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Take Me, Tom Pt. 73-74

Story Info
Party, Emily's long connection, Bad news parents.
9.6k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 29 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/26/2009
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Thanks for bearing with me on this! I'm hoping the storyline is picking up for you all. I'm trying to post shorter chapters, but it doesn't always work out that way! As always, a huge thanks to Kenji for his eyes, and Paolo for his advice and proofreading. And thanks to all of you who take the time to read, and comment. It's appreciated!

Chapter 73

Birthday Party and more Staring

Chloe rushed into the bedroom, way too early, crying, "It's my birthday!" as she jumped upon us. We all pulled the sheet over our heads, ignoring her. She tried to pull the sheet away, but we wouldn't let go, all of us laughing. Well, everyone but Chloe, as I poked my head over the parapet. Chloe smiled and cried, "I'm having a party today," she squealed.

"Not if you keep this up, young lady," Chrissie giggled, and hugged her.

"Are you making breakfast, daddy?" she said.

Fuck. That word. There was so much to live up to in that simple word.

"Later? I'm taking David to football practice soon. Two options, Little One. I can make us all a scrummy breakfast when I get back, or...you can meet us at McGilly's when we're through, and we'll let them make breakfast for us, okay? Which one? It's your birthday, so you choose!" I smiled.

"McGilly's!" she cried happily.

"So...you don't like my breakfasts? Hmm?" I teased.

"Yeah, but..." she began to say, as I grabbed her, and hugged her.

I slipped from the bed to get ready, and Chloe took my warm spot.

I peed and shaved, and kissed them all, saying I would call when the practice was over. "See you later, Little One, and happy birthday!" I smiled.

"See you later, daddy," she smiled.

David had another excellent session. He was improving every week. I talked to his coach between his pushing the kids, and asked if he was any good. He was impressed with his progress, and thought he had a natural talent that could be brought out with hard work.

We met the girls at McGilly's, and had a splendid feast. We headed back to the house to start putting up decorations, and blowing up balloons. I asked Emily to come to the bedroom with me.

"Are we okay, darling? I mean, after last night, are you still...?" I asked.

She wrapped her hands around my head, and kissed me.

"Of course, I am, Tom. I was just, well, taken aback. I've never seen anything like that before. It just looked so...primal, if that's the right word?" she said.

"Yeah. It can come across that way. I guess it is, Emily. It's just something that Chrissie likes, though. It can come across as a power thing, which I guess it is, but she does like it! Go figure, eh?" I chuckled, and then she swatted me.

"We're fine, okay? You guys shocked me, is all! I was concerned that, perhaps, she didn't like it and that you..." she started to say."Tom, I have never doubted your love for her. It was me, okay? I'll choose my words carefully next time, understand? I'm sorry," she cried.

"Never doubt that, Emily," I sighed. "I would never do anything to hurt either one of you, understand?" I exclaimed.

"I know, Tom. I was wrong. I didn't put it across the way I meant to, all right? I know who you are, Tom. Why do you think I'm here? Hmm? I was just...shocked, that's all. I'm sorry, darling. I am," she said, tears now streaming down her face. "I guess I just love you both too much. I...I do trust you, darling. We both do," she sighed.

She took the two steps toward me, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Chrissie hugged us both, and said, "I'll leave the two of you alone for a while, all right?" she sighed, and closed the door behind her, leaving just Emily and me.

"Never doubt me, Emily," I sighed, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "You two are everything to me, understand?"

"I do, Tom. I really do," she sighed, and we kissed deeply.

Her warmth flooded through me, invigorating me again.

"I fucking love you, woman," I smiled.

"As I fucking you, you beautiful man," she smiled back. "We good?"

"Always, darling. This is exactly why we have to always talk. Terrible example when it involves me, but..." I laughed.

We held hands and went back to the front room. Chrissie smiled, and hugged us both. Emily finished her chocolate cake, Chloe's favourite, and began piping my message on the zucchini and lime cake. 'Happy Birthday, Little One', she wrote fancily. I loved it. I wrapped my arms around her waist, held her tight, and whispered, "It looks beautiful, darling." Emily turned her face to me, and we tenderly kissed.

