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Take Me Out To The Ball Game…

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College crush finally noticed me as a man.
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Every time I watch women basketball...a smile fills my face...pleasant thoughts and memories will flood my mind for the first minute or so before I can focus on the actual game...

When I was in college...my house mate and I were sports celebrities...both of us were in the football team (sorry to the folks not clued in here...not gridiron...but soccer...we call it football down our way...)...and I was the college swimming captain while he was the star of the basketball team....

We shared our football passionately...partly because my basketball skill remained at the 12 year old level and he couldn't save his own life in a pool...nevertheless...we were the best of friends ever since our first football practice...I was the goal keeper and he was the striker...and he just couldn't get a ball past me...my water polo skills came in handy...but when our roles were reversed...he...let's just say...didn't do as well...I made fun of his basketball skill, or the lack of...and he got in my face...we squared up...but the coach wasn't having any of that...we were forced to shake hands and to practice on our own...after that...we were like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid...

Now...my mate was a good looking guy and the ladies swamped around him...I didn't do too badly myself...but being an Asian in a 'blond' town...my fans were far fewer by a long stretch...

However...being best mate with a popular guy has its perks...many women who had no interest in me would still be nice to me...they fished for information on his latest dates and things he liked and so on...and I got 'dates' with the hottest women...though we're just sharing information....having them around did my street cred. a world of good...other women...especially those who already have slight interest in me looked on in awe as I moved around with the "in" crowd....

There is something about women and a lot of them seem to be attracted to men who are with other beautiful women...and with being around gorgeous women interested in my mate, I suddenly became quite popular with the ladies...

I was a double agent of course...feeding them what he wanted me to feed them with...and reported back to him with what I thought of each woman...and while I did fairly well seeking out my own dates; the easiest option was to rely on the willing ladies...since I was the man with the information, the ladies who wanted a piece of my mate had to somehow find a girlfriend who would go out with me... and so the opportunity for double dating increased tremendously...this double act did a roaring business for a long while...

On more than a few occasions, he and I would party together...and those ladies who were so inclined even jumped between our beds...many a morning, I'd wake up with his date and he with mine. According to folk lore that got back to us later, the ladies regarded us to be so different in bed that the double experience in one date was well worth a try out. Come to think of it now, we never ever did a foursome (or even a threesome...)...we'd just hid in our own room....and somewhere in the night, the ladies would swap after we had all gathered in the kitchen for a half-time hydration run.

Now, getting to the main event, let me first explain a little about Sarah G...this girl was the brains in our year...she came into college with a full scholarship...and she did 4 majors...aced all at the end...but being the typical studious type...she was not very coordinated in sports...she swam, rode a mountain bike and practiced yoga...and she was fit...but give her any ball game and she will fumble...

Don't get me wrong though...she's no square and was fairly pretty...a red head with long flowing hair...a smile that will melt hearts and a petite body bursting with energy...she was warm and friendly to almost everyone she met. She was girly but not overly so...I couldn't do justice using words to describe her...but you get the picture...

I'm bias, you understand...I was quite fond of her...though it didn't start out that way...

See, I was also in the college debate team too...and Jolene...our chair-person decided one day that a brainy addition would help our team and Sarah was duly invited...I really wasn't impressed at first...She was known to be sociable but never really was the type to be passionate about any cause. What this means, was that I wasn't sure she would be able to argue any point with enough conviction to help us win.

However, on her first day with us, she initially sat through our discussions and then ask for permission to express her views on what she had observed...on hearing her go through, logically and in detail, what she thought should be the way we prepared ourselves...I was hooked.....this girl, who was demure and soft-spoken normally...would assert with such authority when making her points...wow...

We became friends but were never very close...she didn't hide the fact that she detested jocks...especially those who got scholarships just for playing sports...she believed it deprived other more deserving students from attending college...but she tolerated me...a jock with a little gray matter who didn't get in with a sport's scholarship...still, my damnation was that I hung out with jocks most of the time....

