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Sweet Tuesdays

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Two retired people enjoy their Tuesday meetings.
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Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, "I'm off to town Tom."

Tom always replies, "Have a nice time dear," then he laughs and says, "Give him my best wishes."

Kay smiles and replies, "I will dear," and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD.

Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell Kay's story some background is needed.

* * * * * * * *

In describing Kay's life adjectives such as "Ordinary," Suburban," "Bland," "Commonplace" and "Humdrum," might spring to mind. Those descriptions might be true as they are for many of us, but also like many of us there is one small, private corner of Kay's life that none knows of, not even Tom.

As for Kay, at the time I am concerned with she was in her early sixties. Around five feet five tall her figure was still almost as trim as it had been when she was in her twenties, and looked at from behind you might mistake her for a woman of thirty or even younger.

It was only as she turns to face you that you realise that she is much older, but even so you might mistake her for being in her middle to late forties, and if you had been privileged to see her medium sized breasts -- which only two men have ever seen naked -- you might wonder at their youthful elasticity. I have it on good authority that she wears a 32B bra.

Tom, the retired manager of a small branch of a large bank, had been married to Kay for thirty seven years; they live in a medium sized suburban house, comfortable but not spectacular. She and Tom are regular attendees of the Anglican Church, and are considered a very respectable couple.

Their married life had begun passionately enough and they had produced two children in fairly quick succession, which children have now been gone from home for several years. After the birth of their second child their sex life had gradually diminished, not so much because of Kay, but because of an apparent loss of interest on Tom's part. If Kay regretted this she has never said so, and she still retains a fondness for her easy going husband and has no wish to break the marriage bond and go in search of new sexual pastures.

It was not she who went in search of new pastures, but new pastures that seemed to find her and this came about because of her pre-retirement employment.

She had worked in the university library, not as an exalted chief librarian, but as a modest library assistant. In the course of her work she had chanced to meet Professor Alexander Cavendish, head of the Political Science Department. A tall man with a handsome mane of white hair, and unlike many of his colleagues he was of friendly and cheerful disposition. He and Kay had often exchanged pleasantries and she found herself mildly attracted to him. It is after all pleasing to have a man say that your hair looks nice or your dress suits you so well.

Alex, like Kay, was coming up to retirement and in fact they did retire within a month of each other, he to become Emeritus Professor and to write a weekly political column for the newspaper and occasional articles for various journals. Kay retired to focus on her beloved garden.

It was in her retirement that she began her regular Tuesday trips into town, initially to shop and wander round the Art Gallery and Museum and occasionally attend a lunchtime concert at the Festival Centre.

It was in the Art Gallery Café while having a cup of tea and some biscuits that Kay chanced to meet Emeritus Alex. He asked if he might sit with her and agreeing, Kay addressed him as "Professor" as had been her custom in the past. He smiled and said, "Would you mind calling me Alex, it's much friendlier."

She, blushing mildly, said that perhaps he would like to use her name, and so they became Kay and Alex. They chatted for a while, mainly about how they were enjoying retirement and what they were doing with their time. Kay spoke unaffectedly of her Tuesday activities and Alex had shown some interest.

This chance meeting was very agreeable but as they parted Kay saw it as no more than that, a chance meeting that was unlikely to be repeated. She even told Tom about it, but he showed no particular interest.

It seemed strange, but after that chance meeting they seemed to keep running into each other: at the Art gallery, the Museum and the lunchtime concerts. They even casually mentioned where they were likely to be the following Tuesday -- purely in the course of conversation you understand.

* * * * * * * *

The friendly relationship that had been established between Alex and Kay took a new turn when one sunny Tuesday morning Kay set out for the city and the weather unexpectedly took a turn for the worst. It became cold and poured with rain, and Kay, without umbrella or raincoat got soaked to the skin before she could get to shelter.

Alex, armed with an umbrella, found her wet and shivering sheltering in the foyer of the Museum.

"My dear Kay," he said, "Your soaked, would you like to come back to my flat and dry out."

"Wer-were's yer-your fer-flat," Kay said through chattering teeth.

"Only about five minutes walk from here," Alex replied cheerfully, "Come on."

Alex's flat was located in one of the blocks of flats that had in recent years been built in the CBD to try and draw people back to live in the city. Alex's flat was on the third floor and Kay found it surprisingly spacious.

She was invited to take off her wet clothing in the privacy of a bedroom. Since every article of clothing she was wearing was soaked this meant total nudity until Alex handed her a dressing gown round the corner of the door. Wearing this outsized garment and drying her hair with a towel, she joined Alex in the lounge, and instead of their usual cup of tea or coffee he poured two brandies, telling Kay that this would ward off undesirable ailments. He gave no reason for his own imbibing.

With Kay's in clothes drier they chatted, and somehow, perhaps because they were not as they usually were, in a public place, the conversation became a trifle more intimate.

