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Summer Moon Ch. 02

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More problems for Jamie and David
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 06/20/2009
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Comment by the author: I received quite a few requests for this sequel, and meant to have it written ages ago, but mid-writing I went into a bit of a slump. But now I have finally finished it! Sorry for the wait, and hope it's to your liking!

"Beware the woods at night... beware the lunar light." ~ from the song "Wolf Moon" by Type O Negative


The leaves on the trees were completely still in the absence of wind, their usual warm green color given a bluish shade in the July night. The moon, almost full, lit up the large clearing in the woods where the boy and girl lay on a blanket, hands moving over each other's bodies as their tongues danced. As the boy slipped his hand under the girl's tank top and moved it over her breast, she broke the kiss and yawned.

"Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for," Don, the boy said, grinning down at his girlfriend Emma.

"Sorry," she giggled. "I'm just really tired. Can't we go home?" She glanced at the sky. "It'll be light soon."

"Nooo, not yet!" Don pleaded. "We came all this way just to have a little privacy..."

Emma opened her lips to reply, but silenced when she suddenly became aware of the sounds of something approaching. Don and Emma both gasped as a gigantic wolf, twice the size of a normal wolf, trotted into the edge of the clearing, stopping to sniff an old bicycle wheel. Emma stared at the beast, afraid to move a muscle. She caught a movement in the corner of her eye and glanced at Don, groaning inwardly when she saw that he had activated his cell phone camera and was holding it up in the wolf's direction.

"Are you nuts?!" she hissed. "Do want to get us killed? Put that down!"

Don didn't listen, instead, he pressed the button and the flash went off. The wolf raised its head and looked right at them. Emma trembled in fear, expecting the beast to come charging at them, but instead it turned away and ran down a path in the opposite direction.

Rising, Don helped Emma up.

"Let's go baby. Help me gather our stuff... Ow!" Don rubbed his cheek where Emma had slapped him. "What the hell?!"

"You... freaking... idiot!" Emma growled, looking every bit as intimidating as the wolf.


The wolf looked at the strangers. Something told the wolf that it was bad to be seen by them, but beyond that, they didn't interest it. Its acute sense of hearing detected a voice a short distance away, softly humming a tune. The wolf ran eagerly down the path, in direction of the voice. It was his voice.

The sky was quickly lightening. The wolf slowed down. There, by the base of a large tree, was the source of the voice: a beautiful young man, stretched on a blanket. When he became aware of the wolf he sat up. Smiling, he ran one hand through shining, light blonde hair, then patted the ground beside him.

"Come here. I've been waiting for you."

Eagerly, the wolf took its place beside the young man, nuzzled his cheek and breathed in the familiar scent as his hands caressed its fur.

"God, you're magnificent," Jamie whispered as he pulled away to look at the wolf. The eyes were the same - those incredible silver blue eyes.

The wolf raised its head, looking at the sky. Jamie glanced up as well.

"It's time?"

Jamie moved away for his own safety. The wolf began to twitch violently, whimpering in pain. Jamie wanted to do something, but he forced himself to stay put. The wolf's body began to change shape, the fur began to disappear. It twitched even worse, and Jamie heard some cracking sounds and then... the wolf was gone, and in its place lay a man, naked and panting heavily.

"David!" Jamie ran to him. He helped David sit and pulled out an extra blanket from his backpack, which he wrapped around his shaking lover.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," David said weakly, taking a deep breath. "The pain subsides very quickly."

Jamie looked sadly at David. He had seen David change from man to wolf once before, but that time it had been in a dark room, and he had just woken up from a deep sleep. Seeing David change like this was quite different.

David sighed and put his arm around Jamie.

"I told you it would be like this. That's why I asked you to stay away tonight."

"I know," Jamie said, pressing closer to David's warm body. "I'm sorry. I just felt so helpless, seeing you in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it."

"There's nothing anyone can do about it," David said. "I've accepted that. I don't like it, but I've learned to live with it."

He smiled, caressing Jamie's hair, sighing contentedly as Jamie began kissing his neck.

"I'm glad you came here tonight anyway, though."

"Me too," Jamie whispered. He toyed a little with David's long, black hair. "You must be so tired. We should go home. You're going to need your rest if you have another night like this ahead of you."

