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Summer Lovin' Ch. 02

Story Info
The Captain's Tale: how Reece claimed Loren.
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/28/2007
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Chapter 2: The Captain's Tale

This is written with thanks to Vikinglass23 who asked for the story of the Captain and First Mate.

©Pelaam, February 2008.


The Mediterranean night air was warm and balmy. The 'Ocean Gypsy' sailed on a calm sea as she headed for her next port, the moon making the ocean a thing of silver and black. Her Captain walked her upper deck, enjoying the warmth, the stars in the clear sky and his down-time. Reece had been a successful Cruise Captain for a couple of years now. It was the pinnacle of his dreams. He had wanted to be a ship's Captain since leaving university. He acknowledged the sacrifices he had made. His home was simply somewhere to spend his time ashore. There was no loving partner to share his life or his accomplishments. However, he relished his role aboard ship. He had enjoyed listening about the different lives of the people who had shared his table earlier. He had a good ship and a good crew, even if loneliness did gnaw at him occasionally.

The sound of masculine laughter reached his ears, along with an exhortation for quiet. Reece suddenly felt uneasy, an indefinable sensation assailing him as he listened harder. He *knew* that voice and it did *not* belong out here with another man. Unable to explain why he felt the need, he manoeuvred himself carefully to find a vantage point. As the two men came into view, he felt his stomach knot.

The men were hidden from casual view. The older holding the younger back to chest. The position enabling him to tease nipples that were hard points, clearly visible through the half-open shirt, as well palm and rub at the bulge at the other man's groin. The man he held panted and writhed, unable to see the calculating smile of satisfaction on the face of the man manipulating him. However, Reece could see it and he felt anger surging in an uncontrollable swell.

"Come back to my cabin," the silver-haired man crooned, his hand constantly working at the hard flesh. "Let me take care of this for you." His smile widened at the soft groan from the blond he held. Even though the younger man still shook his head, murmuring 'No', he could feel capitulation was just a hair's breadth away. "I'll make you feel really good, baby."

'Baby' seemed to do it. Reece had listened to the softly-murmured refusals and he could see the older man was paying them no heed, purposely trying to manoeuvre the younger man into agreeing. His manipulations were expert -- too damn expert for Reece's liking. The honey-blond man was *his* First Mate who was being played with such precision. It was *his* intelligent, efficient, attractive...

Reece blinked. Where had *that* thought come from. He then became aware firstly of the low growling and secondly *he* was making the sounds. He moved swiftly and silently into position and then called out a greeting to a non-existent passenger. He made sure of making more sounds as he made his way determinedly to where *his* First Mate and the other were ensconced. As he rounded the corner, he felt relief permeate his body. The two men had broken apart. The blond looked a little dishevelled and a sweat-shirt tied around his waist hid his arousal, but Reece felt somewhat mollified he had separated them.

"Ah, good evening, Mr James," Reece said. He was surprised his voice sounded so calm. "It is a beautiful evening for a walk."

"Captain," the blond acknowledged. Loren James did not trust himself to say more. His head was still reeling from the attentions to his body. He had jerked away quickly from the other man on hearing his Captain's voice.

Reece was stunned to feel his sex surge at the single word. It was not *what* was said, but the tone. In the six months since Loren had come aboard his ship, Reece had never heard the blond speak in such a sexy, purring rasp. A primal part of Reece instantly knew he wanted his name on Loren's lips in *that* voice on a permanent basis.

"Captain." The older man's voice cut into Reece's reverie and he forced his attention to his passenger.

"Mr Cadswell," he acknowledged blandly, his eyes shuttered, mind racing. He shifted his stance, his body-language cutting the older man out of the equation and focused his attention, and a wide, easy smile, on Loren.

"I know you're off duty, Loren," he began, using the younger man's given name to add emphasis to his affirmation. "But if you have ten minutes to walk with me, there are a couple of things I would just like to discuss?"

"As a matter of fact ..." Cadswell began, but Loren spoke up quickly.

"That's fine, Captain. I was about to retire for the night and I will reach my quarters quicker this way," he said, indicating the direction Reece had been travelling. "Thank you for a pleasant evening, Jeremy. I hope we'll see each other again soon."

