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Synthie Ch. 01: A Whole New Life

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Mike wakes up in a synthetic futa body.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/14/2022
Created 03/25/2022
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One of a quartet of stories written back in 2014 and self-published under the titles Synthie and Synthie Recalibrated.


Mike woke to dizzying unreality and the sense that something was horribly wrong.

"Don't try to speak," the doctor said. "Just blink twice if you can understand me."

Mike blinked twice, but even that small action set alarm bells ringing. He struggled to understand where he was, opened his mouth to ask -- but the doctor quieted him, ordered him to relax and concentrate on breathing for a minute, to try to remember.

Images flickered through his mind. The screaming of the siren as shock waves reverberated like heavy artillery through the steel hull of the ship. A storm of micrometeorites punching through the ageing freighter at thousands of kilometres per second. One the many rare but usually fatal hazards of working in deep space.

A hazy memory of lying twisted, broken, helpless on the floor of the bridge.

By rights he should be dead. "How --" he started, but there was something wrong with his voice. There was something wrong. Very wrong.

The doctor nodded. "I'm sorry -- we were unable to save your body. There was too much damage. But your insurance cover extended to full-body biosynthetics. You're very fortunate, really. Not only to be alive, but also that this station received a delivery of biosynths recently -- in fact, I think they may even have been in the cargo of your own freighter -- and we were able to purchase one for you."

Mike's panic faded slowly, to be replaced with horror at the thought of what he had become. Most biosynths had cybernetic cores. They were robots that looked human but were never quite able to behave human, which made them creepy in a way. He didn't like them. He used them -- everyone did -- but he didn't like them.

"That's the good news," the doctor said. Mike stared at him fearfully. "The bad news is that the only biosynth we could get was..." He took a deep breath, and suddenly blushed. "Well, you're not a man."

A memory of an ex-girlfriend screaming something similar distracted Mike for a few seconds, until it dawned on him what the doctor meant. He lifted his head and peered down at his body. It was mostly hidden under sheets, but the hills made by his breasts suddenly made a lot more sense. A lot of what he was feeling about himself suddenly made a lot more sense.

"Oh fuck," he said, his voice unnaturally high. He tore away at the covers, at the hospital gown, revealing slender hairless arms and large, firm breasts. The sort of breasts he dreamed about. Perfectly formed with large areolas and nipples that begged to be sucked.

As the thought of sucking and biting his own nipples played in his mind, he felt a familiar stirring in his groin, and struggled to clear his mind of dirty thoughts before his erection grew hard enough to be seen through the sheets.

His mind finally caught up with his body and he hurriedly kicked the rest of the covers away to reveal the rest of his body, perfect feminine curves that any man would lust after -- and a cock.

And not his own cock, that was for sure. The size of his cock had always been an acute embarrassment for him. Smaller than average. Much smaller. Not now though. The word 'monster' sprung to mind. His ex-girlfriend had left him for a man with a big cock. He wished she could see him now. He would love to bend her over the hospital bed and fuck her with his new wonderful tool. He'd show her what a man he was.

Even as he stiffened rapidly in response to this fantasy, the realisation struck him that of course he wasn't really a man now -- or a woman either, but something in-between. He was a man in a female body with an enormous cock.

He recalled once seeing a woman with a cock. She had been a biosynth too. A robot whore in a brothel. She had been a bit strange in other ways too. Mike looked at the doctor, who was trying not to look at the semi-aroused naked body next to him. "I need a mirror. I need to see myself."

The doctor nodded reluctantly and ordered a nurse to bring one. While they waited, Mike explored the region between his thighs, finding sensitive lips behind his balls, and he dipped the tip of a finger briefly into the wet softness of his new pussy. But that was just too strange for him to think about, and he withdrew. After a minute, the nurse returned with a mirror large enough for Mike to see almost all of himself.

He took a sharp breath. He was gorgeous. Voluptuous curves exaggerated beyond what was humanly normal. Wide hips and narrow waist. Light caramel skin. Big, beautiful cock and big, beautiful breasts. An attractive face despite a bald head. What really gave him away as a biosynth, however, were his eyes. His dark eyes were unnaturally large, nearly twice the size of human eyes. Exotic and captivating, but with an intelligence to them that a biosynth's eyes never had. There was a human mind behind those synthetic eyes.

