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Take Me, Tom Pt. 52-54

Story Info
A day at Emily's, a weekend in London, the interviews.
14.4k words

Part 22 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/26/2009
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First of all, Chapters 46-51 had not been properly edited. Sorry. I thought I had deleted it, but apparently not. I only hope it was readable! Anyway, hopefully, the pace, angst, and resolution( of a sort) will be rising a bit now. As always, thanks to everyone for bearing with me! Thanks to Kenji for keeping me readable, well, when I listen! Thanks to Paolo for his advice when I hit that proverbial wall! The chapters should be smaller, too!

Chapter 52

An Offer Made and A Day at Emily's

We overslept. No surprises there! Our human alarm clocks woke us too early as they quietly padded across the bedroom floor 'til they were warmly tucked beneath the covers with us. They were giggling and mischievous, as always. We chatted, asking if Janet was awake yet, but she was busy preparing breakfast for us. God, we'd miss her! There was a low knock on the door, though it was partially open.

"Morning, Janet!" we all cried, laughing.

She stuck her head in, somewhat embarrassed. I suppose she had never seen us in bed before, she only imagined it. Now she would definitely know! Fuck! Chrissie called her into the room and beckoned her to sit and chat. God, how uncomfortable would this be? Surprisingly, not that much. She sat next to me as I was closest to the door. She gingerly laid her hand on my leg, just because it was there. She asked about the exhibit, so Chrissie told her all about it, the kids still squirming around.

"I hope we didn't wake you when we got in," Chrissie said.

Janet blushed furiously. "Uh...no. I hardly heard...anything," she stammered.

"Hardly?" Chrissie retorted.

"Well..." her face turning redder.

"Sorry," Chrissie sheepishly said.

"Don't, Chrissie. Believe me, it didn't bother me at all," she laughed, coyly.

Now it was Chrissie's turn to blush. I did enjoy her discomfort.

"I'd blame Chrissie," I chuckled.

"Hmmm," Janet replied, swatting my leg. "So, when would you all like breakfast? It's

almost ready. David, Chloe. You all washed and teeth brushed?" she asked, sounding like a strict mother. "Come on. Out. Let Mommy and Tom wake up. Let's get you two sorted. Out!" she told them both.

"You two must be tired, so I have a refreshing breakfast for you," she said, talking to Chrissie and me, a bright smile across her face. Janet leant over me, her nubile body stretching, her hand on my bare chest as she gently kissed Chrissie, and then me.

"Good morning," she whispered. "Now! No going back to sleep...or whatever," she giggled.

I was so tempted to smack her tight butt that was just 'there'. She took the kid's hands in hers, turned and walked out the door, closing it soundly.

"Fuck, Chrissie," I groaned.

"I know, Tom," she giggled. "Behave, buster!"

I could only laugh as Chrissie lunged at me, wrapping her arms around me, and we kissed.

We finally slipped from the bed, scented with last night's exertions. We pulled our robes on as she had already seen us in bed, so there was no 'pretending' now. We kissed a final time and headed to the kitchen. The kids were helping Janet set the table, Chloe wanting to sit next to me. Janet had made us a mini-feast! There wasn't anything else we could have wanted. The five of us ate, joked and played with each other. Neither Chrissie nor Janet were embarrassed in the least. I was still slightly taken aback at how 'normal' this seemed. We told the kids we were going to Emily's, to cries of 'yes!' and loud whoops of joy. We had a relaxed breakfast, Chrissie going into more detail about the exhibit. Her persistent questioning on the show impressed me.

Chrissie was looking at Janet quizzically.

"You know, Janet. When I was twenty-three, I looked just as hot as you do in the morning," she chuckled.

"You still do, Chrissie. Believe me!" she blushed.

Well, that was unexpected!

The kids were finished, so Chrissie sent them off to get cleaned up and dressed. Chrissie looked at me, and I knew what her eyes were asking.

"Janet. We need to talk with you for a bit on our own," I started.

Her eyes were startled as if she was in trouble.

"Everything's good. Just relax," I laughed. "So, and this is between us here, but I think we know you can keep, uh, secrets by now. We are seriously considering moving to London. Permanently. Chrissie and Emily have an interview at the V&A this weekend. They'll be there 'til Saturday, so I may need a little extra help? I should be fine with the kids, but I'm certain Chrissie wouldn't mind you checking up on me!" I laughed. "Now, I'm not sure what your future or timeline is but have you considered a university in...England? After our talk the other day, it got us thinking," I started.

