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Susan's Saturday Night Sex Ch. 04

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Four F's, What men do with women is what Susan does to men.
4.4k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/21/2014
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There are no characters under the age of 18 in this story. All characters portrayed are over the age of 21.


What's good enough for men to do with women is good enough for Susan to do with men.

Nothing more than victims having sex with their sexual predators, older men know how to play the Daddy card to get what they sexually want from their surrogate daughters and daughters know how to play the daughter card to get what they sexually want from their surrogate fathers. Yet, how dare older, more mature, and more experienced men take sexual advantage of women so young, so impressionable, and so sexually inexperienced while many of these poor women are too young and too innocent to know any better? Now that Susan knows men's dirty, little secrets, so very easy for her to do the same to evoke that kind of sexual arousal from men, it was her turn to do sexually entice and arouse young, handsome men.

Most women would never do such a thing, having sex with men nearly half their age so much so that she's deemed a sexual predator. In the way that most men think about sex, sex, sex, most women don't think about sex in the way that Susan thinks about having sex every Saturday night. Yet, in the way that she's been used and abused by men all of her life, she became a sexual predator without giving it a second thought or wasting her time and emotions on guilt or on remorse. With her now thinking like a horny, horrible man instead of a modest, moral woman, what she did on Saturday nights was just about sex. Sex, sex, sex, what she did on a Saturday night was just about her sexual needs and not about anyone else's sexual needs. What she did on Saturday nights wasn't anyone's business.

Most women would be turned off to even think of having sex with a man nearly the age of their sons, but Susan wasn't turned off at all. If anything she was aroused by the thought of going to bed with young men. Perhaps, had she had children, especially had she had a son, too much like mother and son sex, she'd feel differently about having sex with a man nearly half her age. If anything, she was sexually aroused to have sex with a young, hard, naked body. Most women would be turned off for a man to pretend that she was his mother while having sex with her and calling her Mom, Mommy, and mother, but Susan enjoyed the incestuous role playing while having sex with young men. Most women would never have a new lover every week but every Saturday for years, since she graduated Harvard medical school, Susan did.

Payback is a bitch, bitch, and, most definitely, because of what Steven did to her back then made her the bitch that she is today. In the way that these perverted, older men have done for thousands of years, it was her turn to satisfy her sexual libido while soothing her psychological need to have sex with men nearly half her age. Sex, sex, sex, taking the mindset of her male counterparts, if people don't like what she does, too fucking bad. What she does behind closed, bedroom doors is none of anyone's God damn business. Fuck them!

Having sex with young men while allowing them to pretend that she was their mother was her naughty, sexual and erotic thing to do. Even with her being a psychiatrist and hearing every emotional problem and sick, depraved thought, it amazed even her how many young men fantasized about having sex with their mothers. It amazed even her how easy it was to turn men into a virtual sex machine of orgasmic pleasure once she allowed them to call her Mom, Mommy, and/or mother while she was sucking them, they were eating her, or they were making love before fucking one another. If she hadn't witnessed men's sexual transformation in bed whenever she played the Mommy card, she never would have believed it.

"I love you Mommy."

All it took for her to have sex with a different young man each week was to have a different mindset and that mindset was for her to more think like a man than to think like a woman. That mindset was what men have been doing for thousands of years to women while thinking only about their sexual pleasure and emotional gratification. With her having a man's mindset, what she does to men now is what men have always done to women, to find them, feel them, fuck them, and forget them. In the way that men have deserted women after having sex, what she does to men is to leave them before they can use her.

Most women would never do what she was doing, having sex with a different young man every week, 52 weeks a year, for years. Do the math, since she graduated medical school seven years ago, 52 men times 7 years is 364 men, a man literally for every day of the week. Except for some of our beloved, promiscuous celebrities, how many women can say that they've had sex with 364 men? Most women would be appalled, aghast, and ashamed if they knew what Susan did on a Saturday night, especially with her being a Harvard trained psychiatrists. Most women would lock up their sons and forbid them to go to a bar unattended if they knew that Susan was on the prowl every Saturday night.