I hinted to her on a few occasions that we should go out but perhaps my hinting skills needed a lot of work, she never even had to turn me down...She was too smart to be suckered by simple lines...she didn't drink much so catching her while she was buzzed was simply out of the question...and in any case, I dared not jeopardize our blossoming friendship by pushing the issue...While I was still dating up a storm with other women, I was hurting inside for not being able to ask out the one girl my heart belonged to. Something had to give or I might have gone bonkers!

Then it happened...I broke my own heart!!

I invited her to my mate's basketball game because I always had court-side seats and that somewhat qualified as a date...she wasn't too interested at first but then I convinced her that she needed a break from her books....besides, she should see how hard athletes had to work even though they came in to college with scholarships...Without first-hand experience, she would not be able to support her anti-jock viewpoint effectively...She reluctantly agreed to endure the event.

However, when the game started, she got into the swing of things...and then...she saw him glide around the court, his short blond hair cutting through the air and was smitten at once...introductions were demanded and his full history had to be laid out...

I knew he wouldn't be interested...not for long anyway...he liked his women to be top heavy and as far as can be helped, not too bright...though I never doubted for one second that he would have a go at her just because he could...a plan was needed to save my dream girl...

I gave her the usual brief...and also commented that he liked his girls to be at least good with a basketball...with her intelligence...she should have spotted the lie immediately...but a woman with her heart-a-flutter operates with a mental capacity of a one year old...

She frowned at the basketball part...and then came up with a plan...she asked me to help her get good at it...I started to frown too...it's like the blind leading the blind....but I smiled...internally at least...when she said we should meet every morning before class at the gym and we can play some one on ones...surely basketball can't be that hard...I was inclined to agree...

We started the very next morning...7.30 am...I'm not at all good trying to be a morning person...but she looked so cute in her leotard and sports bra...I had to go through with it...we didn't play anything for the first few mornings...we simply practiced bouncing the ball...she kinda got that by the second morning...another 2 mornings before she could bounce the ball and run at the same time (yes, I know technically, it's called dribbling, but if you saw how she did it, you'd call it 'bounce the ball and run' too...)...after that, we moved on to passing...2 mornings to get this sorted....you have to understand that if a person tries to dodge a ball being passed to her, passing can be rather challenging...then we moved onward to shooting...alrighty, this took a lot longer...4 more days before she hit the hoop fairly consistently...of course, we also had to take up much time revising previous lessons.

After each practice...we would go for breakfast and we would chat about everything under the sun...I was more enamoured as the days passed...this girl was smart, funny and genuine..I'm sure she saw in my eyes that I had feelings for her...but she must have been so focused on the mission of impressing my mate that she didn't even decipher the message...she and I got friendlier too...because of our constant meetings...and on the ball court no less...we were physically closer...touching was part of our thing now...

She asked me once in a while about my love life...and since I was with her every morning, I hadn't dated at all...there was no way I could get up so early after a date...I would always shrug...but she would name drop...asking me about women I used to see...I was overjoyed that she would pay any attention to my life at all...nevertheless, conversations usually turned quickly to either the debate team's projects or my mate...

Around two weeks after we started our 'training', we decided that it was time to actually play the game...but while I could bluff my way through shooting and dribbling on my own...having a person actually blocking me wouldn't help matters at all...still...I had no choice but to venture forward...

She was to attack while I defended...I hunched directly behind her as she bounced the ball aimlessly...looking over this shoulder or that shoulder...I was in heaven...

She had a scent I couldn't describe...shampoo? Soap? Faint perfume from the day before? And the sweetest must be her natural scent...a mixture of fresh sweat and something explicitly womanly...My nose went into overdrive....

Then...the sheen on her skin as it was covered in sweat...her face...a picture of concentration...brow arched, eyes narrowed, and I saw her left profile then right profile...both exquisite...I couldn't make my eyes blink....and...her pony tail would swipe me as she swung her head this way and that...if I could be whipped like that for eternity, I would have accepted it....

