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Swimming Practice

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Jonas helps hone Chris’ technique in more ways than one.
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All characters depicted in this story are 18. The setting is Senior Year and all sexual activity is consensual.

Happy Reading!

My toes tightly gripped the edge, as I stood there patiently, my body poised for action. A quick glance to my left revealed a line of seven other boys, their muscles defined and bodies honed from years of rigorous training.

From the stands, a group of girls whispered and pointed, their voices blending with the muffled echoes in the vast hall.

With only our tight little speedos protecting our modesty, which even then left nothing to the imagination. We might as well have been standing there naked.

A figure slowly paced behind us.

Suddenly, the sharp shrill of a whistle pierced the air, resonating through the cavernous hall. In response, we propelled ourselves into the water, the hall's ambient noise fading as our bodies sliced through the surface. Quickly reemerging, the rhythmic pounding of our muscular arms echoed as we reached the opposite side, only to quickly submerge again, kicking off the wall with precision and returning back to where we started.

The whistle blew out again.

"Danny, looking good. Sam, excellent. Jonas, perfect as ever," our swim coach yelled out.

Then, the coach turned his attention to me.

"Christopher, tighten up your stroke, boy. Jonas, help him out will you."

As the coach walked away, muttering under his breath, I exchanged a puzzled glance with Jonas who was in the lane next to me.

Jonas' head dropped under the water so he could get past the lane separator and popped up next to me.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Hey... I don't get what coach is talking about, what's wrong with my stroke?"

"Here let me help. I think I may know what he's referring to."

With that, Jonas waded behind me. I could feel his hard body press against me. Reaching over his right arm, he grabbed mine and held it by the wrist. He then moved my arm and showed me what I was doing wrong.

"Ahhh, Thanks, I think I get it now."

"No problem," he replied and dipped back under the water to his lane.

"Right, let's go again." The coach bellowed.

"Feet on the wall and 3-2-1..."

The whistle blew again and we all shot off for another length.

When we got back to the start. The coach was hovering over me.

"Christopher!" He shouted.

Bracing for criticism, I was surprised to hear, "Better, well done. Maybe a bit of Jonas rubbed off on you."

Almost a compliment, but I'd take it.

"Right then! Everyone out and hit the showers," the coach bellowed, signalling the end of our intense training session.

We all grabbed the pool wall and lifted ourselves out of the water. As we bent over to climb out, a wolf whistle could be heard from the group of girls in the stands, followed by a chorus of giggles.

Heading over to the changing rooms, we made a beeline for the shower area.

One by one, the shower heads turned on, blasting out hot water on to the person beneath them.

We each began taking off our speedos in unison, rinsing them under the water.

Then the typical shower banter started.

"Tanya was in stands again Danny. I think she likes you." Sam said flicking the hot water off his head.

"Yeah, I think she wants a bit of this," Danny replied gripping then swinging his cock up and down.

"And what about her friend, fuck me! That ass off hers. I'd definitely tap that."

The other boys laughed.

"Andrew, how did your date go with Sara, does she suck dick as good as they say?"

"A gentleman never tells, boys... but yes, she's like a fucking Dyson." Andrew said laughing.

We had seen each other naked so many times now. In fact, I've probably seen these guys more without their clothes on, than with.

I didn't really consider myself gay as such, but I could certainly appreciate the bodies on these guys. They were all tall, lean, athletic, and there were some very impressive cocks of different sizes all on display.

I stood next to Jonas, who was physically a bigger guy than me, he was also bigger than me in the downstairs department - that boy was blessed.

I tried not to look, but often found myself doing exactly that. In my opinion, he quite clearly had the best-looking cock of the bunch, with his long, thick shaft and his big round balls. I don't mind admitting he was a bit of an Adonis, and I may or may not have had a little man crush on him.

Jonas hadn't been at our school for very long, he joined us about four months ago and literally walked into the swim team. The coach was bowled over by how good he was in trials and instantly added him to the squad.

He was the strong quiet type; the girls were practically throwing themselves at him and I'm pretty sure he could have taken his pick. Strangely though, he just batted off their affections, which seemed to only make the girls try harder to get his attention, lower cut tops, shorter skirts, the works.

After we finished showering, Jonas and I struck up a conversation as we dressed.

"Aww man, I know the coach is going to drop me for next week's regionals. I can feel it."