Yet, unlike men who may feel some modicum of guilt and some shred of remorse after licking and fucking their way through a multitude of women in their adult lives, Susan had no repercussions of guilt and/or no feelings of remorse in doing what she does. As long as she didn't get pregnant in the process and/or be discovered by her colleagues to what it is that she actually does on a Saturday night, she was free to go her merry way and continue to have sex with men nearly half her age. With her successfully bedding hundreds of men without becoming pregnant and without catching a contagious sexual disease, why stop now when her libido was just heating up enough for her to want more sex instead of less sex?

Sex, sex, and more sex, it was all just about sex after all. With no man making her feel committed and/or connected enough for her to stay any longer with them once she had her orgasm, in the way that these men were free to do the same with women, she was free to leave them to find her next conquest. As if they were a human dildo and/or vibrator, the young men that she found, felt, fucked, and forgot about were just her tool to use. In the way she had no remorse in replacing a dead battery in her vibrator or trying out a new dildo for fit, she had no feelings of loss when abandoning men after giving her so much sexual pleasure.

Just as those older men were able to identify those young women who sexually fantasized about sleeping with their fathers for sex, she was able to identify those young men who sexually fantasized of bedding their mothers for sex too. A fair exchange, having sex with young men who wanted to have sex with their mothers, in the way that men have been bedding young women who wanted to have sex with their fathers, was a win/win sexual situation for all. What was an acceptable social, sexual practice for men, albeit in whispered hushes, was now an acceptable, social, sexual practice for her too, that is, as long as no one knew what was happening behind her closed, bedroom doors. Who knows? Emotionally as well as sexually, maybe for an hour or two, she was even doing these young men some good by pretending to be their mothers naked and in bed with them.

So long as her friends, family, patients, and none of her colleagues found out that she was a slut using psychological dysfunctional men for sex, in her mind, able to justify her salacious behavior, there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. So long that no one knew that in the way that men have been doing for thousands of years, she was using her skills in philosophy, psychology, and psychiatry to her unfair sexual advantage. What did it matter what she did behind closed, bedroom doors on her own time anyway? As far as she was concerned, as long as the sex with consensual, what she did in her private time was none of anyone's business.

Fooling herself by the justification that she wasn't hurting anyone, in the way that men have justified their bad and inappropriate behavior all through history by screwing young women, she didn't believe that she was doing anything wrong in using her psychological and psychiatric training to screw young men. If analyzed, what she did was nothing more than a personal issue and a private choice of stretching ones ideologies and professional principles to fit her own sexual wants, needs, and desires. So long as no one professionally questioned her and/or knew how she spent her Saturday nights cruising bars and picking up young men for them to take her home to their place, she didn't see the harm in having sex with young men. If anything, as if sex was an illicit drug and she was a druggie hook on the euphoria of an excess amount of Dopamine from an orgasm, it felt so good to suck and fuck a different young, handsome man every Saturday night while knowing that he'll get her to cum. Obviously more skilled at seducing young men than her male counterparts were successful at seducing young, beautiful women, with only a very few young men not taking her bait and/or not wanting to roll play by calling her Mom, Mommy, or mother, she had a very high success rate.

Unlike women who were always on the lookout for Mr. Right, with men only looking for sex in the way that she only wanted sex, men were so damn easy to seduce, too damn easy to seduce. Most times, all she had to do was to flash them a smile while showing them some cleavage along with a bit of long, shapely leg. Most times to get their attention, all she had to do was to slowly cross her long, shapely legs while flashing them a bit of bright, white cotton panty. Most times, all she had to do was to listen while acting interested enough in what they were saying and in what they were doing, even when she was bored to tears. Most times, all she had to do was to give them the eye and continue to give them that sexy look that told them they'd be getting lucky tonight, even though she knew that she'd be the one getting lucky. Most times, with her knowing otherwise, they were the ones who hit on her.

