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Swim Team

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My old classmate Yoshi brings the swim team to Oceanview.
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In the summer after my sophomore year at Oceanview U., I got a message from a guy I used to know, Yoshi, back in Japan. Yoshi had slender eyes and a deep tan, but a broad smile that made you want to smile too. He was the life of every party, but I mostly knew him from swimming in high school. He was one of the best swimmers on our school's team. I swam for the girls' team, but I volunteered as a 'manager' for the boys team. In English, 'manager' sounds like an important job, but actually, what we did was lifeguard, cheer the boys on, clean the pool and stuff like that. It did give me a chance to get to know Yoshi and the other guy swimmers.

One thing I liked about Yoshi is he kind of looked out for the other manager girl Miyuki and me. If anyone dissed us, or gave us a hard time, he would pipe up, and set them straight. He and I never dated, but I wondered if he liked me. He often talks about wanting to have a girlfriend. After high school, I moved from Japan to California, but he kept in touch.

Anyway, when he sent me this message, he was swimming for his college's team, and they were looking around for a place to hold a training camp. I kind of jokingly suggested they come to Oceanview. Oceanview isn't anything special, just a small town on the coast, but we do have the ocean and places to swim. Yoshi lit up when I told him, saying he was going to try to set it up. I was so excited about them coming! I called around, and booked them space at the surf center near the beach. It's not a hotel or anything, but Yoshi said they could bring sleeping bags, and sleep on the floor or whatever.

Before they came, I went up to Santa Monica to get a bikini wax, and bought some new clothes—a sun visor and 2 oversized t-shirts (Billabong and Rip Curl). I wanted to get a new racing swimsuit too. The only one I had was my old school swimsuit, a navy blue one piece, which no one seems to like. I looked around, but couldn't find the type I was looking for. Ah well. I guess I'll have to make do with the swimsuits I have.

The day they were scheduled to come, I took the train up to L.A. to meet them at the airport. There were like 6 of them. Yoshi, Hasebe, Kenji whom I'd met and three others I didn't know. Yoshi seemed different, more confident, more handsome maybe. One of the new boys was Shoji, tall, towering over me, but kind of cute and really friendly.

"Look at you, Emi," Yoshi gushed. "You look more beautiful than ever." That was nice of him to say. He never used to compliment me much.

We grabbed the train back to Oceanview, and chatted on the way. Yoshi was on about the upcoming race they had in Japan. Shoji kept asking me about America though, jokes, dance, culture. I told him a bit about the dance parties we have at Oceanview, and he seemed fascinated. Their college in Japan has fewer parties from the sounds of it.

Once we arrived in town, I took them straight to the surf center, so they could settle in. Their 'room' turned out to be the hallway behind the front desk leading back towards the showers. It was wide enough, but there were no beds, just benches along the walls. I was worried, but Yoshi said it was fine. I told them to call if they needed anything, waved goodbye, and headed back home.

The next few days, I was working at the university until late, but I dropped by at the surf center to see them on my way home. I felt a bit guilty because they'd come all this way to see me, but I hadn't spent much time there with them.

The third night, I dug out my navy one piece school swimsuit, and headed to the center hoping to swim with them. The pool was closed by the time I got there, and they were getting ready for bed. I changed into my one piece, nipped outside, and had a quick dip in the ocean. The water was a bit cool, but I had a good swim.

By the time I came back to the center, all the lights were out, so I had to carefully tiptoe my way through their sleeping forms to get to the girls shower. Some of them were shirtless, so I could see their biceps and bare chests glistening in the moonlight. I felt this vague twinge of excitement as I went into the change room, and stripped out of my swimsuit. It was kind of thrilling getting naked knowing that Yoshi and them were just outside. I soaped up my body, rubbing the suds around my breasts and between my legs. What with the darkness, the moonlight, the sound of waves lapping on the shore, the whole atmosphere was kind of romantic.

It was only when I finished my shower that I realized that I must have left my bag outside. (I do this sometimes... not on purpose of course!). I fingered my swimsuit trying to shake out the sand. Now what do I do? I can't just stand here, naked and soaking wet. I had to go find my towel and clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still wet, but I looked good I guess. I batted my eyelashes, and wicked the water from my cheeks. I've changed a lot since last I saw Yoshi. My breasts and pubic region are whiter than my flat tummy which has a slight tan. My breasts are larger now, but still the same cute pink nipples. The bikini wax I got had tamed my jungle, leaving a sleek little triangle of black fur pointing down towards my pussy. There were tan lines on my juicy round butt cheeks too, a bit whiter where my bikini had been. Looks quite sexy.