"Don't worry about it, you'll get there."

"He keeps criticising my technique though."

Jonas was putting the last of his things in his bag. By this time all the other guys had finished and cleared out of the changing rooms.

Turning to me, he said, "Look, keep this between you and me, but I've got a pool at my house, if you want to come over and practice, that's fine. I'll help you out with your stroke."

"Cheers man, I really appreciate it."

While I was grateful for his offer, I didn't understand the need for secrecy.

He pulled out a pen from his bag and tore off a piece of paper from one of his notebooks.

He scribbled down his address.

"Seriously though, Chris. Keep this to yourself. Ok."

"Ok, ok. I won't tell anyone."

I folded the piece of paper and slid it into my pocket.

We both left the changing room and headed off to our next class.

When school finished, I headed back home, the upcoming regionals heavy on my mind. I pulled out the folded piece of paper from my pocket and stared at the address.

I knew I needed help, and Jonas was the one person to give it to me.

Whipping out my phone, I sent Jonas a quick text:

"Hey man, ok if I take you up on your offer tonight?"

The dot's danced under my message and he quickly replied.

"Sure man, come on by."

I wolfed down an energy bar, and asked my dad if I could borrow his car.

With no objections, I jumped in and typed Jonas' address into the sat nav.

Setting off, I dutifully followed the voice directing me to my destination. As I drove by, I couldn't help noticing that the quality of the houses was getting better and better.

"Man, someone's doing alright for themselves." I thought.

I eventually pulled into a cul-de-sac, three massive houses on each side. Double-checking the address on the piece of paper, I couldn't believe this was where Jonas lived.

Having parked the car, I approached a set of large iron gates. I felt poor just standing here. I half-expected someone to ask me to move along as I'm making the area look untidy.

Pressing the buzzer at the side of the gate, I waited with uncertainty. A tinny voice came from the speaker.


"Hey, I'm looking for Jonas?" I said.

"Hey man, it's me. Come on in."

The gates buzzed and slowly began to open.

Walking down the drive, I marvelled at the beautifully manicured lawns, water features, and the Porsche 911 parked outside the house.

"Holy shit, he's rich," I found myself saying aloud.

Approaching the front door, I spotted Jonas waiting for me, wearing a light grey tracksuit, with red stripes down the sides.

"Hey man, how's it going?" he asked.

"Dude!" I said, dumbstruck by the surroundings.

"Yeah, this is why I didn't want you telling anyone."

"But dude!"

"Yes, I know. We have money. Are you going to stand there admiring the topiary all day, or do you want to get started?"

He stood aside and invited me in. In the foyer, I glanced around at the marble floors, grand staircase, and ornate chandeliers.

"Come on, I'll show you the pool."

Following him down a side hall and down a short flight of stairs, he pushed open the door to reveal what he called his pool.

The air carried a subtle warmth, with a familiar scent of chlorine. His pool wasn't just a pool; it was a vast sanctuary with a jacuzzi, waterfall fountain, changing cubicles, and even a sauna.

"Holy fuck, man. No wonder you're so good," I blurted out.

The pool was illuminated with strip lights, revealing a Poseidon mosaic at the bottom.

"Dude, if the girls at school found out about this, you would be drowning in pussy."

"But they won't, will they, because this is our little secret right?"

"Sure man, sure."

Jonas unzipped his tracksuit top, to reveal his smooth muscular chest, then proceeded to pull down his trousers revealing his incredibly small and snug red speedos.

He folded his clothes on one of the loungers that hugged the pool and slowly made his way to the waters edge and jumped in. As he resurfaced he turned to face me.

"Well, you coming in?

I began to take off my own tracksuit, revealing my own pair of tight navy speedos. Jonas, now treading water in the deep end, watched me undress.

When I finished, I jumped into the pool next him. A huge wave of water, comically hitting Jonas in the face.

When I resurfaced, he pushed his hands through the water sending a small wave directly at my face in retaliation.

"Come on, I'll race you to the end," He shouted.

We both immediately shifted into a front crawl and sped towards the other end.

Naturally, Jonas beat me, but I was close.

We did a few more lengths together, but the next one he let me do alone, while he sat on the edge of the pool and watched.

"You're doing it again," Jonas said to me as I returned.

"What, the arm thing?"

