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Take Me Back Ch. 02

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Erick show's up and Seth goes back to him.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/07/2012
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I crossed my arms over my chest and Bill followed, "Where did you and Daniel go?" I rolled my eyes. I may be considered part of his family but he's not my father. My father died when I was fourteen from cancer. I was a mistake. My mom was forty five when she had me. My sisters are a lot older than me. I never talked to anyone though. My father used to abuse me for being gay and my family would stand there and watch and never say anything. I made sure when I was eighteen, I was out of the house and was living on my own but I ended up with Erick and my life changed for better and way worse.

"He suggested we go out to lunch so we did. I'm sorry if I disrespected your family in any way." I said and I started to turn back to go home when he grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. I gave him a foul look.

"Erick may be gone but I know you still love him. If anything goes on between you and Daniel, my son's going to get hurt because I know you're going to be crawling your way back to Erick soon enough. I don't want him going anywhere with you. You got that? You're trouble Seth; I've seen the fight's you've gotten into with Erick and that other guy." I rolled my eyes and continued walking home. I'm not in the mood to get lectured by some over protective dad that doesn't want his son dating anyone. Not like I'm dating Daniel because I'm not. I'm too busy with Erick and paying the bills.

I was about to unlock the door when I heard a car pull into my driveway. I turned around and gasped. Erick's car was in the driveway. I walked over to the car and he got out. I haven't seen him in person since the court appearance back nine months ago. He's changed. His black hair now was a light brown. His eyes were the same and he dressed more sharply. He was in a tight black tee shirt and straight ripped blue jeans that hugged his hips. He was wearing a cute blazer over the top of the shirt. He slammed his car door and smiled at me. He walked closer and held his arms out for a hug. I ran over to him and practically jumped into his arms. He held me tight and kissed my cheek.

"I see you got my letter." I gave him a funny look.

"What letter?" I asked and he let me go. He crossed his arms over his chest and I held mine near my pockets. He reached into his pocket and got out a piece of paper.

"This is just a copy of it in case it got lost in the mail or something. It's a letter of forgiveness and apology. I miss you Seth. I miss holding you at night and kissing you and..." He dropped his voice and moved closer to whisper in my ear, "Fucking you in the shower and all over our house." It made me blush and I smiled.

"I'm sorry about damaging all your property. I was just lost in control and I didn't mean to. I was just so angry and..." He shut me up by kissing me gently on my lips. It caught me off guard so I didn't return it at first but then I did. It erupted fire inside me and I wrapped my arms around him and held him into my chest. I could feel his heart beating and it made me in control. I pulled him into me and we back walked into my house. I opened the door and we made it barely inside before he had his jacket thrown on the floor and my button down was unbuttoned.

He pulled away and stared at me, "Is this just make up sex or is it the reassurance that we're getting back together." I smiled at him and threw my shirt off. I took the hem of his shirt and pulled him into me.

I didn't even know what to say so I took his shirt and pulled it off from him. His ripped chest screamed at me and I bent down to kiss it. It was flawless. I kissed each one of his nipples and he moaned out loud. I worked my way down and undid his pants. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to meet his mouth, "Not here. Let's go up to our old room." He growled a slow sexy growl before we retreated up the stairs to the bedroom.

We got to the bedroom and I went in and laid on the bed. He kissed my lips and then worked his way down to my bellybutton. He kissed it gently and then worked down to my waist line. He saw my growing arousal and smiled. He practically tore my jeans off from me. He ripped the button off from them and it made us both laugh. He unzipped my pants and saw I wasn't wearing underwear. I don't remember how I lost them but I did. He reached down with his mouth and kissed the head of my dick. I writhed with pleasure. He used his hands to pull it down and slowly wrap his lips around the head and move slowly up and down.

"Oh...Erick." I moaned and he lifted his head off from my dick and snaked his way back up to my mouth and kissed me. The taste of myself was what filled me.

"You ready to go further. I won't let you return the favor because I'll burst. Let me go inside you once and then we can go back to the way things were." I smiled and kissed him. He was starting to pant pretty heavily.

