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Sweet Little Snapshots

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She gives her boyfriend a surprise while he wears a dress.
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Once the truth was out, Naomi fully embraced it. Ken had told her the truth two weeks ago. He had shown her the secret wardrobe that he had possessed. He had everything, ranging from bras and miniskirts to complete feminine dresses. It did shock Naomi for a few moments. But then, she became mesmerized by his preferences in terms of fashion. The twenty-nine-year-old woman started to appreciate seeing her own boyfriend wearing something that she would have normally worn on a daily basis.

At twenty years of age, Ken would have been laughed at by his peers if they had ever known what he had done behind closed doors. Fortunately, he had someone that didn't frown at his indecent activities. One day, she watched him put on a dress. It was a combination of a black tank top and a white skirt that reached his knees. As soon as he showed it to her, Naomi couldn't help but give him a compliment. He looked absolutely stunning in that dress. It made him more of a woman. In fact, he could have been described as one if someone else had the chance to give him a thorough examination. Despite his short black hair, he had the correct kind of body. His short and slim exterior helped when wearing something that definitely didn't belong on a masculine figure.

Naomi's gaze never left her boyfriend's alternative appearance. Ken slowly swirled around and let his skirt soar as a result of the spinning motion. He even moved like a young woman. His delicate movements made Naomi feel grateful for having such a devoted companion by her side. She decided not to hesitate as she brought out her smartphone. She told Ken to smile as she took a few snapshots of him wearing that same dress. Ken happily obeyed as he posed for the camera app installed on Naomi's phone. At one point, he brought his tightened fists up to his chest like a timid creature. The lack of a distraction gave Naomi an opportunity to use her device to full effect.

Ken asked, "How do I look?"

Naomi had just finished with her snapshots. "Oh, you look gorgeous."

When midnight approached, Ken had already gone to bed. Naomi decided to stay up just a little longer. She began to use her laptop computer in the living room. The apartment had grown silent. At this time, the city of Moreno Valley was still being inundated with high temperatures, which lingered on during the late summer. Even when August was officially over a few days ago, the city and its inhabitants still had to force themselves to tolerate the hot dry air that settled in California's Inland Empire. Luckily, the air conditioning in the apartment still worked. Naomi had kept it on as she used her computer for a secret decision. She had become so enthralled by Ken's fixation that she had devised a little surprise for him.

She uploaded the original photos onto her computer. Then, she uploaded them on a website that she had used before. It wasn't an ordinary website. It had a specific purpose regarding human communication. She set up a page on the website and placed the photos at the top for users to see. People who visited the website would be able to see her boyfriend in the same dress as before. Next, Naomi wrote a brief description at the bottom. She made it clear on what she wanted to see. It only took one short paragraph to get her point across.

She finished in just under five minutes. Her page had already been completed. Now, the users would have a chance to have their ways with Ken. And Naomi couldn't wait to see it.

* * *

When morning approached, she opened her laptop and checked the status on the website. She was pleased to learn that at least six men responded to her. She read the first private message. The man in question lived in the same city and vowed to give Ken a good time. Naomi rubbed her palms together. This was the jackpot that she had sought for. She replied to him, saying that she and her boyfriend would love to see him in the afternoon. She sent the reply and didn't tell Ken about it. She wanted it to be a surprise, and she hoped it would be a big one for both of them.

When the afternoon had finally arrived, she anticipated a knock on the door. She and Ken spent the day in their apartment. They did their own routines, but Naomi was the more enthusiastic one. She waited for the special moment. The silent suspense in the building almost gave her goosebumps.

And then, there was a knock on the door. Naomi almost gasped as she bounced up from her seat and grabbed Ken's arm. She dragged him into their bedroom and told him to wear the same black-and-white dress. Without questioning, Ken did what he was told. She ran for the front door and opened it.