David laid down on the blanket and covered his face with his arm.

"Let's rest here for a few hours, okay? I'm too sleepy to go anywhere."

Jamie took off his t-shirt and shorts and laid down next to David; placing his head on David's chest, he made sure they were properly covered by the blanket. He sighed, and had barely closed his eyes before he fell asleep.


They had only slept a few hours before Jamie was awakened by the sunlight. Shielding his eyes he looked at David, asleep on his side, one arm possessively draped over Jamie's waist. With a smile, Jamie freed himself and sat up to lovingly stare down at David. He still found it hard to believe the lucky turn his life had taken. Not long ago he had been stuck in a nightmare of a relationship, and now he was head over heels in love, and Craig was out of his life forever.

Carefully, Jamie took David's hand and held it up, looking at it appreciatively. Jamie took the index finger and held it to his mouth, running the tip over his lips before slipping it inside. He closed his eyes briefly as he sucked on the digit; when he opened them again, David had woken up and was staring at him with burning eyes. Jamie released his finger and put his hand on David's cock, almost purring with appreciation when he felt it begin to grow against his palm.

David groaned when Jamie bent down over his lap and took him inside his mouth, doing to his cock what he had done to his finger. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations that rippled through his body. His eyes flew open when Jamie suddenly stopped.

He propped himself up on his elbows. Jamie was rummaging through his backpack, almost desperately. He pulled out a tube of lube and hurriedly applied some of its contents on David's shaft, then he reached between his own legs to put some of it on his opening, already tingling with anticipation. He straddled David; placing the head of his cock at his entrance, Jamie slowly pushed down with his hips, throwing back his head and whimpering with pleasure as David's hardness slid inside his body.

David stared at Jamie, unable to take his eyes off him. Before, when he had woken up to Jamie sucking on his finger like that, the sun lighting up his hair, he had for a second mistaken him for an angel. It was definitely a mistake that was easy to make.

"Maybe that's what he really is..." David thought. "An earthbound angel."

When David was fully inside, Jamie was still for a moment, eyes closed and taking deep breaths. Then he leaned forward, placed his hands on either side of David face and whispered with pleading eyes:

"Don't hold back."

David pulled Jamie down for a kiss, and at that signal, they both began to move. The first two or three thrusts were slow and careful, and then David obeyed his lover's request, driving his member into Jamie's passage with hard, fast pushes. Jamie desperately tried to meet his thrusts, moaning and crying out:

"Nnnh! Oaah...! Ah!"

David had never had a lover as noisy as Jamie, and he could not get enough of those noises. He thought they were so incredibly hot. He moved even faster, wanting the moment to last forever but at the same time desperate for release. He reached between their bodies, wanting to stroke Jamie's cock, but before he could even touch it Jamie's body began to shake and his semen covered David's hand. The sight of Jamie, moaning loudly and riding the waves of his orgasm pushed David over the edge. He came with a shout, arching his back as his seed burst forward. He kept thrusting until the waves subsided, and they both collapsed, sweaty and panting.


Alicia looked up from her breakfast and smiled as Jamie and David entered the kitchen. Their steps were heavy and they both looked exhausted, but happy. Them being together was a source of great relief for her. They had both suffered much in life. The curse that her brother lived with had, understandably, turned him into a brooding, quiet shell of the lively free spirit he'd once been.

And Jamie... Alicia thought she'd known how much Jamie had gone through, his father dying, his uncaring mother and his controlling, jealous boyfriend... But, as it turned out, that wasn't all. She had been horrified and furious when Jamie, holding on to David's hand for dear life, had told her about how he had been raped by Craig shortly before coming to stay with her and David, and how his mother wouldn't believe him when he told her about it. But both David and Jamie seemed to be doing so much better now. As if they were healing each other.

Jamie, ever the caffeine-junkie, poured himself a cup of coffee and sank down onto a chair while David, mumbling about a shower, disappeared upstairs.

"Did everything go okay?" Alicia asked, smiling. She had always considered Jamie to be family, now more so than ever.

"Yeah... seeing him change was hard, though." Jamie took a sip from his coffee.

"I know. I've never gotten used to that. It looks just as bad every time. But..." she said as she noticed that Jamie began looking miserable, "...he always says that the pain subsides very fast, and I'm sure you being there tonight was a great help."

