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Swimming Lessons

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The adventures of a swimming teacher.
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Rick had been a swimming teacher now for about 10 years. He'd done a variety of jobs since leaving school, chef (interesting, but unsocial hours), waiter (boring), coffee shop manager (went bust), but he'd really taken to teaching kids to swim. It was truly rewarding watching them progress, some of his kids had been with him for 5 years now, from real toddlers learning not to fear the water, to quite proficient swimmers. More to the point he was actually good at it. The kids loved him and the mothers praised him to their social groups, resulting in yet more business.

He actually worked for a Swim School owned by someone else, but he also owned his own School. It wasn't grand, actually a Swim School was merely a teacher who had paid for the right to use a given pool at a given time, but these slots, particularly the after school slots, were like gold dust. Rick's own School took place in a private school pool on a Friday evening from four until six and he could fit 4 lessons into that, teaching himself, and another 4 by employing another teacher. It was never going to make him rich, but he was not a particularly materialistic person.

Now approaching thirty he was still single, enjoyed his social life, got enough sex so that he was happy and didn't have any particular ties, well apart from having to pay a mortgage! Physically he was pretty fit and even though he did admit it himself, not bad looking.

His current second teacher was Emma, a couple of years younger than himself, attractive with medium sized breasts but a still quite shapely figure. Not that too much of it was exposed for long. It was important to de-sexualise what they wore in the pool. Swimming costumes, particularly for women were designed to look sexy, and it was the norm amongst the female teachers to wear a swimming costume but cover it up with a tee shirt and usually a pair of shorts. Emma tended to teach the weaker swimmers so she was usually poolside rather than in the water. Rick usually took the better swimmers where it was necessary to get in the water with them. As such it could get pretty cold standing in the pool for a couple of hours, so Rick customarily wore a shorty wetsuit, over which he wore a standard pair of swim shorts. Although it looked a little odd it did prevent the bulge of his cock showing through. Readers of an older generation may remember pictures of Linford Christie in his Lycra!

Rick and Emma weren't close friends, indeed they barely saw each other while they were working, but afterwards they tended to get together for a coffee to discuss how the day's teaching had gone, and in particular how Emma's pupils were progressing. She wasn't married, but had a partner with whom she seemed content, Rick had met him, a pleasant enough chap, although not someone Rick took an instant liking to.

The general format of the Friday lesson was that the kids were accompanied by one parent, usually the mother as it was a bit early for most Dads to have finished work. They would see that their child was changed and attired properly in the single sex changing rooms, and then bring their child into the pool where they could watch the lesson, sitting on some pretty uncomfortable plastic chairs. It was only for half an hour so quite bearable. Some parents clearly knew each other well and would chat, one threesome in particular always seemed pretty animated. Once one lesson had finished the next started immediately with another set of parents watching, the first set taking their offspring back to the changing rooms to dry off and change back into outdoor clothes. The changing rooms, were pretty utilitarian, with a small enclosed shower area and a single toilet in each.

It was the second half of the summer term and the weather was getting hotter. Not that it mattered to Rick who worked in the sauna-like atmosphere of the pool anyway, but the clothes the mothers wore were getting skimpier by thy week. Leggings had been replaced by shorts, and jumpers by light tee shirts. Rick couldn't help but admire some of the figures as they sat and watched.

The last class of the day ended and the kids trooped out to change, chattering excitedly. Rick and Emma tidied the pool, putting away the lane markers, collecting the floats and noodles, all the paraphernalia of swimming lessons. They then pulled the cover over the pool to retain heat in the water and finally picked up their own change bags. They both showered afterwards, the smell of chlorine lingering on their skin if they didn't. "Fancy a proper drink tonight Emma, I could murder a lager."

"Sure Rick, shall I meet you at The White Hart or will you wait for me here. I'll try to be as quick as possible."

"I'll wait Ems, I've got some paper work I can be doing so no need to rush."

With that they separated and went into their individual changing rooms. Rick dumped his bag on a bench and pulled out his towel ready. The changing rooms always seemed cold after the heat of the pool and he knew that as soon as he took the wetsuit off it would hit him. He removed his shorts then reached up behind his back and grabbed the strap that connected to the zipper pull, which when pulled up was right below the nape of his neck.