I gently pushed the door open, and peeked out at the boys. They all seemed to be asleep, but the real problem was I was getting all excited. I tried to calm down—I honestly did—but there was something so deliciously naughty about the whole situation. I wonder if I can just nip out there, and grab my bag before any of them notice!

Trying to get up my nerve, I opened the door a tad more. It was fairly dark in their room, but there was a faint light streaming in through the blinds from the street lights outside. I felt so nervous! I pushed the door open, trying to get used to the dim light. I was so wired, so worked up from being naked, but I had to do something. I carefully tiptoed out into the room, squinting down at them, trying not to brush up against anyone. It was pretty dark. Electrified, I made my way around the first couple of boys, scanning the floor for my bag.

Suddenly though, a car drove by outside, flashing its headlights in through the window. My whole body was lit up for a second, breast, bush and all. Worrying that the driver might have seen me, I felt my neck for my lucky necklace, but it wasn't there. Oh no! I must have forgotten it at home. This is not good at all. When I wear my necklace, I'm safe, but this time I had nothing to protect me. I debated going back to the bath to fetch my swimsuit, but the room had gone dark again. I didn't want to step on one of the boys by mistake. I continued to scan the floor for my bag. Had I left it outside in the foyer?

About half way across the room, the pathway narrowed. Shoji and some other boy had their sleeping bags right next to each other, leaving not much room to step. I almost lost my balance.

Every time a car drove by, my heart would jump. Slowly but surely I made my way towards the front. I'd almost made it when suddenly, I heard a car again. I stood stock still, but this time the car didn't drive by. It pulled into the parking lot, its headlights shining right in on me. I think the driver must have spotted me, noticed I was naked, and came back to get a better look.

With the whole room lit up, it was easier to see the boys on the floor. Unfortunately, the bright light was causing some of them to wake up. I dashed to the far door, and ran out into the main foyer. Luckily, the staff had all gone home, but the lights were on out here, and there was still no sign of my bag. I was panicking, cursing myself for coming out here naked.

Suddenly, Shoji appeared at the door. Oh no! Not him! He was the one who'd been hitting on me the most! I covered my pussy and breasts, but I was freaking, so embarrassed to get caught stark naked out in this brightly lit lobby. I don't know why I'd even come out here without bringing anything to cover up with.

"What the...?" he blurted out.

"Shoji, can you help me?" I pleaded. "I can't find my bag. Could you get me a towel or something?"

Shoji wiped his eyes, perhaps a bit bleary, but he had me. I didn't even know where my clothes were!

"What are you doing?" he blurted out, eyeing the hands I was covering my bush and breasts with.

"I thought I left my bag out here. Have you seen it?" I whispered, gesturing for him to keep his voice down. I felt so embarrassed! Shoji gawking at me was bad enough, but it sounded like the boys in the other room were stirring too. Keeping my pussy covered at least, I tiptoed back to the door, and finally spotted my bag way over on the far side of the room back near the showers. I motioned to Shoji.

"There's my bag over there. Can you go get it?"

He was so slow to respond I swear! Can't he see I'm in trouble here?

"Shoji!" I hissed. "Help me!"

Slowly, he snapped out of it, and went off to fetch my bag. I hid around the corner, but I could hear them all whispering. I hope he doesn't tell them I'm out here naked! Soon he reappeared at the door with my bag.

"You look gorgeous," he smiled, handing it to me. I was glad he was enjoying this, but I had to get dressed quick. I turned my back to him, and fished out my towel. Shoji ogled my rear, but at least he wasn't trying anything. I was so electrified my hair was standing on end. I dried off as fast as I could, shivering the whole time.

Once my body was more or less dry, I dug out a t-shirt. Shoji was still looming over me, but I nodded for him to watch the door. Once I got my t-shirt on, I felt a bit safer. He was still staring at my bare bottom, but at least, I wasn't naked.

I squatted down to fish out my skirt next, but I could hear someone coming, so I had to hurry. I stepped into my mini-skirt, but pulled it up. I finally managed to get it on, and not a second too soon! Yoshi appeared at the door.