"Go for it." I said and he smiled. He pulled out a condom from his pocket but I slapped it from his hand, "I haven't been with anyone else but you. I'm clean." I lied. I just couldn't stand the feel of a condom. The friction was inevitable. He smiled even wider and leaned down to kiss me one more time.

"That's my baby." He growled through gritted teeth. I kissed his nose quickly and then he removed his pants. He took his underwear off and I looked at his dick. It was raging hard and looked red and angry. He was about to burst! He laid over top of me and pinned my arms over my head. I giggled at him and he smiled back. He took some of the lube from his jeans and rubbed it all over my hole. I moaned at the pleasure and he ran his dick head over my entrance, "You ready babe?" I nodded my head and he pushed in. I cried out and moved my hands to his back. I clawed into his back and he gave me a worried look, "You okay, Seth?" I nodded my head.

"I've just forgotten how big you are." I said blushing and he finished pushing the rest of the way in. He started moving and I was moaning in pleasure. I kept repeating his name over and over again. As he started panting and his moving because less rhythmed, I felt his dick expand and pulse. He was getting ready to cum.

"Oh Seth!" He cried as his final thrust sent him shooting in me. That made me cum in-between our bodies. As we both came down from our orgasm's he held onto me. He kissed me one last time and then fell on me. We both laughed. As he rolled over to pull out of me, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up, I rolled over and felt Erick's ripped chest with my hands. I ran my fingers over the wash board type build and he grunted. His eyes snapped open and he smiled, "I gained muscle after we broke up. To get away from all this I went to the gym regularly." He moved in a little closer to me, "You got a lot skinnier. You're like fragile now and I was afraid of breaking you." I blushed.

"I stopped eating. I barely eat anymore." I said in a shameful manner. His face turned worried. He grabbed my wrists under the covers and held onto them.

"You need to eat, Seth! You can starve yourself. You could die from not eating."

"Maybe I wanted to die." I snapped back. Tears formed in his eyes. He let go of my wrists and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into him and kissed my forehead, "When you told me about the other guy," I started, "I wanted to kill myself. I kept thinking that I did something horribly wrong for you to get another guy." I started to tear up, "We were together for four years and that night crushed me. I haven't been right since." I told him and he had a tear sliding down his cheek.

"It was a mistake. I was actually going to propose to you." He said and I started crying, "But when I started seeing Trent, I don't know what went through my mind. We had sex once but it didn't feel the same and I could only think of you and we did kiss and hold hands and go out on dates and things like that but... Nothing felt the same as when I was with you. I love you Seth!" Tears were traveling down both of our cheeks. I leaned in and kissed him. His lips were all wet from his tears and they were warm.

"I love you Erick." I said when I pulled away. He looked at me and smiled, "Does this mean we're back together?" I asked him.

"Yeah, if you want to be." I smiled and kissed him with one long lingering kiss, "But let's take it slow. I won't move in yet or anything but let's go on a date. Friday night, we go out to dinner." I wiped my eyes and then nodded my head.

"I love that idea." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He turned over to look at my digital clock on my TV stand. He cursed under his breath.

"I have to leave. I need to be to work in a half an hour. I'm still working for Uncle Ralph. He's an asshole but the pay is incredible!" I laughed and he got up. He got his pants on and I got up from the bed.

I slipped on my jeans and the tank top I had under my shirt and walked downstairs with him. He picked up his shirt and jacket from before the door and slipped them on. He opened the door and I walked out with him. He walked to his car and got in. I knocked on the window and leaned on the door of the car. He opened the window and put his sunglasses on. He leaned up and I leaned in so we kissed through the window pane.

"Love you? Or too soon?" I said and he smiled.

"Love you too." He started his car and pulled away. I stood there in the driveway swooning over Erick. I was smitten completely to him. He was my Erick and I was his Seth and it would be that way forever.

As I stood there something hit me. I was supposed to go on a date with Daniel on Friday but I would just blow that off. I couldn't blow off my date with my soul mate! I turned around and headed back inside my house. I was so lucky to have Tuesday's off. I worked Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's. I hate working Friday's but I'll survive. I don't work long hours anyway. I start at nine and end at three and from twelve to one I have a lunch break.