Finding it, he tugged down only for his hand to come away quickly. Looking down he saw that the chlorine had rotted the strap and that it had come apart. This was an occupational hazard with swimming teachers, the chemicals in the water were actually pretty corrosive and over time the seams of swimsuits opened as the stitching and material rotted away.

This was the first time his wetsuit had come apart though. He tried reaching up behind him but his fingers were coming up a good six inches short of being able to grasp the fastener. Reaching around his neck and down wasn't going work either as whilst he could reach the fastener he could not move it downwards at all, the teeth of the zip being far too coarse.

"Bugger!" How was he going to get out of this one? He could actually drive home in his wetsuit, but he didn't really want chlorine smelling water leaking out onto his car seats, and who would help him there? Anyway he really fancied that pint. The only other person around was Emma. He'd just go and discreetly knock on the Ladies' door and get her to unzip him.

Leaving his bag he went back out into the corridor and knocked firmly on the door to the Ladies' changing room, Assuming the layout was the same as the Men's i.e. a screening privacy wall immediately inside the door, he stuck his head in. "Emma?" he called out. There was no response and hearing the sound of the shower running he put his head around the corner. There was steam billowing out from under the shower door. "Emma?" he called louder this time. Still no response. He took a step towards the door. "Emma, are you decent I've got a problem?" The door to the shower opened and there stood Emma, totally naked looking at him, a worried look on her face. He took in her body in a glance, its image searing onto his brain. Pert breasts, with small areola and very pointy nipples. Her waist was trim and her hips were perhaps on the larger side for her small frame. Between her legs was a tiny triangle of pubic hair pointing down to a tight looking slit, with no inner labia apparent. All this took a millisecond before he turned away, embarrassed. Emma shrieked then instinctively covered her breasts with her forearm and her pussy with her other hand.

"Emma, I'm sorry," Rick started as Emma was also trying to speak.

"What's the problem Rick, are you hurt?"

"No, it's nothing like that, I did call out but you obviously didn't hear. All that's happened is that my wetsuit zip is stuck, I can't get it undone."

"Oh, thank God for that. Here, don't be embarrassed we've known each other for too long for that. Just back in here and I'll undo it for you." Rick backed into the shower cubicle, conscious of her nakedness, desperately hoping that the tightness of his wetsuit would hide his erection. She reached up and grasping the fastener pulled down. Rick's body jerked with the pull but the zipper seemed stuck. "Look, you're too tall for me to get any purchase on it, kneel down."

Rick knelt, conscious now that her breasts were somewhere in the vicinity of his ears. Once more he felt her pulling at the zip, and felt it budge an inch, but no further. "It seems to be stuck Rick, you've got the material caught under the fastener, which is why the strap broke. Let me get a better purchase on it."

Rick was suddenly aware that she had moved round to his side and her breasts were now visible right by his face. He could see the rest of her body as well, hot water streaming down it, catching in her neat pubic triangle. With a wrench the zip came free and she slipped on the wet floor falling across the front of Rick's body. Instinctively he caught her, one hand grabbing her breast, the other ending up on her backside.

Looking up at him she laughed, "If you wanted to cop a feel of my tits you only had to ask!" She righted herself, now standing directly in front of him her breasts almost in his face. Looking down into his eyes she reached round for the back of his wetsuit and peeled it away from his shoulders, then stepping back she pulled it off his arms, leaving it pooled round his waist.

Rick stood up. "Thanks Emma, I'm really sorry about all that, I can manage now, I'll leave you in peace."

"It hardly seems fair Rick, you've seen me in all my glory and I've seen next to nothing of you," she put her hand on his chest, "why don't you get rid of the rest of that thing and we'll shower together. It'll save water after all?"