Assuredly, the young men thought that they were the ones trying to seduce her when, of course, it was the other way around. Using them in the hopes of sexually abusing them, if only they knew what she was up to, she wondered if they'd still want to have sex with her. If only they knew what she was up to, she wondered if they'd still want to play her sexy, incestuous game of a son having sex with his mother. Of course and without a doubt, they'd definitely still want to have sex with her because not only are men are easy but also most men want to sleep with their mothers.

With her being so blonde, so beautiful, so busty, shapely and sexy, all they needed was one look at her and they all knew that they'd like to see her naked and sleep with. Looking much like the English model Sienna Miller or Heidi Klum but with a PhD, Dr. Susan Jill Parker was a formidable sexual force. God help the man she wanted because he'd have no free will to dare say no to her. With just one look and one, long, wet kiss, it wouldn't be very long before they'd be naked humping and sweating in bed.

Unless she was hurting someone and/or violating her Hippocratic Oath as a doctor to do no harm, an oath written by the Greek physician Hippocrates, she was able to thread her needle and to make the connection that she was doing no wrong. Indeed, Hippocrates too had sex with not only women young enough to be his daughters but also with men young enough to be his sons. As was with Socrates, Aristotle, and even Sigmund Freud who had many young, attractive mistresses, in the way they bedded young women, they were her inspiration and motivation to bed young men. Being that she knew how to take sexual advantage of young men, and with her in total control of young men's destiny, what she did on a Saturday night was her game to play. Why not? Besides, as far as Susan was concerned, again, without feeling any guilt or remorse, in the same insensitive way that men have been doing since forever, again what she did on her free time was none of anyone's business. It was all just sex after all.

* * * * *

In the way that older, female celebrities, such as Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, and Madonna have sex with any young man that appeals to them, she does too. So what? What's the big deal? Who cares? Mind your own fucking business. In the same way as her male counterparts sexually comport themselves, she just wants to be left alone in peace to do whatever she sexually wants with whomever she sexually wants. And who she sexually wants are young men with hard bodies and even harder cocks who have the sexual fantasy of sleeping with their mothers.

"I love you Mommy."

So long as she wasn't sleeping with a patient, being that she was single and not in a romantic or sexual relationship, with her having no boyfriend, lover, or husband, she's free to sleep with whomever she wants, even a man young enough to be her son. Susan specifically looked for young men nearly half her age to seduce and to show her a good, sexual time. A cougar on the prowl is one thing but a cougar armed with a Harvard education and trained in philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology is another thing entirely. Young men didn't stand a chance against this mature woman when she was so sexually dressed to seduce and sitting at a bar looking so vulnerable and so horny.

With her having such an unfair advantage over young men, an understatement, in addition to her education and professional training, between her beauty, her body, her intelligence, her sexually wiliness to seduce, and her charm, young men didn't stand a chance of saying no to her. Moreover, as her special bonus for them to want her and as her way for them to fuck her as if they're on steroids, for those young men who got her naked and in bed, she'd even allow them to call her Mom, Mother, and/or Mommy. Role playing while pretending that she was their mothers and they were her sons was a powerful psychological tool that she used to her advantage for her to have great sex and to make sure that they gave her what she so wanted, a much needed, heated orgasm.

As if she was their personal, sex therapist, without being blatantly obvious about it, she allowed these lucky, young men to believe not only that they're seducing her but also that they were seducing their mothers. Instead, while mothering them and treating them as if they were her sons, she was always the one in control and not them. Assuredly, she was the one seducing them and not the other way around. Easy enough for her to do, especially with the men that she purposely chose and the key to her sexual success, she knew in advance that the sexual fantasy of having sex with their mother was their biggest weakness.