I was started to walk back in when I heard pretty clear sobs. I turned to my left and saw Daniel balling hysterically. I hung my head to the ground and continued walking. I knew he had seen Erick and I kiss but there was nothing I could do. I loved Erick and I can't give him up now. Way too much has gone on.

I opened the door and walked inside my house. I shut the door behind me and walked further into the kitchen. The little strips of the letter where still lying on the table. I picked them up and tried piecing them together. I'd say it worked pretty fluently so I read it.


I've gone crazy this last year not being by your side. I miss sitting on our couch cuddling, watching horror movies until we've lost our sense of thought and we practically claw at each other for attention. I miss all the showers and times on the floor in front of the fake fireplace in our bedroom. I still have pictures of us (the ones I could savage from my busted soaked portfolio) and they're hanging on my bedroom wall staring at me.

This is a little off the topic but I'm still going to need the next three thousand that you owe me but no rush now. I don't care when I get it back as long as I get you back. I bought you a ring a few weeks before we broke up and I was going to propose to you on your birthday in August. I still want to marry you eventually but to get some money for my house, I pawned the ring. I didn't get much for it though since I'd just pawned it a few months ago and it was starting to rust over from sitting in a zip lock baggie.

I've been living with my brother Zack until I bought my apartment just outside of the city. I'm planning to make a visit to you soon so be prepared. I hope we can rekindle our relationship and put all the other things behind us. I want to explain the whole story behind Trent and why I was going to end it. I was trying to tell you that I was going to end it but you just blew up on me instead. I still don't get why you slapped me and I wasn't planning on leaving you for good, only for a couple of days. That was until you ruined all of my things and then I had to end it. I didn't want to. For one, why would I end it with someone I've been with for four years? I went to prom with you for crying out loud. I still have our prom picture by the way.

I believe that I'm just rambling on now but I'll be able to talk to you better soon. I miss you and still love you. I'll always love you Seth.



I was all choked up at the end of the letter. Tears were streaming down my face at the end. All the things he wrote were the same things I was feeling. I got up and grabbed some tape from my cabinet above the sink. I tried to tape up the letter. I was in love with it and I really regret shedding it. Once I tapped it up and folded it, I set it at the end of my table. I walked into my living room and fell onto the couch. I flipped on the TV and started watching just a random TV show.

After a few hours of watching the TV show, I got up and decided to make myself some dinner. I looked in my fridge only to notice some old meat that was disgusting and some protein shakes. When Erick lived with me, the fridge was never empty. I grabbed my car keys and decided to head to the store and pick up something to eat and stock up on filling my fridge.

I walked out and got into my car. I pulled away. I drove by Bill's house and I saw Daniel sitting on the front steps of their porch crying into his hands with Samantha's arm around him. She gave me an awful look but I didn't care to be truthful.

I drove to our local Wal-Mart—I absolutely hated this place because of the time Erick and I were making out and the manager threatened to call the police. I still don't get why it was such a big deal though. It was probably because we were near all the condom and lubes when we were.

I parked my car in the first parking spot I saw, way in the back—ugh, and then I walked up to the front of the store. As I walked inside, the central air hit me and I was actually freezing! It wasn't all that warm out anyway too so this was just freezing.

I shopped around for a little bit until I had a cart filled with food and other things. I was going to spend my whole pay check in here. I got to the register and paid for everything. I was on my way out when I noticed Bill's car sitting right next to mine. I got a little suspicious so I walked quicker over to my car. I got there and looked around the SUV parked next to me and saw Daniel leaning over going through my glove compartment in my car. I had a lot of personal pictures in there. I had one of Erick and I kissing. I have Erick and I's prom picture in there. I have a picture of us at the fair back in our hometown that my sister took. I had a picture of us in bed together. I couldn't stand to see any one of them get ruined.

I walked over and grabbed him. He jumped and hit his head on the ceiling of the car. He swore under his breath and then turned around, "Oh um... Seth." That's all he could say. He backed out of my car and I saw the pictures strewn across the passenger seat.

"What the fuck were you doing going through my car?" I asked defensively. His face turned bright red and he started shaking.

