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Take Me, Tom Pt. 99-102

Story Info
Making babies, family life.
11.1k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 39 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/26/2009
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I've combined a few chapters on this one. It may be a tad long at 11k words, but I'm trying to wrap this saga up. I'll be posting the last ( I swear!) chapters, as soon as. I think 105 chapters is enough? Thanks for bearing with me on this. I understand how some are getting bored with it all, but I always remember what someone once commented to me, 'it's your story'. I hope it's been worth your time. If not, well... As always, thanks to Kenji for keeping it grammatically correct. I may not always listen to him, so, as always, any and all mistakes land on my shoulders. Thanks to everyone who has invested the time and patience in this. It is appreciated.

Chapter 99

Six Months Along, March, and Decisions

Tom, 34, Chrissie, 37, Emily, 35, David, 12, Chloe, still 9

Time, eh? Who'd have it? So much has happened that it's tough to recount. We've had our first Christmas together, and plenty of changes.

David and Chloe have acclimated beautifully, not only in school, but with the friends they have made, and to our unusual family. Chloe has taken to calling Emily, 'Mummy Emily'. Every time she'd call for mommy, two distinct voices would pipe up. Her idea was to keep things straight, and she came up with that. We all thought it was adorable, and her way of dealing with the dynamic. She has also begun to embrace the British dialect, another thing that makes us all chuckle. As I pointed out, she no longer has 'mommies' but 'mummies'. David is fighting his accent change, but it's changing, no matter how hard he fights it.

School is terrific for them. Both are doing well and are excited about it every morning, for the most part. David has joined the swim team, and doing exceptionally well. We all look forward to his first meeting. He goes swimming with one, or all of us, at least once a week. On the other days, he'll bike to the local pool with friends and swim. We've been kayaking a few times a month now. I encouragingly told him the benefits of his swimming, as the exercise is mainly upper body. He usually prods me to take him, so that bodes well.

David and Elaine had a baby boy, Simon, now! We couldn't be happier for them, Simon still a little bundle of proverbial joy. Emily had candidly been taking photos of them as the pregnancy had progressed, and now presented them with an extraordinary book of black and white images. They were extremely touched; their bond solidified, if it hadn't already.

Spring is upon us, so it's time for Emily to begin her transformation of the garden. Chloe is genuinely interested in how it will look, so Ems corralled her into the design process. She has given Chloe an A3 pad, and asked her layout how she would like it to look, and what flowers, and plantings. For a nine-year-old, Chloe has had a few good ideas! She and Emily have frequent trips to the local gardens to get ideas and spend some alone time with each other. Their bond has grown over the months.

One weekend, I told them I'd like to show them a garden in Sussex, and they were both excited about the day trip. David wasn't interested in the least, so he went swimming with his mother. We packed up a picnic and headed to Great Dixter in Sussex. The garden is in the arts and craft style, and has a wildflower meadow which I thought would give them both ideas. We all loved it. It was quite a drive, but my car made it more than bearable. We spent hours there, taking notes, talking with the gardeners, and taking photos. Chloe seemed to come alive there. She was free to wander, take pictures with her little camera and ask questions. Chloe would run over, grab my hand, and show me a new planting she had discovered. Emily and I smiled at her childish enthusiasm. Emily and I wandered through the meadows, Chloe just ahead of us, and held hands, basking in the day with just Chloe. I noticed a whimsical, but distant look in her eyes.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, darling?" I asked.

She looked at me, somehow knowing, and shook her head 'yes', put her hands around me, and leaned onto my chest.

I gently kissed the top of her head, and whispered, "Whenever you're ready, okay? All you have to do is say. We can do this, darling," I said, her somewhat glum face brightening.

"Soon, I think," she sighed, and we kissed.

We chased Chloe, and each other around, laid out our blanket and had a glorious picnic, sending David and Chrissie the obligatory photos. It was a special day for us. I laid back, shaded by a huge elm tree, and Emily and Chloe laid their heads on my chest. I embraced them both, relishing the day.

We bought a few plants, which was not a bad idea. Chloe eagerly grabbed Ems's hand, pulling her along with a gleeful, "C'mon, Mummy Emily!" laughing at how slow we were walking.

Grudgingly, we headed back to Richmond, the sound of the engine lulling Chloe to sleep in no time. Emily and I softly sang, held hands, and whispered about the day. I casually rubbed her stomach, and she only looked at me, smiled, and squeezed my hand.

Chrissie and David were preparing dinner when we finally arrived back home. I had to carry Chloe in gingerly whilst Ems grabbed the plants.

"Too much for one of you, hmm?" Chrissie smiled, as I laid her on the sofa.

"How was your day, darling," I asked as my arms embraced her.

"Wonderful, darling. David's getting quite good, you know? I've said it before, but he reminds me so much of you, Tom. It must be my genes, eh?" she giggled.

"There's nothing wrong with your genes, darling," I said as I swatted her tight-jean-covered ass.

"Or yours, I guess," she smiled.

Emily and Chrissie embraced, and helped with the rest of prepping dinner. I joined David outside, and chatted about the day, and what was happening next week at school. We had a wonderful dinner, and everyone happy to be back together.

After the kids were safely tucked up that evening, we had our still-regular Sunday night meeting. We were all happy that we continued to have these, as more often than not, one of us had questions. We were still working on the dynamic, even though we were so comfortable with how we were going. The honesty was shocking at times, but necessary, and we always grew closer because of our talks. These meetings were about sharing the hardships and finding solutions together so this relationship would continue to work. We realised quickly that healthy relationships often take more challenging work, especially poly ones. They were also about all the positives that we had brought together.

