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Susan was Learning

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She was wondering if she really knew herself.
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"Are the children in bed?" I heard on the phone, and I knew who it was.

I gulped, what can I say but yes? "Yes they are."

"Good, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"I really am not too sure about this Mr Robson," I said. I was in a real tight spot now, and getting out of it was going to be difficult, I needed another two weeks.

"You agreed readily when we talked about the prospects. You instigated this, made the offer. Now you listen to me Susan, there are two weeks to go before the probation period is up. I can rescind the position right now if that's what you want!"

It was not what I wanted, nor was it my husbands, but having said that, he had no idea of the offer I had made, never thinking I would be held to it, or even have to see it through. I stared at the phone, I stared at the wall, what the hell can I do, what can I say.

"Please Mr Robson, can we agree on something else, please?"

"Go on then Susan, make me an alternative offer," he almost snarled. I couldn't, there wasn't one, he hadn't even hinted at it, it had been my idea.

"Thirty minutes, be ready."

Click, "Mr Robs..." The phone was dead, I was talking to myself. He didn't know it, but I already was, well nearly. I had bathed, put aromatic body lotion on, done my hair, brushed it to a sheen, I was in my short white rayon dressing gown, I was ready to curl up with my book for an hour or two before going to bed, alone. My husband of three years was away on business, and wouldn't be home until Friday, today was Wednesday.

I am Susan Catherine Riggs, Susan or Susie to my friends and family. I am twenty five years old, and I have a one year old baby, and a toddler of twenty eight months. I have kept my shape even though I have had two babies' close together, I am fit, a keen home gymnast, and I look after myself.

I am, some would say, and my husband totally agrees, a very sexy and lovely woman. I have been blessed with good looks and a personality to match. I keep my husband on his toes, and very much in line, which is how I got myself in to this bit of bother in the first place.

I knew Mr Robson, we had met at functions a couple of times. He is a nice man, a powerful man, I would say in his forties, quite good looking. He is also in complete control of the company he runs. Tony, my husband had applied for an open senior position, opposite two of his colleagues. He had said to me, that if Mr Robson talked to me, that I had to pay attention and listen to what he said. He told me that Mr Robson did not like inattentive people.

As it happened I ended up sitting nect to him at a table. He asked many things including my hopes for the future, my husband's prospects, all sorts of things. He seemed to be paying close attention to me too, so, using my womanly guiles, I gave him a full on facial close up. I was letting him know how attractive I was, the limpid eyes, trembling lower lip, he was the only man in the world right now. How important I thought he was. That I admired him greatly, I really did give him the works.

Eventually he told me he was looking at my husband for the job he was after. And that was where I went wrong. I wanted to do all I could to secure it for him. So I made my mistake, incredibly I put my hand on his knee, gave him another knowing look, and ran my nail up his thigh. Then I told him meaningfully, that if Tony was to get the position I would be more than grateful. And then I cemented the unsaid offer, which could not be misunderstood, me, by pressing my finger nail into his leg and ran it back down.

"I'll call you if I need to," he told me, then he was away and with someone else. Tony came to me and asked me how my chat had gone. And it wasn't until then that I knew I was wired, I was hot, sexually revved up, I wanted sex, lots of it, and I wanted it hard. I had unknowingly turned myself right on. The function ended, we all went home and I almost raped Tony, he was delighted, but my conversation with his boss, my terribly wanton ways.What I had done, I must have only been an inch away from his cock, how brazen or what? It was firmly in my mind, as was Mr Robson!

Two weeks later Tony got the job, I never heard from Mr Robson thankfully, he must have cast what I had said aside and I forgot about it, well, as much as I could do. Now here I am, on my own, my two small children in their beds, and Mr Robson is coming here. I have about twenty minutes to think of a way out. Other than that I know what he expects, I told him I would let him have me, maybe not in so many words, but that was what I had said in so many words. And if I didn't follow through, Tony would be out.

I gulped a glass of wine, something I never do at home, then the doorbell sang. I looked at the clock, the twenty minutes had come and gone, he was here! I hesitantly approached and opened the door.

"Hi," he greeted me happily, "all alone are we?" He handed me a huge bouquet of roses, they were beautiful I was impressed. And walked in past me, I quickly peeked outside to see if anyone was there, there wasn't. I laid the flowers on the hall table, and then found myself in two very strong arms.

