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Sylvia's Mom Pt. 01

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Horny mother offers herself to her daughter's boyfriend.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/24/2017
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Saving her daughter's virginity

This is part 1 of a series of continuing stories. There are 17 parts to date with a few more to be added if there is any interest among you, the readers. The stories vary in the sexual orientation of the characters. All sexual acts are by mutually consenting adults. The genres of the stories also vary.


As this story opens, I was 20 years old and a sophomore in college. My girlfriend, Sylvia, was 18 and a senior in high school. Sylvia's mother, Mrs. McDonald, was 37 years old.

Sylvia and I began dating while we were both still in high school and Mrs. McDonald made us promise that we would not have sex until we were old enough to get married. Mrs. McDonald was raised in a very strict family who believed that every girl should be a virgin when she got married. She had decided to raise Sylvia in the same manner.

Sylvia, was 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighed about 110 pounds. Her perky, firm breasts and voluptuous bottom made her body as perfect as I could ever imagine. Her beautiful green eyes were like sparkling emeralds and her shoulder length flaming red hair magnified the somewhat pale softness of her skin which was as smooth as the purest alabaster. In other words, she radiated beauty and sex appeal. She was nearly a carbon copy of her mother only in a slightly smaller package.

Although Sylvia and I had been "school dating" for a couple of months, but had not gone on a real date as yet so this was the first time I had met her mother.

Mrs. McDonald could have easily passed for a woman of 25. She was absolutely stunning. The first time I saw her I was mesmerized and almost reduced to a blithering idiot. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke cut off jeans shorts which fit tightly I thought they must have belonged to Sylvia. There was a very obvious camel toe at her crotch. Honestly, I do not know how she ever got them on her magnificent ass much less how she managed to fasten them. The tank top she was wearing looked as if it would burst at the seams with every breath she took. Her breasts should very little, if any, sag.

I knew the shorts and tank top were made of fabric but in my mind I thought that surely they must had been expertly painted onto her bare flesh. That woman was truly a goddess. My cock immediately grew so hard that I do not understand why my own jeans did not explode from the sheer pressure.

Sylvia introduced me to her mother and somehow I managed to say, "H-h-hi, Mrs. McDonald, I'm very pleased to meet you."

She flashed me a radiant smile and replied, "Thank you, Michael, I am pleased to meet you, too."

I am sure she noticed my awkwardness but she did not let it show. She did look me over from head to toe as most parents would on first meeting someone new who was interested in their daughter. I noticed her eyes seemed to linger as she took a second or two longer to look in the direction of my bulging erection and I thought I saw an almost imperceptible hint of a very sly smile upon her beautiful full lips just before she turned to go inside her house.

Quite pleasantly she said, "Please come in for a little while before you and Sylvia go to the dance."

My heart skipped a beat as I saw the cheeks of her lovely firm, round bottom poking from beneath the cut offs when she turned her back to us and walked inside. Had Sylvia not been standing beside me holding my hand I do not know if I could have controlled the burst of lust that flowed through me like an electric current.

Somehow, I managed to bring myself under some semblance of control as Sylvia and I sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Mrs. McDonald sat on the other side facing us. She had brought us each a glass of iced tea and I could not help but notice her nipples seemed to be fully erect and straining against the already overstretched material of her tank top making it quite obvious she was not wearing a bra.

We chatted or rather Sylvia and her mother chatted while I tried to be a very attentive to Sylvia and avoid any kind of eye contact with any part of the anatomy of Mrs. McDonald other than her beautiful and intriguing emerald green eyes. I was literally as nervous as a whore in church the entire time we were there and my erection was so powerful that I was actually in pain from the strain of it inside my jeans.

It seemed that Sylvia had told her mother a little about and that we had become very close at school. As Sylvia and I started to leave for the dance, Mrs. McDonald smiled at me and said, "Have a good time but remember I want her home no later than 12 o'clock."

I had to lighten the mood for myself so I returned her smile and replied, "Yes, ma'am and I do have new tires on my car and a full tank of gas."