Rick hesitated, then Emma solved the dilemma for him by tugging his wetsuit down over his hips, her tits dangling down from her chest. As she did so his cock sprang up in her face. She dodged it and straightened up, then pushing her breasts together trapped his cock between them. Instinctively Rick pushed up, the head of his cock appearing momentarily out of the top of her cleavage. Rick stumbled out of the remains of his wetsuit and embraced Emma, their mouths meeting in a passionate kiss, tongues dancing. Rick cupped her buttocks pulling her to him and then lifted her up, pinning her against the wall, Emma's legs encircled his waist and her hand snaked down to his cock and guided it to her pussy. He slid in, buried to the hilt as the water cascaded down upon them.

Desperately Rick pumped in and out of her pussy, she held his head between her hands, their lips still locked. Rick could stand no more, and with a guttural roar he came hard inside her, semen spewing violently against her cervix, coating her insides. Emma threw her head back, a tortured scream coming from her mouth as her pussy muscles closed tight round him.

They stood locked together for a minute as their heart rates slowed, then Rick, still carrying Emma, sat back down on the bench in the shower cubicle, his cock still in her pussy. He looked at her then kissed her tenderly. She hugged him tight, her breasts squashing against his chest. Neither of them quite knew what to say, so suddenly had it all happened.

Emma broke the silence, "Does that mean I get a pay rise?" They both burst into laughter then Rick lifted Emma off him, his shrivelling cock falling out of her pussy, followed by what seemed like a gallon of diluted cum washing down her legs.

"We may need to look at your job description again." Laughing again, they washed themselves down and turned the shower off. Emma grabbed her towel and wrapped it round her. Rick picked his wetsuit up and braced himself for the dash through the cold corridor into the Men's changing room. "See you in 15," he called as he left.

Rick waited anxiously for Emma to emerge. Was she in there bitterly regretting what had happened, how would their working relationship change? Would she even want to work with him again? The door opened and she came out, her hands full with her bags. "Still want that drink?" She asked. Rick nodded, "Come on then, I'll see you there." They walked to their cars in silence then got in and drove off, arriving shortly at the pub, parking side by side in the empty car park. Both got out and as they walked towards the pub Emma took his hand, holding it until they reached the door.

"Go and sit down," said Rick, "I'll get the drinks. What do you want?"

"I was going to have a diet Coke, but after that I'm tempted by a cocktail. Do you think they do Sex on the Bench here? Or Soapy Nipple? No seriously I'll have a large white wine. They sat side by side on a bench seat rather than opposite each other as usual, both feeling a need to be close. They discussed their normal work matters, after which a silence descended on them. "Fancy another? I do." asked Emma, getting up and going to the bar. She returned and sitting down took Rick's hand in hers.

"Rick, where does that leave us?"

"Emma, I don't know what to say. Workwise it doesn't change anything. You're still a great teacher who I want working with me, it doesn't affect our DBS status and our morals are nothing to do with anyone else. As to the rest, well you've got Pete, I'm single so it's up to you really. I presume you won't tell Pete?"

"No, I don't really think that would be wise." With that they changed the subject and finishing their drinks left. At their cars they kissed briefly and said their goodbyes.

Rick didn't really think much about it for the next week, he was busy and considered that it had just been one of those things, Emma seemed happy with Pete and it wasn't as though he was in love with her.

Friday came and Rick was at the pool first. Emma breezed in, "Hi Rick!" her normal cheerful greeting. "Anything new happening?" All seemed back to normal and they conducted their lessons without further interaction. There was a little awkwardness when the time came to clear away the pool equipment, both remembering what had happened the previous week, but that passed and as they split up to go to their changing rooms, Emma remarking on the new strap on Rick's wetsuit.

"Nylon cord, should last longer than the wetsuit," Rick commented. He went inside and turned on the water to warm up while he got out of the wetsuit and then testing the water with his hand, stepped into the shower. He'd washed his hair and had stepped out of the water flow to lather his body with the shower gel when a pair of arms encircled his chest. Spinning round he encountered a naked Emma, her arms now round his back, her breasts pressed up against him.

"Guess what?" she said, "The chlorine has rotted my entire swimsuit, so I've come immediately to see if the Swim School will pay me compensation." With that she dropped to her knees and took his semi-hard cock in her mouth, still looking up at him. "This will do as a start!" she continued as she stroked him in and out of her mouth, one hand buried between her legs.

