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Sweet and Wicked Ch. 01

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Lizzy pushes Tommy's buttons after a playful spanking.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/25/2020
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The four of us were in Ray's living room: Ray and Dee on the couch, Lizzy sitting on my lap in the big overstuffed chair. It was getting late, that time of night when the hour and the alcohol lead you to some strange places, such as the conversation we were having right then, about spanking.

"I don't like it," Dee said. "He does it too hard."

Ray laughed. "You know I barely touch you," he said. Ray's a big guy, an ex-football player with a few added pounds since his college days, and he looks like a giant beside Dee, who—like Lizzy—is on the short side.

"Guys think it's funny," said Lizzy. "But it hurts."

"That's why you've got the padding back there," I suggested, which got me a slap on my arm. Lizzy's small but tough. "No, I'm serious, that's probably why kids get spanked too. Stings but doesn't really cause any damage."

"Kids don't get spanked," said Dee. "Not anymore."

"Did you get spanked?" Lizzy asked me. When I said yes, she said, "And I bet it hurt like hell."

I'd actually been walloped pretty good as a kid. I said I couldn't really remember (which was about ninety percent true) so it couldn't have been all that bad.

"You didn't have Ray as a daddy," said Dee, laughing. "I bet you couldn't take three whacks from this sadist..."

"All this grief I'm getting," said Ray, shaking his head. "You hear this, Tommy?"

"I got two dollars, I think," said Dee. She stood up, wobbled just a little, and reached for her purse. "Maybe even, like, five."

I laughed, and so did Lizzy, but then she got up off my lap and went through her purse too. "We got eight dollars in the pot now, boys."

"I'm not getting spanked," I said.

"Because it hurts," said Dee. "Which is what we're saying. Thank you..."

Then everyone seemed to be talking at once, and glasses got refilled, and a few minutes later amid all the commotion Lizzy announced that we were up to twelve dollars and ten cents. All I had to do, she said, was take three whacks from Ray. "And not make a sound," Dee added, laughing.

"And what do I get?" asked Ray.

"Just your usual sadistic pleasure," said Dee, and gave him a kiss.

"Wait, wait," said Lizzy. "If he makes a sound, Ray gets the money. That way he's got an incentive to really, like, whack him."

"Damn," I said, as she and Dee dissolved in laughter.

"Damn," said Ray.

I said I was game if Ray was, and he laughed and said sure. Then I got up out of the chair, wobbling maybe a little myself, and stood in front of him on the couch to take my three whacks. It was like being a kid and trying to take a punch, a dumb game to see how tough you were.

"Whoa, wait, no, no, no," said Dee. "He can't get any kind of force behind it like that."

"Over his motherfucking knee," Lizzy yelled, spilling her drink.

"Oh come on," I said. I expected Ray to protest, but he only grinned and sat back on the sofa to give me room.

Like I said, it was late, and we'd been drinking. So I gave in and spread out across Ray's lap. As soon as I did, the embarrassment sank in despite all the alcohol. But I knew I couldn't show it.

"All right now," said Dee.

I lifted my head from the cushion to look at them both, standing side by side now and watching with rapt, drunken attention. I said, "Remember, just three—" and then Ray's hand came down on my ass.

It surprised me more than anything else. Hard and sharp, but not brutal. Still, I had to stifle the urge to yell out. There was no way I was losing at this point.

"Huh," said Lizzy. She sounded disappointed.

"That's bullshit," said Dee.

"That's harder than I spank you," said Ray, "and he didn't make a peep."

"Pants down," said Dee. "Otherwise—"

"No fucking way," I said.

"—it ain't a real thing. Lizzy, you agree?"

Lizzy had that sort of glazed look in her eyes that told me she was no more than twenty minutes from passing out. "Yes!" she laughed. "Down at his, like, ankles."

"Now ladies," said Ray. "Y'all are changing the rules now."

"Oh, an ass is an ass, don't be a prude," said Dee.

Then before I could move, the two of them were practically on top of me, squealing, Dee holding me down while I felt Lizzy unbutton my jeans and then start working them down. I tried to get up but Ray put a hand on my back as well, keeping me in place. "Too late," he said, with a big booming laugh, "these girls are going to get what they want."

Less than a minute later my bare ass was completely exposed, and my jeans were pushed down to my ankles. My face was burning but all I could think to do was to pretend I was cool with all of it. Meanwhile Ray hadn't said a word.

