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Sweetest of Hearts Ch. 05

Story Info
The life of a father and the love of his twin daughters.
11.9k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/06/2022
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A/N -- As stated at the start of Chapter One, this story was only ever going to be five chapters long. However, I've been happy with the comments and feedback I've had, even those which were negative, as I know I can't please everyone. I can only hope you've enjoyed the first four chapters and that you'll also enjoy this last one, which will wrap up the story.

This chapter will encompass a far larger time period to ensure I can wrap this up how I wanted. There might be a little less sex than the previous four chapters, particularly when it comes to the epilogue. I also revisit the theme of redemption that I've had in a couple of other stories.



Kneeling by the toilet, she felt her stomach churn before needing to put her face into the bowl and feel sorry for herself once again. She felt her eyes sting with tears. No-one liked feeling or being sick, but this was the fourth or fifth morning that she'd woken up and felt it necessary to be sick. After one more time, she flushed and managed to lift herself up to her feet, looking in the mirror. She was looking rather pale, washing out her mouth before brushing her teeth.

Opening the bathroom door, Katie stood in front of her. The fact her twin sister was smiling had Hannah wanting to slap her. "Why are you smiling?" she grumbled.

"Hannah, you don't realise? When was your last period?" Hannah couldn't help smile. Her period was synced up to her sister. Katie had one the previous month. She hadn't. "Hannah, I think it's obvious."

"I'll go to the pharmacy after daddy has left for work. Then I'll organise an appointment with the doctor if it's positive."

"I'm sure he's already noticed you're being sick each morning, Hannah."

"I know. He's looked after me each morning since it started. He definitely already knows something is up, but I don't think he wants to say anything until I've taken a test."

Returning to her own bedroom, she wrapped herself in a robe and padded to the kitchen. Her father was already at the table with some toast and coffee, though he stood up as soon as she appeared, feeling his strong arms immediately embrace her. "Get more than one, sweetheart," he whispered, "I'll be here every single step."

She couldn't help bursting into tears straight away. Her father just held her, swaying gently, the tears eventually subsiding as she felt herself react in her arms. "I'll go to the pharmacy, Daddy," she whispered.

"Want me to stay home?"


"Okay. We'll do this together. I'm not missing a thing, sweetheart."

Katie walked into the kitchen, giving her father a knowing look. Kelly appeared a minute or so later, immediately hugging Hannah, whispering some lovely words into her ear. It made her blush, as she knew how much Kelly wanted a baby too. Katie and Kelly soon disappeared for university and work respectively, Hannah helping her father clear up the kitchen before she wandered off to get dressed. She was naked in her bedroom when she felt the presence of her father behind her, feeling his strong arms wrap around body, holding her as tight to his body as always.

"Daddy," she giggled.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better, Daddy," she whispered, "Want to make sure I'm pregnant?"

She loved hearing his laughter. "How, sweetheart?"

"Just bend me over the bed and fuck me. We'll got to the pharmacy with your cum leaking out of me."

Her father almost did what she wanted, ensuring she was up on the bed, before she felt him move behind her, moaning as she felt his thick cock slide inside her. She would never tire of that feeling, her father's cock inside her pussy. The fact she was his daughter only heightened the taboo of their coupling but also the love they felt for each other.

"Fuck me, Daddy," she moaned.

He fucked her, just like she wanted. Nothing like he would fuck her twin sister from time to time. Watching him fuck Katie seemed like an endurance event when both were into it, and when they threw in some anal or bondage, it made her horny as hell and she enjoyed the sheer delight on her sister's face, but it was nothing she ever wanted to try.

"Daddy!" she squealed, feeling him cock thrust a little faster. He was always so gentle with her, knowing just how she wanted it. She wanted each time with her father to feel like they were 'making love'. He could 'fuck' Katie and her other friends, she wanted to feel that connection each and every time.

Feeling him leaned forward, lowering herself down so she could feel him even deeper inside her, he started to thrust a little faster, but nothing like she'd seen with Katie or Kelly. "Oh, Daddy!" she moaned.