Reece felt jealous spikes, like shards of glass, at the soft tone and smile bestowed upon Cadswell.

"Goodnight, Loren. Pleasant dreams," Cadswell replied.

Reece decided to clear his throat, just in case Cadswell even *thought* about kissing Loren in front of him. The two older men locked eyes, challenging grey meeting irritated hazel. Hidden from Loren's sea-green gaze, Reece smirked triumphantly at Cadswell. It was childish and unbecoming his position as ship's Captain, but at that moment, he would not be denied. He ignored Cadswell's disgruntled glare.

"Let's walk, Loren," he said, chatting about things aboard ship that could wait till morning, but that occupied their time as the two men walked.

It was thirty minutes later, after conveniently passing Loren's room first, that Reece stood inside his own. It was no shock to him that Loren had responded to Cadswell. The young First Mate had been candid with his Captain, telling Reece that he was gay, but that the needs of the ship, crew and passengers would always come first. Reece had simply omitted to let the younger man know that he was pushing Reece's buttons hard. However, neither of the men mentioned the revelation again and Reece had given little or no thought of Loren as a potential partner.

Or had he? Had he brought the blond's face, the blond's body to mind when touching himself but never dared to admit that it was Loren he fantasised about? He had grown used to Loren being there for him when he needed the younger man; for work or the occasional chat, although he had never gone so far as to invite him into his cabin, even as part of a group. Was he just over-reacting to a perceived threat? But if there was a threat, then...

Reece shook his head. Staring into his mirror, he began to slowly strip. He stared at himself as if really seeing himself for the first time in a long time. He saw the few silvery hairs in the dark brown hair. There were a few more lines on his face than he remembered, too. However, the opulent chest fur seemed as dark as ever and his daily trips to the gym meant his body was well-toned. He traced a finger over a nipple, wondering just how long it had been since he had felt another caress him that way.

His eyes dropped to the rising shaft between his thighs. It was a good length, thick, cut and curved slightly to the left when fully erect. A sudden vision of Loren on his knees sucking him had the organ swelling to full arousal. He ran the same finger that had toyed with his nipple to trace the sensitive vein and moaned softly as the slit oozed pre-come in response. He took the few steps necessary to lie on his bunk and spread his legs wide and wantonly. As he teased the skin of his inner thighs, he wetted another finger. He fondled his sac as he teased his nipple with the saliva-sick digit. He began to moan continually as he teased his perineum and the hidden rosette. He panted as he pressed inside his body with a single finger and his other hand pumped energetically at his shaft. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Loren's finger, Loren's hand that pleasured him, openly admitting to himself it was what he wanted, who he wanted.

His hips began to thrust into his hand as he rode the waves of pleasure the carnal touches engendered. His hand began to perform a twist at the top of his upstroke and his thumb flicked over the slit, ensuring the copious pre-come slid down the engorged flesh helping keep his movements fluid and slick. He could hear his panting becoming harsher and faster and heat began to infuse his body, radiating from his groin in an over-expanding wave. His climax hit hard, his semen coating his stomach in glistening, pearly strands. As he panted in the aftermath, his mind kept revisiting two truths: that he had been jealous at seeing Loren with another man and that he had come, harder than normal, with the blond's name on his lips.


Despite his apparent composed demeanour, Reece could feel the thrill racing through his veins. He gave a quick, warm smile as Loren came onto the bridge. He hoped it was not just his imagination that the normally unemotional and efficient blond not only returned his smile with one of his own but looked at him just a fraction longer than necessary. He gave a mental smile. Soon all would be well with his world. He just needed a private word with Loren and things would be sorted, at least for that evening.


At the conclusion of the evening meal, Reece politely mingled with more of his passengers. He had done his duty at the Captain's table and was now counting down the minutes till he could retire to his cabin. He was not renowned for his spontaneity but The Chief Medical Officer, a long-time friend, and a couple of other Officers had been free and able to accept his invitation for drinks and cards. His eyes alighted on Loren. He smiled at the shake of the blond head and the nod in his direction as the younger man was accosted by Cadswell. There was a hesitant nod and Reece *knew* Loren had accepted an invitation of some kind. He thought quickly. Loren was due to work a couple of night shifts. With a little re-scheduling, he was certain they would inadvertently need to overrun.

