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Susan's New Twist to Anal Sex Ch. 02

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Susan anally fucks Billy Bob with strap-on dildo, Big Bruno.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 03/28/2014
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Susan anally fucks Billy Bob with her strap-on dildo, Big Bruno in Boston.

True to her word, once Susan got off the train, she had Billy Bob accompany her to her car in the parking lot near North Station in Boston's historic North End where they'd have some privacy. In her attempt to make him aware of what it felt like to be on the other end of anal sex, she was going to fuck him anally up his ass with her strap-on dildo, Big Bruno. Being that he was so hot and heavy for her ass, the deal was that after she fucked him up his ass, he could fuck her up her ass.

With the parking lot so big, taking up a portion of what used to be the West End before they invoked eminent domain during urban renewal. Back then, during the 50's and 60's, they demolished houses for the sake of the expressway, the Massachusetts General Hospital, and massive high rise luxury apartment buildings. Back then, with the West End having a large German and Polish population, mostly recent immigrants to the country, they displaced people with little or no regard to where they'd go.

It was a long walk to her car, especially during a rainy or cold winter's day but weather didn't bother her in the way that it bothered most women. Invigorating her, with weather all about Mother Nature and the forces of God or who knows what, she loved weather. Glad she was off that stuffy, crowded train, the rain and the cold made her feel alive but today was a nice, sunny day and the sun felt good on her face as she walked towards her car. In the shadow of the old Boston Garden now TD Garden where the Boston Bruins and Boston Celtics play, her car was there waiting for her.

In a parking lot filled with cars, seeing her car in the distance as soon as she entered the lot, her car was easily identifiable. Tucked in the far corner up against a wall, out of harm's way of car doors being opened too quickly, she parked it there as if it was her reserved space when it was a public lot. When everyone else jockeyed for parking spaces up front while parking too close to one another, she took the parking space way in the back and with the furthest walk from the train station. In the way that people are always late to catch a train, she was seldom late and was usually early. Enjoying the walk at a brisk pace, walking from and to her car twice a day was part of her passive, exercise regimen.

Women don't like walking too far, especially when wearing uncomfortable high heels and especially at night but she's never had a problem with anyone bothering her. Keeping a pair of flats tucked in her oversized purse, forsaking fashion for comfort, she usually switched shoes when walking any distance. For the sake of what she planned on doing to Billy Bob's ass with her strap-on dildo, she decided to not change from her high heel shoes. She needed the extra height leverage when fucking Billy Bob up his ass with Big Bruno.

Besides, not a victim and never anyone's bitch, she was always aware of her surroundings and of those lurking around her. In the way of Jason Bourn played by Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity, she could describe every person near her and remember every license plate of every suspicious car. Where others were preoccupied texting or talking on their cell phone, whenever out and about, she was always prepared for danger. Where others were what criminals called victims, she wasn't anyone's fool or victim.

Always armed with something in her hand, pocket, and/or purse, she was a literal arsenal of weaponry and she knew how to use whatever she carried, even Big Bruno, especially Big Bruno. God help the poor bastard who ever tried to get the better of her. A sexual abuse survivor, she vowed that no man would ever take again what she wasn't ready to give. Unbeknownst to Billy Bob, she'd never allow any man to fuck her up her ass.

"Which one is your car Susan?" Billy Bob looked over at her before looking at the great expanse of parking lot.

Susan walked with him while pointing to the back corner of the lot where there was a black, ominous, albeit shiny shape of a car in the distance.

"I'm that shiny, black Mustang GT convertible parked in the corner way down there. I park it there so that it's out of harm's way. I don't like parking in the middle of the lot where it may be hit, banged, dented, scratched, noticed, and/or stolen," she said with a laugh.

"Mustang GT convertible? Hot damn! Nice car, but that's a man's car," he said looking at her as if she had just told him that she was a jet fighter pilot too. "I didn't figure you for owning no Mustang GT convertible. I figured you for a girlie car."

She laughed, made a face, and rolled her eyes.

"Women like Mustang GT's too. Being that women like to drive fast too, women like fast cars as much as men like fast cars," she said looking at him while studying him. "Which make and model car did you figure me to have Billy Bob?"