Wesley was the same age as Ken. The main difference would be his body. He was clearly more muscular than Ken, and he didn't express any shame when he showed off his masculine traits. He wore blue jeans and a white shirt. Naomi wasn't disappointed. She led Wesley inside and brought him to the living room.

She called Ken and told him to come to the living room. She and Wesley waited for the young ladylike man to arrive. When he did, Ken was caught off-guard by the presence of another man. He almost stumbled with his eyes wide open.

Naomi gestured him to step forward. "Don't be shy. He's friendly. His name is Wesley. And he wants to know you more. And I mean, WAY more."

Wesley did indeed express a keen interest in Ken's hobby. He remarked, "Oh, you look even better than in those photos."

Ken asked, "What photos?"

Naomi giggled. "That's not important right now. Don't be afraid. He's not going to hurt you. It'll feel a little weird, but you'll learn to love it."

Ken grew timid. "What do you mean?"

Wesley was already growling at the other man. "Oh, you're making me feel hard right now."

Ken began to shiver. " I really have that effect?"

Naomi pulled her boyfriend closer to Wesley. "Don't be shy. Wesley just wants something from you."

Wesley stared straight into the other man's eyes. It was a fierce stare, one that made Ken more astonished than usual.

Naomi stepped away. "Go ahead, Wesley. Show him what you got."

Ken took deeper breaths. He looked as though he had grown weak in the knees.

Wesley, on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling. He unzipped his jeans and said, "Take a look at this dick."

He pulled out his fully-loaded erection. Ken had his eyes wide open. Wesley's horizontal monument was long and thick. Naomi would have preferred to take it on her own, but that wasn't what she intended to do at this time. She watched as Wesley brought Ken down on his knees.

Ken's little whimper signified his uncertain feeling.

Wesley whispered, "You're going to love it. It's going to be delicious."

Ken, while still wearing that dress of his, had the perfect image when dealing with an unusual situation. His dress made him look like a helpless individual who entered a world that defied her innocent ideologies. And Wesley was the one that forced her to submit to a new set of rules. He pulled his jeans and boxer shorts down and kicked them away. Ken, still standing on his knees, couldn't look away from the instrument that pointed right at him.

Naomi took her time gathering her thoughts and remained calm as she said to her boyfriend, "You're now a woman. This is what you get."

Wesley's grin was almost sadistic. "Open your mouth."

Ken didn't object. He opened his mouth wide. Wesley grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to his cock. In just a few seconds, Ken now had a dick being shoved inside his mouth. His eyes were kept wide open. He was still in a state of shock as the other man offered him a rather extraordinary gift thanks to Naomi's webpage. He thrust his hips in a forward motion. Ken didn't have to do anything else but have a taste of what Naomi indulged in as well. He had another man's dick in his mouth, and he didn't even attempt to escape from it. Wesley did most of the work as his aggression took center stage when dealing with a complete stranger.

Naomi asked, "It feels good, doesn't it, Ken?"

Ken was unable to speak, but his eyes spoke volumes. He moaned in a more feminine tone. Wearing a dress while being the receiver made him even more of a woman than before. And it made Naomi tingle with excitement.

"Oh, it's so hot when you're sucking that dick."

Wesley accelerated. He stuffed that cock deeper into Ken's throat. Ken looked as if he almost choked on it, but he was able to bounce back and find no other quarrels on the ride. His look of utter shock still remained on his face. Wesley's hips didn't stop. His immersion experienced an extension. If he had written a review, it would start off with a compliment toward Ken's mouth and lips.

Naomi drew a little closer as she gained a positive reception. "Oh, Ken. Don't you just love that cock?"

Ken managed a form a little smile even as the cock inside him was a swift creature gaining the upper hand.

Wesley growled. "You got the right stuff."

He finished his movements by grabbing Ken's head with both hands and pulling him deep into that ravenous cock. Ken moaned as Wesley's first ejaculation took place in the mouth.

"Don't spit it out. Swallow it."