"What's going on?" he asked. I was too shaken to answer. The two of them just kind of stood there. I gathered up my bag, waved good night, and left. In my rush to get out of there, I'd left my swimsuit behind, but I was too spooked to go back for it. I guess I can phone tomorrow, and get them to hold it for me. I was so rattled even when I got home. I don't know why I do things like that! I guess sometimes I get a bit carried away!

I wasn't exactly sure what I should do next. I still wanted to see Yoshi and them, but I was worried that Shoji might have gotten the wrong idea (or even worse the right one!). I hope he doesn't tell the others that I'd been flitting around naked while they slept.

I did have a day off work coming up, and I figured it would be pretty strange if I stayed away, so I called up Yoshi. He asked if I'd come down to the pool, and act as a lifeguard like I used to do. He seemed pretty calm. Maybe Shoji hadn't told him. I was still antsy about the whole thing, but anyway, I agreed to come help.

The next morning, I had a shower, and pulled on white cotton panties, a cream blouse, and black overall shorts. No bra (It was hot out). I packed my new t-shirts and a beach cover up, a cute tan white and blue kaftan, fairly mini. Oh and I needed a swimsuit. All my bikinis were pretty risque, so I opted for the newest one, a pink thong with side ties. Ah well. I can wear the cover up over it. At the door to our house, I pulled on some sandals and my new sun visor. It was sunny out, perfect weather.

When I arrived at the surf center, from outside, I could already see the boys in the pool, swimming up a storm. Yoshi was on deck organizing. I couldn't see Shoji, but he must be in the pool swimming.

I went into the girls change room, had a shower, and pulled on my pink bikini, and then the blue kaftan over it. The kaftan is crochet, so you can maybe see a little through it, but I thought I looked fairly lifeguardy. I'd brought my lucky locket, but I didn't want it to get wet, so I left it in my backpack. I rubbed sun block all over my face, neck, arms and legs. I left my sandals there, and went out barefoot.

The outdoor pool is in a nice setting, but kind of out in the open. There were trees and bushes outside the iron bar fence, but I could see the beach beyond on the right, and the highway back on the left. I guess people don't wander into the trees, but they could if they wanted to. I hope no one comes to spy on us. I kind of wanted some privacy, just me and my fit young boytoys. I was kind of excited. I don't know why.

Yoshi smiled when he saw me. He came over, and explained their system.

"I was videoing our races, but the camcorder battery is almost dead, so maybe we could switch over to timing them with stopwatches in a bit. Are you up for that?" He was trying to act all business, but I thought I detected the faint hint of a grin. Boys and their toys!

"Um, yeah, sure," I nodded.

"Great! Thanks! There are drinks over in the cooler, so help yourself." Yoshi is kind of sweet.

I went down to the far end of the pool, the starting line, and said hi to Hasebe and Kenji and them. Their eyes all brightened when they saw me. I guess Yoshi hadn't told them I was coming.

I tried to focus on the training. In the down time between races, Kenji was horsing around, dropping under water, then pulling himself back up, splashing the other boys. He beamed proudly, and I couldn't help but laugh. I was glad they were all in such a good mood.

Another race started, and Yoshi and I cheered them all on. Hasebe was as strong as ever, but Shoji was giving them all a run for their money. Yoshi was busy organizing, but he's a good swimmer too. I hope they do well at this swim meet.

After the race, Shoji pulled himself out, aiming to talk to me I think. I was too embarrassed to talk to him after what had happened the other night. I pulled off my kaftan, and dove into the pool, swimming away. Hasebe complimented me on my form, but soon they wanted to start another race, so I got out, fetched my kaftan, and retreated to the girls' change room.

I don't know why this thing with Shoji was getting to me. So he saw me naked. No big deal right? If I want this to blow over, I should stay calm, and act like nothing happened. It was hard though. Seeing him brought back all these memories, feelings. I was getting excited all over again. Maybe another shower will calm me down. I stripped out of my bikini, grabbed my towel, visor and my new Billabong t-shirt, a pink and white tie-dye, a fairly thick cotton. I came back, and showered off.

Soon, Yoshi called in from the door, startling me a bit.

"Emi. Are you ready? We're about to start another race."

"I'll be out in a sec," I blurted out, rinsing off. Easy now, Emi. Keep your cool.

