun, was like a halo. The vision was easily a few inches shorter than Nye's own six feet and slender to Nye's broad. The sculptured features looked to Nye to be the product of a master artist rather than simple nature, however, there was no doubt of their masculinity. A pristine white shirt was tucked into smart black pants. The short shirt-sleeves showed off honey-tinted skin. Nye was treated to an eyeful of how well the pants clung to the younger man's assets as he bent to retrieve a dropped passport. As the document was handed over, the beautiful face lit up in an incandescent smile and the bright blue eyes shone merrily. Nye wondered firstly whether there would be a 'no fraternising' rule and then secondly what made him think a young beauty, like the one before him, would have any interest in a man like him.

Lassiter Williams handed back a dropped passport and smiled widely at the effusive thanks. As he turned to continue directing the people in Liz's queue, his eyes met those of one of the passengers. The man exuded raw masculine power as well as being drop dead gorgeous and Lass knew he'd never been so affected by just sight alone. / he mused ruefully /'s not as though I'm really that experienced in such matters. What could a great-looking guy possibly see in me?/ The young man took a fortifying breath ready to meet and greet the new passenger.

"Hi, welcome aboard. My name is Liz and you are?"

"Aneurin Morgan," came the softly modulated reply. He duly shook hands with Liz, but already his eyes were moving to the young man at her side.

"Thank you, Mr Morgan," Liz smiled as she ticked off the name.

"Call me Nye," he replied, his eyes fixed on the now slightly blushing young man.

"Ok, Nye," Liz continued, completely unfazed by his behaviour. "Lass, please give Nye directions to his cabin."

As Liz quoted floor and cabin number, Lass held out a schematic of the ship to show Nye where he would be staying. Nye shamelessly took advantage to stand as close as possible and inhaled the other blond's subtle fragrance.

"I'm Nye," he said and then realised the young man already knew who he was.

"Yes I know," he was teased in return. A mischievous grin adorned the exquisite features. "I'm Lass, as I'm sure you heard. It's nice to meet you, Nye. I hope you have a great holiday with us." Lass gazed into the blue grey eyes of the other man as he extended his hand.

Nye accepted the proffered hand and then wondered who had set off the fireworks. A spark of electricity seemed to travel from their joined hands to send a jolt to his already interested libido. He was certain the attractive boy had felt it too, judging by the nonplussed look. Then he noticed the blush deepening on the high cheekbones and the passenger behind him who was now waiting impatiently for Nye to release Lass' hand.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"No problem." Lass could still feel the aftershocks from their handshake and fought hard to maintain his detached professionalism. Lass had taken advantage of the bigger man's proximity to inhale the clean, male scent and found he could easily want to spend all his time with Nye.

"Will I see you later?" Nye heard himself ask and was at a loss to know where the courage had come from. All he knew for certain was he did not want to fully relinquish the beautiful blond.

"I'll be helping serve dinner," Lass replied. "Perhaps I'll see you then."

"I look forward to it," Nye said smiling and receiving a blinding beam in return. / needs the sun, just pass me sunglasses and lotion right now/ Nye basked happily in Lass' radiant smile before he wandered off to find his cabin.

As the last of their passengers walked away, Liz turned to regard Lass' glowing face.

"I'm glad someone's managed to cheer you up," she said nudging the slender man. "I know things have been difficult for the last few months, but things are looking up now and you deserve some fun. Nye seemed very much taken with you."

"I'm not sure, Liz," Lass demurred.

"He liked you, you liked him, just take it from there, Lass. He didn't leer or make a crass remark or treat you like a part of the ship's fittings and fixtures. At least I only tend to get the crude offers from the men."

"The men do tend to be cruder," Lass acknowledged sadly.

"A little flirting and making out would do no harm, Lass," Liz said conspiratorially.

"Liz," Lass gave a moue of mock outrage. "You shock me."

"Come on," she said dragging the unresisting blond in her wake. "If you're not already serving Nye's table I need to rearrange things so you do."

"Incorrigible," Lass muttered mournfully.