Naomi didn't see any of the semen dripping out of Ken's mouth, so he must have done an exquisite job with Wesley's command.

Wesley gave Ken a chance to breathe as he pulled his cock out of his mouth. Ken gasped for air. Only a little remainder of Wesley's cream lingered onto the shaft. Ken had swallowed everything that he had received. Naomi didn't want to forget any of this. Watching her boyfriend suck a dick and swallowing its contents aroused her, made her feel grateful for such a submissive companion.

Wesley brought Ken up from his knees. He took off his shirt and said, "Turn around. I'm not done with you."

Ken, giggling like a saint, did what he was told. Still wearing that dress that made him a little more famous, he turned around. From behind, Wesley lifted Ken's white-colored skirt up and reached down between his legs. He seized Ken's own cock and caressed it. He embraced the girly man while playing with his dick. Ken's moaning grew louder and more convincing. He was trapped in Wesley's embrace and accepted it. He stood still as the other man stroked the former's cock.

Naomi held her breath for a moment. It was a beautiful sight. "Oh, this really turns me on."

Wesley pressed his cock against Ken's bare butt. Ken, in turn, moved his body in the gentle rhythm. He and his dress completed this picture of a recital taking effect.

Wesley whispered in Ken's ear, "It's good, isn't it?"

Ken couldn't help but be a gentle creature being held by a broad-shouldered fellow. "I'm yours. I want more of that dick!"

Wesley chuckled. "Well, here it is."

He pushed his cock deep inside Ken's ass. Ken gasped. He had become an official servant for a young man searching for obedience. The two men stood together as one. Wesley thrust his cock as hard and fast as he could. Ken let out his girly moans as he continued to show off his preferred behavior for both Wesley and Naomi.

"Oh, fuck me hard!"

Naomi stayed as the spectator who planned the entire thing. She watched her boyfriend become obedient to a complete stranger, and she enjoyed every second of it. She had no intention of looking away from such a wonderful interaction. Choosing to make her boyfriend be the submissive one in the relationship really paid off.

Wesley bent Ken down above the couch. "You're nothing but a slave to me. Take my cock!"

Ken's feminine voice didn't vanish. "Oh, yes! I love your cock! It's so fucking incredible!"

Naomi cheered him on. "Go, Ken! Be a true lady!"

Ken's movements matched the aggressive force that Wesley placed him in. Both men moved back and forth with every powerful thrust that brought them closer together. Wesley stroked Ken's cock just as he pushed his own deep inside the latter's expanded hole. Ken's moaning reached an elevation that forced him to stay in his womanlike manner.

"Oh, shit! I can feel it inside me!"

Wesley's fast caress led to Ken producing his own spill in the living room. His long spurts of cum landed on the floor and made a mess on the carpet. Naomi didn't mind the small puddles. She was glad that it happened.

Ken yelled, "Oh, keep fucking me in my ass!"

Wesley still didn't stop. He treated his servant like a toy and reminded him of his purpose. He grabbed hold of Ken's waist and thrust his cock deep inside him. Several strands of Ken's black hair danced in the air as a result of the motions that moved him. His dress was appropriate for Naomi's surprise.

"I love your cock! I want more of it!"

Naomi had a smile on her face the entire time. Watching her boyfriend acting so submissive made her tingle even more. The young man gained a new duty in the household, and he had no shame.

Wesley laughed. "You're such a dirty girl!"

Ken squeezed his eyes shut. "Yes! I AM a dirty girl!"

Naomi clapped her hands. "Keep going, Ken! You're one of a kind!"

Wesley fucked him for so long that the track of time had been lost. But it didn't matter to Naomi. She didn't want it to end. She could see her boyfriend consume someone else's dick for hours. Her five senses were fulfilled as her pride and joy reached a higher level. She knew that the snapshots would be significant for their relationship, and she could tell that the surprise made Ken a better person overall.