His evening soiree was its usual success. No one acted surprised to see Loren there, although Laird, the Doctor, had raised an eloquent eyebrow and Reece knew he would have to explain to the other man just what was going on. There was more than one winner at the card games and Loren's name was added to the leader board, his absence from earlier games taken into account. Reece was pleased to see the blond smiling so much. It gave him a warm glow to know Loren was happy and the presence of others prevented a very happy portion of his own anatomy misbehaving.

As the evening became night, the group slowly diminished until just Loren remained. With a shy smile, the blond stood, suddenly realising only he was still there.

"Guess I'd better make a move, too, Reece," he said.

Reece looked at Loren and the sight almost took his breath away. Light behind him created a nimbus and his blond hair looked like burnished gold. Almost without conscious thought he stalked towards the younger man, suddenly intent on claiming the perfect pink lips for his own.

"Reece?" Loren asked. The look in the older man's eyes was predatory, almost as though he was visually devouring him. The thought sent a frisson throughout his body and as Reece came up close to him, he was panting softly, painfully aware of the erection he sported and confused at his Captain's behaviour.

"You're so beautiful," the older man husked.

Loren was as stunned by the tone in which the words were uttered as he was by the look of desire blazing in Reece's grey eyes. Then higher reasoning fled in the face of his own need. A strong hand cupped the back of his head, angling him to the bigger man's will and he felt his body pressed backwards until he connected with the wall. Then Reece's lips were on his. They were hot and demanding and the older man's tongue thrust into his mouth instantly taking command. It stroked his cheeks, duelled with his own shyer muscle and thrust rhythmically to the same beat as their hips that were performing a bump and grind motion.

As the kiss ended, Reece took the tiniest of steps back. Loren's cheeks were flushed, his lips, swollen and glistening and his eyes were closed. Loren looked both desirable and debauched and there was a delectable bulge at his groin. Reece felt excitement, exhilaration and apprehension. He was not even sure he could remember when he had last courted. He recaptured Loren's lips, but this time made the kiss soft and gentle.

"Not tonight," he husked, ignoring the outraged wails of denial from his own hard flesh. "I want to do this right, not rushed."

"Reece," Loren moaned softly. He wanted...just a touch...anything the older man would give him. He sighed his pleasure as warm lips mated with his once more.

"You're working a couple of night shifts," Reece rasped, holding his libido resolutely in check. "Come and spend the evening with me after that. Just you and me, an evening for us, please."

"'K," Loren said, reluctantly. In truth he had been surprised at the older man's actions and equally by his response to them. He did not want to ruin things either. He really did not want a quick tumble and if Reece was willing to wait until they had time to get to know each other better, perhaps the same went for the attractive older man.

His reward was a flurry of barely-there kisses that clearly signalled Reece's determination. He smiled to show his accord and took a deep breath.

"Goodnight, Reece," he murmured.

"Sleep well, Loren. Come here for seven when you finish nights and leave everything else to me."

After locking his door, Reece stormed into his bathroom and his shower, putting it on a cool and fast spray. His body was already over-heated and his shaft was achingly hard and an angry red. This time, there was no subtle teasing of his body. With a sound between a snarl and a sob, Reece fisted himself hard and fast, seeking only to alleviate his body's needs. He came quickly, the water sluicing his release away. He had been *so* close to just taking Loren and to Hell with the consequences, but he had stopped himself ... just. Something had not been right and the older man was not certain it was just the circumstances.

He dried himself quickly and flopped into his bed. For the first time in many years, Reece was not certain of his goal...or himself.


For Reece, the next two days were empty and interminable. He performed all his duties in his normal exemplary manner and handled his passengers with his natural aplomb. However, for the first time since achieving his dream, the job was not enough. He kept finding his mind wandering to the kiss-swollen lips, and the lust-glazed eyes of the blond he had allowed to get away from him. He was sure he had done the right thing. At his age he did not want to make a fool of himself. Yet a tiny voice niggled at him.

