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SusanJillParker Turns Republican

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Susan finally goes with a winning team, the Republican Party.
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After the recent elections with the Republicans not only winning enough seats to control the House of Representatives but also the Senate as well as many governorships, Susan turns Republican.

Susan didn't understand why so very many Democrats, 67% percent of her party didn't come out to vote in the midterm elections. Did they not think it was important to support their president and the parties' policies? With the Republicans the minority party, somehow they were able to get many more of their people out to vote than did the Democrats. The Democratic Party should have concentrated more on getting people to the polls than on speeches, protests, and complaining.

Even though Obama made healthcare available and affordable for all, made the banks accountable by disclosing their fees with credit card reform, and lowered the unemployment rate, he's not very popular. Why not? Maybe because he's a black man in racist America. Even though he passed a stimulus package, reformed Wall Street, ended the war in Iraq, returned tens of thousands of military personnel from Afghanistan, killed Osama Bin Laden, and turned the auto industry around, he's not well liked. Why not?

While the Republicans not only did nothing but tried to torpedo his success, their biggest success was taking the no new tax pledge. Their biggest success was doing nothing. Their biggest success was in not moving the country forward. So why, when they all should have been booted out of office, they're there for another two years for representatives and six years for senators. It seems to me with representatives only serving two years at a time, all they do is campaign. When do they have time to do anything else but to raise money for their campaign chest?

God help me. God help us all. Something is so very wrong with this system of one party against the other party and no party helping the average American. It's time we had one party, the American Party, a party for all instead of just the superrich.

* * * * *

Apparently Obama and the Democratic Party didn't do enough to get the people out to vote. Maybe because, seemingly no one cares, this president as well as the Democratic Party as a whole are doomed for failure. Maybe it's just as simple problem of math, monetary math, and business accounting. Simplistically speaking, the party who can get the most people to pull a lever wins.

With Republicans owning all the radio, TV, cable, news outlets, and satellites, the Republicans told us whatever they wanted to tell us and whatever they wanted us to hear. Unfortunately Big Brother is not only here but Big Brother is Republican. With the Republicans mostly older, Caucasian, wealthy men controlling the largest share of the wealth in not only America but also in the world, sadly, maybe it just all comes down to money. As if our government is a real life game of Risk, whoever has the most money wins.

Forget about the poor, the disabled, the mentally challenged, the sick, the infirmed, and the elderly, everything is not only about money but also about more money. When is amassing enough money ever enough? Evidentially and sadly, it's as simple as whomever has the most money wins the election. The philosophy of the Republican Party, especially if you're a politician, a public servant, is that no one is entitled to anything but themselves. We're denied everything and they receive everything. Talk about handouts, politicians never pocket their hands. Always shaking your hand with one hand, they pick your pocket with their other hand.

If they could, the Republican Party would put an end to Welfare and food stamps. Your husband left you with three children under 8-years-old, that's too bad. You quit, were laid off, or were fired, that's too bad too. Get a job because they'll be no more unemployment benefits. Are you over 62-years-old and can no longer work? Well, best you just kill yourself because you won't be getting any Social Security benefits from us. You don't feel well? Go to the free clinic. We have doctors who attend us in our private office.

As far as Republican politicians are concerned, except for themselves and their families, anyone who wants money needs to get a job and work for it. No matter if you're 80-years-old and/or infirmed, get a job. The only ones who receives most of the entitlements in this country are not the elderly, the sick, and the infirmed, but the politicians, their cronies, and their lobbyists. The rest of us can die of starvation for all they care about us.

Yet, inexplicably, when most of the country is elderly, infirmed, out of work, under employed, and poor, how do rich Republicans still get elected? Not only do the Republicans continue to be elected to office but also now they have control of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Go figure. Go fish. Just go because the average, middle class and lower class American citizen will never get a helping hand from any of them.

* * * * *

With that in mind, tired of being with a losing political party, Susan decided to turn Republican. For once she'd like to know what it feels like to turn her back on people. For once, she'd loved to walk by a homeless person while drinking her coffee and eating her donut and not put a nickel in their outstretched, empty, coffee cup.