"Adorable," Liz laughed merrily.


Nye didn't know whether or not to be relieved that he was on a small table for four. The young married couple seemed amiable enough, but quite wrapped up in each other. That left him to focus more on Emmet, who he detested. However, he could not let that show in such an intimate setting and perhaps that was for the best. Nye hadn't been brought up to make scenes in public. Emmet seemed to think of himself as one of the firm's 'stars'. Nye was certain the brunette's mediocre performance had made little material difference to the outcome of his case, but the younger man had been quick to paint a much different picture. Being on one of the larger tables might have meant he would have let his true feelings for the other man show. He really didn't want to make small talk with strangers and he knew Emmet saw such opportunities as open offers to network. With just the young couple, there would be no work talk - he hoped. With a small table he could wish for the meal to be served quickly and he could eat and get away from the ambitious and disliked brunette. He looked up sharply with a grimace of distaste as Emmet leant back and snapped his fingers at the waiter attending the nearby table. He saw his look briefly mirrored by the older man before his features were schooled back into neutrality as the waiter turned to regard Emmet coldly.

"Your waiter will attend you in a moment...sir," he informed the impatient younger man.

Nye hid his smirk as Emmet glowered. Then his saw a shift in Emmet's dark brown eyes and his face light up as he stroked his goatee. A lascivious leer appeared and as Nye followed the other man's gaze he felt his stomach clench. Lass was approaching their table and it was clear he was to be their waiter.

"Try not to disgrace yourself any further, Emmet," Nye growled, hoping the other man wouldn't abuse the attractive blond. He had heard rumours about Emmet's behaviour towards both young men and women at his firm. Unfortunately nobody had made any formal complaints although a couple had left. Nye felt a protectiveness he couldn't explain and didn't want Lass to suffer in the same way from the bulky brunette.

"Champagne, a bottle" Emmet ordered curtly, before Lass even had time to ready his pen and paper.

"Yes, sir," Lass replied as he noted the order. "Any other drinks?"

He noted the Rioja for the couple and a bottle of water and half bottle of well-chilled Chablis for Nye. He gave Nye a brief smile as he turned to attend to the order.

"Looking to get in his pants yourself, Nye?" Emmet asked crudely.

"Don't be disgusting," Nye hissed back, glad the couple seemed to have missed the lewd suggestion. "I've heard rumours about your behaviour and I don't want to see it here," he added.

"Rumours are as insubstantial as Scotch mist," Emmet smiled smugly.

"But if you're caught in it, it leaves unmistakable evidence of its existence." Nye snapped back.

Their discussion was curtailed as Lass returned with a tray of drinks. He served the couple first, pouring the rich, ruby red wine into large balloon glasses. Next he poured some water into a tumbler with ice and set it at Nye's side. He put a small ice bucket in front of Nye that contained the Chablis. Nye nodded as Lass offered to pour. The wine was crisp and dry, just as Nye liked it and he smiled his approval, receiving a grin in return. Finally, the blond served Emmet. As Lass bent forward to place the ice bucket by him, Nye heard the muffled yelp and saw the blond jerk.

"He's very ...talented, isn't he, Nye?" Emmet gave a twisted smile.

Nye felt an immense sadness crash over him as the conspiratorial words and look that passed from Emmet to him didn't go unnoticed by Lass. He saw Lass' smile replaced by a look that was part wariness and part weariness. Emmet had succeeded in making Lass believe he was a party to Lass' mistreatment.

"Emmet," Nye snarled, trying to keep himself from erupting in his fury, "I may be forced to share a table with you, but I dislike you and have no desire to converse with you or be a part of any shabby treatment to the people who try and make our time here enjoyable."

Puzzled cerulean orbs flickered between the two bigger men. Instinctively Lass wanted to believe Nye's words. He'd been discomfited by Emmet from the moment he'd seen the avaricious brown eyes devour him as he'd approached the table. He'd felt nothing like that in Nye's presence. He wondered at the dynamics between the men.