Emily's POV

Tom and I Connect

What a morning! Talk about highs and lows! I had, so inadvertently hurt Tom. My words were ill-chosen, and I paid the price for that. After my heartfelt apology, I had hoped that everything was well between us. We have come so far in these last few months. I'd be devastated if I was the cause of any hurt or worse. After all, I had been through, I finally had a voice! I seem to be in love with two people who love me for who I am! How often does THAT happen? Sure, I have that elusive voice at work. Chrissie saw to that. Home, though, was so different. I've always been in love with strong men, but I realised that their strength wasn't everything. There was always that 'something' that was missing in my life, and in my heart, if truth be told. And by 'something', I mean being cared for, thought of, even listened to. Tom filled that elusive void, and here I was, upsetting him with my stupid words. God, woman, get it together!

I pulled myself together, as this was Chloe's day. I stared at Tom often, and he always sweetly smiled back. [I think he forgives me, I thought.] I mixed a jug of my yet-to-be-famous pomegranate sangrias, hoping all the mothers would enjoy a little diversion. Chrissie helped me finish off the prep on the little finger food, both kids and adults. [I had better get used to this, I thought!] As always, I had made too much food, but this was a special day. Tom and David were doing God-knows-what, but at least they were nearby if we needed them.

Tom came into the kitchen a bit too late, but at least he made the effort! He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, and pulled my back to him. I actually swooned! Embarrassing, or what? I felt his breath on my neck as he gently kissed me on 'that' spot, the one that always made me shiver. For all the good he once was, David never came close to finding it. I felt his hand trail down my stomach, as he cupped my pussy with his firm digits. I pushed my ass back onto his cock, knowing it would be hard...because of me!

"Ohhh, Tom. That's just what I need, darling man," I sighed softly.

His kiss turned into a tiny bite. Fuck! If we weren't having a birthday party, I would have dragged him to the bedroom and ravished him. Or him, me! I turned my head and whispered, "I'm so wet, Tom," I breathed into his ear. I heard him quietly murmur, "Fuck," as he pulled away from me, spanking my ass before he turned, and walked out. I could only smile. My mission for the rest of the day was to tease him. Period.

Chloe's friends gradually arrived, the house filling with shrieks and laughter. I couldn't wait to be a mother.

Tom and Chrissie were the perfect hosts. Tom, so engaging with a plethora of Yummy Mummies, made everyone so welcome. I watched as he walked from group to group, talking, joking, and making sure everyone was doing well. Chrissie doled out food to anyone who even remotely looked hungry. Chrissie's parents soon followed, hugging and cheek kissing me. We'd be seeing more of them soon. My mom and dad arrived soon after. I introduced everyone; Chrissie, so, in her element, making everyone feel welcome, and part of the day. After an hour, Chloe finally was able to unwrap her gifts. She squealed with delight when she opened ours, a snappy 'point and shoot' Canon SLR (Tom wanted her to have a Fuji like he has, but I won this one!). We looked at each other and winked. It was bright yellow, and an excellent first camera. She ran to me, hugged me, and cried, "Thank you, Aunt Emily!" then ran to Tom. Oh, no! "Thank you, daddy," she smiled, and kissed him.

"You're so welcome, Little One," he smiled. "Looks like we'll have a day out with Aunt Emily soon, eh?"

Chloe giggled a shy nod.

Out of the corner of my eye, I scanned the room, not least for Fred and Claire, their parents. Fuck! There were a few other half-opened mouths. This would take some explaining before the school-run-rumour-mill kicked in!

The cake was cut, and eaten, Chloe preferring Tom's! Humph! People began to leave around four, as things were winding down after the games had been played. Our parents seemed to enjoy getting to know one another, as Tom plied them with conversation and alcohol! We had already decided not to broach our move today, as we didn't want to taint Chloe's day.

I caught up with Chrissie in the kitchen. Although Tom had seemed to be okay with me, I wanted to ask her a favor.

"Chrissie? Darling? When we finally go to bed, would it be all right if--?" I started, but she shushed me.

"Yes, Emily. I insist," she smiled, and hugged me.

"How can you possibly know what I was going to ask? Hmm?" I asked, surprised and taken aback.

"Because Em, I know you. You need to be with Tom tonight, right? Hmm? I'm right?" she smiled.

"Yes...yes! How could you possi--" I started to say.

"Because I know. One condition, all right? You follow my lead. Understand?" she whispered.

I looked at the glint in her eye, playful, but serious. We hugged each other as Mom and Claire came out, helped with the dishes, and cleared up the last few things.