"Get a job you homeless person," she'd love to yell. "I'm a proud Republican."

For once, she'd like to know what it feels like to have money because all the Republicans she knows have money while all of the Democrats she knows are poor.

"Okay, once I'm a Republican, the money should just start pouring in. All I have to do is to just have to stand here and wear my George W. hat and my Dick Cheney big button pin and any time now, other Republicans will hand me money for doing nothing other than being one of them."

* * * * *

Instead of registering online as most people do, Susan hoped to speed up the process by appearing before the Pennsylvania Board of Elections in person.

"May I help you?"

The woman, who looked like she had been doing this job for 40-years, gave Susan the once over as if she was a whore or a stripper.

"Yes," said Susan to the female clerk behind the desk at Town Hall. "I'd like to register to vote in Pennsylvania. I moved here three years ago from Massachusetts and I thought I'd be here only temporarily."

As if she was a terrorist trying to subvert the voter registration laws, she looked at Susan with a face filled with suspicion.

"You can register to vote online," she said with obvious attitude, a toss of her head, and a shrug of her shoulders.

Obviously if Susan can register online, then what is she doing here bothering her? Apparently, in the way that politicians are public servants, elected officials who are here to serve the public, she was a hired Civil Servant. It's so oxymoronic to call those people who work for the government and who are elected to high political positions public servants when they are nothing more than thieves. Yet, with me exercising my right of freedom of speech, not all civil servants and politicians are thieves. I heard there's a civil servant in Fargo, North Dakota, and a politician in Cheyenne Wyoming who are not on the take.

"And you were registered to vote in Massachusetts?"

Susan looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, I am, but I was registered as a Democrat. Now, I'd like to change my party affiliation. I'd like to register to vote in Pennsylvania as a Republican now," she said. "I want to be with the winning team and the more powerful political party instead of being part of the losing team and the powerless political party. Go Republicans," she raised her hand in the air to cheer.

After telling her that she wanted to change her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican, seemingly more accepting of Susan, the woman's look softened. After confessing to the woman that she wanted to be on the winning team and with the more powerful, political party instead of being part of the losing team and the powerless political party, the woman nearly smiled. It was apparent to Susan that this woman could very well be her first Republican friend.

"I see. Well, I can do that for you," said the woman. "Do you have identification?"

Yet, even though Susan was willing to become one of them, until she mentioned that she wanted to vote Republican, the woman looked at Susan as if she was a terrorist or trying to commit voter fraud. Perhaps it was her Boston accent that made the woman still look at her with suspicion.

"I do have identification. I have lots of identification. Here's my Massachusetts' Driver's license, my Social Security card, a credit card with my photo, my library card, and my Barbie Club membership card that I've had since I was a kid," said Susan.

Susan looked at the woman and gave her the best smile she could muster at a time when she was abandoning her beloved Democratic Party to become one of them, the users of money and the abusers of power. Inspiring her smile, Susan imagined herself standing upon the balcony of the Stock Market Exchange and ringing the bell in the tradition of all the superrich. She imagined herself finally sitting on the 50-yard-line during a football game instead of having to climb a mountain of stairs on her way to the cheap seats.

"Is that it?" The woman looked from her ID's to look up at her. "Is this all the identification that you have?"

Susan rummaged through her pocketbook with panicked confusion.

"Oh, wait. Here's my NRA card that I just received in the mail. Um, I also have pictures. I have pictures of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, former NRA president, Charlton Heston, and beloved President Ronald Reagan," she said spreading out the four pictures on the desk.

"These will do," said the woman looking at the pictures and smiling.

"I used to have pictures of John, Robert, and Ted Kennedy but I ripped those up after last night's election results. Now my autographed photo of President Obama graces my dartboard. Oh, wait, I also have a photo of my pride and joy?"

The woman pushed her driver's license, Social Security card, credit card, and library card to the side before handing them back to Susan.