"I imagine this will take some getting used to," the doctor said. "I think we'll leave you to get acquainted with your new self. The nurse will check in on you later to see if you need anything." He smiled nervously at Mike and turned to leave, surreptitiously trying to adjust the front of his trousers as he went.

For a long time Mike just sat glaring at his reflection. It was strange to look into the mirror and see someone else staring back. And yet it was him. The new him. So beautiful, so sexy, but it wasn't him. He felt all wrong, a prisoner in someone else's body. He was used to being a man. Strong. Muscular. His new feminine form felt fragile in comparison, and the exaggerated curves and biosynth eyes made him feel less than human.

He supposed he could ask for a different body, something closer to his original human male body, but biosynths were expensive and Mike wasn't that rich.

Eventually he lay back on the bed, pulled the covers over himself and slept.


Mike woke to warm sunshine flooding his room, or at least a fine illusion of it. He cast aside his sheets and stretched out, exposing his new and naked flesh to the bright heat, luxuriating in it for a few minutes, deliberately not thinking about the body that contained him. It felt more natural today, somehow, but it still left him confused about what he was exactly.

He scrabbled to cover himself as the doctor walked into the room, the nurse close behind him. "Mr Alson. You're awake. How are you today? Did you sleep well?"

"Fine -- yes, thank you." His voice shocked him. The body was one thing, constantly there, but the high voice caught him by surprise.

The doctor nodded. "I'm sure you have a hundred questions for me about your new body, but can I suggest you have a shower first and put some clothes on? You'll feel a lot more relaxed."

Mike nodded. It would be good to get out of bed, to be more independent and in control of himself. The doctor smiled and left, the nurse staying behind.

"What's your name?" Mike asked. He was reluctant to uncover himself in front of her. She was young and pretty, with strawberry blonde hair cut short, and he hadn't even touched a woman in over a year.

"Zara," she said. "Don't be shy, Mr Alson. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." She tugged at the sheet playfully until he yielded, and she stood back to get a proper look at him. "Wow," she said, laughing a little. "I wish I had that body. Not the cock, though. That would freak me out. But the rest... Wow."

Mike felt tension he hadn't been aware of ease a little. "So you don't think this body is horribly unnatural?"

"To be honest, I usually hate biosynths. When they took that body out of its box, it looked grotesque. But it's different now that you're in there. It looks alive. Maybe not entirely human, but not unattractive." She paused and studied him for a moment. "Definitely attractive. I'm not really into girls, but you're not exactly a girl, are you?" She winked and helped him to his feet.

Standing almost eye to eye with her was disorientating. Mike realised that he would also have to get used to being short. The top of his new head barely reached the height of his old chin. He'd have to get himself some high heels to compensate somehow. The thought made him laugh.

"What?" Zara asked.

"I've been in this body for less than a day and already I want to go clothes shopping."

"First things first, Mr Alson. Into the shower with you."

"Yes, nurse." Mike grinned at her and walked carefully into the bathroom. He felt a little shaky on his new feet, but was adjusting quickly.

"I'll give you some privacy for a while. Pull that cord over there if you need assistance, and pull it anyway when you're finished and dry and I'll help you get dressed."

She closed the door, leaving him alone.

A beautiful woman watched him from the mirrors as he adjusted the shower. If he had still been a man, he would have been intimidated by her beauty. But he was that woman. A woman who wasn't a woman, and a man who wasn't a man. He was both, and neither. Human, yet not.

In the shower, water coursing across his skin, soap in his hands, he gave in at last to exploration, massaging his breasts lovingly, his fingers rubbing gently around his nipples that hardened quickly in response. He had always wondered what it would be like to have breasts, and it was truly amazing. The sight of them. The feel of them soft and heavy in his hands. The delicious sensitivity of his nipples. He tugged at them, pinched them, twisted them, played with them the way he had always dreamed of playing with a pair of perfect breasts.

His new cock woke swiftly, its familiar urgent hardness augmented now by the sense of its awesome length and girth. This was a weapon indeed, the sort of cock that would make women back away in terror crying, "It's too big!" So big that his thumb and fingers -- shorter now than they were, but still -- couldn't quite complete the circle around the shaft. So long that he could wrap both hands around it and still have length to spare. For a man whose penis had normally invoked pity, this was like a gift from the gods.