Alex had said little about his life and past, but now he related how he had once lived in a suburb close to the CBD, but when his wife died he found the house too inconvenient and so "I moved into one of these new places."

Kay was never sure how they got round to it, but Alex told her that he missed his wife very badly. He said that he enjoyed female company and appreciated the time he and Kay spent together on Tuesdays.

Kay responded by saying that she enjoyed his company, and although she was very fond of Tom, he did not share her interests in the way Alex did. They both agreed that their first chance meeting had been very fortuitous and they really must continue to meet.

The phrase "Platonic friendship" was not mentioned as it often is in such circumstances, and this might lead one to suspect that the friendship was a little more than Platonic.

It took sometime for Kay's clothes to dry, but when they did she dressed and went to take her leave, and she was surprised when Alex said her would escort her to the bus stop. As the bus approached Alex said hastily, "We should do this again some time Kay." He did not specify exactly what they were to do again, but that might have been because Kay had to board the bus.

Normally on arriving home Kay would tell Tom what she had done while in the city, but for some reason she said nothing to him about her visit to Alex's flat.

* * * * * * * *

What she and Alex were to do again became clearer over the following Tuesdays. Their Art gallery, Museum and concert meetings were extended to walks through the Botanic Gardens and even a visit to the zoo, but instead of having their tea or coffee at the places provided at these venues, they always seemed to end up at Alex's place.

In the way such friendships go it was not unnatural for them to exchange affectionate kisses when greeting each other or on parting; and it was not unusual when in Alex's flat for them to sit side by side on the divan, sometimes holding hands as they talked, or even with Alex's arm round Kay's shoulder.

Kay was not really a worldly woman when it came to relationships between men and women, after all she had only had sex with one man, but neither was she so naive as to not know the direction their relationship was taking.

While what she had in mind had not taken place, she nevertheless was always anticipating the possibility, and often the anticipation is more seductive than the reality.

If you feel that Kay should have heeded the warning signs and eased off in the relationship, then consider her situation.

She had not had a sexual intercourse for more than ten years. Given her age she was still an attractive woman; it would not be going to far to say that in these days when young men are looking for the older women, she might still have attracted one of them, and she had the weekly pleasure of the company of an good-looking and amiable man.

Kay began to go to the extent of dressing in a way she hoped might please Alex, and having once said he liked her hair done in a particular way, she always made sure that on Tuesdays that was how her hair was. Alex had also commented on a perfume she had used. It had been a birthday present and she had used it without thinking, but once Alex said he liked it that became another feature of Tuesdays.

They had been meeting for about a year before it happened. It was a bright sunny day and Kay was wearing the minimum of clothing that she felt was within her standards of decency; a white linen skirt below a delicate white top. The top did not exactly reveal her breasts because she was wearing a bra, but the bra was somewhat delicate and so those rather sweet mounds could still be seen, even though only faintly.

For some time she had been going straight to Alex's flat as soon as she arrived in town. This allowed them more time together, and on days of inclement weather they often stayed in the flat, talking and listening to music until it was time for Kay to go home.

It has to be said that on the day in question Kay was looking particularly attractive and she was in that relaxed state that a fine day and a feeling of well-being can inspire. It was in this condition that she called at Alex's flat.

He suggested a cup of tea or coffee before they set out on their Tuesday venture, and they sat side by side on the divan discussing what they were going to do. What they discussed was not, however, what they did.

Alex had his arm round Kay's shoulders and he said, "You look particularly attractive today."

Kay blushed and made some comment about being pleased he thought so. It was then that Alex took the plunge; he kissed Kay full on the mouth. It was a rather nervous, hasty kiss, but Kay thought it was rather nice, and she kissed him back.

For few moments they looked into each other's eyes as if seeking an answer to an unasked question. Alex must have felt that he got the answer he sought because he kissed her again, this time more deliberately and slowly. Kay responded by tentatively parting her lips slightly, and Alex's tongue started to probe. Kay opened her mouth wider and Alex's tongue entered and explored.

Alex placed a hand over one of her breasts, and feeling no resistance from her he started to gently caress it. They kissed again as Alex gently pressed Kay back onto the divan until she was laying on it and he then removed her top and bra. Her breasts now naked, he spoke for the first time.

"I've wanted to do this with you for a long time, Kay dear."

"I've been hoping you would," she whispered passionately, "kiss me again Alex."

He kissed her as he fondled her breasts, gently pinching her nipples.

Kay gasped as Alex moved down to take a ripe pink nipple into his mouth and she asked tremulously, "Are we going to do it Alex, I mean, are we going to do it properly?"

"If it's what you want, my dear," Alex replied.

"Oh I do....I do..." Kay said, "Take my skirt off."

Alex rose and undressed her and Kay asked, "Aren't you going to undress?"