Not to mention her body...flexing muscles would bumped me here and there...my arms would rub on her bare skinned shoulders or arms...plus her slightly heavier breathing...god...music to my ears...it would have been perfect if she faced me when she did that.......then she turned to shoot...I blocked and her right arm smacked me in the face...I lick off the sweat she left behind on my lips...and I swear...her sweat was sweet!!!

I felt more alive than ever...everything I touched, smelt, saw, heard and now tasted...aroused me more

and more...

She missed...my turn...we swapped around...she leaned in from behind...I groaned when I felt her soft

breasts pushed against my back...and her hot breath brushed against my right ear...the ball decided to bounce its own way to the other side of the court...

She laughed and so did I...I went to retrieve the ball back and we started again..determined not to lose focus this time...I bounced the ball only twice before I turned, jumped and shot...she raise her right hand which smacked into my chest...and her cushioned chest made full contact with my groin...I missed even the backboard with that shot...but she staggered backwards on our impact and I grabbed her quickly when I landed...my arms around her upper body...her breasts mashed against my left shoulder...she in turn grabbed my upper arms...her forehead rested above my left ear and her heavy breathing went straight into my ear drum...it sent shivers all over me and I became instantly hard...

I moved to try to steady her and my face rubbed along her neck...this left a lovely sweat patch on my face...I couldn't get enough of it...she pushed me away lightly when she got her balance...a smile of gratitude and embarrassment...we both laughed after that...

She picked the ball up and wanted to try offence again...I hunched behind her as before...this time, she was more deliberate...sizing the best possible side to turn...I didn't mind...I had the sensory overload as before to sustain my erection...with my arms out on either side of her...she decided to back into me to force me to step back...her soft, bouncy butt cheeks made full contact with my hard-on...I almost fell over...

She took a quick step forward...bouncing the ball and trying to fake me out...she showed too much of the ball to her right and I decided to move forward to grab it...our bodies made contact again...my chest pushed on her right shoulder which made her bum stick out backwards...my erection smacked firmly onto her right butt cheek...and as my hand flicked the ball up, she tried to block me by sliding herself to the right further...this action ensured that my erection rubbed her from her right butt cheek...into her butt crack....then up her left butt cheek...and there my boner stayed...firmly pressed into her butt...I groaned my pleasure a bit too loudly...

If she was oblivious to my excitement before, all this left no doubt as to the shape of my mental state...

She went "Hey"....moved her left hand back to between her arse and my dick...with her opened palm...she firmly pushed my hardness back...and I stumbled backwards too...

She stood up...her lower lip held by her neat white upper teeth...I couldn't decide if she was pissed or not...she walked to the side of the court, plucked her tracksuit top off the bench, lifted her bag and started to walk out...I didn't know what to do...so I followed her...

She walked quickly and I walked two to three steps behind her...I wanted to talk to her...a million things went through my mind...but I didn't know what to say...I didn't even know what was going on...time for breakfast already??

She went straight back to her apartment...I shadowed her...when she got in...she threw her stuff on the sofa...turned around with her arms crossed over her chest and pouted...her gorgeous face was red...I hope not with anger....I merely stood there just inside the door...

"Is this your way of getting fresh with girls?" She asked...

"Huh?" the only reply that would come out of me...

"Oh...get the girl in a court and rub yourself all over her...maybe she'll get the hint and let you get some action..." She turned away indignantly...

"Please Sarah...I don't understand...." I pleaded...I really didn't...

"Really? I felt it understood very well..." She point at my groin area...

"Is that what you think of me?" I asked back...she shrugged...

"Look Sarah...we've been working out every day now...have I tried anything??" I resorted to logic...."It's not like I've been trying to cop a feel...you backed into me..."

"Yeah right...and you are always sexually-excited when playing basketball?" She looked a little embarrassed to bring my hard-on into the conversation...