With one hand he worked that mighty shaft, delighting in the sense of masculine power it gave him. With the other he squeezed his breasts, pinched his nipples harder and harder, the shower all the while pelting his back with its hard rain. Nothing existed apart from that blend of sensation. He had never felt so good about himself or anything. The pleasure built gradually, an intoxicating tension that he hoped would build forever even as he ached for release. He drove himself closer and closer to the precipice, one soapy hand pumping his smooth shaft ferociously, the other crushing his breasts, until with a loud cry he climaxed. Long streams of thick white cum jetted out from the weapon pulsing in his hand and he marvelled at this virility.

He collapsed to his knees, panting for breath, laughing too. For all that he looked like a woman now, he had never felt more like a man. One thing was for sure: He loved his new body.


Nurse Zara wheeled a trolley into his room with a large box. She opened this to reveal an assortment of new, brightly coloured clothing. "This came with the biosynth body. I guess it's all in your size, and rather unique shape."

It seemed to be mostly lingerie and nightwear, designed most definitely for indoors and bedroom use. Mike hunted through a rather painful-looking variety of knickers, looking for something practical rather sexy, and found something black and stretchy that proved to be comfortable all around.

Zara lifted out a red dress that would barely cover his bum cheeks. "You'd look so sexy in this," she said, grinning.

Mike shook his head. "I really don't want to wear a dress." Instead he picked out some trousers, a little too pink and little too tight-fitting for his taste, but it was a compromise he was willing to make. The bulge at the front where his cock pressed against the tight fabric was a comforting reminder that he was still at least partly a man.

All the tops were metal-reinforced to support his breasts and accentuate his narrow waist. Zara chose a black one studded with gemstones and zipped him into it. The pressure of her hands against him, being close enough for him to feel her warmth, to catch her subtle perfume... He longed to turn and catch her in his arms, to kiss her... His breasts strained to escape, his cock struggled to straighten, and a tickling heat awoke between his thighs.

Mike turned to look at her, unsure how to proceed. Zara blushed and took a step back. "I, ah," she started, then fell silent, turning bright red with embarrassment. "Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Anyone?"

Mike shook his head. "No one. No close family. The stereotypical space freighter pilot, spending months alone in space, travelling between stars."

"A girl in every station?"

He grinned. "I've had a few adventures, it's true, but I don't think any girl has ever cried to see me leave." He sighed. "It's a lonely life, but I like being in space. Seeing different planets. What about you?"

"Oh, I was born here. I've been on Station 6 all my life."

"I mean, do you have a husband? A boyfriend? Anyone?"

Zara laughed. "No, not at the moment."

Mike stepped closer to her. "Would you like one?"

"Have you any idea how hypnotic those eyes are?"


"Your eyes. I could get lost in them. I could drown in them."

Mike scowled at this unwanted reminder of what he wasn't. He wasn't a man. He wasn't even human. He turned away from Zara, but she caught hold of him. "Sorry," she said quickly. "I know this is difficult for you, but I have different parts of my brain telling me different things about you and it's very confusing. I like you, and I do find you attractive, but..."

"But what?"

Zara chewed her lip nervously for a few seconds. "I'd love to take you to bed, test drive that cock. But I really can't see us in a relationship."

Unsure how to react to this, Mike turned away from her and examined the shoes. His earlier wish for high heels had certainly come true. All six pairs in the box had high stiletto heels, some with platforms to boost them higher still. He selected the least dangerous-looking pair, which were also glossy black and matched his top, and secured his feet into position.

Walking in them was awkward, but he liked the way they stretched his legs. Zara watched with amusement. "They really suit you," she said.

Mike walked into the bathroom to check himself out in the mirrors there. "So sexy," he thought. "So very, very sexy." He walked back out to the watching Zara. "Nurse Zara," he said. "You can test drive my cock any time you like."

She grinned at him. "Later! Now it's time for you to see the doctor."


With Zara to balance him, Mike managed the long walk to the doctor's office without falling off his heels. The name on the door was 'Dr William Svensson'. The doctor's eyebrows shot up in surprise when Mike entered the office. "Wow!" he breathed, echoing Zara's earlier assessment. "You look... Wow." He shook his head in disbelief, tinged perhaps with pride that he was responsible for Mike's new wow-ness.