"He told me to stay away, at first. He said he didn't want me to see. But I went out there anyway," Jamie grinned.

"Was he pissed?"

"No... he was glad, actually."

Jamie looked down into his coffee cup, smiling at his own reflection and suppressing a shudder of delight as he thought about what they had done earlier.

"So, have you two decided on what you're going to do?"

Jamie looked up at Alicia's question.

"What we're going to do?"

"When you go off to college," Alicia clarified. "Is David coming with you?"

"I... I don't know," Jamie said, the smile vanishing from his face. "We haven't discussed it."

"You haven't discussed it?" Alicia asked, incredulous.

"No... I mean, he hasn't brought it up and I, well..."

"Jamie, I realize that you've only been together a few weeks, but what with the way you're both acting I got the impression that it's, you know..." she smiled sweetly. "...serious. Hot and heavy."

Jamie chewed his bottom lip nervously. The truth was he'd been too blissfully happy to think about it much, but it did worry him a little. He had been accepted by the college of his choice, but he would gladly go anywhere he had to in order to be with David. However... David had lived alone for so many years now. Perhaps suddenly having another person to worry about would be too much for David.

"You do want to live with David, don't you?"

Jamie jumped a little, having almost forgotten Alicia was in the room. He cleared his throat.

"I do, very much, it's just that..." His voice trailed off and he sighed unhappily.

"You're afraid of being a burden on him," Alicia said matter-of-factly.

Jamie's eyes widened. Sometimes Alicia was so perceptive it was scary. She took his hand and squeezed it gently.

"You don't have to worry, sweetie. I know my brother, and he doesn't consider you a burden. You make him so happy. He was alone for a long time, but now he's let you in and I don't think he would do that only to let you go once the summer's over. He loves you."

Smiling, Jamie hugged Alicia. She was something else. Always there when he needed her, and she always knew what to say to make him feel better. He and David would have to talk about this soon, though.

"Tell you what," Alicia said, getting up and beginning to clear the table. "I'm going grocery shopping. Why don't you come with me and get out of the house a little? Unless you're tired?"

The coffee had perked Jamie up and going to town sounded like a good idea. Telling Alicia that he was just going to grab a quick shower he went upstairs. Carefully opening the door to the room he now shared with David, he saw that David had collapsed onto the bed and was fast asleep, skin still damp from his shower. Jamie carefully adjusted the blanket over him, scribbled a note saying where he and Alicia had gone and then hurried to the bathroom to wash up before joining Alicia.


It felt really good being in town and getting a change of scenery. It was a really nice day. The sun was hot, but there was a comfortable breeze in the air. Jamie and Alicia walked around for a bit, chatting about nothing in particular, before stopping by a café for a cold drink. They sat by the window, Jamie with a big glass of Sprite and Alicia with a cola float that she had decided to treat herself with. She slurped it with relish while telling Jamie anecdotes on summer adventures she'd had as a teenager, most of which included his father. They had been childhood friends. Normally, the mere mention of his father would cause Jamie to feel a stab of pain somewhere deep in his gut, but not today. Today, Alicia's stories made him laugh. She was in the middle of a tale of a disastrous camping trip when she was distracted by a noisy group of teenage boys a few tables away, all staring intently at the screen of a laptop.

"No bullshit, it was huge!" one of the boys said, while the others snickered. He pointed at the screen. "Look at the old bicycle wheel there, and you'll get a good idea of how big it was."

"They do that with Photoshop. Don, you're so full of it, man!"

"Ask Emma, she was with me. I'm telling you, that's a werewolf!"

As the boys laughed loudly at Don, Jamie and Alicia stared at each other with wide, panicky eyes. They turned their attention back to the boys, hanging on every word.

"Fuck all of you," Don sulked. "I swear, I haven't altered the picture! This is what I saw!"

One of the boys leaned closer to the screen.

"The picture's so dark and blurred you can barely see what it is anyway," he said, and the others nodded. Don sighed.

"Great. I got a picture of a werewolf, and it's useless."

His friends laughed again, except one of them.

"I wouldn't say it's useless," he said with a smile. "Tell me what you think about this," he says and the boys huddled together and whispered. They obviously liked his idea, as they began laughing excitedly.