Rick reached out to the wall for support as the sensation made his legs buckle, his other hand on the back of Emma's head. Emma was very good and he knew that he wouldn't last long, so he pulled her up and guided her to the bench on the shower, turning her round to face the wall, then bending her forward so she was supporting her upper body on her arms. He knelt down and buried his face in her arse crack, water cascading down over her, flowing down her body and legs. He pushed out his tongue as far as it would go and licked her, up and down from her crinkled hole to her pussy. His fingers found the opening to her vagina and he thrust two in, finding her already well lubricated.

She put one hand to her breast and cupped it tightly, then tweaked the nipple, pulling it out from the soft surrounding flesh. Rick stood and aligned his cock with her opening. Before he could move she grasped it through her legs and guided it in, pushing hard back into him, engulfing it inside her.

Rick transferred his hands to her hips and used then to pull himself deeper into her, his pubic hair rasping against her arse. He could see her anus and pressed a thumb up against it, rubbing round it then pushing in, not quite penetrating.

Emma collapsed forwards, her weight now resting on her forearms, changing the angle of his attack, increasing the pressure on his cock, particularly the sensitive crown. With a cry he exploded into her, his cum flooding her. Emma pulled away from him, his cock falling out and she spun round, sitting now on the bench, her legs wide open frigging her clit with one hand, the other pushing three fingers inside her pussy. Rick could see his cum seeping out from her, being whipped into a froth by her fingers, the shower water diluting it. With a loud gasp Emma's orgasm crashed around her, her head falling back against the wall, her body collapsing in a heap under the still cascading water.

"Wow," she exclaimed, "we're getting better at this! I'm happy to accept my compensation in instalments!" She stood and they washed each other's bodies down with the shower gel. Emma flexed her knees and dug deep into her pussy, pulling out the vestiges of Rick's cum, examining it on her fingers. She tasted it on her tongue, "Umm, a bit soapy but nice," she grinned.

Unlike the previous week she had brought her bags into the Men's changing room and they were able to towel off and change together. Rick enjoyed watching her dress, pulling on a pair of panties and doing up her bra, finding it strangely intimate.

They left the room and Emma told him she couldn't stay for a drink or even coffee. She pecked him on the cheek, "See you next week Rick." With that she was gone.

The next week's last session had just finished when Rick was approached by three women, the three who always seemed to be very animated. "Rick, do you do lessons for adults?" asked the apparent leader, an attractive slim woman called Sally.

"Sorry Sally, not really. Why do you ask?"

"Well it's just that as our kids get to be better swimmers we're a bit concerned that they might get into a bit of trouble one day, and whilst we can all swim we're not confident in the water. We're looking for some sort of class to let us gain more confidence with a bit of life saving and resuscitation thrown in."

"Well, I could do all that, but the problem is pool time, there really isn't any available anywhere."

"Could you teach in a private pool at someone's house?" Rick nodded, "Well I've got an outdoor pool, it's heated so how about using that?" Rick knew that Sally wasn't exactly poor from her clothes and car, but a heated outside pool?

"Sure, I can do that. All three of you?" They nodded. A time was set for weekly lessons on a Thursday starting at mid-day for half an hour or so. Sally and the others agreed to pay him £100 per session between them, starting the next week for as long as it took. For Rick this was money for old rope, he was never busy at that time and there would be no overheads to cover. Sally gave him directions to her house and they left to get their kids changed.

"What's that all about Rick?" enquired Emma who had witnessed the huddle.

"Just some water confidence lessons for those three," replied Rick, "at Sally's private pool no less. Sorry though, there's nothing for you in it."

"That's OK Rick, just watch yourself with those three. They call themselves the Three Musketeers and from what I've overheard in the changing room, anything goes."


"Just be careful Rick." Then changing the subject, "Pete's away for the weekend, do you want to come round to mine for a drink and..." she left the sentence dangling.

"Why not?"

"Great, let's clear up then skip the shower here, we can shower at mine."

They got to their cars and Emma asked him, "Rick, can you be discreet when we get to my house, you know, park a little way away and give me a few minutes before you come round? The neighbours are terribly nosey."

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