"Your pride and joy?" The woman looked at her puzzled while waiting for Susan to finish searching through her pocketbook for her pride and joy. "Your child? Your cat? Your dog? Your car?"

"No, my gun," said Susan handing her a photo of her holding an AK47 while dressed in camouflage. "I'm on the waiting list to get a bazooka and I'm saving up to buy a surface to air missile launcher."

"Nice," said the woman behind the counter. "Being that I'm a Republican and a proud, longtime member of the NRA, I have an entire arsenal of weaponry. I already have a bazooka that I use for deer hunting and I highly recommend the surface to air missile launcher. It's perfect for duck hunting."

"Wow," said Susan rolling her eyes and sighing.

"Actually, you have the only identification that I need, the photos of George W, Dick Cheney, Charlton Heston, and Ronald Reagan," said the woman behind the counter. "Matter of fact with these holier than thou identification credentials you have in your possession, once I register you as a Republican," she said leaning down to whisper to her. "You'll be able to access our files in the archives."

Suddenly feeling special, Susan was surprised that she was given an invitation to visit the archives, whatever that is. Suddenly feeling as if she was a character in the movie, Hudsucker Proxy, everything seemed so surreal.

"The archives? Interesting. What files are those?"

The woman beamed her a smile that nearly cracked her sullen face.

"We have an entire room filled with George W's weapons of mass destruction," she said winking and laughing. "Of course the room is empty. Actually, there are autographed photos of him with the Texas Rangers and Nolan Ryan scattered around the room on the wall."

"No kidding," said Susan. "I'm more of a Boston Red Sox fan than I am a Texas Ranger. Matter of fact, I'd much rather root for the Phillies or for the Pirates than for the Rangers."

Susan smiled at the woman while waiting for her to continue telling her more about the archives.

"We even have George W's rubber ducky, rubber stamp when as President, he controlled the House and the Senate," she said beaming with pride again. "They passed whatever midnight legislation they so wanted while most of the population was asleep in their beds."

As if someone had just goosed her in the ass, the woman beamed with pride.

"Wow, you must be so proud of the Republican Party," said Susan throwing up a little in her mouth and stopping herself from gagging. "You must be so very proud to work here."

"I am. I'd work here for free, not really, but you know what I mean," said the woman. "We even have photos of Henry Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury under the George W Bush administration, passing out billions of dollars to his Republican friends, cronies, and lobbyists," she said leaning in to whisper to her again. "They even have photos of the pool party where the pool wasn't filled with water but with hundred dollar bills," she said beaming. "One photo shows Donald Trump diving in naked."

Susan looked at her aghast.

"You don't say," said Susan.

The woman gave her a look as if she was about to tell her a secret.

"We have a whole section on Tricky Dick Nixon and another section on the Republican Parties dirty tricks. Then, of course, there's the section on Watergate along with the Iran-Contra affair section. Last but not nearly least is a complete room filled with Cheney and Halliburton's no bid contracts," she said with pride.

Unemployed since 2007, with her exhausting her unemployment and even being homeless for five months after losing everything in a flood, Susan could feel her anger welling up from her toes. Seemingly the Republicans had everything and she had nothing. She didn't even have a car. She lost that in the flood too.

"I'm just curious," said Susan.

"What are you curious about dear?"

"What kind of car do you drive?"

"I drive a new Cadillac," said the woman. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to know what I can expect to drive as soon as I turn Republican," said Susan. "Tell me more about the archives."

As if the woman was ready to light up a cigarette and pour them both a cup of coffee, the woman rested her elbows on her desk.

"Upstairs, we have an entire floor devoted to the mistresses, hookers, prostitutes, call girls, and strippers of Republican representatives, members of congress, Supreme Court justices, and, of course, presidents," she said winking at Susan before beaming with pride.

She couldn't believe the woman was telling her all of this.

"You don't say," said Susan as mortified as the woman was prideful.

Then, the woman leaned in closer to Susan.

