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Summer with the Art Dealers

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Art dealer pimping from UK to Morrocco.
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Jaime Poole and I had performed in various capacities—I was a pianist, actor, singer, and dancer, and he was all those things except that he played violin rather than the piano—at the three-week Gloucester Summer Arts Festival and I hadn't realized he was a high-muckety-muck in the country. I'd noticed people giving him deference, but I thought it was from his looks and ready smile, not because he had some sort of title.

We'd gotten along really, really (I mean really) well and I'd floated along in his slip stream for the three weeks. He seemed to know everyone and be able to get anything he wanted. That certainly had worked with me as long as I stayed close to him. I was here on a summer lark from school at the New York College of Performing Arts. It was a summer opportunity I picked off a bulletin board, something that would look good on my résumé. Five weeks at the festival, two in prep and three in performance, and then the rest of the summer kicking around England and pickup up culture—and having a good time. Who knew I'd latch onto someone with a title in the process?

Jaime was part of that good time to have during the summer. He was my age—twenty—and was studying, just as I was, to be an entertainer. He was further along here in England than I was, though. Because of his great looks and body, he already was a model and had done some TV commercials and even had been in a BBC drama in a minor role. I was only now finding that this success was as much because of his connections as talent and good looks.

"The festival is winding down," he said to me as we were stretched out against each other in my rooming house bed in old town Gloucester. I didn't know where his room was. We'd always done it in my room. He'd just finished fucking me and we were sharing a joint.

"You say you're going to roam around the country now for a couple of weeks," he said. "I have a two-day gig at a country house south of here from tomorrow. You want to come along? It's providing music in one room—both classical and more pop, nothing we haven't done during the festival—while an art auction is being conducted in another room. Room and board for two nights plus a bit of cash and any tipping you can get attendees to give. It would be fun. I know these people. Some of them tip very well. Others will pay generously for a blow job or a fuck."

Jaime didn't just know these people. Jaime was these people. Easton Hall was a pile of very old rock on the eastern banks of the Severn River just south of Gloucester. The current lord of the manor was a Sir Henry Poole. The surprise to me was that he was Jaime's father. The Poole name was famous from history as contenders for the throne. I didn't have the nerve to ask if they were those Pooles. I now knew where Jaime bunked during the Gloucester Summer Performing Arts Festival. I'm surprised he deigned to enter my miserable digs to do me.

"So, do I call you 'Sir,' now?" I asked as we set up at a grand piano in the multipaned bow window of what he called the music room. Art was set up on easels around the wood-paneled walls of the adjacent great hall overlooking the Severn. That's where a day-long auction was being conducted. Jaime and I were to provide continuing soft-music entertainment in an adjoining room to offer temporary escape from the auction for those seeking it.

"Dress nicely," Jaime said. "We're as much eye candy as smoothening for the ears. And you might manage a lucrative hookup. The art world here is crammed with queers. My dad caters to them."

"So, we're being pimped," I said, with a smile.

"Yes," he quickly answered, leaving me in limbo on whether he had taken that as a joke or not. He knew I could easily be had. He had easily had me. He also knew I wasn't above being paid for sex and that I needed the money.

Drinks were set up in here, and there was more small-group conversation and drinking going on than listening to our music.

"I'm a third son. You can call me 'mud,' if you like until and unless my two older brothers kick it before I do," Jaime belatedly answered on the title.

"Does your father know about us?" I asked.

"Do you mean does he care that you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight?" Jaime asked, with a laugh. "My father doesn't really care anything about me and isn't likely to until and unless, as I noted, my two older brothers toss it in before I do. And he surrounds himself by queers, so why should he care if he has one under his roof. Is he himself a queer, though? I don't know—or care."

We took breaks. On one of mine, I went into the auction room and roamed around, looking at the art. Visual art wasn't my thing. I was into performing art. But I paused in a corner where the art concentrated on male nudes. As I viewed these paintings, sketches, and photographs with interest, a voice behind me said, "As alluring as these young men are, they don't hold a candle to you. You're the one at the piano in the other room, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's me," I said, turning to see that the man who addressed me was the chief art dealer for the auction. I'd seen him and his assistant, a young man of about my age, a sultry dark-headed, foxy sort of thin character, moving fluidly around in black satin, deftly handling and positioning the artwork and setting up the artwork before the auction opened. The art dealer was a man of vitality in contrast to his assistant, red-haired, robust, probably in his early forties. He obviously was the salesman of the two, gregarious, outgoing, as his assistant floated around in the shadows. Ruddy of complexion, the art dealer had strong, square-jawed features. He was a big man, muscular, not fat, but weighty. He dressed well—but more tweedy than his assistant's satin.