I quickly toweled off, and pulled on the tee. This was the first time I'd worn it, but it seemed long enough to wear as a dress. I'd actually been looking for exactly this kind of t-shirt, one that could double as a dress. It's kind of the fashion now. Still pantiless, I came out to the door to see what Yoshi wanted.

"What's up?" I cheeped. He looked at me for a sec, but didn't say anything about my outfit. This tee does like kind of nice.

"The camcorder's toast. Could you maybe mark down the times on this clipboard, as we call them out?"

"Um, yeah, sure," I answered without thinking. I wanted to go get my panties or bottoms, but everyone was at the starting line waiting for us. This was all happening so fast.

"That's great. Come on. Let's go."

As I followed Yoshi out into the sun, I began to wonder if I was making a mistake, coming out here commando. The feeling of the breeze between my legs was getting me even more excited. I was no longer sure that this t-shirt was long enough. I'd chosen this particular tee, because it was one of the longest ones I could find, but Kenji and them were kind of looking at me funny. I lowered the clipboard hiding my pussy at least. I felt the back though, and the lower part of my butt cheeks were showing. Hopefully, they'll think I'm still wearing my pink thong from before.

Shoji was looking at me too. I felt so hot. I'm sure I must have been blushing. Fortunately, Yoshi started the race, so they couldn't stare at me anymore. I marked down the times as they finished, gave the clipboard back, and ran off to the change rooms again. Wow! That was intense. My heart wouldn't stop pounding. What on earth am I doing?

I took off the Billabong t-shirt, and got out my new Rip Curl one. It's a solid pink with a white sun emblem on the front in white. It was clearly marked "oversized" when I bought it. Maybe it'll be better. I took it to the shower, and got in, but soon, Yoshi was calling again.

"Emi, can you help us one more time?"

"Um, yeah, OK," I told him. I quickly toweled off, and pulled on the Rip Curl tee. I pulled it down at the front as best I could, but it seemed even shorter than the Billabong one. I could kind of cover my pussy by pulling the hem way down, but there was nothing covering my bare bottom. Why do they call these 'oversized' anyway? I pulled on my visor at least, and wondered what to do.

"Emi?" Yoshi called again.

Now I want you to know, and this is absolutely true that normally I would never go out in public bottomless like this. This t-shirt is like crazy short, and even if I hold it down over my pussy, surely they'd be able to tell... but I don't know. I'd been naked in their sleeping chamber the other night, and kind of got away with that, so I guess I felt like I should try something even more risky just to see what would happen. It's hard to explain. I guess looking back, I was so turned on it was messing with my inhibitions, never strong at the best of times.

"Uh... could I maybe do something different? Stay down at this end?" I asked still nervous.

"Um. Yeah I guess. You could time the lead racers at the turns. Do you have your smartphone?

"Yeah, just a sec." I ran off to the change room, and dug out my phone. I thought about pulling on my panties, but they were kind of indecent too. White cotton, but lace and see-through in places. Yoshi called again, and I ended up leaving them there. I still didn't know how I should do this, but I was so charged up. Ooo! This is so exciting!

Phone in my left hand, I pulled the hem down as far as it would go over my pussy, and then came out from the showers to the doorway where Yoshi was waiting. Yoshi looked at me, but he didn't say anything about my lack of pants. So far so good!

"Do you know how to use the stop watch?" he asked.

I unlocked my screen with my thumb, and then showed him.

"The Clock app," he said, "and then Stopwatch. Press 'lap' when they touch down on this side."

"I think I can do that," I nodded, blushing. He peered at me for a while, but eventually, nodded, and ran off to start the race.

I felt so nervous coming out onto the deck. The air was swirling around my bare tuckus, making it painfully clear how naked I was. I stayed in the shade hiding under the awning, but I was seriously starting to lose it. The feeling of being naked out here on the deck was incredible!

The race started, but I was completely spaced, too freaked to focus. I gazed over toward the beach, but luckily, no one was coming this way. Suddenly, I remembered the stopwatch, and pressed 'lap' as they each touched this edge. As they swam away, I got so cocky that I let go of the hem, leaving my pussy exposed. Yoshi was focused on the race, so I don't think he saw, but it was pretty excited standing here naked, so close to them all.

The race finished, so I pulled the hem back down, and tried to act calm. Yoshi came back to get the times off of me. I tossed him my smartphone like it was a hot potato. I was seriously panicking, and I needed both hands to hold the hem to cover my pussy.


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