Reece had spoken to Laird who had ensured they spent a few private moments together. He had listened to Reece and remained non-judgemental. However, he had exhorted Reece to be sure of what both he and Loren wanted. Laird had also informed him of the expensive basket of wine and chocolates that Jeremy Cadswell had sent to the younger man. Whilst Reece had railed against the idea that Loren had been in Cadswell's company at all, he was a little appeased to establish that, on the single occasion, it was little more than a fleeting contact. However, any time spent in his rival's time was too much.

Reece blinked.


That was what he saw when he looked at Cadswell. But just *what* was the older man his rival for? Loren's attention? Loren's companionship? Loren's ... affection? What exactly *did* he want from the younger man and what was Loren actually offering? The more Reece tried to get things stowed neatly in his mind, the more he felt he was drifting off-course. He gave a mental groan. He could scarcely believe how long forty-eight hours could be.


Reece paced his cabin like a caged tiger and felt like a nervous teenager on a first date. Wine and glasses were cooling in an ice bucket. He had scheduled a two course meal to be brought to his room half an hour after Loren was due to arrive. His final touch was a backgammon board set out and ready to play. He had got that titbit of information with a knowing smirk from Laird. It had been a while since he had played, but he remembered the rudiments. He hoped.

Reece was pleased to find that Loren was delighted with his preparations. Although when the food arrived the older man was not sure whether he wanted to keelhaul or congratulate the chef on the single red rose in a cut glass vase and a richly decadent chocolate mousse for two to share. Neither of which had been included in his needs. However, the blush and warm smile had shown that Loren was appreciative. The meal concluded, the two men settled to play backgammon and drink the well-chilled wine.

Reece could not say when they had started to sit closer, or when their fingers had begun to touch when reaching for playing pieces. Soon, however, the pieces were forgotten as fingers began to explore soft, warm skin. Reece could not remember shedding his own shirt or removing Loren's, but he murmured wordless appreciations at the hand that gently carded through his hair as a chest, adorned by the lightest smattering of golden fur, arched into his caress.

Loren was amazed at the gentleness and eroticism of Reece's caresses. The curve of his shoulder, where it met his neck, was stroked with barely-there touches and then tenderly licked and nibbled with expertise. The delicacy of touch was exquisite. More licks made a path to his nipples, Reece's hands stroked at his shoulders as the older man's mouth slid down his body. Wet, hungry lips closed over one small bud, nursing it to a fiery peak. The other was rolled and pinched, exactly as Loren loved, sending a shower of bright sparks of arousal throughout his more and more sensitised body. He was hard and needy, his shaft straining against his zipper, begging for the same attention lavished on his nipples.

Reece switched suction from one nub to the other, fingers taking up where mouth left off. The sensual torment went on and on, before Reece used his tongue to swirl a wet path toward Loren's navel, leaving talented fingers to keep his nipples up and hard. Using one hand to keep up the erotic assault on Loren's taut teats, Reece reached to waistband of the blond's pants. He hesitated, licking just above the material sailing over the smooth skin, navigating around the delectable navel before sinking inside.

"Please, Reece, please," Loren murmured, hands urging the older man gently to his desired destination. He moaned his approval as his button was undone and zipper lowered. He gave a soft cry as the cool air hit his hot flesh and then Reece's hand enveloped him in a masterful grip. He could feel Reece manoeuvring their bodies, until his larger body was between Loren's out-flung legs. Loren groaned as he felt Reece's hard flesh against his own, but before he could react, both were caught in Reece's large hand as the older man mouthed hotly at Loren's throat. A sharp nip to the blond's fragile flesh and a pinch to an over-sensitised nipple coincided with a practised flick of a calloused thumb over the head of his throbbing shaft. Loren erupted. His seed pulsed wetly over Reece's guiding hand.

The low, deep groans from the bigger man told Loren that Reece was coming too. He became aware of hot, panting breaths on his throat. The thought that he had made the older man lose his renowned self-control sent another spike of arousal thrumming through Loren's body and a last spurt of semen joined their combined release that adorned his abdomen. He silently mourned the loss of Reece's closeness and heat as the older man moved away. He already missed his touch, his scent and hoped his lover would rejoin him quickly. He gave a moan of appreciation as a warm cloth bathed his stomach and sated sex. He opened his eyes to gaze heavy-lidded at the older man.

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