He looked at her in the way that he looked at all women who should be staying home instead of working or going to school. As far as Billy Bob no doubt believed, women should be having babies, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children instead of being out and about and doing only God knows what. Only she was like no woman he's ever seen. In the way that he was walking with her with a big grin on his face, he obviously felt proud to be walking beside her. Yet, Billy Bob Barrow has come a long way to be walking with the likes of Susan Jill Parker. Just as she didn't invite any man for her to fuck up the ass with her strap-on dildo, Big Bruno, she didn't walk with just any man.

"Well," he said removing his hat to scratch his head. "I figured you for one of those Jap cars. Something that got better gas mileage than a Mustang GT. I figured you for a Toyota Prius, a Honda Civic, or even a Ford Focus but not no Mustang GT," he said affixing his hat back on his head. "Hot damn, that's a mighty fine car and a convertible to boot. Holy shit," he said staring at the car more as they neared and removing his hat again to slam it against his thigh as if he was at a rodeo.

"Well, as long as I ride with the top up and drive at a steady 55 miles per hour, I've gotten 27 miles to a gallon. Not bad for a small V8 with tons of torque at the ready," she said with a smile.

"I just ain't never figured you for driving the best damn car ever made, a Mustang GT," he said donning his hat again before wiping a tear from his eye.

"I didn't know a Mustang would make you so emotional," said Susan patting him on the back. "Are you okay Billy Bob?"

He pulled out his handkerchief, wiped his eyes, and blew his nose very loudly.

"Where I come from in Pig's Holler, we're all Ford fanatics. Ray even made a statue out of corncobs of Donald Frey. He painted him and put store bought clothes on him too," he said looking at Susan with pride.

"Corncobs?" She looked at him with more confusion than curiosity.

"Yes ma'am, instead of snapping them together, corncobs go together much like Legos with a bit of glue. From a distance, ten paces or so, you'd think they were real men standing out there all day in the hot sun in that cornfield. Doing their job scaring away the birds, in the way that Madam Trusso has her famous wax museum, Ray has his collection of famous Ford Mustang celebrity scarecrows."

"It's Madam Tussard not Madam Trusso," said Susan.

"Whatever," said Billy Bob with a wave of his hand. "You know what I mean."

"Donald Frey? Okay, I'll bite," she said looking at him as if he was a foreigner in her own country when his roots, no doubt, go further back than do hers. "Who's he? The mayor?"

He looked at her as if she was nuts.

"The mayor? Damn Susan. Some Mustang fan you are," said Billy Bob shaking his head. "Damn, I don't understand folk who can afford to buy the car of everyone's dream and not appreciate the heritage and the traditions that go behind it. I bet you're not even a card carrying member of the Mustang Club," he said suddenly looking as if he was mad enough to spit.

"Mustang Club?" She laughed. "I didn't know there was such a thing."

"If I had a car like that vehicle, I'd be loving on it every day," said Billy Bob nodding his head in his own agreement to what he just said. "If I had a car like that, I'd know every gall darn thing about it."

"I didn't buy the car to revel in the history of the Mustang, Billy Bob. It's just a car to me," she said. "And don't you be loving on my Mustang, Billy Bob. You'll scratch the paint with that big assed rodeo belt buckle," she said with a laugh.

"Just a car to you? Lord have mercy," said Billy Bob clutching his chest as if he was about to keel over from a heart attack. "Little woman, you have no idea or appreciation for that there car that you're driving," he said pointing to it from a distance. "That there is a Ford Mustang GT with a premier racing history. There ain't no other car like it. Even the Chevrolet Camaro pales in comparison to a Ford Mustang. That car is magical. That car is the real deal."

Hung up on what he said about her being a little woman and not listening to all that he went on about the Mustang, she shot him a look that could peel paint.

"If you promise not to call me little woman again, I promise not to kick you in the nuts and call you a screaming, little girl of a man," she said with a look that obviously made him believe that she would kick him in the balls and call him a screaming, little girl of a man.

"My apologies," said Billy Bob taking a cautionary step back from her while putting a hand down to his scrotum.

"Your apology is accepted," she said. "Now, pray tell, who is Donald Frey?

"Donald Frey is right up there with Carroll Shelby only not as famous," he said.

"Okay, I'll bite again," she said. "So, who is Donald Frey?"

"Donald Frey was the chief engineer who developed the Ford Mustang. He died at 86 in 2010," said Billy Bob removing his hat and bowing his head in a moment of silence.

"Wow now that's total loyalty and fan dedication to the brand," said Susan rolling her eyes.