We sat with our parents for another hour, catching up with everyone. I felt guilty that we were all hiding this momentous decision from them. We finally said our goodbyes, thanking them for coming and the gifts. My parents left first, with Fred and Claire holding back. When my mom and dad had pulled out, Tom asked their parents if they'd like to come over for lunch tomorrow. They readily accepted. I knew what was going to happen. At least that would be one set of parents in the loop!

The night quickly faded in, and we finally had the kids bathed, read to and tucked in. As usual, Tom had a drink ready for us. We sat together, talking about the day, and how well everyone got along.

Okay," Chrissie said. "I need you both to do something for me, all right? I want you both to have a quick shower, then meet me in the bedroom? Hmm?" she giggled. "DON'T be long, and...NO fooling around!" she insisted.

Who were we to argue, hmm?

Chrissie led us to the bathroom, handed us our robes, and said, "Ten minutes, okay?" she said sternly.

Tom and I looked at each, unsure what Chrissie had in my mind. Knowing her, it could be anything from the sublime, to the ridiculous. We were both hoping for the sublime, though. We hastily washed each other, the tenderness there, but hurried.

"Any ideas, Emily?" Tom asked.

"God, Tom, as if!" I laughed.

We gelled each other too quickly for either of us. We dried each other off with only a hasty kiss on each other's genitals. That was okay, though. I'd be taking care of that later. We walked into the bedroom that Chrissie had transformed. She had lit all her scented candles, the lights were dimmed, and soft music was playing.

"Chrissie? What have you..." I started to ask.

"Shhh," she whispered. She walked towards us, her hands softly on my shoulders. "You two have had quite a day, hmm? So... you'll listen to me...for a change," she giggled. "Tom? Remember that night we did that staring, kind of tantric thing? If you say no, I'm going to whack you! Seriously though, you haven't shared that with our Em yet. After your, uh, misunderstanding, I think tonight is the perfect night to dispel any doubts, don't you?" she said, as she slid his robe off, letting it pool at his feet. She turned to me, doing the same.

"Come with me," she beckoned us both. She sat us on the bed facing each other, instructing me to place my legs over Tom's as we sat close to each other, his glorious cock, stiff already.

"Over to you, Tom," she smiled, and sat on her chair.

Chrissie had told me about her evening, jealousy pouring from every sinew of my body. Now it was my turn.

"Okay, Emily?" he asked.

I could only shake my head, 'Yes'.

We're going to relax, breathe in and out, and gradually, we'll look at each other. Your eyes stay on mine, all right. No touching, no words, not yet, at least. This isn't a contest, understand, but we mustn't lose contact. So, a few deep breathes..." he said, quietly.

We both shifted around, getting comfortable, our hands on our legs, and caught each other's eyes. I must say, I was uncomfortable for the first minutes, but we slowly sensed each other's rhythm. Our breathing was matched as we, little by little, delved into each other. It was as if he was touching me. He was, but with only his beautiful brown eyes. It was pretty emotional for me. As I had never seen him before, I saw Tom as if this was a whole different person in front of me, or just another facet of the man I had fallen in love with. I tried to keep my mind clear, concentrating just on him.

The air was still, the ambient music a hundred miles away. I gently inhaled the scent wafting through the room. I was mildly shocked when I detected Tom's smell, his, almost-overpowering, manliness. I knew him, as I had never known him before. Someone once said, the eyes are the window to the soul. I brushed it off as some New Age nonsense. It was only then, that I fully understood it. We couldn't break this connection, feeling that time was inconsequential to us. It was just us. Is this what Chrissie felt? I almost cried, thinking she had shared this gift with me, with us. Hours later, or so it seemed, I heard a faint bell. Tom and I never broke contact. It was magical. I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently stroking me, and someone kissing my head.

"Em? You okay, darling?" this voice asked.

Tom and I gently came out of this beautiful trance. I went to say something, anything, but he put his fingers to my lips.

"Shhh, sweetheart. Relax. Don't say anything, darling. No touching. Yet," he murmured.

He gingerly picked up a bottle of oil. Where it had come from, I had no idea, but it was there.

He slowly opened the bottle, and poured a trace amount into his palm, and then mine. I had no idea where Chrissie was, my eyes never leaving Tom's face.

"Now we're going to touch each other, darling. Follow my lead, then follow your own," he sighed. He brought his fingertips to my temples and gingerly massaged the scented oil into my temples, my eyes closing from his delicate touch.