"Yeah, you need to bring it in," he told me, whilst moving his arm.

"Like this?" I said trying to mirror his movements.

"No, let me show you."

He pushed off the edge and slipped into the water and came around behind me.

He pressed his body against mine and reached around me grabbing my arm. It was then I could feel something, it was hard, and it was pressing between my buttocks. It might have been my imagination, but I was convinced Jonas had a boner.

I chose not to say anything, it was no point embarrassing the guy, especially as he was doing me a favour, and also as a guy I know how randomly we get them.

We carried on practicing for the next 45 minutes, and I think with Jonas' hands on tutoring, I was finally getting it.

We rested for a moment, when Jonas suggested we finish off our session with a nice soak in the jacuzzi.

We both got out of the pool and walked towards the Jacuzzi.

"I love swimming, but god these things cut me in half," Jonas said pulling down his speedos, kicking them to the side and stepping into the jacuzzi.

"Much better," he said.

I paused for a moment, wondering how to follow him.

"Oh, shit, sorry. Force of habit. I always take my speedos off when I get in the jacuzzi, it feels so much better. I can put them back on if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Um, it's ok. Your house, your rules."

I stepped into the jacuzzi opposite Jonas and sat down. He leaned over and pressed a button. The jets activated with a loud roar, and I could immediately feel their affect.

"This feels good," I shouted over the sound of the water bubbling.

"Yeah, it's not bad, is it?" Jonas replied.

"Oh hey, do you want a beer, I've got some in the cooler."

"Sure man," I said instinctively, completely forgetting for a moment that Jonas was naked.

He sat upright and then slowly stood up. The water rushed off his body, revealing his impressive cock and balls.

He stepped out of the jacuzzi and walked to a medium sized cooler. Opening it, he grabbed two bottles and headed back in my direction. I found myself mesmerised by how his cock swung when he walked. It was nearly as long as the bottle he was carrying, and he was soft to boot. I was glad I kept my speedos on now, as I felt wholly inadequate in comparison.

He stepped into the jacuzzi and handed me a bottle, but this time instead of sitting opposite me, he sat next to me.

"I hope you don't mind; I couldn't really hear. you over there," he said twisting the cap off the bottle.

"Nah man, that's fine." I said doing the same.

I don't know if it was the jets or my proximity to him, but things were definitely happening in my speedos. I found myself getting harder by the minute, until I felt I had a fully blown erection.

I took a swig from my bottle and turned to face Jonas, intending to say something, but he moved in to kiss me.

Startled, I quickly pulled back before his lips could touch mine.

"Whoa there," I said with a shocked look on my face.

"I, I'm sorry Chris, I must have misread your signals."


"Yeah, signals, I've noticed the way you look at me. I thought you, you know, liked me."

"What looks?" I said defensively.

"I've seen you stare at my body, Chris, on several occasions in the shower."

"I... I may have glanced once or twice. You know curiosity and all that."

"But you must have liked what you saw, as you kept looking."

"No... um... Yes, but, but, you know, you're a good-looking guy. I'd kill for a body like yours." I stammered, unsure of what to say.

I took another long swig from my bottle, as Jonas watched me gulp it down.

"So you've never thought about it? With all the good looking guys in our swim team, naked in the shower? Their hard sexy bodies, the muscles, the cock. Christ knows I've thought of it plenty of times."

I paused for a moment, my mind painting a visual image of his words.

"Well, I'd be lying to myself if I said I hadn't thought about it, but I just put that down to, you know, curiosity."

"I mean, it's perfectly normal, Chris."

Jonas paused for a moment, before speaking again.

"It it helps, I think you're the best looking of the bunch and if I'm totally honest, I've kind of had a thing for you since we first met."

I was both shocked and flattered by his words. His openess, made me feel at ease.

"Well, if we're being honest with each other. You may have been my first real man crush."

"Is that so," Jonas replied, smiling.

"Well, if I like you and you like me. What's the problem?"

"I just don't know if I'm ready to be gay."

"Well, only you can decide that one, but if you like, you could always 'experiment' with me."

"What, like a test drive."

Jonas laughed, "Yeah, I suppose so."

I looked at him, thinking if I were to do this, there was no better person than my man crush himself.

"I don't know man." I said hesitantly.