"May we order now?" The voice of the young husband broke the spell between the other three men and Lass immediately became the consummate professional again. He noted the sympathetic looks from the couple and gave them one of his best smiles. He would not let their meal be ruined by Emmet.

The couple eschewed desserts and Lass watched them go over to Liz before leaving the dining room. Doing so, he passed the dessert menus to Emmet and Nye, forgetting to keep his distance from the brunette. He jerked and gasped as a hand slid between his thighs.

"Responsive little thing aren't you?" Emmet leered. "What do you say that we skip these more mundane desserts and offer me something more exotic - like you in my cabin?"

"The ship doesn't encourage liaisons between staff and passengers," Lass replied frostily. It was a rule that was frequently broken, but Lass had no desire to be anywhere near this man.

"You're not on duty all the time, pretty," Emmet persisted. "I'll make it worth your while."

"Leave the boy alone," Nye growled menacingly. He said 'no'"

"I didn't hear 'no'," Emmet replied.

"No," said Lass angrily, striding away.

Liz saw Lass becoming distressed and if the nice young couple hadn't already explained Emmet's appalling behaviour, she could have guessed at its origins. They had made a complaint regarding the treatment of Lass and requested a different table from Emmet for the duration of their voyage. Liz had noted their complaint and would ensure the captain was duly informed. She would separate Nye from him as well and ensure Lass served Nye's table for the rest of the cruise. She was certain Lass would enjoy Nye's company without Emmet there to ruin things, but for now she had a more personal way of dealing with the crass brunette. She walked purposefully to the table.

"Good evening, gentlemen," she said pasting her best professional smile on her face. "I hope you enjoyed your meal." She manoeuvred herself so Nye could see her wink as she picked up his bottle of water. To Nye's amazement, as Emmet's attention was taken by the imminent return of Lass, Liz calmly poured the water into the brunette's lap. She issued a wave of apologies to Emmet's fury, insisting the ship would clean his pants. She winked again at Nye as the still cursing brunette stormed angrily away.

"Be gentle with him," she said to the stunned blond as she nodded towards the nearing Lass. "I can be quite vengeful," she added as she moved away.

"I'm really sorry about tonight, Lass," Nye said sorrowfully.

"Are you and he...together?" Lass asked dubiously.

"He and I were sent on this cruise by our company. Look, is there somewhere you and I can talk away from here?" Nye pleaded.

"My shift ends in 15 minutes," Lass said checking his watch.

Nye unconsciously held his breath as a pair of bright blue eyes seemed to bore into his very soul. The smile he then received had his breath rushing out of his lungs and he struggled to return it with one of his own, feeling ridiculously pleased with himself.


Aneurin stood outside the dining room gazing at the ocean. He'd already waited 10 extra minutes, but was prepared to wait another 10 if necessary. However, he breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Lass walk towards him. He could see the younger blond's tiredness in the slump of the shoulders but there was a smile for him that seemed genuine enough.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain," Nye said sincerely. "Would you do me the honour of coming to my cabin?" Once again Nye became the object of intense scrutiny and again he was pleased to feel he had passed an important test as Lass nodded.

"Just to talk?" the younger blond clarified.

"I give you my word," Nye said seriously.

The two men walked companionably to Nye's cabin with Lass explaining about the amenities aboard the cruise ship. When they reached Nye's room he ushered Lass to his settee and went to his mini bar.

"Will you have a drink with me?" he asked.

"What are you having?" Lass asked with interest, happy to learn a little about the older man.

"Scotch," Nye said and laughed at the wrinkled nose Lass gave him in return. "Try it with lemonade," he continued. He poured himself a reasonable measure and then a smaller one, diluted with lemonade for his guest. "Cheers," he said, handing Lass his drink.

"Cheers," Lass echoed. He sipped at the drink and smiled at Nye to show the drink was palatable.

"So," Nye said sitting next, but not too close, to Lass, "I'm a solicitor and I recently concluded a very difficult case. This cruise is my firm's reward for a job well done and it was well done even if I do say so myself," Nye explained. "Unfortunately, Emmet managed to convince the partners that he made a more significant contribution than he did and he was included on the cruise. He is not a friend nor am I 'with him' in any way, shape or form. I'm sorry he treated you the way he did, but that seems par for the course for Emmet. Personally, I can't stand the man. And you?" Nye added quietly.