"Fuck," said Dee, standing back. "Tommy's got an ass, Lizzy. He's so smooth. That's kind of..."

"Hot!" yelled Lizzy, happily. "Now beat his ass, Ray."

I closed my eyes, waiting for it, waiting, waiting.... Then I wondered if maybe the point was to make me wait, to embarrass me even more, the way my dad had embarrassed me for long minutes before he'd started the spankings—and that's when Ray's big hand struck my bare right butt cheek and made one of the loudest sounds I'd ever heard. Both girls gasped, and so did I—which may have disqualified me, but they didn't seem to notice. The pain was intense, but I didn't move, and didn't really want to move in that moment. A weird kind of warmth was spreading through me, and I understood—just before his hand came down a third time, this time squarely between my cheeks—that the spanking was turning me on. I didn't cry out somehow, but I felt tears stinging my eyes.

I opened my eyes again, ready to claim my twelve dollars and try to reclaim my dignity. Then Ray's hand came down again, even harder. And then again. And again. I cried out for real then and tried to lift myself off him but Ray easily held me down. He laid his other hand across my stinging ass, and for the first time I felt something move beneath me, inside of Ray's pants. He said, "One more for the girls," and then he walloped me with everything he had.


When we got home, the spanking was all that Lizzy wanted to talk about as we got ready for bed. We both inspected my ass, which was bright red with visible handprints from the beating I'd taken. She was slurring her words and could hardly stay upright as we crawled into bed, but told me that she understood things better now.

"It's so hot to see it," she said. "My baby's sweet... beat-up ass..." And then she fell asleep.

I went back into the bathroom and looked at myself again. He'd roughed me up good. What had been going through his mind when he spanked me? Did he enjoy as it as much he enjoyed spanking Dee? Did he enjoy it more, knowing he could be as rough as he wanted? And was he really starting to get hard from beating my ass?

It took a long time to fall asleep.


By morning we were both hung over and we'd forgotten about it, mostly. But at different points throughout the day it came back to me. Not just the feeling of Ray's hand coming down on my naked ass, but what it had felt like to be exposed in front of him, in front of all of them. And even the sense of pride I felt in being able to take a beating.

But a few days passed before I realized I'd become obsessed.

All I could think of was being over someone's knee again. Not Lizzy's knee. She wouldn't hit hard enough. But more than that, she wouldn't have that predatory streak that I'd sensed in Ray, something sexual that seemed to be driving him to make my ass his own. I decided I had to talk to her about it.

"You want Ray to spank you again?" she asked, eyes wide. We were at a bar and she'd spoken a little too loudly, drawing curious glances our way that I noticed but she didn't.

"Not... him," I said, more quietly. "I mean that seems weird.... Just a guy, I guess."

"Any guy?"

"I guess, sure. I don't know." I admitted I was a little confused about the whole thing, and said it was probably just a fleeting thing that would pass anyway.

"Are you kidding?" she asked. "This is fun as shit. The deal is that you can get spanked as long as I get to watch, and as long as I get to help pick the guy."

This wasn't too surprising. Not long after we met, she'd told me she'd had a dream about having a dick, and watching me suck it off. She talked about that dream for days.

"This isn't a sexual thing," I said.

"Sure it isn't," she agreed happily. Then she took out her phone and began scrolling.

"You're finding a friend who seems like a good spanker?" I asked.

"Not exactly." She wouldn't say another word for a few minutes as she kept scrolling, seemed to find what she was looking for, and then began typing. She smiled and set the phone down on the bar in front of us. "I found a personals site and it's kind of sketchy but whatever. What do you think of my ad?"

I leaned over to read what she'd posted. It was short and sounded like Lizzy.

Hey! My boyfriend needs to get spanked hard, bare ass and over the knee, by a real man who knows how to bring it. Preference for a big guy who can keep my boyfriend in line! And oh, I'll be there watching to make sure he gets what he deserves.

"By a real man..." I repeated.

She grinned. "I knew that would get you. But you want it to be from someone who's maybe at least a little bit of an asshole, right? You kind of need to be his bitch, just a little, to make it really sting..."

I rolled my eyes. "You're insane."

"But hot. Anyway it needs to be a stranger because that'll make you more uninhibited. And me."

"Why do we need to be uninhibited?"

"Oh you know," she said. "Whatever."


The next day, Lizzy emailed me at work. It was as inappropriate as always.