"Er, thanks," said Mike.

"Come in! Come in! Have a seat," the doctor enthused. "I'm just negotiating a new identity for you with the system. It's rather complicated. You're not the first human to be given a biosynthetic body replacement -- we've had a couple even at this little station -- but you are the first to be given an androgyne. How are you adjusting?"

"I'm getting used to it. Surprisingly fast, in fact. If you'd asked me before whether I'd like to be an androgyne, I'd have been horrified at the thought. But there's a lot to like about this body."

Dr Svensson nodded in agreement, his eyes lingering on Mike's prominent breasts for a moment. "That's good. Good if you can adapt smoothly. There can be issues of psychological rejection. Some people fight so hard against the biosynthetics that it causes severe damage to the neural interface. Ironic in a way. They spend a fortune buying a fresh young body, only to destroy themselves in days."

"And if I adjust? How long will I last?"

"Oh, you're still young. Three, four decades, maybe. You'll need to get a full check-up once a year, give your nanites a refresh, but as long as you don't do anything too extreme your body will take very good care of itself. I'll also need to see you once a week for the first month or two, to make sure you are adjusting."

The doctor peered at the display in front of him. "Do you want to change your official name or identified gender?" Looking up with a smile, he added, "I have to say you don't look much like a 'Mike'. More a 'Michelle', perhaps?"

Mike frowned. "I want to stay as I am." Like his cock and his trousers, his name was a necessary anchor to his essential masculinity.

"Of course. Of course." Dr Svensson raised his hands in mild apology. "These things can be changed later, if necessary." He tapped in a few commands. "Okay, done. Your new identity is now registered. Welcome to Station 6, Mr Mike Alson."

"Thank you. Now, I have a long list of questions..."

The doctor chuckled. "I'm sure you do, but I'm not really the best person to answer them." He tapped in another command. "I am activating your A.I."

A shiver of terror ran through Mike. "My A.I.? I thought you removed that." He had a sudden vision of himself moving about like a creepy biosynth.

"Oh, no! You need the A.I. It's harmless, trust me. It has been in observation mode until now, but you should be able to communicate with it. Try."

Mike closed his eyes and searched inside his head for another presence. "Hello?"

A soft voice, of ambiguous age and gender, said out of nothing, "Hello, Mike. All systems at one hundred percent. Your nutrient levels are low. I am now connected securely to the Station 6 public infonet."

Mike opened his eyes. "I think it's telling me I'm hungry."

Dr Svensson smiled. "I imagine so. You don't eat food, of course, but nutrient drinks come in a variety of flavours these days."


Station 6 had the standard design of concentric rings rotating once per standard Earth minute, the artificial gravity in the outer ring being one standard Earth gravity. A great conical mirror at the station's hub reflected sunlight across half the outer ring, and this rotated very slightly faster so that the pattern of day and night swept round once every standard Earth day. The population varied between two thousand and four thousand, of whom approximately seven hundred considered themselves 'natives'.

Mike had been there once before. In fact it had been his first stop after leaving Earth, and he had fond but vague memories of a wild night at Station 6's famous brothel.

Finally discharged, he left the hospital looking forward to another night of hot sex, except this time it wasn't at the brothel. Nurse Zara was waiting for him outside the exit, and he couldn't resist grabbing her for a kiss. It was so long since he'd last had a woman and he didn't want to waste any time. He dug his fingers into the tender cheeks of her ass, and pressed the hard bulge in his trousers against her crotch.

Zara broke away with a laugh. "Patience!" she cried. "Down, boy!" She took his hand and pulled him towards a nearby transport cab, stating her address as they climbed in. The automatic vehicle set off, and Mike couldn't wait any longer. He straddled Zara and bent to kiss her, his hands catching her wrists and holding them behind her head. She laughed at this, closed her eyes and stopped struggling.

He made love to her with his mouth, biting her lips gently, caressing her cheeks with his own, delving down to suck at her neck, lick her ears, bury his nose in the fragrant forest of her strawberry hair. The taste of her skin drove him wild with hunger for her. He had worried that having a biosynthetic body would rob him of his senses, but if anything they seemed augmented. He felt almost drunk on Zara.

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