Alex looked at her for a moment as if puzzled, but then said, "Oh yes...yes of course," and proceeded to divest himself of his clothing.

Fascinated, Kay watched as Alex's body was exposed to her. Always a well built man Alex still retained a firm and fit body. Kay thought he looked beautiful, for a man that is. She was particularly captivated by his penis. It was already erect and she decided it was somewhat larger than Tom's, but since she had not seen Tom's erect penis for many years she wasn't sure.

Alex came beside her on the divan and began a combination of nipple sucking and finger stroking the cleft of her vulva and Kay started to whimper softly. His finger probed into her vagina and Kay, quickly aroused after her long enforced abstinence, started to plead with him to "Put it in me."

She opened her legs wide to receive him; he lay over her, resting his weight on his elbows, and guided by her hand his penis slipped easily into her warm wet vagina. Kay was pleased when she felt the head of his penis press against the top of her vagina, thus confirming that Alex's penis was bigger than Tom's.

As Alex slowly pumped his penis back and forth in her Kay began to sob, "It's beautiful...beautiful...do it harder Alex."

Alex complied and Kay, catching his rhythm, began to thrust up against him, her sobs becoming louder. She felt the first alarms of an approaching orgasm and she started to tremble and cry out, "Harder Alex...deeper...I'm coming...do it to me harder...oh...oh Alex...Alex...oh...oh...aaah...oh...aaaah..."

As she climaxed Alex released his own orgasm which he had been struggling to hold back. He thrust in deep and held her tightly to him as the first of his sperm jetted into her. Feeling it Kay screamed with ecstasy as she writhed beneath him. He thrust surge after surge of sperm into her until finally he relaxed.

To Kay's disappointment he withdrew his penis from her, but her disappointment did to last for long. It was amazing, it was impossible, no man would ever do it, but Alex did do it.

He knelt between her thighs, lifted her legs over his shoulders and for a few moments gazed at her cleft as it slowly oozed their combined love fluids, and then he leaned forward and started to lick and suck her there.

At first Kay wondered if she was dreaming. Not only had this never been done to her before, she had never even imagined it being done to her. She thought it was the most beautiful and loving this that had ever happened to her and as Alex transferred his attention to her clitoris she gave herself up to another orgasm, an orgasm more powerful than she had ever known.

It was over, and they lay side by side, a little uncomfortably since the divan was not designed for two people lying side by side.

Curious Kay asked, "Why did you do that to me."

Alex seemed a little shy as he said, "Oh, I used to do it to my wife and she always enjoyed it. I suppose you could say it's a sort of fetish I have. You didn't mind did you?"

"No...no..." Kay said hastily, "will you always do it to me Alex?"

"If you want me to Kay."

"Oh, I do...I do...it's so...so...loving."

* * * * * * * *

In the ardour of their first sexual encounter Kay and Alex came together twice more that day, and Kay arrived home a little later than usual. Tom as usual made no comment, and if he thought Kay seemed unusually euphoric he let that pass also.

Kay and Alex did not cease going out together but always they ended up in Alex's flat making love.

It may seem strange that having found such a satisfactory sex partner they did not get together permanently. Again the circumstances must be taken into account.

Tom was a dear man, if a trifle pedestrian, and Kay was fond of him. They had a comfortable home and despite their absence from home there were still the children's feelings to consider. If she left Tom and went to Alex, however delightful sex with Alex was, she might discover things about Alex she did not care for if they lived together, and she was used to Tom's ways.

Alex has never suggested that they get together permanently and they are both content with their Tuesday copulating. Perhaps at their age it is as well they are content, for to make dramatic changes to their life styles might bring unseen and undesirable consequences.

One question that comes to mind is, does your wife have a regular day in the week when she goes out? Have you noticed how she looks when she returns home? Do you ask her where she's been and what she's been doing? If not, perhaps you should. On second thoughts, perhaps not; why disturb the placid flow of life when you don't need to?

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LilacQueen15LilacQueen15almost 4 years ago

She should have confronted Tom years ago about the lack of sex in their lives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
This is not a romance!

This is a cheating wife story (i.e, Loving Wife category). I would have thought that this author was intelligent enough to realize this!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago
Romance, huh?

That word doesn't exist for a sixty-year old cheating cunt. Is the author trying to get us to feel good about her? Trying to justify what she is doing? A decent sequel would let the husband know and divorce the cunt and beat the shit out of the prick lover. Fucking assholes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
i hate cheating fuck slut whores

and she is an absolute bitch treating her husband with total contempt....he should kick the sorry assed bitch out in the gutter where she belongs or better still put a bullet between her cheating eyes....just a nasty fuck slut bitch....

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
An oddly appealing little tale of infidelity.

I don't think Boyd's assessment would likely be accurate, but who knows? If she and her husband had not been intimate for over ten years and he was healthy enough to perform, he deserved the cuckolding. As always, it gets Five Stars from me!

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