"Going to make sure you're pregnant," he growled, though she heard the humour, unable to stop herself giggling, "And if you're not, then next time you're fertile, you're not leaving this bedroom until we're absolutely sure."

"And you, Daddy?"

"Sweetheart, we're going to have so much sex, we'll both be hobbling around after a couple of days."

"Give me a baby, Daddy!"

Feeling him sit back, his arms eventually pulled her back so she was resting against him, his thick cock still pumping her. When he tweaked her nipples, she couldn't help the loud moan that escaped her, but it was when his fingers found her clit that the orgasm that had been building simply exploded. Her father helped her remain somewhat sitting on him as he continued pumping into. She'd never ask him to stop, almost obsessed with feeling his cock inside her. When he whispered he was close, she found the energy to slam her body back down onto his cock.

"Fuck... Sweetheart..."

"Cum in me, Daddy!" she cried.

Her daddy did just what she wanted, burying his cock and blasting into her womb again. Well, that's what she liked to think anyway. He always came a lot whenever they made love, pushing herself down onto his cock as his cock throbbed with each spurt, feeling his arms tighten around her as they both relaxed after their orgasms.

"Fucking hell," her father muttered, "How many kids do you want, sweetheart?"

"More than one, Daddy," she giggled.

"Good thing I keep myself fit then."

After enjoying a shower together, where her father helped give her another orgasm with just his fingers, they dressed and readied to head out. She loved heading out with her father, holding his hand all the time. She was thankful to live in a city of a few million people so they probably wouldn't be recognised by most people, and even if they were, the pair kept public displays of affection to a minimum.

Buying a couple of pregnancy tests from the pharmacy earned a couple of glance, giggling when he simply stated she was her father, ensuring his daughter wasn't alone during what could prove to be a difficult period. "Where's her mother?" one of the ladies behind the counter decided to ask.

The question pissed them both off, she knew that for sure. Before her father could reply, she got in before him. "My mother decided sleeping with some other wanker, then abandoning her family entirely, was more important than being with her children. Now my daddy is here with me to ensure his daughter isn't alone as she discovers if she is carrying a child or not."

They left the pharmacy with apologies from the head pharmacist ringing in their ears. Her father kept a blank face but the question had simply pissed her off. She hated the stereotypes that seemed to persist about what parents would and would not do, particularly in regards to fathers and their interactions with their daughters, whether they were children or adults.

Returning home, her father remained by her side the entire time, not wanting to miss a thing. Peeing in front of him would normally have been embarrassing, but considering what they would find out soon, she just loved the fact he was holding her hand as she peed on the first stick. Then it was a case of waiting.

Twenty minutes later, they both gazed at the little screen that would tell them. As soon as she saw what it said, she burst into tears, hugging her father tightly. What she didn't realise at the time was that he was crying with her. She'd rarely seen her father cry, but when she leaned back and saw his tears, she couldn't help smile, knowing that he was as happy as she was.

"I love you, sweetheart," he whispered, "Thank you for this gift."

"Guess we'd better start organising, Daddy?"

"Yeah, been a while since I've been through this."

She couldn't stop sharing the news as soon as Katie and Kelly returned home, but not wanting to jinx it, she knew that telling anyone else would have to wait. A godsend for Hannah was the fact her father had been through all this with Claire, so he still remembered everything they'd been through, therefore was able to make suggestions and even organise certain things for her. She knew her father would be by her side every step of the way.

If she didn't love him before, she was now totally head over heels in love with him now due to the fact she was carrying their child. If nothing else would guarantee their relationship, the fact they were having a child together solidified it. And within days, her father simply couldn't stop smiling, as excited as she was, while Katie and Kelly shared their excitement completely.

Her father went looking through his wardrobes and eventually found mementoes from Claire's pregnancy nearly twenty years prior. While certain things would have changed, pregnancy itself hadn't changed much at all. The first awkward moment would be antenatal classes.

At ten weeks, she attended her first ultrasound. Having her father with her raised a few curious glances, claiming he was attending as the 'father' of her baby wasn't involved and her mother was ostracised from the family. That explanation certainly earned approving smiles from the nurses towards her father, though his focus was only on her.