By allowing them to live out their sexual fantasy by them having sex with her as if they were having sex with their mothers, they were such easy prey to bed. A win/win sexual scenario for both, she spent some quality time with young, hard cocks while they pretended they were having sex with their mothers. If anything, while they did her a sexual favor by giving her a much needed orgasm, she was doing them a favor by pretending that she was their mother and having sex with them.

So long as the medical board didn't discover the adverse psychological ramifications with the sexual games she played with young, emotionally disturbed, young men, what did it matter? It was none of anyone's business if she allowed her Saturday night dates to do some innocent role playing during their sexual time together. What's so wrong with them pretending they were having sex with their mothers while, instead they were having sex with a Harvard educated, doctor of psychiatry, Dr. Susan Jill Parker? If only they knew she was a psychiatrist, either the shit would hit the fan or they'd ask her for some free professional counseling. With her showing them a better sexual time, even if she didn't give them enough time to ejaculate after they gave her an orgasm, their mothers should look as good as she did and as sexy as she was.

* * * * *

When men have been doing the same thing for thousands of years, with it being her turn now, what's so wrong with her doing to men what men have done to women? Still with the double standard rearing its ugly head, if there was anything at all wrong with what she was doing, it was because she was a woman taking advantage of a man and not the other way around. If there was anything at all wrong with what she was doing, it was because she was a trained, skilled, professional taking sexual advantage of a layman. So what? With men having all the fun before, especially in the way that Steven had with her, it's her turn now to have some sexy fun.

Her personal, sexual peccadillo, she used young men in the way that older men used young women. She used young men in the way that an older man once used her. Her way of giving back and getting back all that she was subjected to, she used young men in the way that Steven found her, felt her, fucked her, and forgot her. Now it was her turn to be just sexually insensitive, as callous, and as emotionally detached as he was while having sex with her and when having sex with men nearly half her age. Taking a long time for her to not only understand his mindset but also to immerse herself in his insensitive, sexual philosophy, just as it was now all about sex with Susan, it was all just about sex with Steven then, after all. Nothing more than sex, sex, and sex, in the way that he mistreated and dumped her to the curb, she did the same to young men who were young enough to be her sons.

Confounded and frustrated by Steven's bad behavior before, she didn't understand how someone could so callously mistreat her by dumping her, especially after he told her that he loved her and was ready to leave his wife for her. Confounded and frustrated by his inappropriate sexually bad behavior before, after all these years, finally she understood her reason for sleeping with Steven now. With her never knowing who her father was, obviously, for her to fall in love and sleep with Steven in the way that she did so very many times when she was so very young, she was one of those women who wanted and needed to sleep with her father too.

Now that she's older, more mature, more sexually and romantically experienced, and more educated in the ways of the world and the psychology of human nature, she understood why some mature men sexually want younger women. She didn't need to be a Harvard trained psychiatrist to understand the obvious concept. She now understood why some younger women sexually want older men, why some mature women sexually want younger men, and why some younger men sexually want older women.

* * * * *

Sometimes still thinking about him, she wonders about Steven, not only as the love of her life but also as the one who got away. Wondering where he is now and what he's doing, she wonders what he looks like now. Wondering where he is now and who he's with, if even he's still alive, if she's 41 now and was 21 when she met him as a college senior twenty years ago, then Steven must be 60-years-old.

Back then, ready to jump in bed with anyone who told her that he loved her, especially a man old enough to be the father she never had, she's not that gullible, needy, college coed anymore. Back then, an older man's emotional rejection was her Achilles heel. Back then, she'd do anything to be accepted by a man, even give him sex. If a man didn't respond favorably to her, especially an older man, making her feel weak at the knees and sad, his total disregard for her and disinterest in her was her Kryptonite. Back then, being that she was obviously so needy for Daddy's affection, she'd swoon over any man, especially an older man, who paid her a compliment and/or who gave her his undivided attention in the way her father never did.


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