I slowly brought my fingers to his temples, and mimicked his touch. Our eyes locked on one another again. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, his fingers tracing my cheek, the scent of the oil filling me. I rubbed my slick thumbs over his face, and behind his ears, feeling him as if for the first time. I shivered, as he brought his finger across my parted lips, a single finger sliding into my mouth. I frailly licked it, my tongue tasting him. He pulled it out, and ran it across my lips again.

I ran my finger across his lips, his mouth eagerly opening and sucking it. I felt myself getting wet. This slow, sensuous act was thrilling. I pulled it out, lest he gets too excited. His oiled fingers swept across my neck, applying just enough erotic pressure for my heart to skip a few beats. I stroked his chin, marvelling at the contours I seemingly had never noticed. We touched, teased, and discovered, again, one another. His strong hands were on my shoulders, sweeping down and lifting my breasts, his slippery fingers tugging on my taut nipples. I followed his lead, pinching his nipples, and pulling them. I looked down at his hard cock, for the first time in an hour, probably. It was so fucking erect! I could feel myself cream, the unmistakable scent rising from my pussy.

I, surreptitiously or not, picked up the oil bottle and poured more into my hand. I motioned to Tom, and he held his hand out. A few globs of the viscous oil fell into his palm. I kept my eyes on him as my hands slid down, and I grasped his hardness, my fingers sliding along his pole. Fuck. He was SO hard! I felt his fingers swiping through my labia, splitting them so easily. His fingertip flicked my erect clit, making me quiver with desire. Not a word was spoken as we lovingly stroked each other, the tension in the room rising. We felt Chrissie gently clambering onto the bed, looking at us, but not touching either. Tom slipped a single finger deep inside me, my body lurching, and a low moan escaping my mouth. Chrissie's hand was now delicately stroking me, knowing how close we were. She arranged the pillows behind me, and whispered, "Take him, Em."

Tom lifted me by my warm ass, as I shifted forward a few inches. I rose to my knees,

and rubbed Tom's hardness through my labia. The sensation of his thick, stiff prick made me quiver. As I slid onto his shaft, our eyes were locked, filling me in one smooth stroke. My glazed eyes shot open, and my mouth was unsettled in surprise at how hard he was. I couldn't remember him being so...masculine! Tom put his hands on my shoulder, pulling me onto his prick. We kissed, slowly at first, gently licking and tenderly biting each other, 'til I lifted myself up, and slid down his meaty cock. Tom held my butt in his strong hands, as we languidly moved against each other, each movement slow and deliberate. Our mouths moved from each, and we just looked at each other, our hands caressing each other's face, hair, lips and mouths.

I slipped two fingers into his mouth, and moved them around lewdly, his face contorted with the intrusion. Of course, Tom ramped it up by teasing me with his fingers, running them over my lips, my mouth open with expectation, but they never entered. My tongue licked his fingers instead, as he slid one finger along its tip, flirting with me.

I pushed my breasts against his firm chest, rubbing them over him, my nipples hard, and eager for relief. Our hips never stopped sliding into each other, the moisture allowing us to glide together. It took me a while to adjust to his thickness, my pussy being stretched in God knows how many directions. It felt beautiful to be stuffed full of him. I leaned into his neck and inhaled, his scented sweat sending tremors through my body. [God, I thought, I DO want his baby!] We didn't talk. The only sounds were my constant moans every time he would bottom out, I'm certain prodding my cervix!

The pressure I was feeling was indescribable, as if he was stimulating my whole body. I had never felt this before, and it was a bit scary. I rode Tom's beautiful manhood, each deep thrust raising my heartbeat, my body quivering, and my breath faltering. My pelvis was moving quicker, my motions jerky as I felt him touch my cervix with every thrust. This strange feeling started at the top of my head, and slowly trailed down my body. I was cumming, but so much more intense than any time before. I gasped and screamed so loud, that Chrissie had to cover my mouth. I grasped Tom's back, held him, and dug my nails into him. I was thrashing, my hips uncontrollably shaking, and fucking his cock, as my juices ran from my body. My orgasm didn't taper off, but grew as it floated down my body. I threw my head back, my breasts firm and proud as Tom held me, and moved with every seizure. I could feel Chrissie's hands softly touching me, yet another sensation to my fervour.

I collapsed my head on Tom's shoulder. My shivering had subsided, but my body was still tingling.

"Tom...what was that?" I breathed heavily. "What did...you..."

"Lie back, darling." I looked at Tom, and read his face.

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