"You play well. And you look divine. I wish you had been sitting for one of these paintings. If I acquired one of you, I wouldn't be selling it."

"Thank you, I think," I said, looking down at his hand. He was grasping my arm with a strong hand, probably, I thought, with a stronger grip than he realized. He had a heavy gold signet ring in his middle finger.

"Your name is Neal, Neal Younger, isn't it? And you're American."

"Yes," I said, in surprise. "How did you know?"

"I saw you perform at the Gloucester festival last week. You photo and name were in the program, along with some background notes. You're twenty—young to have accomplished what you have. We came over to start setting this auction up and I went to a couple of programs. You were singing in a gay chorus number—the soloist. I am Duncan Chambers, by the way. From the other side of the Severn—at Littledean Hall, above Newnham."

"Yes, that was me." Where he was from meant little to me—that he might want to pay me for sex was everything. He looked to be in good shape and to be a good cocksman. He certainly was confident enough. I probably wouldn't have to do a thing; he dominates and take what he wanted.

"And it was a gay chorus, was it not?"

"Yes." Was this when he hit on me? But of course he'd been hitting on me from the moment he'd walked up behind me and started to talk. Did I mind? No, not really. I was promiscuously gay. I was casual about sex if I encountered someone I fancied. And I did like going with older, robust men. And I did like the look of this Duncan Chambers. I checked out his crotch with my eyes. Promising. I did like a thick cock. If I was going to do it, I wanted to feel it.

He was about to say something else, when his assistant interrupted us. "Excuse me, Duncan," he said. "There is a woman—obviously moneyed—looking at the Frederick Cotman 'Harwick Harbour' painting. I think it requires your touch to make her love it."

Chambers smiled at me, gave my arm an extra squeeze before withdrawing his hand, murmured, "Later, I hope."

"The answer is yes," I said. "You don't have to wonder how to ask or to ask again. You can just surprise me."

He gave me a startled look, followed by a smile and slight bow. "You are an amazing young man," he said. "This will be interesting—and, I hope, invigorating. Jaime tells me you are quite a ride." And then he was gone.

* * * *

Later that evening, the auction having wrapped up, Jamie and I were alone—or so we assumed—at least out here on the edge of the vast rock pile of a mansion, in a library, with book shelves all around and mahogany paneling, richly patterned oriental carpets, deep-seated leather couches and chairs, two table lamps on the sofa facing the lit fireplace combining with the fire to let off a low glow of illumination. We sat, entwined on the sofa, and looked into the fire as our hands moved on each other's bodies, freeing each other of our clothes. Jamie assured me we wouldn't be seen by anyone else.

When we were naked, he reached over to a side table and came back with three capsules in his hand—two pink ones and a blue one. He opened his hand and offered me my pick. I took and downed a pink one. He swallowed the other two. Within minutes, the room was in a swirl, the colors of the flames in the fireplace dancing in multicolor, my arousal rising to the heights.

We kissed and fondled. I hadn't really noticed before, but there now was the proverbial luxuriously furred bear-skin rug stretched out in front of the fireplace. Jamie pulled me down onto the rug, and, both naked and erect, we went into the sixty-nine position, me on top, and we gave each other deep suck. I was in a daze, dancing around in a world of euphoria, a kaleidoscope of swirling colors revolving in my brain.

I repositioned myself, still on top of Jamie, who was stretched out on the rug on his back, but I was saddled on top of his loins, him holding his erection erect, as my hands palming his pecs, I slowly slid down on his pole, descending and then rising, descending further than before and rising, fucking myself on his shaft.