And then, for the second time, his body was inundated with more of Wesley's special sauce. Ken screamed as Wesley poured his contents directly into the hole that he thrust into. Everything had died down in the apartment. Both men grew silent. Wesley relaxed while Ken still shivered from the aftershock.

Naomi exhaled. "That was fucking brilliant."

Wesley smacked Ken's ass. "Oh, I hope to see him like this again soon."

He finally pulled out of Ken, who trembled as his hole now had the freedom to relax after such an incredible journey.

Wesley put his pant back on. "Have a nice day."

As he left the apartment, Naomi hugged her feminine partner and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you even more when you're dressed in that. It's so hot to see you being fucked by another guy."

Ken wiped away the residue on his lips. "To be honest...I liked it. It feels so strange, but I like it."

Naomi laughed. "That's good, because there's going to be more of it in the future. You'll be fucked by plenty of other men, and I get to see all of it. I'll be the only audience you'll ever need."

Ken giggled like a playful young woman. Wesley's semen dripped down his legs, both of which slowly wiggled in a womanly matter. "I'm glad to see that you're enjoying this as much as I am. I prefer to be fucked like a lady."

"It'll be special for both of us. You'll see."

* * *

The two of them had no objections. They continued on with their lives, with only Ken's personal fixation being the one that brought them closer together. After Wesley, Naomi had received several other responses from male users on her webpage. She was joyful in her new prospects. She invited the next two men who awaited a penetration in her apartment. Ken lacked any sort of grievances when both young men arrived. They didn't hesitate. Naomi watched as her boyfriend got down on his knees and serviced both visitors. The two men enjoyed their visit. Ken stroked both cocks simultaneously and pointed them at his shoulders. He didn't stop. He licked the cocks, he caressed them, and he even pressed both tips against his neck. And he did this all while wearing a red dress suitable for a special occasion such as this.

Naomi had a smile on her face the entire time. She sat on the sofa and observed the submission. Ken enjoyed himself, but Naomi felt a bigger appreciation for her cause and effect. She made the right choice when she gave Ken his ultimate surprise. She knew that uploading those snapshots on the internet resulted in a benefit for both of them. She sighed with glee as Ken continued to stroke both cocks while acting like a lady. Even as the creamy ingredients landed on his dress and skin, he showed no regrets. Naomi hoped that things would stay this way forever. She held the reins in their relationship and she had no interest in handing them over to her boyfriend. His fate was in her hands, and she would have to be careful with it.

Ken and Naomi locked eyes after the ejaculation. They smiled at each other. Ken had become her toy and he knew it. Naomi was grateful that he knew his place in this world, and that she knew how to utilize it. Being the master never felt so exciting.

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isadoreisadoreover 3 years ago

my wife found out early in our relationship that we shared a love for cock. She has a stable of men that she calls on to have me service, all the while dressed as a woman. We have been doing this for many years and an awful lot of men have used me. i do love her for this as well as her letting me be her cocksucking bitch.

cdCindy1cdCindy1over 5 years ago
my wife and me

I wish I did this with my wife. I've been a crossdresser for awhile now but my wife doesn't know. I wish she would find out and would react as Naomi does in your story. I would put on my sexy fishnet nylons, pink panties, lacy red bra, short skirt, see-through blouse, wig and high heels and put on a show for her. She'd take pictures and post them on the internet for everyone to see. My secret would be out that I'm a sissy faggot cocksucking husband. Many men would come over and I'd service them in front of my wife. That is my dream. I hope to make it a reality some day. Wish me luck.

Rwa4768Rwa4768over 5 years ago
Great story

Very e erotic story, he was very lucky to have a great girlfriend that enjoyed helping him find men to service him like a woman.

msslavemsslaveover 5 years ago

I loved your story. A beautiful introduction to what the young man was obviously made for. Wife always said she would bring a man home for me to service, back when she kept me dressed in girly things, but it never happened. Your story brought those days back to me, and what could have been if she'd only...

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