Alicia turned to Jamie. Taking a deep breath, she told him to stay calm.

"I know some of their mothers. I'll go find out."

Jamie looked anxiously as Alicia got up and walked over to the boys. Smiling charmingly, she asked them to say hi to their mothers for her, then she gestured to the laptop, asking them about the picture. He couldn't hear their reply, but Alicia chuckled and patted Don on the shoulder before leaving the boys with a: "Have fun!". She sat back down in front of Jamie.

"Well?" he asked impatiently. She nodded.

"It's David," she whispered.

"Oh my god," Jamie groaned.

"And," she leaned closer over the table. "...they're having a party in the woods tonight. With a 'Red Riding Hood and the Wolf' theme. They're inviting all their friends."

"But it's a full moon tonight!"

"Calm down. It's not that bad."

"How can it not be?!" Jamie asked, his voice panicky.

"First of all," Alicia said calmly, "no one believes the picture is authentic. Second of all, David can stay in the basement for his transformation tonight. It won't be very comfortable, but it's safe. He used to do it every month the first year after he was bitten, when our parents still owned the house."

"In the cage." Jamie sighed. It broke his heart every time he thought about what David must have gone through.

"He told you about that, huh?" A hint of sadness flickered in Alicia's eyes. "Our parents... they didn't treat him right. He never blamed them, not for a second, but I have never forgiven them."

"Is the cage still down there?"

"No, don't worry, I've gotten rid of it. I didn't want that thing in my house. Anyway..." she took her bag and hung it over her shoulder, "let's get going to the store. If David's going to be staying in the basement tonight we should make him a good dinner."

The left the café in silence, their earlier good mood dampened.


Jamie walked across the parking lot towards Alicia's car, grocery bags in his arms. They had just been about to leave the store when Alicia had been spotted by an acquaintance who began spouting gossip, not caring that Alicia tried to politely tried to excuse herself. After a few unsuccessful attempts at brushing the woman off, Alicia had sighed and sent Jamie ahead to the car.

He loaded the goods into the trunk. As he reached up to close the lid, a hand appeared from behind him and firmly slammed it shut. Jamie spun around in surprise; seeing the person standing in front of him, he had an urge to scream in frustration, but he didn't. Instead, he tried to look calm and contemptuous.

"What do you want?"

"I thought we'd already established that," Craig sneered. "I want you."

"What I want," Jamie said angrily, "is for you to stop following me and get out of my life."

Craig grabbed Jamie's wrist and leaned in so his face was an inch away from Jamie's.

"I told you I wouldn't give up. You're mine," he hissed. "And this is your last chance to come back home with me willingly. If you won't, I'm taking you with me whether you want to or not."

Before Jamie could reply, someone tapped Craig on the shoulder. He turned and found himself staring at the sharp edges of a broken bottle, pointed straight at his face.

"I'm warning you," Alicia said, her voice deadly, "if you don't let go of him right now you will be needing a plastic surgeon!"

Jamie stared at Alicia. He had never seen her so angry. It was almost a shock.

"Are you crazy, bitch?" Craig asked, releasing Jamie's wrist. "We're in a public place. You can't do anything to me."

Alicia sneered.

"You're on my turf, junior. I know almost everyone here, and when I tell them you attacked Jamie they're going to take my word for it. Now back off!"

Craig hesitated for a second, then slowly backed away. He glared at Alicia, then pointed his finger at Jamie.

"This isn't over," he said, then stormed off.

Alicia put down the bottle and turned to Jamie who stood staring down at his shoes. She gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you OK, sweetie?"

"Not really," he sighed.

"OK, let's go home then."


When they got back David was sitting in the living room reading. He raised his eyebrows when they came in and sat down, surprised by their grave expressions. Alicia chewed on her bottom lip, not sure what to tell him first. After a few minutes silent deliberation she told him about Don's picture and the party that was going to take place in the woods. David was surprised but unconcerned, as Alicia had expected.

"I don't remember being seen in the woods last night, he said, "but I can never remember everything afterwards. But anyway, you said they didn't believe him and that the picture was of poor quality, right? So if I just stay in the basement tonight we should be safe."

"Right, that's what I said," Alicia said. She took a deep breath. "And... there was something else that happened..."

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