"You know the way this works don't you Susan?" he said.

"Yes Mr Robson," I replied, then he kissed me.

It was the first time I had kissed, or been kissed by another man at least a year before I got married. It was so unusual, something I had forgotten about. Mr Robson broke it, then came straight back in again, and this time nature took over, I was ready and I kissed back. I was wrapped in his arms, my head was back, he held me to him and I felt that unmistakable hardness press into me. I hadn't forgotten this, my husband was like it. And I inexplicably felt a thrill through it, a thrill we women get, or I do anyway, when I know that he has got an erection simply because of me.

After a while he pulled away but his hardness didn't, if anything, it had increased. He made sure that kept contact.

"Mr Robson, can there be another way?" I asked.

"No Susan, you made the offer, I accepted it, it is a binding contract, that is how I work, if I have a contract, I keep it, its binding to you and to me." That was the end of that, there was not a way out. It was let him have me, or Tony would be gone.

I could not let that happen, I reached up to kiss him, and I pressed back. The deal was made, every fibre of my being was telling me not to, but my position, untenable, was forcing me on. I was hating him, I was loving this. Mr Robson had a power, a presence, a dominant persona and it was feeding my arousal, one I was beginning to feel rise in me. I had never been unfaithful and I had never wanted to. Tony and I had a great sex life so why was I submitting to this man so easily?

I would honour my part, there was something making this, him, Mr Robson irresistible. I began to wonder who I was, why was I so rapidly finding this so exciting within me. I felt the belt of my dressing gown part, then the thing just slid from my shoulders. I tried to grab it, Mr Robson stopped me. He took my wrists and forced them behind me and then he kissed me forcefully. Trapped like this really did give him the control, there was no mistaking what was in the air, I could smell it.

My head was tipped up, my eyes closed, his erection gained strength, he washed me away like tsunami. I think he knew he ha got me, I had been stupid, I had propositioned him, he was taking it up and I had nowhere to go but down. And that is exactly where I was going right now, down. I was naked now apart from my panties, though it never seemed to have any bearing, I was where I had placed myself, not him.

Mr Robson was kissing me, I was accepting it, I was also now kissing him back and his erection pressing in between my opening thighs was making me feel dizzy with growing desire. Then his hands were on my shoulders and pressing down, my knees buckled and I sank to the floor. I kneeled before him, I looked up, he was looking down.

"Susan," he said, "you know what to do."

"Please Mr Robson," I begged.

"Do it," he ordered me, "you know you want to!"

"I don't," I breathed helplessly, but I saw my hands on his belt undoing it. Then the button, then the zip, my hands fidgeted inside, they found him, and I saw myself pull him out. I now had another man's cock in my hands, something I had not done since meeting my husband.

And what Mr Robson had just said was ringing in my head.

"Go on Susan, you know you want to."

Did I? I asked myself, as my lips brushed the bright red, purpled head of his cock. No I didn't, I told myself, yet here I was squeezing him, feeling him, and knowing that in seconds I would have him in my mouth and doing my damnedest to make him cum.

I was now staring wide eyed at it, it was standing straight out looking back at me, it felt heavy, ready. It was a good size but no bigger than Tony's, but it was different in every other way. It felt different, it looked different, it was different, and the man smell now pervading my nostrils was certainly different, and somehow there was something in me that made me like it.

My mouth closed over it, I sucked I licked, I caressed his testicles, I know men like them tickled and scratched. I gave up any fight I may have had. It was my fault that I was being unfaithful to my husband with his boss. Mr Robson's hand in my hair confirmed it, he wasn't rough, he wasn't forcing me on to him as he could have. He was gentle, urging and urgent, I attacked im with all I had.

"God you are so beautifully sexy Susan, you have no idea how I have looked forward to this moment," I heard him growl softly above me, it spurred me on to greater things.

I wanted this now, even though there was a voice in my head saying no Susan NO! I just could not stop myself from physically attacking his cock with my mouth and tongue, aided by my hands. I shuffled right under him, offering him me, my husband's boss had got me, no other man could ever have done it. I stared up at him staring down at me, and I felt a glow of pride, glee, happiness, power? All of the above, but also one of sheer satisfaction too, that this man was glorying in what I was doing for him.