Mrs. McDonald actually giggled at my reply. Somehow I had managed to survive the dreaded meeting with the parent before the first date. Sylvia had told me that her parents had divorced a couple of years earlier. After having seen Mrs. McDonald, I could not imagine how any man who had been lucky enough to win the heart of that lady could have been enough of a fool to go through a divorce from her. Either he was the world's greatest fool or she was the world's worst bitch. I later decided that he was indeed the world's greatest fool.

Sylvia and I had a very good time at the school dance even though my thoughts were, for the most part, still on her mother. As I said earlier, Sylvia was nearly a carbon copy of her mother. The biggest difference was that Sylvia had not yet achieved the self confidence, poise and sensuality that just seemed to exude so naturally from her mother.

I genuinely liked Sylvia and longed to be with her as much as possible. As I said earlier, Sylvia and I had been "school dating" for a couple of months and, naturally, during that time we had not had sex but we had done some very heavy petting during some extremely passionate sessions of making out when we could do so unseen by others. I had asked Sylvia to be my steady girlfriend and although she was ecstatic at the idea but told me we would have to ask her mother.

I was a little apprehensive about having to ask Mrs, McDonald for her permission but she had seemed to like me and as far as I knew Sylvia was not dating anyone but me anyway so I agreed to ask her mother but I told Sylvia I thought it would be better to wait a few weeks before doing that.

About a month later when I had gotten to know Mrs. McDonald a little better and was, for the most part somewhat comfortable being around her and seeing her in the tight and rather revealing clothing that she preferred to wear when she was at home. I decided it was time to ask Mrs. McDonald to allow us to go steady. By this time, I had even seen Mrs. McDonald in a bikini which in my young mind was little more than 2 band aids and a cork. OMG! That woman had an incredible body!

I knew I would have to take the bull by the horns and ask her mother if Sylvia and I could go steady. In the case of Mrs. McDonald, I would have preferred to take the cow by the udders. Not that I thought of her in any way as a cow, however, in her case I would have preferred to take the woman by the breasts. The three of us were again seated at the breakfast bar and I told Mrs. McDonald that I had asked Sylvia to be my steady girlfriend and Sylvia wanted me to ask for her permission. She looked down at the breakfast bar for a few seconds before looking straight into my eyes.

She stated clearly and calmly, "Michael, you and Sylvia have been dating for only a couple of months. I do not know whether you are seeing anyone else but I do know that she is not. No other young man has been here to pick her up or bring her home so it seems to me that you are already going steady, but before you say anything please allow me to say a few more things. According to my upbringing, going steady is almost like being engaged to be married and with that comes a lot of responsibility. I have raised Sylvia to believe that she should remain a virgin until she is married."

"Is she still a virgin?" She asked me.

I did not look away from her eyes as I answered, "If she was a virgin when we began dating and I have every reason to believe she was then I can assure that I have done nothing to change that so as far as I know, yes, she is a virgin."

"I believe you and I thank you for your honesty," she replied and continued while looking from me to Sylvia.

"Do you promise me right now that you will not have sex until you are married?" Mrs. McDonald asked Sylvia."

"Yes, Mother, I promise I will not have sex until I am married."

"Very well," replied Mrs. McDonald.

She then looked back at me and asked, "Michael, this will be most difficult for you because you are a young man and I know that you will have very strong sexual urges and needs. Do you promise me that you will not have sex with my daughter unless you are married to her.?"

"Yes, Mrs. McDonald, I know it will be difficult but I will do as you ask and not have sex with Sylvia unless we are married," I answered honestly.

"Then I see no reason that I should say no to your request and I want both of you to know that I appreciate your consideration of my feelings by asking me about this," she said.

Feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders, I leaned over to Sylvia and kissed her on the lips. It was not a kiss filled with passion and desire but a kiss that, hopefully, showed both Her mother and her know how I felt. When I leaned back onto my stool, I glanced at Mrs. McDonald. She flashed me one of her radiant smiles as if to say, 'Wow! I'm really proud of you.'