Baby! Wasn't getting a lot of love for the ad so I added a pic I took of you this morning naked in bed when you were sleeping sorry I swear! Your butt looked amazing! Long story short, we've got company tonight. He sounds perfect. A little older and a lot bigger. For some reason he also sent a dick pic, see attached. Wow!

I looked around my desk quickly before opening the attachment. I gasped even though I knew what was coming. The pic was of a heavyset man, cropped to show his naked body from the waist down. A soft but absurdly thick, uncut cock hung between his hairy thighs, with a pair of massive balls swinging below.

Wow, I thought. I wasn't into it, didn't want or plan to actually do anything with the guy. But still, wow.

The second thoughts started almost right away. I got stuck working a little late, texted Lizzy, and said by the way let's hold off on this. By the time I pulled the car into the parking lot I was relieved and reconsidering the whole thing. It was dumb and risky to invite a stranger into our place. Especially a perverted stranger who she'd found on a personals site.

I walked into the apartment, set my keys down, and turned to find him sitting on our couch.

Tracy was in the kitchen, fixing drinks. "This is Peter," she called out. "Peter, this is my boyfriend Tommy."

Peter smiled broadly. He looked to be in his fifties, vaguely Mediterranean, with a balding head and thick tufts of hair on his arms. He probably outweighed me by seventy pounds. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pants that I couldn't help but notice had been unbuckled.

"Tommy," he said. His voice was as gruff as the rest of him. "A good name for a little boy."

"A bad little boy," Lizzy corrected him, coming out with drinks. She handed one to him, and took the other for herself. Nothing for me. "For the grown-ups," she explained, grinning wickedly at me.

"Lizzy," I said, trying to signal her with my eyes. I wasn't sure I could do this. My body was tingling but I didn't know if I could physically do this—submit to a stranger like this. The picture of his cock suddenly flashed in my mind. His thick cock.

She sat on the chair opposite the couch, crossed her legs, sipped her drink, and said, "Peter. What happens if the boy doesn't come and get his spanking like he's supposed to? What happens then?"

"He gets this," said Peter. And he slid the belt out from his pant loops. My whole body started to warm.

Lizzy's mouth fell open for a second, and she bit her lip. She looked back at me. "Tommy," she said, "I think maybe you should just, you know..."

She didn't have to finish the sentence. I took off my shoes and walked to the sofa. When I was in front of Peter, he said, "Turn around. Face your girlfriend. Then drop your pants and your underwear."

My breathing sped up but I did as I was told. As I pushed the underwear down over my erection, Lizzy gasped again, but said nothing. I lowered my head and waited.

"Kick them off," said Peter. "I don't want them in the way. Just leave your socks on like a good boy, Tommy."

I felt drunk suddenly, and each word seemed to make me drunker. The way he said my name, as if I really was a young boy again, made me dizzy. I pushed away my pants and underwear, and then as Lizzy watched I lowered myself across his lap, just as I'd done with Ray. I felt infinitely more vulnerable with Peter, a stranger.

He cupped one of my ass cheeks and squeezed it painfully, drawing an involuntary yelp from me.

"How hard," he said to Lizzy, "can I hit him?"

"Hmmm," she said. Her voice sounded extra sweet as she added, "How about until I tell you to stop?"

He laughed. "My kind of girl," he said.

He began slowly, striking the meaty part of each buttock and then waiting ten, fifteen, even twenty seconds before the next strike. I could feel his eyes on my ass, enjoying the redness he was bringing out. When I opened my own eyes to look at Lizzy, she'd set her drink down and was leaning forward, a little glazed but focused on the scene in front of her. One hand had moved down between her thighs.

His hand kept coming down and the slaps became louder than ever. Beneath me I could feel that massive cock coming to life. He pulled my thighs apart roughly, and they were spread wide enough that the next strike came down on my asshole. I cried out louder then as a jolt of pain raced through me, but I didn't try to squirm away from his hand. Amazingly, I felt myself lifting my ass and even tilting it up toward him, making an easy target of my asshole. He kept beating me, faster and harder, and the more I cried out the harder he got.

Tears were streaming down my face, and I could barely make out Lizzy, kneeling right beside us and smiling down at me.

"You did so good," she whispered, when the spanking suddenly and miraculously was over. "But I'm worried you still won't learn your lesson. Peter... do you think your boy learned his lesson?"