I sensed movement across the room, at the edge of the dim light cast by one of the table lights. There was a man there—large, red-headed. The art dealer. He was sitting in a straight Chippendale side chair he'd pulled up to where he could watch Jamie and me fucking—or rather me fucking myself on Jamie. Jamie was nearly lost to his capsules, although he was grasping my hips as I rose and fell on his cock and was making low moaning sounds. He was still hard as a rock inside me. No condoms, though. We were barebacking. I had learned to control the muscles of my passage so that they could undulate over a man's cock, making internal love to him, caressing and milking him. I was doing so with Jamie.

And a man was sitting in a straight chair at the edge of the pool of light, drinking port from a snifter and watching us. He was fully clothed, but he was unzipped and freed, his hand, light reflecting off the thick, gold ring on his middle finger, stroking possibly the longest, thickest shaft I'd ever seen on a man—a horse's shaft, a bull's cock.

Rising and falling on Jamie's cock, my eyes on the robust, red-haired man, fully clothed other than his released cock, stroking his bull's shaft as he watched me fuck myself on Jamie's cock, I arched my back and let out a let cry as I felt Jamie release inside me. My exclamation merged with the man's grunt as he too released, sending an arc of cum toward me. I collapsed on Jamie's body, moving my lips to his for a kiss, but receiving no responding pressure. Jamie was lost to the world.

"Come here. Kneel to me, Neal." Duncan Chambers laughed at the homophone. "Kneel to me. Clean my cock. Then I will fuck you. On your hands and knees. I know you want to."

Yes, I wanted to. The capsule I'd taken hadn't done its best yet. I had to have the larger, bull's cock. My euphoria and arousal were still on the ascendent. I pulled away from Jamie and crawled to Chambers on my hands and knees. When I reached him, I took his shaft in my hands—still in half erection, both of us knowing he would quickly rebuild to full shaft—and I licked the cum off the shaft and took the huge knob in my mouth. Chambers cupped my head in his hands and forced my throat down his shaft. I gagged, but he held me in place. I adjusted as the cock filled out inside my throat and gave him head.

After he had engorged completely again, he moved his hands to my armpits and raised me, the hands gliding down to grasp my waist as he pulled me up, and toward him, until I was hovering over his hips, the balls of my feet pressed into the carpet on either side of the chair. My moved my hands under us and found and held his enormous shaft in position with both hands.

"Did your yes earlier mean yes to this?" he murmured.

"Yes," I answered.

With difficulty, panting and groaning, I descended on the shaft, set the muscles of my passage into motion, grabbed and caressed his cock, and used the balls of my feet as leverage to rise and fall on the shaft.

"Oh, fuck, yes," Chambers growled as he grasped my waist between his hands and helped raise and lower me on his cock. I grabbed his biceps with my hands, leaned back, and moaned low in my throat.

"Oh, shit, you're huge," I whimpered.

Up, down, up down, updownupdown.

"That thing you do with your passage muscles," he growled, his voice thick with lust.

"Yes, do you like it?"

"Do you have to ask? You're such a delicious slut."

Jamie moaned and moved his position on the bear-skin rug across the room. But I was otherwise engaged.

* * * *

I woke up in a canopied four-poster bed, draped in a burgundy-colored brocade curtain. The drapes were closed and I immediately, upon waking, felt the atmosphere to be stifling. That might be because, despite the bed being a big one, there were three of us in it. I was in the middle, on my back, a man on either side of me, each turned full length toward me and facing me. They were both awake, staring at me. My legs were raised and spread, each hooked on the crook of the elbow of the man on either side of me. I was completely open and vulnerable to them.

I think what woke me up was the man to the right of me—Duncan Chambers—working his fourth finger into my ass. Something hard, metallic was rubbing against my sphincter muscle. The thick signet crest of the gold ring on the middle finger of his right hand, I supposed.

The man to my left was Chambers' foxy-looking young assistant. My first thought was to wonder where Jaime was. Was this his bedroom? I didn't remember there being drapes on the canopy bed in his bedroom. I hadn't been assigned a bed at Easton Hall.

The drug from the pink capsule hadn't completely worn off yet. I wasn't moving too fast mentally or physically.

"You're awake," Chambers murmured.