Seeing their child for the first time made her cry harder than she could remember. Her only regret was that she couldn't tell the world that her own father was the reason why she was carrying their child. Otherwise, she was told the baby was healthy from what they could see, and she was asked various questions about her lifestyle and how she was organising herself. Again, more smiles at her father when she suggested he was by her side, every step of the way.

Hannah learned that her mood would start to swing like crazy and she had some interesting cravings with every week that passed. And she would also go through periods when she didn't want to be touched, then the very next day, she'd crave nothing but her father and his thick cock inside her. On those days she didn't want to be touched, she'd ensure she was dressed and would sleep in her own bedroom. On the days she was unbelievably horny, her father would barely step foot inside once he'd finished work before his cock was in her mouth, eagerly swallowing his cum, before she'd strip naked and practically demand he fuck her the rest of the night.

Good thing he was still relatively young, incredibly fit, and as horny as the three young women who lived in the same house, as there wasn't a single day that he wasn't kept busy fulfilling the desires of his twin daughters and Kelly.

Hannah was delighted looking in the mirror with each passing week, seeing her breasts grow along with her belly. Her father would stand behind her, rubbing her belly while helping relieve some of the growing pressure in her breasts. He explained what would happen once she'd given birth, admitting he would have no problem drinking her milk to keep the pressure at bay.

"You like that, Daddy?" she had to ask.

"Claire always thought it was a little weird, though she couldn't help thank me each time. But you're going to leak constantly, sweetheart, and considering your boobies..." She couldn't help giggle. Even after all this time, that was her name for them. He chuckled too before continuing. "I know you're uncomfortable at the moment. Carrying our child isn't easy, and it won't get any easier once you've given birth. It's my role to do anything in my power to raise our child while ensuring the burden isn't only yours."

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, Mummy."

She giggled again. Within a few months, she would be a mother. She was so excited to meet their child. She was ever so eager for the ultrasound that would tell them the sex of their child. Part of her wanted the surprise, but knowing the sex meant they could at least prepare.

The day they found out she was carrying their son led to tears for both of them. She wanted to give her father a son, her father had wanted a son for years but had never thought it would happen. "Next time, I'd love my daughter to give me another one just like herself," he whispered into his ear once they embraced back in his car.

"Think I'm stopping at just two, Daddy?" she asked, meeting his eyes, unable to stop her smile.


"I'll let you know when I'm ready to stop having babies, Daddy. And don't forget Kelly!"

"I won't and I haven't but we're going to need a bigger house!"

The longer her pregnancy continued, she found herself getting hornier. Her father probably fucked her more than anyone with each passing month. There were no complaints from Katie or Kelly, considering the former was quite happy using the strap-on regarding the latter, and their four friends were slowly but surely starting to move on with their own lives, finding their own boyfriends. It seemed to be an unwritten agreement that, once they started building a family, her father's focus would be on his twin daughters and Kelly.

With her belly getting larger, certain positions were more difficult, but nothing would stop her riding her father's big cock. With her larger breasts, his hands would rub her belly before he'd gently squeeze her sensitive breasts, sitting up to suck at her nipples. With her emotions all over the place, her orgasms were even stronger, finding herself bursting into tears whenever enjoying a strong climax. What made her happiest was the fact she spent most nights sleeping with him. This was agreement between the four living in the household, Hannah aware that, when Kelly was pregnant, she'd get most nights with her father.

Everything was prepared once she was in her eighth month. She would sleep in the master bedroom with her father, a crib was in their room for those first few months after the birth. Her own bedroom had been turned into a nursery, but her father already had big plans to build a second floor to add more bedrooms and bathrooms. Considering his profession, he'd already done the plans, it was simply a case of time and expenses, but given how many children that could possibly be born, space would eventually be at a premium.

Resting on her side one night after everyone had gone to bed, she felt her father behind her. "Slide it inside me, Daddy," she whispered, "I need your big cock."

She moaned as he slowly buried his cock. "This is how you got pregnant, sweetheart."

Giggling away, she pushed down on his cock, unable to stifle the moan. "Won't be the first time, Daddy. I want another baby after this one."