"My mother and sister moved down here to Southampton as I was finishing Uni," Lass said. "I stayed to do a Masters in Tourism. Then my sister lost her job and my mum took ill. Fortunately, I had just about finished my studies. I took any work I could: fast food chains, small restaurants, bar staff, anything to keep money coming in. Finally my sister got another job and my mum is fit and well again and a friend mentioned a job on board a cruise ship. He made it sound wonderful: travel, meeting people, more practical experience. It sounded idyllic. What he didn't mention was people like Emmet. He wasn't the first to treat me that way and I'm sure he won't be the last. Some people seem to think we're...available, you know? We're either part of the ship's provisions to be bought or raving nymphomaniacs. I haven't even had a chance to have a steady boyfriend."

Lost in his reverie, Lass didn't even notice his slip, but Nye latched to it like a drowning man would clutch at a straw. The beautiful young man had most definitely said 'boy' friend and not 'girl' friend.

"My friend didn't even stay," Lass continued. "He remained for two more weeks after I arrived and then was gone. Liz has been a good friend, but ...I'm lonely and I don't want to just jump into bed with someone. I want a friend before a lover." He gazed sadly at the older man.

"Will you let me be your friend, Lass?" Nye asked. "I'd like things to go further, if and when you're ready, but I would count it a privilege to be your friend."

"I'd like that, Nye," Lass said, a smile lifting the corners of the full, pink lips. He glanced at his watch. "I'm sorry, but I'm working breakfast shift and really need to get some sleep."

"I'll walk you to your room," Nye said decisively as he stood.

"Really, there's no need..." Lass began.

"I'd like to, Lass, please," Nye entreated.

"Ok then. Sure," Lass agreed.

The two men walked through mostly silent corridors to reach Lass' quarters. At his door, Lass shuffled as though now reluctant to part from the older man.

"I'll...um... see you at breakfast then," he said shyly.

"Absolutely," Nye confirmed. "Are you working till the same time tomorrow?" he asked.

"I'm afraid so," Lass nodded.

"May I see you tomorrow night?" Nye asked.

"Yes," Lass said quietly.

Feeling suddenly brave, Nye allowed his hand to caress a soft, smooth cheek.

"Please, may I kiss you goodnight?"

At the barely-there nod of acquiescence, Nye moved a little closer and brushed his lips tentatively across those of the younger man. At the soft sigh, he wrapped an arm around the lithe form to draw Lass close and kissed more firmly, thrilling when slender arms reached to drape over his shoulders. As the men parted they smiled.

"Goodnight, Nye. Sleep well."

"Goodnight to you, Lass. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Nye watched until Lass closed his cabin door before returning to his own. He slept more soundly than he had in weeks, a beautiful young blond featuring in most of his dreams.


Nye was delighted to find that Lass served his table at breakfast and to find he was now on a larger table with no Emmet in sight. He saw Liz give him a knowing wink and realised it was her job to arrange seating and who served at the tables as a beaming Lass came over to check people found what they needed from the buffet breakfast and take away used dishes .He gave her a wide grin which she acknowledged with a tilt of her head. As breakfast finished, Nye tugged surreptitiously at Lass' hand to urge the younger man to follow him out onto the deck. Nye quickly checked they were unobserved and gave Lass a gentle, tender kiss, basking in the radiant smile bestowed upon him.

"Morning, Lass," he said. "I greeted Lass the waiter at breakfast. Now I'm greeting the Lass who is a special friend."

"Morning, Nye," Lass whispered shyly, a pink blush staining perfect cheekbones. "That's really nice, thank you."

Nye pulled the unresisting young man into his arms for another kiss, a little longer and a little harder, but still tender.

"That's to keep me going until this evening," Nye whispered. "You'll be sharing yourself with so many others today that I'll be feeling very neglected."

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