"With him still serving on the bench, we don't want this to leak out, don't tell anyone but, we even have the original Coke can of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a strand of his pubic hair along with Anita Hill's naked photograph. Of course the photo was photo shopped but it looks real as real as President Nixon denying his knowledge about the Watergate cover-up before they impeached him."

Susan felt herself throw up in her mouth again.

"No kidding," said Susan. "An entire floor? The Republicans had that many mistresses, hookers, prostitutes, call girls, and strippers?"

The woman nodded her head. Obviously having seen and heard everything, the woman didn't seem surprised by the debauchery and the perversity of her political party.

"Well, of course, that's only the ones we know of but I'm sure there were many more mistresses, hookers, prostitutes, call girls, and strippers that we didn't know about," she said. "Not to mention, Nancy Reagan had a thing for her astrologer."

Susan was shocked that this woman was telling her all of this.

"You don't say," said Susan.

The woman nodded her head up and down. Obviously she thought that Susan needed that extra bit of head movement for her to believe her.

"We have every one of Ronald Reagan's movies, including Bedtime for Bonzo," she said.

When the woman turned away, Susan rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Impressive," said Susan.

Encouraging her to tell her more, Susan continued smiling at her.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. We have the Bill Clinton of shame room with a wall size portraits of Monica Lewinski, Jessica Flowers, his busty mistress nicknamed Energizer, and Paula Jones. They even have an exact replica of the dress that Monica Lewinski wore at the time she spit some of his presidential semen from her mouth," said the woman.

This time nearly vomiting, Susan controlled her urge to projectile vomit in the woman's face.

"Wow," said Susan.

Then, standing at attention and looking as if she was about to salute, the woman gave Susan a look of solemnness.

"We have an entire floor filled with General Eisenhower's war memorabilia. The General of the Army, we even have his five star general's cap and combat helmet on display," she said.

Something that Susan was finally proud of, that's one floor that she'd like to visit. Looking like someone's grandfather, General Eisenhower was a beloved president.

"Now that's impressive," said Susan suppressing her urge to salute.

Then, the woman winked at her again.

"Then, there's the Roosevelt room," she said.

"The Roosevelt room? He's wasn't a Republican. He was a Democrat," said Susan

"Beneath the photos of President's Roosevelt's longtime mistress, we have the photo of Eleanor Roosevelt's lesbian girlfriend. In another room we have the bumper taken from Ted Kenney's Oldsmobile that was fished out of the Chappaquiddick. We even have the original 45 record of Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to President Kennedy."

The woman slowly shook her head back and forth as if she was ashamed of what the Democrats did behind closed bedroom doors when her own party was far worse.

"It wouldn't be much of an archives if you didn't include the Democratic dirt along with the Republican accomplishments," said Susan. "So, that's it? I'm now a registered Republican?"

The woman reached in a file to retrieve some papers and put them on the counter in front of Susan.

"I just need you to take the Republican oath and to sign the no new tax pledge," she said.

Susan looked at her as if the woman was joking.

"I heard about the no new tax pledge but I didn't know there was a Republican oath. Moreover, I thought the no new tax pledge was for representatives and senators. I didn't know it applied to regular citizens too," said Susan.

The woman handed Susan a pen.

"The Republican party wanted to embrace everyone with their no new tax reform by having everyone sign the pledge," she said.

Susan accepted the pen from her to sign the Republican's no new tax pledge. When she looked at the pen, there was a photo of Alfred E. Newman from Mad Magazine on one side and the Three Stooges on the other.

"Nice pen," said Susan.

"You may keep the pen as a keepsake to show your grandchildren how proud you are being a Republican," said the woman.

"Thank you," said Susan.

"Are you ready to take the Republican oath now?"

Still thinking the woman was making a joke, Susan looked at her with cynicism.

"I am," said Susan.

Only the woman pulled out a magazine instead of a Bible.

"Raise your right hand and place your hand on this magazine?"

Susan looked from the woman to look down at the magazine before looking back up at the woman.

"Magazine? Shouldn't I have my left hand on a Bible?"

Suddenly, the woman had a look of utter shock on her face.

"No, Republicans don't believe in God," she said.


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