"He deserved to know the truth." I turned around to see Samantha standing behind me. Her expression was cold as ice. She looked like she could kill me if she wanted to, "You led him on into believing he might have a shot and then you go kissing and fondling this other guy right around him." She said coldly. I smirked a little but then stopped and went back to a blank expression, "Who is he anyway? A boyfriend or a friend with benefits or a..."

"Just shut...up!" I said harshly, "He's my boyfriend. I've been with him for five years now." Okay so that wasn't a complete lie but I would be willing to believe it if I was Daniel. I then turned to face Daniel, "I agreed to go to the bar with you because I figured it would give us some man to man talk and then when I told you to stop massaging me yesterday, I meant stop because it didn't feel right. I took you out to lunch as a token of helping me while I was going through my hangover." I was starting to get really pissed off now. Samantha's expression turned colder yet as she headed back over to Bill's car. Daniel just stood by my car in shock, "And I don't get why you kissed my cheek. That was a ridiculous move. If Erick would've been there, he would've kicked your ass." I added and Daniel started crying.

"I'm sorry about all this." Daniel said as he scurried to the passenger side door and got in. I shut my door and started unloading the cart. It didn't take long for me to put everything into the trunk of my car and get as far away as I could.

I didn't go directly home. I went to Erick's Uncle's office instead. I knew exactly where it was since I'd been there multiple times. I pulled into the parking spot and walked around to my trunk. I had bought some things for Erick that I just couldn't wait to give to him. I grabbed the bag and locked my car. I headed inside.

I got through the front entrance and headed straight to the elevators in the secret part of the bank. The sign had said Employee Bathrooms when in reality, you walked through the door and walk down a hallway to the elevators. Erick showed me this a long time ago. I walked to the elevators and pushed the button for the third floor. The third floor is where all the offices are. I got onto the elevator and rode up. Once I got to the third floor, I hung a right and went right down to the end of the hallway to the last door. That was Erick's office. I walked down and saw the door was shut. I knocked on it and Erick answered behind the door for me to come in. I opened the door and walked in. He was sitting at his desk figuring out some of the paper work.

"Hello." I said and he looked up from his papers. He smiled and walked over to me. He gave me a quick kiss and I handed up the bag.

"Oh no, what did you get me?" He said smiling. I started laughing and he opened the bag. He gasped like a little kid when he saw what it was, "You got me gushers and starbursts!" He said happily and I burst out laughing, "You remembered my favorite candy." I nodded my head. He pressed his lips to mine and sucked on my bottom lip a little. It made me moan slightly.

"I just figured that it would be a small gift for you now that we're back together." I said and he smiled. He pressed his forehead to mine.

"That's no small gift." I started laughing and he picked me up off from the floor without any ease.

"Put me down!" I screamed and he shushed me but I started kicking and hitting him. He was just laughing. He held onto me and lowered me onto his desk. He started nibbling my neck and giving it small kisses, "Erick we can't do anything here. You'll get in trouble." I said through partial moans but he continued.

"Fuck Uncle, I need to fuck you instead." I didn't oblige. I wanted it too. So it happened.

He removed my shirt and threw it on the ground. He pulled my jeans off and noticed I was still going commando. He grabbed my dick and lowered his head down. He mouth engulfed it but I pushed him off, "You already did that to me. Let me do it to you." He smiled and immediately pulled his pants down.

His dick hung low but it was partially hard. I took it in my hand and moved my palm up and down it. I was about to lower my head when a knock appeared on the door.

"Goddamn it." Erick said and the door opened. Erick pushed himself back into his pants and I sat on his desk blushing crazily from being so embarrassed. I picked my pants up and slid them on.

I looked over and blushed. His Uncle was standing right in the doorway. He had a stack of papers in his hand. I slowly slid off from his desk and grabbed my shirt off the floor.

His Uncle walked over and dropped the papers on his desk, "I didn't think I'd walk in here to see the making of a porn movie. Let's see, boyfriends do it on a desk in an office? I like that name for this. Anyway, I told you a long time ago that your boyfriend was not allowed here." Erick rolled his eyes. He walked over to me, kissed me once gently and then told me to meet him down in the lobby.


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