I shrugged..."I don't know...you're a very beautiful woman...you smell great and felt great to be around...and I guess it's natural for my body to react...."

"So, this is your routine? You do this with every girl and get your kicks with them..." She sounded less annoyed...my logic was winning...

"No Sarah...I don't do this at all...with you...it's different...I like you a lot...and I'm sure you know that...I don't usually play ball alone with any woman...plus...this was your plan remember?" Sensing her resistance weakening...I quickly added..."And I think you like me a little too...otherwise, you would never have let me in here while you're still angry with me..."

She walked to her house mate's room...then came back out...nobody's in I guess...then she went to the fridge...pulled out a bottle of juice and drank directly from it...her eyes stayed on me as she swallowed...I didn't dare move a muscle...any false move could mean my marching orders...she wiped her lips with her forearm....with a twinkle in her eyes...she looked at me...

"So, you like me huh?"

"Yes, you know that from the day we met..." I chimed in...it's now or never...

She smiled and shook her head at the same time...I was mesmerized....

As if deep in thought, she continued drinking...she stayed quiet for a while...I could only ogle her...every movement, swallowing, breathing, sighing, frowning, wiping her lips...every bit of her begged for my full attention....this woman was truly a vision to behold...

She closed her eyes for a few seconds...took one last swallow...and she wrinkled her nose at me when she opened her eyes and saw me gaping at her...

I smiled back at her...my heart filled with love or something very close to it...

She stared into my eyes from across the room...shook her head lightly...She then put the juice bottle back in the fridge as she exhaled loudly...

With her body bent forward slightly, her shapely bum presented itself to me...My heart stopped beating as my eyes roamed the splendor before them...

"Well...I'm going to take a shower..." With that...she turned towards the bathroom...and just before she walked in...she paused for a second..."Are you coming or not?" and she disappeared...

I needed no second invitation...I duly picked my jaw off the floor and did my best 10 yard dash to the bathroom behind her...

When I got there...she was facing away and was pulling her top off...I removed my shoes the quickest way I knew...and my top too...she leaned forward to run the tap...I couldn't help staring...she was indeed poetry in motion...she turned to face me...lifted her hands to release her ponytail...and I was treated to an apparition...her small yet rounded breasts jiggled ever so slightly as she moved...freckles between her neck and breasts added spice to her smooth torso...my mouth went dry...she was looking at me with a smile...she must think I'm such an idiot...looking down...I tried to remove my shorts but the strings were tangled...she giggled and I had to look back up at her...her pink nipples stared back at me and my mind went blank again....

I gave up on the draw strings and yanked my shorts off...my briefs came down together...my erection sprang out to freedom...looking back at her...she had removed her shorts too...wow...a natural red-head...the neat ginger bush brought my focus to her lower body...what a sight...slim long legs...topped by the bush...flaring into a flat tummy and up to her most spectacular breasts...I didn't know where to focus my eyes...suddenly...realizing that it may be rude to stare...I forced my eyes to her face...and I muttered "sorry...you're so stunningly goegeous..."

Her brow went up...and she kept her eyes on my hardness for another second or two...puffed her cheeks...blew air out which left her lips in the nicest pout...and she said..."Wow"

She smiled at me again as she walked into the shower...I followed close behind...when I got there...she was letting the jet spray through her hair...picking up a bar of soap...she turned to me again...I was so far behind that the shower jet only reached my knees and below...she rested her head on my chest and looked downwards...and I'm sure she was studying my erection...I took a deep breath and felt her hand curl around my rod....I moaned...

"I'm really flattered..." She whispered as she soaped my penis...

"Me too..." I said...an octave higher...

She looked up into my eyes... puzzled...

I reached out and gently pinched her rock hard nipples with my thumb and finger...she laughed....

She moved the soap to my chest and her hands rubbed it all over...I know that smell...and it made my dick twitch...as she washed my neck and chest...my erection prodded her in the belly...


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