"Look, there's no pressure. Whatever you decide to do, it's cool with me, and it you do decide you want to try something, then it will stay between us if you want. It won't leave this jacuzzi, scouts honour." Jonas said holding his three fingers in the air.

I downed the rest of my beer, wiped my lips with the back of my hand, and looked at Jonas's handsome face smiling back at me. I knew I wanted to try.

"Fuck it, let's try it."

With the beer and the heat of the jacuzzi, I was suitably buzzed.

"So, what do you want to try?" Jonas asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok, how about this?" He said and moved in closer to me. His face moved in really close to mine, I stared at his incoming face, until I nearly went cross-eyed.

He kissed me on the lips - my first kiss with another guy.

"How was that?" Jonas asked.

"Um, ok, I guess."

"Just ok?" Jonas replied, pretending to be offended.

"Here, try this on for size."

Jonas grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer for another kiss. This time slipping his tongue in my mouth. He swirled it around mine, and when he finished, he gently bit my bottom lip and pulled it back as he withdrew.

"How was that one?"

That kiss stunned me into silence. I tried to think of something to say, but all that came out of my mouth was gibberish.

"I thought so," Jonas said, visibly pleased with my reaction.

He put his left arm around me, before moving his right hand onto my thigh, just by knee.

"Do you want to keep going?" he asked.

I nodded. If that kiss was anything to go by, I couldn't wait to see what happens next.

He slowly slid his hand up my thigh, moving along the the top of it, before slowly rotating towards the inside. His touch sent a tingling sensation from my legs to my groin.

His hand finally reached my crotch, and he found my hard shaft pulling to the side, bound by tight speedos.

"I should probably take these off huh?" I suggested, knowing where I wanted his hands next.

"Only if you want to, there's no rush."

I reached down into the water and lifted my butt off the seat, pulling my speedos down as I did. When I pulled them off completely, I raised them above the water and tossed them to the side.

Jonas' hand went back to my crotch, this time unrestricted by my swim wear.

I spread my legs open a little bit wider, to give him better access. He cupped my balls first in his hands, gently squeezing them, before moving onto my shaft.

"Well, someone is clearly enjoying this," he said wrapping his fingers around my shaft.

Jonas started to jerk me off slowly.

"Is this good? I'm not squeezing too tight, am I?"

My whole body shuddered from his touch.

"No, no, you're good."

He watched my face, controlling the level of pleasure I was feeling with his hand.

"Do you want me to do the same to you?"

"If you want, I'm happy if you're happy."

My right hand reached under his and I blindly fished around for his cock. Finding it, it was big, and it was hard. I wrapped my hand around and starting to jerk him as he jerked me.

Jonas relaxed a bit, as I slowly tugged on his member.

"That's good Chris," he said, practically purring.

It did feel good, God did it feel good. I'd never have imagined I'd been in a jacuzzi been jerked off by a guy.

After a few minutes of mutual jerking, Jonas stopped.

"Would you like me to suck your dick?" he asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

I gulped somewhat dramatically and cleared my throat.

"Yes please."

I got up from my seat and stood up in the middle of the jacuzzi and faced Jonas. He was still sitting down, which meant he was now eye level with my crotch.

"Now that, is a good looking cock," Jonas remarked.

He leaned forward, and took the tip of my cock in his mouth. His lips pursed around it.

He then pulled back, grabbing the base of my shaft and ran his tongue directly underneath. When his tongue reached the tip, he flicked it directly under the glans, then used his tongue to explore the deep ridges underneath.

My legs felt like they would buckle at any moment.

He then switched to my balls, sucking on them one by one, his hands rubbing my thighs, before eventually reach my back side, gently massaging my cheeks.

Jonas opened his mouth wide, staring up at me, then resting the tip of my cock on his tongue, he then slid his head forward. I looked down at him as my cock slowly disappeared inside his mouth.

This was seriously intense. I had never felt anything like this before. Jonas was a god damn pro at sucking dick.

He started sucking, moving all the way down to the base then back up. The way he was going I would be blowing my load in his mouth in no time.

"Jesus Jonas, that feels so good."

Jonas grabbed tightly on to my ass and began deep throating me.

"Jonas, Jonas buddy, I'm going to cum." I said with urgency.

Jonas ignored me and kept going. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Jonas, Jo.... urghh, ahh!"


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