"Yes, ma'am," he said putting his hat back on his head again. "Ray put his statue right out in the middle of the cornfield. With a statue of Steve McQueen in one corner, Lee Iacocca on one side of the cornfield and, of course, a statue of Carroll Shelby on the other side of the cornfield, Ray plans to add more statues of famous Mustang celebrities."

"Famous Mustang celebrities? I didn't know there was such a thing," she said laughing.

He looked at her, rolled his eyes, and sighed.

"There's a lot of famous Mustang celebrities," he said.

"Who?" She couldn't help herself from laughing while thinking of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and George Clooney riding around in Mustangs.

"Well, there's Jay Leno with his '65 Mustang GT 350 and Tim Allen with his '68 Shelby GT 500 KR," he said nodding her a look that told her that there were famous Mustang celebrities. "Then there's, Patrick Dempsey with his '65 Mustang and Charlie Sheen with his '65 GT & '68 Shelby," said Billy Bob counting off on his fingers. "Of course there's Sammy Hagar with his '67 Shelby GT and Bob Seger with his '69 Shelby GT 350. A time consuming art, Ray wants to immortalize them all in corncobs," said Billy Bob with obvious pride.

"I'm glad that Ray has found another use for corncobs other than the obvious when out in the middle a field without toilet paper," said Susan with a laugh.

"Actually, the livestock eat corncobs too. Nutritionally, they have a lot of fiber," said Billy Bob. "And people can actually make fuel from corncobs."

"I'm impressed. I learned as much about my car today as I learned about corncobs. Thank you," said Susan. "Maybe I'll drive my Mustang GT down to Pig's Holler one day and surprise you with a visit."

"Um, yeah, that would be nice, only call first so that I can, um, get my wife and kids to go to her sister's house," he said with a dirty laugh while handing her his business card. "You'd be a superstar if you ever drove your car to Pig's Holler with the top down. When we're not driving our Ford pickup trucks, we're driving our Mustang GT's."

"So, you have a Mustang GT? I didn't know you have a Mustang GT too," she said with more appreciation for Billy Bob being that they owned the same type of automobile.

"Actually, um, no, I don't own one myself. I always wanted one but with my wife popping out babies like she's a gumball machine, there ain't never been enough money to buy a classy car like that. I get my thrills riding shotgun in my friends Mustang GT's and sometimes they let me drive," he said.

"Oh," she said politely smiling.

"I barely earn enough to keep the farm going. I can't afford to buy no Mustang GT but if I was to win the lottery, a brand, spankin' new Mustang GT is the first thing that I'd buy. A white one. Yeah, I'd buy a white one with a wide, blue racing stripe that ran from the hood, over the room and down the trunk, just like the Mustang GT that Parnelli Jones used to drive."

"Parnelli Jones? Who's he? Is he from Pig's Holler too?"

"You don't know who Parnelli Jones is? Lord Almighty, I'm going to pretend that you never said that woman," he said. "Duh? Much like the first man to step on the moon, he's the first man to qualify at a speed over 150 miles per hour at the beloved Indy 500. Parnelli Jones is an idol, a living legend right up there with A. J. Foyt and Bobby Unser," said Billy Bob removing his hat again as a sign of respect. "Parnelli Jones is the next figure that Ray is making out of corncobs to display in his cornfield."

"Okay, I don't know any of those men but I figure that they're all race car drivers or good ol' boys," she said. "Right?"

"Race car drivers? Damn woman. They're more than just race car drivers. In the way that Stig is on Top Gear, they're magicians when behind the wheel of a car. They're a symphony orchestra conductor behind a steering wheel. They are masters of speed," he said.

"Stig? I don't know who Stig is," she said.

"Geez, everyone knows who Stig is," he said looking at her with disbelief.

"Maybe we should talk about something else," she said. "Your face is turning all red."

"Maybe you're right," he said looking at her while pointing to her car. Removing his handkerchief from his pocket again, he wiped the sweat that collected at his hairline and behind his neck. "So, tell me, that's really not your car, is it? Is that your husband's or your boyfriend's car?"

As if just having been insulted, she made a sour face while shaking her head.

"Not really my car? My husband's car? My boyfriend's car?" She gave him a dirty look before giving him a sexy look. "I don't have a man in my life Billy Bob. This is my car that I bought and paid for in my name," she said.