"Sort of. Where . . .?" I didn't have a chance to go further at that point. I was still set on slow. Chambers was turning onto his back, and both he and his assistant were moving me on top of him, facing him. It was going to be another cowboy ride. I surrendered to them as they lowered me onto Chambers's cock. I did start to struggle when I realized what was next, but, together, they were stronger than I was and I was still a bit high and slow on the pink pill. The assistant came in behind me, embracing me from behind and forcing my chest down on Chambers's torso. Chamber reached down, grabbed my butt checks, and raised and squeezed them open.

As big as Chambers was built, I couldn't conceive of anything else being inside me when he was, but the man and his assistant could conceive that. As I struggled and panted and whimpered, the assistant penetrated above Chambers's already-buried cock, and they fucked me together, in a double penetration. I collapsed and blacked out before they were finished.

When I woke again, it was daylight and the drapes on the bed were pulled back and secured to the posts. We were in a high-ceilinged square room with gray stone walls, floor, and ceiling. Chambers was standing at a tall, ornately framed window in the middle of the wall to the left of the bed. The bed itself was positioned between two identical tall windows. The room had a sense of the ancient about it. On the wall facing the foot of the bed was a stone fireplace big enough to walk in and I had the sense that if it hadn't been summer, there would be a fire going in the fireplace but that I'd still be shivering from the cold.

Chambers was naked, leaning into the side frame of one of the windows, looking out of it, and smoking a cigarette. One hand held the cigarette. The other was stroking his cock. As before, he had the cock of a large horse and he was in near-erection. He hadn't been naked in the library, and we'd been in too close quarters in this bed earlier for me to get more of a sense of his body other than it was muscular and ruddy and his red hair was natural, although of slightly different hue depending on where on his body it was sprouting. Now I could see that his body was Zeus-like for a man in his forties—all power, muscle, and matting of red hair, the color which became more flame-colored as it descended to his pubes and thighs.

"You're awake," he said—again; it was the only thing I remember him saying before when he and his assistant doubled me—when I sat up in the bed.

"Where's Jamie?" I asked.

"I presume he's at home at Easton Hall, still out of it. I take it he took the blue capsule."

"And a pink one, I think," I said. "But how did you know about the drugs?"

"I gave them to him. I told him to take one of each but not to give you a blue one."

"You did? Why?"

"Isn't that obvious? I wanted him to be out of the way when I fucked you. I wanted you all to myself for the first fuck."

"Wait. You say he's at Easton Hall. We're not at Easton Hall?"

"No. We're on the other side of the River Severn, above Newnham, at my house—well, at Burton's house. Burton Spencer, my partner. This is Littledean Hall, his family manor. He's in Tangier at the moment, being headmaster at a performing arts college there. I'll be sailing out to him soon."

"What hall did you say?"

"Littledean Hall. It's reputed to be one of the most haunted houses in England. It's certainly one of the oldest continually inhabited ones. The foundations are from the fifth century. The last structured on the foundations were built in the early seventeenth century. After breakfast, I'll take you on a tour. You can get the whole range of English history right here. You don't have to go on a tour of the country. We've got the ruins of a Roman temple on the grounds and evidence of civilizations going back much before that even."

"You brought me here last night?"

"Yes, and fucked you through the night. It would be a little late to object to that. You did say yes—twice, as a matter of fact. And you kept on saying yes while I fucked you. You're a delight. A true work of art. I want you again. Now."

"I don't understand. What . . .?"

"I said now." And it, indeed, was now. He stubbed out his cigarette in a tray on top of a small bureau next to the window, strode to the bed, and reached down and grabbed my ankles. He spread my legs, pulling me down to the foot of the bed in the same movement, forced himself between my thighs, and thrust up inside me. I yelped at the thickness of him, but he'd obviously been there before more than once in the night and I hadn't closed up.

I surrendered immediately, not least because he had a magnificent cock and body and I had no reason to deny him. For the next twenty minutes we furiously fucked, Chambers hovering over me at the foot of the bed, grasping my hips and pulling me on and off his cock while he attacked my nipples with his teeth. This, while hooking my knees on his hips, I dug my fingernails into his biceps and my elbows into the mattress and rocked my pelvis against his in a coordinated vigorous and deep-rocking fuck to a near-mutual ejaculation, letting the muscles of my passage walls undulate over his thrusting, throbbing cock.

"Oh, fuck yes! Yes, YES, YES! Shit, you're huge! Screw me to the bed!"

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