"What Tom is TRYING to say, "She giggled. "Is...would you be interested in our help? I hate the idea of losing you, as the kids will, too. If, and it's a big if, you would consider doing your Masters in London, we'd like to help. Tom has already looked into universities. Have you picked out a school here yet? Is it something you might consider?" Chrissie asked.

Janet was shocked, to say the least. It took her a few minutes to take it all in. This could be life-changing for her, too.

"I...I haven't thought too far ahead, but...why? And why me?" she asked.

"Why? Because we love you, and the kids love you. This move will be a huge upheaval for them, and we're looking at ways to make it easier. That's the simple reason. We would support you, pay you and help you fulfil your ambitions. You could live with us separately if you'd prefer. Tom has looked at Cambridge and Oxford, but feel that would be too far away to travel, but the third best is University College in London. They have an excellent degree course, plus you'd be on the doorstep of all the history there, she said.

"Have you both really thought this through? It's huge what you're offering me. I... I'd have to give this a lot of thought. I...I never expected anything like this! I... I'd like to think about though. There's so much to consider, but yes, I'll give it some thought. I can't believe you two would do this for me! I'm...speechless! Thank you both for

even considering this. I'm...so touched," she said, and grasped both our hands, squeezing them tightly.

"That's all we can ask, Janet," I said. "We know how important this is. Think it over, then get back to us. We'll need to talk with your parents, too. They need to agree with what we propose, so it's not set in stone yet. But yeah, if you would at least think about it, we'd both appreciate it," I said.

"What about Emily? Will she be living with you, too?" she asked.

"Hopefully, yes. She hasn't quite made up her mind. After the interview, she'll have a better idea, though. Then it gets real. We're thinking of moving as soon as the kid's school breaks up for the summer. We'll need time to find a place to live, get them enrolled and a million other things!" Chrissie chuckled. "You could still do your internship this summer, then join us afterwards...if you decide to."

Janet was still shocked, her face etched with questions, and doubts.


"Either way, thank you for the kind offer. I'm still in shock, but thank you both," she said, and leaned over, kissing us both. "Now, where are those kids" she laughed. "They're too quiet!"

She excused herself and went to their bedrooms. We heard their squeals and laughed.

"So, what do you think?" Chrissie asked.

"We'll see. We've laid it out, so we let her mull it over and see where we go next," I answered.

"All these changes, Tom," she sighed.

"And all for the best, darling. C'mon. Let's get ourselves sorted," I said as I grabbed her hand, and we cleared the breakfast debris. We had everything sorted just as the kids came bounding into the kitchen in a short time. We told Janet we were off to shower and get ready. She just beamed at us, Chrissie blushing slightly.

"Don't be too long," she coyly said.

We showered, without incident, dressed and were ready for the day. Everyone was outside in the sun, relaxing, reading or playing on their hand-held computer thingys. Janet was getting her things together, so the kids came in to thank her goodbye. Chrissie paid her, and then I slipped another envelope into her hand. She gave me a scornful look, but graciously accepted it. Hugs all around, along with chaste kisses, she left. We checked the kids, grabbed our bags and headed over to Emily's.

We arrived soon, the kids excited to be there for some reason, and I only assumed they were looking forward to being spoiled! Chrissie let herself in with her key, the kids rushing in as soon as the door opened. I heard, rather than saw, the kids laughing and giggling. Chrissie and I walked in, and they were all embracing one another. They ran off to the kitchen, smelling of freshly baked something-or-other, and Emily walked toward us, a wicked smile on her face.

"Morning, sweetie, "she said to Chrissie, and softly embraced her, their lips tenderly touching. "Good night?" she chuckled.

"Morning, Em. God! It was wonderful!" she laughed. "Oh, these are yours," she said, and handed her the used and unwashed panties to her. "Tom enjoyed them," she giggled.

I blushed.

"Well done, Tom," she coquettishly sighed as she walked to me. Her arms went around my head, and we melted together, our lips touching. We kissed, each of us taking what we needed from the other. I felt Chrissie's arms around us, her head on my arm. We broke away slowly, and I swatted her butt. Emily laid her hand on my chest, looked at me, then turned and walked to the kitchen. "It thrills me that you liked the little surprise!"