Sylvia excused herself to go to the bathroom. When the bathroom door closed, Mrs. McDonald got up and walked over to me. She turned me around on my stool, stepped between my legs and looked deep into my eyes. Then she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her crushing her firm, full breasts against my chest. She then shocked me by giving me the most passionate kiss I had ever received.

As she was kissing me, she straddled my thigh and ground her crotch against my cock which had by that become a full fledged raging hard-on which was stretching along my thigh to it's full 9 inch length. She moaned softly making it quite apparent that not only had it been quite some time since she had been with a man, but also that she also had her own very strong sexual urges and needs.

She whispered into my ear, "I asked you not to have sex with my daughter until you are married to her. I did not ask you not to have sex with anyone else. I've noticed how you look at me and I want you to know that I am available to you but it must be our secret. I will do whatever it takes to please you and save my daughter's virginity."

Needless to say, I was totally stunned and almost speechless.

With that she released me and stood upright to return to her own stool on the other side of the bar but not before she gave my erection a very firm squeeze with her lovely hand and raked her beautiful long manicured nails from my crotch to the tip of my raging hard-on. I glanced down and saw a circle of precum on the leg of my jeans.

As she sat down she closed her eyes, drew in a deep breath and I could see her silently mouthed the words, "OH MY GOD." Needless to say, the entire incident made my head spin with both excitement and anticipation. I could hardly believe that this beautiful and sensuous woman had just offered herself to me sexually. I felt as if I was living out a dream.

I was almost certain she was as excited as I was about our possible sexual union. As I heard the bathroom door open, I thought to myself what a wonderful event this had turned out to be. Not only had I gotten my beautiful Sylvia as my steady girlfriend, but it appeared that if I was good enough in bed I might also have her super beautiful mother as my steady lover. However, I could only hope for the latter and I was already dreaming of finding a way to turn that dream into a reality.

Sylvia and I left a little while later and as we were leaving Mrs. McDonald secretly squeezed my butt. I was still a state of euphoria over the unexpected but certainly most welcome turn of events. Naturally, I really could not be absolutely certain if Mrs. McDonald actually wanted me or if, in fact, this was just a way to preserve the precious virginity of her daughter, but at least I had a beautiful dream.

Personally, I wished that Sylvia had already lost her virginity. Heaven knows I was lusting for her and now also for her mother whose own virginity could have been little more than a nearly forgotten memory. I did not have a lot of sexual experience but I had taken the virginity of one other girl two years earlier and I had been with a few other girls. I had also read many erotic stories so I did not think I would be a total disappointment for Mrs. McDonald. I also preferred girls with at least some experience. Let the overly vain narcissistic guys deflower the virgins. I was much more inclined to be a hedonist.

After the dance, as we were driving away Sylvia leaned over against me and said, "Thank you, Michael, I had a wonderful time tonight. This may sound a little strange but I know Mom really likes you and she told me she hoped that you and I do get married. She told me that she wanted you to be the one who married me, the one to whom I could give not only my cherry but also the one to whom I could allow to 'own' my heart and my body."

"Michael," she continued, "I heard how carefully she worded everything. She made me promise I would not have sex until I am married while, on the other hand, she only made you promise not to have sex with me unless we are married. None of it really sunk in until I replayed it in my head while I was in the bathroom."

I laughed and told her she was just being a silly girl. I hoped she had not guessed how far her mother had already gone in letting me know her feelings. Sylvia got very quiet for a few minutes before telling me she wanted to tell me why her parents were divorced. I waited for her to continue.

"Darling, my father is gay," she stated frankly.

I almost ran off the road when I heard that. "What? How could any man possibly be gay who had a woman who looks as good as your mom?" I almost screamed.

"It's true," Sylvia said. "Mom had a lot too much to drink one night and was in a very melancholy mood. She told me that when they were in high school she was a cheerleader and my father, I can no longer call him Dad, was a football star. They were the couple most likely to be a perfect match. She had been raised to protect her virginity for her husband which she did and everything was wonderful or so Mom thought.