"I'm not going to say no if you want another one or two."

Feeling his lips at her neck, she gasped as he started to move faster, his fingers gently brushing over her incredibly sensitive nipples before he caressed her enormous belly. She would admit to finding joy in being pregnant and carrying their child. Sure, it was hard on her body at times, but she was young, fit and healthy, and she'd had absolutely no concerns during her pregnancy.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she cried.

Feeling her father's cock pumping her would never not be thrilling. With every month of her pregnancy that passed, she lurched between feeling not wanting him at all to wanting him constantly. She was thankful he seemed to understand and was incredibly patient. As she'd expect, of course, but even when she was being as crabby as she could remember, he'd always be close by to give her lots of hugs and kisses when her emotions simply got the better of her.

She was a month short of her twentieth birthday when her water finally broke, five days short of her expected due date. Her father was working from home, staying close in the event that would happen. Katie and Kelly were also at home, basically telling her father they were staying home to help, no matter what. As soon as she told her father, he proved how prepared he was. Within five minutes, she was sat on the back seat of his car, bags were in the boot, Katie driving, Kelly next to her, and she couldn't help smile as her father remained by her side.

As Katie drove, his fingers caressed her face, keeping her calm the entire time they drove to the hospital. Kelly had called ahead, so by the time they arrived, the staff was ready to escort her inside. Her father never let go of her hand until someone asked who he was.

"He's my father and he's going to be in the fucking delivery room!" she yelled.

No-one was going to disagree with a pregnant woman on the verge of giving birth. The next few hours passed by in the blink of the eye but also as slowly as she could imagine. Her father never left her side. She would have loved her twin sister to be with her too, but despite her requests, only her father could remain with her. She would have loved to announced to the world that her daddy was the father of their child, but that wouldn't end well for either of them.

Four hours after arriving at the hospital, Hannah gave birth to a healthy baby boy. As soon as she held him in her arms, she burst into tears, feeling her father kiss her forehead. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," he whispered.

"He's ours, Daddy," she whispered, soft enough no-one else would hear her words.

She learned a lot within those first few days, mostly about nursing and caring for their child. She'd done a lot of reading since she'd learned she was pregnant, and her father had experience, but she learned theory was one thing, reality was another. But she learned her father would be there every step of the way, just like he'd promised.

"I can't have sex for a while, Daddy," she said upon returning home, "But can I..."

"Hannah, do you really think I'd send you out of our room?"

He'd called it 'our' room for quite a while, but it was the first time she'd really taken notice of his words. "Sweetheart, you're staying here permanently. You're the mother of our child. Once Kelly is pregnant, she's moving in here. Then I'm simply buying a bigger bed as I won't have Katie sleeping alone."

"It's six weeks until I can, Daddy," she said, "I can sleep elsewhere..."

"Hannah, you're not going anywhere. If I'm feeling horny, I'll visit Katie or Kelly in their beds, but I'll bring them with me so you're not sleeping alone."

"Okay," she whispered, "Maybe we need that bigger bed earlier?"

Her father had the bigger bed within a fortnight, and the four in the household were soon sleeping together, though the three other bedrooms were kept as they were, as one of them occasionally wanted to sleep alone or simply wasn't in the mood for sex. Even her father wasn't in the mood from time to time, the girls happy to just snuggle into him. He'd usually be in the mood by the next morning.

Watching her father make love to her twin sister or Kelly only ever made her smile, seeing the joy on their face as he slid his thick cock inside them. She'd never tire of watching her twin sister make love with her father, though she'd sometimes find herself blushing when her father really fucked Katie nice and hard. It was obvious how much her twin sister loved it, and her father was slowly losing any inhibitions in giving his daughter exactly what she wanted.

There was also no missing that Kelly was now desperate to be with their child, but over breakfast one morning, her father suggested that before they try for a baby, they get married. He wasn't worried about any sort of tradition in that respect but... Well, though he would love to marry his daughters, that simply wasn't possible, but he loved Kelly exactly like his daughters, so wondered if she wanted to marry first before trying?

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