Chrissie and I followed her, our hands entwined. The kids stopped mid-bite into oatmeal raisin cookies, and laughed. Chrissie poured them both some milk and offered us a biscuit. She grabbed a plateful of cookies, and we all walked out to her garden. I was stunned.

"Emily? This is beautiful? You did all the planting?" I asked.

"All me, Tom. David was terrible and hated gardening. I use it as my oasis. I'm glad you like it," she smiled.

It was laid out with tall grasses and wildflowers. There was a path leading out to an arch covered with clematis buds.

"Show me around," I asked.

She walked me through the different flowers and shrubs, excitedly telling me about them and why she had picked them. She had a comfortable hanging, double-seated chair set under a willow tree, so we sat.

"This is...wonderful, Emily. So, this is you, eh?" I chuckled.

"Part of me, yes. I love it here. I've made it relaxing and subtle. Everything just seems to work so well together. I'll hate selling up on the one hand. This really has been my sanctuary for more than a few years. We all need our quiet little places, eh? I'm glad you appreciate it, Tom. That means a lot to me," she sighed as she leaned over and gently kissed me. We sat there swinging, quietly chatting and relaxing in the sun for quite a while.

"I...I love it," I said. "So, photos? You want to show me where that all happens?" I chuckled.

"Come on," she said, grabbing my hand. "This way."

"We're going to look at our photos. Come and join us when you're ready? We'll check out yours, too, Chloe!" she smiled.

I followed her upstairs, her swaying back and forth with every step. I expected her to turn her head and see if I was watching her, but she didn't. She probably knew anyway.

We went into another tastefully designed room, her large computer, amongst other items carefully laid out. She sat in the comfortable looking leather chair and turned everything on. She had another chair for me, but I stood behind her, my hands lazily on her shoulders. She turned her head and softly kissed my hand as the screen came to life.

I looked at the magazines carefully strewn on the desk. I picked up one I recognised, Dark Beauty, a very niche photographic/ fashion magazine.

"This...is yours?" I asked.

"Yes," she sheepishly said.

"I follow it, too. The photos are wonderful. Well, not all of them, "I laughed. "The more ethereal ones I love, though," I enthused.

"Really? I...I wouldn't have thought that was your genre, Tom. I love it, too, and get a few ideas from it. You...surprise me," she said, smiling.

"So. Mine first?" she said as she slotted in the card. "Let's see if anything good came out."

The photos came up moments later. We scrolled through them, then went back and chose a few to work on. I gently massaged her neck as she pulled up a photo and talked me through her workflow. This woman knew what she was doing! She worked on a picture of the kids, tastefully cropping and then adjusting a few levels, close to what she was looking for. She added a little gaussian effect, totally transforming the photo. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "I love it, Emily," I whispered.

"Thank you, Tom," she smiled. "I love this effect on certain photos."

She pulled up a few of the grasslands, her control of the camera apparent.

"You have a great eye. You're good," I encouraged her. "Have you ever used a Lensbaby? They give a more exaggerated, ethereal glow. You should check it out,' I said.

"Thanks for the compliment, Tom. Coming from someone with your background, it means a lot. And no, I haven't heard of that lens. I'll have a look though, thanks," she said.

We went through hers, marking the ones she may want to print later. There was one of Chrissie and me that she had shot when we weren't looking. She did a quick B&W conversion, played with the levels, and adjusted the shadows, and it was perfect.

"Have you ever had an exhibition? You really should, Emily," I gushed. "These are good!"

"I've thought about it, but no, I've never taken that step. C'mon, let's see yours now!"

I handed her the card, and she slotted it in, standing up and offering the seat to me. She took the chair next to me, her hand easily going to my leg. I pulled up what I had shot, and waited for her constructive criticism. I played around with the saturation

and white balance and waited for her critique.

"Christ, Tom. These...are really good!" she said. "You've captured the kids so well!"

I pulled up several more until I came to one of her I had sneakily shot. I did a B&W conversion also. I liked it. I thought I had captured her just right. She looked stunning, pensive and wistful. I turned to her to see her expression.

"I...I love it, Tom. It's as if you crawled into my mind! I'm...stunned. I have never seen a photo that really captured me before. Can I have a print of this one?" she asked.