He took one ass cheek in each of his big hands, squeezing and kneading them. His dick, invisible to Lizzy, jutted straight up into me. I felt too exhausted, emotionally and physically, to do anything right now except let it all happen.

"Maybe not," he said. He sounded out of breath himself, now.

"How about just once," she suggested, "with the belt..."

"Lizzy," I said.

"Oh yes," he said.

I put my head down again on the cool cushion, listened to him prepare the belt. When it came down I heard the sound—a brutal, vicious slap—before I felt the sting.

Things went fuzzy then. When I came to a second later, Lizzy was helping me up. I looked down with her at my naked body, sticky with my own cum. I'd finished without even knowing it. Then, together, we both looked down at Peter's lap. His own cock, longer and twice as thick as mine, was still ferociously erect. He massaged the shaft gleefully as he smiled at us.

"Usually I give a boy a chance to show how good he's going to be," Peter said. "But I know that wasn't part of the ad."

Lizzy looked at me carefully. She was smiling and I understood she'd expected this all along. She took my face in her hands and said, "Make me proud, Tommy. Show us you've learned your lesson by sucking Peter's big cock..."

The words electrified me and brought me straight down to my knees. I moved between Peter's open thighs as he let go of his cock, letting it fall forward and slap me in the face. I gripped the shaft. I took a deep, long breath. And then I put his hard fat dick in my mouth and began to suck the giant head.

"Oh fuck," Lizzy whispered, as Peter groaned. "Oh Tommy." She put her hand behind my head. Not pushing me down, just encouraging me. I took more of him inside me, enjoying the sensation as he filled my mouth, Lizzy's tender hand guiding me down further and further. "Suck that dick, baby," she said. "Peter needs this. You need this, to feel better."

And as she said it, I knew she was right, or somehow she was making it right. I needed to suck Peter's cock and give him release as much as I'd needed to be spanked. It suddenly seemed as if it's the only thing that could make me happy again, and I went to work on the massive bone in my mouth, moaning around it, slobbering greedily.

"That's it," said Lizzy, "oh god, Tommy, that's it, keep swallowing that cock baby... that's a real man's cock, and you're making him happy, you're making everything better..."

Peter's cock was somehow still getting bigger, and I tasted a burst of something sweet from the head, making me delirious with hunger. I wanted that taste. I needed it so bad. He thrust his hips up against my face to drive into me deeper, gagging me. Lizzy gave me no choice but to take it. My saliva was everywhere, mixing with Peter's precum.

She leaned in close again to whisper. "Stick your butt out, little cocksucker."

I did as she told me, but I was still focused on my job, the only thing in the world that mattered, which was satisfying Peter's cock. I could feel Lizzy pushing my thighs apart, and I let her do it. The dick in my mouth consumed me, took over my whole being, and I wanted was to make up for whatever I'd done—I knew I'd done something but now I couldn't remember—by being the most amazing cocksucker I could be for Peter, and for Lizzy. I licked the shaft and licked his balls and brought his cock head deep into my hungry mouth, over and over. And then I heard the belt slicing through the air and felt it lash into my ass, and I cried out around Peter's swollen dick.

"Don't stop," Lizzy said. "Just take it, baby."

She swung the belt again. And then again, giving me almost no time to recover. Peter's cock throbbed in the back of my throat as he tried to force me to deepthroat him. He was just too big, but I kept trying, and every few seconds I heard the belt whipping through the air in the instant before it set my ass on fire. My knees started to feel weak. I wasn't hard—I'd already finished before—but suddenly I was leaking cum from my soft cock, as my whole body was rocked with spasms. Each strike from Lizzy, each new burst of precum from Peter's magnificent cock head, sent me further over the edge.

And then it happened. I felt the head of Peter's cock slip past some barrier and heard him groan, and a second later my face was pressed up against his groin and his balls slapped against my tired lips. He pumped my face greedily as he enjoyed my tight throat around his head and his shaft. Lizzy dropped the belt so she could come down to watch it happen.

Both their hands were on me as he finished. I felt him swell and his body shake as the first jet shot down my throat. Then he pulled back and gave my mouth several short quick thrusts, and the second wave of hot thick semen filled my mouth. This time I tasted it, expecting to be turned off but loving it instead, loving that everything in my mouth had just been inside his balls, that I'd helped to make it, and I struggled to swallow it all as his exploding dick fired in and out of my mouth like a piston. Then he pulled out completely, held his cock in front of my face, and sprayed a third and final wave all over me.


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