Well, about 4 years ago she came home from work early one day and caught my father in bed with another man. To make it even worse, they were in her bed and my father was on his hands and knees, as Mom described it. She said he was on his hands and knees moaning like a whore are begging to have his butt reamed like a filthy slut. She said the man was brutalizing my father and the more brutal he got the more my father begged for it. She said she heard the man say, 'I'm going make you sit in a chair and watch your gorgeous wife take my cock in her mouth, in her worthless pussy and in her hot tight ass and whine like the worthless slut she is.

Then I'm going to make you both sit and watch while I pop the cherry of your sweet, innocent little daughter. Do you hear me, you useless slut of a man? I'm going to pop the cherry of your slutty little daughter and then I'll turn her into my personal whore and make her fuck anyone, anywhere, anytime I want just like I do you. Do you understand me? I fucking own you. Soon I'll be fucking your slutty cum sucking wife and your piece of shit for brains cum slut daughter.

You, your prissy assed wife and your fucking slut daughter will be mine to use and abuse any time, any place, anywhere and with whomever I choose even in the bathroom of the bus station like I made you do last week with that homeless guy. Now cum for me you worthless piece of shit of a man."

I blurted in absolute astonishment. "I can't believe anything like that could ever happen to anyone much less to such as a kind and loving person as your mother. Did she scream or yell or did she just kill the guy?"

Sylvia said to me, "No, she just told me she was too humiliated to do anything except come and get me from school and take me to Grandpa and Nana's house. She filed for divorce the next day and the rest is what you see today."

I was too stunned to even reply. I simply turned the car around and we returned to Sylvia's house. We were going out for a late night snack before I took her home and not be late for her curfew. She now looked more frightened and ashamed than I could ever imagine. She did not want to get out of the car when we got back to her house. She was in tears beyond tears. I held her close and told her not to worry as if I were some knight in shining armor charging blindly into battle against some unknown enemy army when, in fact, even then I was still really little more than a kid who did not have a clue as to what was actually happening.

Sylvia, who was still crying and lying in my arms when the front door of the house opened and Mrs. McDonald came out to the car. When she saw that Sylvia was in tears, she ran to the passenger side of the car and jerked the door open. She screamed at me, "What have you done to my little girl? I trusted you!"

I just looked at her in dismay. What could I say after having heard that story?

Sylvia looked up at her mother and said, "Mom, Michael didn't do anything to me. I told him what you told me about my father."

Regaining her composure, Mrs. McDonald told us we should all go inside and for the first time I did not have a raging hard-on. My compassion for these two beautiful young women was just too great to even think about sex.

Once inside the house, Mrs. McDonald regained her composure. She sat Sylvia down on the sofa, turned to me and asked, "What did she tell you?"

"Mrs. McDonald," I began but she stopped me.

"Michael, please call me Sheila that is my name and from now on I want you to call me by my name," she said.

Calmly, I replied, "Sheila, I still cannot wrap my head around all of this as I am still young and lack the necessary wisdom to fully comprehend it all at one time. However, Sylvia gave me an explanation as to why her father does not live here and I can see that you are devastated by it."

Shelia started to speak but I stopped her, "Shh," I have not finished," I stated flatly.

She went silent, slightly lowered her head to the floor and did not look up to meet my gaze.

I was almost amazed. Had I just assured her that while I recognized her as an alpha female Even at my young age, I realized that men can want women but only women can choose men with whom they actually mate. I felt that while I wanted her, I began to think that she made her selection and this, to me, was a mating ritual.

Sheila was a strong, vibrant, seductive and enchanting alpha female. If I wanted to possess her, which I did, I knew I must be worthy of her prowess. Then and only then could I feel her yield herself to me with total abandon and trust. I was young and still had much to learn but in my limited experience I saw a very powerful ally and the woman with whom I very much wanted to be close, not only physically but more importantly emotionally and spiritually.

I wanted Sheila as my lover but I knew I had to proceed with extreme caution if I was to have any chance at all of her recognizing and accepting me as her lover. I was almost certain this would become a most unusual adventure into the realm of sexual pleasure but little did I realize what lay ahead.


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