"Okay. Calm down. I'm not the only one who's red in the face," he said looking at her. "I'm sorry if I insulted you again," he said. "Tell me more about your car. Is that standard or an automatic?"

"Now Billy Bob, you know that it's not a Mustang GT unless it's a shift it yourself one," she said with a little laugh. "When you're driving a Mustang GT, ain't no one gonna want to let a computer drive the car for you. It doesn't feel like drivin' unless your shiftin', downshiftin', and double clutchin' through the gears while listenin' to the revs build," she said mimicking him in the way that he talked. "It's a six speed manual."

Obviously overtaken by her and by her car, catching her off guard, as they walked closer to her car, Billy Bob wrapped his arm around Susan's slim waist. As if overwhelmed by not only her beauty and shapely body but also by her Mustang GT, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Grabbing a whole handful of her sexy ass, he slid a slow hand down her backside to feel her ass through her short skirt and panty before he hiked up her skirt to feel her round, firm ass through her panty. When he tried to impale his tongue in her mouth while reaching between her legs to finger her pussy through her panty, she pushed him away as if she was bench pressing him.

"Now that's not the deal that we had Billy Bob. You know that. The deal that we had was that I'd allow you to fuck me up my ass after I've fucked you up your ass," she said reaching out to touch his lip with her finger while giving him a sexy smile. "You wouldn't deny a woman some sexual pleasure first before you have your sexual pleasure with me, would you?

"Okay, you're right but I don't know how you're going to have any sexual pleasure fucking me up that ass with a big, wooden dildo," he said staring from her to stare at her purse where Big Bruno lay hidden. No doubt, the longest and fattest dildo he's ever seen, Big Bruno was the perfect name for that small baseball bat that looked more like a fungo bat. "I don't get it. How can you feel anything wearing a strap-on?"

"Trust me. I'll be feeling a lot once I have Big Bruno imbedded in your fat ass," she said with venom before giving him a sly look and a sexy smile.

"Okay," he said unbuckling, unbuttoning, unzipping and dropping his pants to his ankles. He stretched himself over the back of her car. "I'm ready."

"Not here out in the open and not on my car you're not. Better than you get up against the wall behind the car where no one can see you." With his pants and underwear collected around his ankles, Billy Bob shuffled himself behind her car. He grabbed his erection in hand and turned to flash Susan his cock. "Nice," she said with sarcasm while rolling her eyes. "Now bend over and grab your ankles," she said.

"Grab my ankles? In the way that I can't touch my toes, I don't know if I can grab my ankles. I'm a little too heavy in the gut for that. What if I just hang onto my knees as if I'm getting ready to tackle someone?"

"That will work," she said positioning herself behind him.

Susan pulled Big Bruno from her oversized purse and put her purse down beside her car. Without even lubricating him, she was about to impale Billy Bob with her miniature fungo bat.

"Okay, here we go," she said parting his fat ass cheeks with her wooden dildo in the way that he had tried to impart her lips with his fat tongue.

"Now hold on there. Wait just one Kentucky Fried Chicken minute missy," he said turning away from her in the way that Ned Beady as Bobby did in Deliverance and in the way that Ving Rhames did as Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction when the hillbillies were about to fuck them up the ass. "Aren't you going to lubricate that thing first? I don't mind getting a good ass fucking, so long as my ass is nicely lubricated first," he said. "I need for you to gently slide that thing inside of me instead of ramming it up my ass without any preparation."

"You're right. Sorry, my mistake," said Susan. "In my exuberance to fuck you up the ass Billy Bob, I forgot that I need to make you more comfortable. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you Susan. It was an honest mistake. To be honest, I'm only allowing you do fuck me up the ass in honor of our agreement. I can't wait to fuck you up the ass Susan. I can't wait to feel my cock inside of you while pounding and pounding your ass and reaching up to feel your big tits and finger your nipples. I can't wait to bend you over and bump your head against the wall or on the hood of your car," he said with sexual excitement.

"Calm down there now Billy Bob. You're going to have to wait your turn. I'll be fucking you up the ass first," she said with a sardonic smile.

Susan retrieved her purse and fished through it. Finding what she was looking for, she pulled out some lube gel. Applying a generous gob to the end of her dildo, she wrapped her fingers around as if she was holding onto a cock and giving it a hand job, she coated all sides of it too. Then, giving him a finger rim job, she squirted a big gob of it on her fingers and applied a generous dose to the inside of Billy Bob's ass.


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