"Thank you, Emily. I love it, too. I knew this would be a good one, if not the best of the day. I'm glad you like it. Let me print and frame it for you, okay?" I asked. She leaned over, gently grabbed my head, and kissed me, her lips slipping between mine. She pulled her head back, pulled my forehead to hers like I had done the night before, and we stayed there for a week, or so it felt.

"Chrissie said you were good, but I had no idea. I think you can tell an awful lot about a person from a photograph and the person who took it. I'm...impressed," she sighed.

We went through Chloe's, easy to see which were hers. We laughed at her angles and focus points, but were mildly impressed, too. She was going to be a work in progress!

We collected ourselves and transferred our favourites to a card and were going to bring them downstairs for everyone to see. We turned everything off and rose from our chairs, looking at each other.

"Damn, Tom. I've learned a bit more about you today...and I like it. A lot!" she sighed. "I get, more and more, why Chrissie is so in love with you. You're quite the guy, you know?"

"Hey, Emily. The hows and whys we've given up trying to understand. We are who we are, and we work together. We shouldn't, but we do. And I can see a bit more of why she is in love with you. I'm getting to understand that. And, surprisingly, I don't mind. I thought I would, but I really don't. You're special, Emily." My hand came up to her face, gently cupping her cheek. I pulled her head to mine, and we kissed deeply. My fingers swept through her hair, gently grasping it and holding her firm against my lips.

"If you don't behave," she breathed deep, "Chrissie is going to be bringing another pair of my panties home!" she giggled.

"I think I'd rather have you in them, Emily," I said, huskily.

"Oh God, Tom. Don't talk like that!" she sighed loudly, but pulled me in and kissed me again.

We reluctantly broke away, and I slapped her ass again.

"Oooooh," she moaned, almost silently. "Once more, Tom?" she asked, and I brought

my hand down on her, another low moan emanating from her delicious mouth.

"Chrissie is definitely going home with my panties now. Do you like the idea of that, Tom? Hmm? Think of me when you suck them. Will you?"

I turned her around and pushed her towards the door. We had to get out of here...now! We headed down the stairs, but she stopped halfway down and turned her head around. Her eyes and hand came to my covered, hard cock, and she silently swept her hand over the bulge, then turned and followed the stairs.

After catching our breath, we called everyone in and made G&T's for the adults and juice for the kids. She had the obligatory plate of biscuits. We gathered around the large TV, and Emily plugged the card in. We all sat on the sofa, and the photos came up. The kids laughed and giggled when their faces came up. Chrissie was awestruck by both our photos, and she loved them, giving us her opinion as one after another scrolled up.

"Looks like we have two wonderful photographers in the house now!" she smiled. "Show him your portfolio, Em," she said encouragingly.

Emily went and retrieved a beautiful, leather-bound book.

"Be kind," she said, smiling as I began to turn the pages, Chloe glued to my arm as we looked at what she had done.

We had a discerning look through Emily's album, all the photo's printed on expensive archival art paper. Chloe liked most, and made a funny face at others. David sat on my other side, not entirely as engaged as his sister. I thought they were all well composed, artistically thought out and extremely good. She could have a brilliant career if

she believed she was as good as I thought she was. It was an incredible portfolio. She accepted our praise with a certain grace, which was touching.

Emily called the kids into the kitchen to prepare a ginger cake for dessert later. Chrissie and I walked in on them, each wearing a different apron, and we chuckled at them.

"She's great with the kids, Tom. I love watching them all together," she sighed, and kissed me. "Should we help or leave them to it?" she giggled.

"Let's stay out of their way. I'll definitely try it, though!" I said. "Let's take a walk, okay?" I asked, and we snuck out the back door and walked hand in hand through her garden.

We sat on her favourite hanging chair and sighed. She asked how I was, and I gathered about the whole Emily and us that was developing.

"I'm beginning to see what you see in her, Chrissie. I knew she was smart and intuitive, but I saw so much more through her photos and just how she is with you and the kids. We still have a way to go, but I can see the potential, darling. Still, small steps," I said.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and grasped my hand, pulling it to her chest.

"Small steps, darling. That's the only way we'll all know. Even then, as we both know, the reality is always different, but I think we'll have a good idea as things go on. So, do you think she'll want a garden in our new home in England?" she laughed.

"It would be a shame if she didn't have one. I can see how much this means to her. We could put a little studio in the back for the kids to hang out in. Yeah, I can see it. I can just see everyone pottering around, digging and planting. It sounds idyllic, doesn't it?" I replied.

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