Then great disappointment, he pulled away, "Thats enough for now Susan," he told me as he pulled me to my feet. "I don't want to spoil the fun just yet."

"But..." I began to protest, I found my voice cut off because I was being swung off my feet and being carried upstairs. I was being taken now, no doubt about it, and who was in charge, this was his show, my husband's boss was the leader of this particular pack.

I balked at the thought of my bedroom, the one I share with my husband, my very soon to be lovers employee.

"Please Mr Robson, not there," I was still saying it while he walked in with me.

"You Mrs Susan Riggs," he said gruffly, "will be fucked where I decide to fuck you, got that!" There was no room for argument in his voice, I shut my mouth.

Mr Robson put me down on my bed, "Move it to the middle," he told me, I did. "Stay there, put your arms above your head, keep them there." I did. The strength of his voice made me obey him. He undressed, his pants were already gone somewhere so it was only his jacket and shirt. He came fully into view and I have to say he did look good. His body was in fine shape, he had a hairy chest, which I do like. His stomach was flat, and there, in that bushy centre piece was what I had just been sucking downstairs. It was still erect, and still straight out, and damn me if my mouth didn't water!

"You have never been with another guy Susan?"

"No, no sir I haven't," I answered truthfully.

"Good," he told me as he was devouring my body. I felt a very guilty pleasure run through me. Being admired by anyone has always feel good about myself. Pleasing this man was going to be feather in my cap for me, I knew it.

"A virginal slut, I like that, my very own whore, my personal fuck toy, you have made my day Susan. Your husband is a very lucky man to have you, but it will be us who keeps you sweet for him." I was absolutely horrified, appalled, no one had ever spoken to me that way. I was not that, I couldn't even bring myself to think it let alone repeat it. I also missed the reference to 'us.'

"Mr Robson, please don't speak that way, please." I said somewhat quietly. "I don't like it, and I am not what you just called me," I was indignant, but fearful, "I am respectable Mr Robson."

"Respectable?" he sneered, "you lost that when you whored yourself to me by asking me to give your husband the job, he reminded me harshly. "Get your ass over here now!"

I had gone from indignant and insulted, to jelly in one second. I crawled over, "Suck it you slut, now!" I fastened my mouth on him immediately, and immediately I was into it and him. And again his hand was gentle in my hair, coaxing me, cajoling me, I was both. There had never been a strong dominant man in my life, this was new, but the thing was it empowered me.

I sucked Mr Robson's cock for all I was worth, regardless of him calling me a virginal s... and a w..., and his f... toy. I found myself being pushed backwards, he was getting ready to mount me, no way back, and no way out, not now I thought. As I went further over on to my back he followed me until his cock dropped out of my eager mouth. I hated myself for giving in like this, but I just could not contend with him, he was greater, stronger, bigger, and more powerful than I would ever be. I was getting it.

"Arms back above your head Susan," he told me, I put them where he told me. He slipped his under mine and took my wrists. Then I felt Mr Robson probing until he found my slit, and I was stunned to realise how wet I was, how ready I was. He slid right in unhindered, and I heard myself gasp, then I moaned, it was the hottest thing I had ever done.

"Now Susan, tell me," he said with a huge thumping thrust deep into me.. "Tell me you are my slut, my whore, and my fuck toy!" He said it all with as many back breaking thumps all right into me. "Tell me how much you likd being fucked by your husband's boss Susan, how wonderful you think it is." He hit me so many time I could hardly breathe, I also started climaxing in ways I hardly, if ever, have.

He was exciting me and making love to me beyond all reason, I just could not compete, my husband's boss had overrun me, he had taken me, he was using me. Yet he was giving me what I hadn't known I didn't have. Mr Robson never let me get use to him, get used to being done like this, never being considered, thought of, and it all served to drive me over the edge of sexual sanity.

He was kissing me incessantly, gasping for breath, being forced to respond. Then he bent his head and bit my nipple. I almost screamed out but remembered the children just in time. I managed not to.

"Please Mr Robson, please, don't," I begged as I came again. I was not only trying to fight him, but I was now fighting myself and losing quickly.

"Tell me Susan, admit it, you are now my slut, you will be my whore, and I will use you as my fuck toy, say it, admit it." Another crashing drive in made me say yes. "Yes Mr Robson, I admit it, I am, I am," I told him. And I meant it too, suddenly, being forced to admit what he was telling me was soothing, it rested me, calmed me. He let go of my wrists and I put my aching arms around his neck for comfort, and to let him know I was there for him.

In what can on have been thirty to forty minutes, I had gone from a very faithful loving one man wife to a traitorous, adulterous harlot. Then I admitted the words Mr Robson had used, I was a slut, I was a whore, I was a fuck toy, and of all three, I was his. He banged me, I received what can only be told as the balling of my life from him.

Then he grunted as he was kissing me more, I was kissing and humping back.

"Please don't come in me Mr Robson, Tony and I are trying for our third baby." These were the words I never said because I couldn't. I could not speak, instead I felt that joyous thrill when baby making seed is pumped into me.

Mr Robson groaned, relaxed a while, then slipped off me. He gathered me up close to him. We never spoke, what is there to say after that, there was time for regret later, but not now, not yet. He stroked my face, spoke sweet words, held me, and loved me. It made me feel so nice, good and warm about myself, even though I had betrayed my marriage.

About thirty minutes later one of the children stirred, I hurried in to calm the one crying, when I went back to Mr Robson he was stroking his cock, I was amazed, and then delighted, because I realised with relish that he was going to have me again. And I wanted him to have me. I liked his power over me, it was exciting, and thrilling. I got back in and just presented my body to him to use how he wanted. I had now gone full circle.

"Get on your knees slut, I'm going to fuck you from behind," again it was an order, not a request, and again I obeyed. I was up on my knees and head down in an instant.

"What are you Susan, who are you?" he asked me. I knew what he wanted me to say, but I had never used profanity before.

"Please Mr Robson, don't make me say things like that, please?" He slapped my rear with a huge flat hand, It flung me down, and he was on me. He leaned across me trapping me under him, and then he started to smack my rear end. It was like being punished as an errant child.

I dare not cry out, I had to grit my teeth to prevent myself from doing it, so I endured it, I couldn't get away and I couldn't stop him. My backside was burning, the pain was awful. I felt so humiliated, I cried, tears fell from me. I wanted him to stop, I would do anything to make him stop. I was defeated. I had never in my life even thought of anything like this, and being subjected to it broke me.

"Mr Robson please, "I wailed. "I am a slut, a whore, your f... f...fuck toy, I'm so sorry Mr Robson, please." He stopped immediately and I was so grateful, I would give him anything he asked, the sensation of belonging to him swept over me. He flipped me back over and started to kiss me. I gripped him and kissed back, my tears were still running from my eyes.

He jumpe over me and entered me again and it was fabulous, I wante this more than anything I had ever wanted. This man, my husband's boss had overtaken me. I had never met such a dominant man, this was a new avenue, a new road. I fell before him, he slid his arms under mine, and retook the control by taking my wrists again. I was stretched out under him, but now my knees were raised to give him me, and ll the access he wanted. He made the most powerful stringent love to me I had ever known.

I came it seemed with every thrust, each deep down drill hit me right on, nothing had been as good as this, ever.

"Back on your knees slut," he told me. I flipped up and over like greased lightning. And he was back in me again, I bathed in the glory I was feeling. "How many times you had it up your ass Susan," he asked gruffly.

I never hesitated, "A few sir," I said, Tony and I did do it now and again when the mood took us. I never felt him pull back but I felt him slide in my rear, and he wasn't gentle, he banged it into me. It made me fall down and then he beat me with his very own rhythm stick. He banged my ass in a way Tony never had. Tony had always shown concern in case he hurt me. Mr Robson didn't, he just hammered me further into submission. His cock was my master, it, he owned me right then. I lay there and accepted it as my place, he wanted it, he was taking it, he was having it. I had no say what so ever. I climaxed again.

There was one difference though, when he was going to cum, he pulled out and pushed back into my pussy, then he came. Twice this night I had now been filled with another man's seed, and I knew, he intended it to do what it was intended for, making a baby, his baby. And I never complained, and I knew I wouldn't.


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