We kept our circle small as far as those who knew the extent of our relationship, and found they accepted us. Maybe it was because of where we lived, the socio-economics and general standard of living were better than in most parts of London, which meant a broader grasp of society and its norms, and a better level of education. The kids helped soften any disapproval, especially Chloe, who would run to Emily when school let out, crying, "Mummy Emily!" and jump into her arms. Ems had discreetly explained when asked why Chloe used that term. So far, there had been no backlash. I had carefully 'come out' at work, Jeremy's understanding and incredible support, even if none was needed.

So, tonight. Emily wished to talk first, choosing her words carefully, probably rehearsed over and over.

I sat between them, as usual, and she grasped my hand.

"I...I think I'm ready," she sighed, looking at us.

We didn't need to hear anything more. Chrissie jumped up, hugged her, her fingers untangling her hair, and kissed her. I hugged them both, Emily's small tears flowing down her face.

"You ARE talking about a baby, right?" Chrissie asked with a chuckle.

"Yes," she smiled. "Are you both okay with that?" she asked with hesitation.

"Absolutely, darling. Absolutely. I couldn't be happier, sweetie," Chrissie smiled.

I took her head in mine, lifted her chin, and kissed her.

"I thought as much, Ems. I couldn't be happier. Truly," I sighed, and held her comfortably.

"Okay...but, I won't be bringing in as much money. I'll be off work and so many other things," she sighed.

"Emily, we can do this. Our relationship has never been based on everything being equal, right? It's about being equitable. We give and do what we can, and the others pick up the rest. We have only one non-negotiable thing, loyalty. Other than that, each of our needs is addressed and worked through. Isn't this what we've always done, hmm?" I explained.

"It is, sure...but are you both certain?" she asked, again.

I looked at Chrissie, and moved my eyebrows, smiling.

"Em, it's what you need, and we're able to do this with so...yes, darling!" she said, and squealed too loud. They hugged each other, then me, the prospective donor. "So, you can go off the pill any time you want. Just let us know, and I'll make it special for us, okay?" Chrissie smiled, seductively.

"Are you ready to be a father, Tom?" Ems asked me.

"Absolutely, darling. It's a huge step for us all, but the only two people I'd want to do this with are Chrissie and you, okay?" I said.

"And Chrissie, have you given any more thought about a baby for you?" Ems asked.

"Let's take one step at a time, okay. We still have a few years to decide on that. Right now, it's all about you, sweetie. Let's get you fertile, and have a baby!" she giggled.

We had one more drink, our minds all over the place. We needed to settle into this life-changing decision we had committed to. Fuck. I was going to be a bloody father! It felt right just thinking those words.

We finished our drinks, cleared up, and headed upstairs, peering into the spare room, and laughing.

We were surprisingly calm as we readied ourselves for bed. What with the last three days then this surprise, it was a bit too take in. We all peed, brushed and dressed, Chrissie directing Emily to the chair, and grabbing the brush. I slid into bed, and watched them. Chrissie slowly brushed Ems's hair, tenderly touching her cheek, and leaning over and kissing her.

"You do know you're going to be pampered, darling?" Chrissie said.

"I will NOT be pampered, Chrissie. You know better than any of us that pregnancy is not an invalidity! Let's see, though," she smiled. "It might be nice to be even MORE pampered and looked after!"

They shifted into bed, and chatted whilst I tried to sleep. I could hear them discussing cycles, charts and vitamins. [Good, only another year of this, I thought!]

Chapter 100

Six months further, August, Anniversary and Conception?

The most momentous decision we had made was six months ago. Emily did want the baby, even though we had all teased, and vicariously joked about it forever. It was real now. It wasn't a huge adjustment, yet. Emily stopped her contraceptives, and aided by Chrissie's and her charts and a BBT thermometer, they had decided on the 'right' time that she might conceive. I stayed out of this part.

I was at work when I received a message from Emily. I imagined she had been tracking her cycle, and decided that tonight was THE night. We had been through this a few times already, but no conception, even though we all gave it a damn good shot! Our lovemaking persisted unabated throughout the month, but it was just at these special times when we'd 'prepare' a bit more.

Chrissie had put us all on a 'special' diet, not leaving anything to chance, even though I preferred the more spontaneous evenings. Still, if this would increase our chances, who was I to argue? Around the time of conception, Chrissie and Ems would cut back on my single malt, thinking it would inhibit me somehow. It never had in the past, but I went along with it. I'm not sure which of them was most eager!

I was home around six on this particular Friday, both Chrissie and Emily beaming at me as I walked

in. The gleaming look in their eyes was captivating. I handed out the three bouquets, Chloe pouting if I ever forgot her bundle.

It was our first anniversary. Well, the anniversary of when we started wearing our rings. It was all kind of encouraging. We finally decided to try for a baby, and our union's occasion solidified.

"Welcome home, darling," they cooed, and helped me with my suit jacket.

We always chuckled at this delicate foreplay, everyone knowing, but we preferred to dance to the tune this way. Emily slowly undid my tie, and slowly pulled it through my collar, her eyes ablaze with mischievousness.

"Not too stressful today, darling?" she asked, and chastely kissed me, her exotic perfume wafting through my nostrils.

I put my arms around her, pulled to her me, and kissed her forehead, teasing her the way she had come to tease me. My eyes trailed down, her full breasts unhindered by a bra. She leant in and inhaled my after-work scent, her body gently sliding against mine.

"Mine was fine, thanks. And yours? Any news on your next exhibition?" I asked, my hands on her delicious ass.

"We're making progress, sure, but we're still a way off," she replied, hanging my jacket up. "Let's go say hi to the kids. Is Chrissie making us a light supper? I hope that will suffice?" she smiled.

"That sounds wonderful, darling, but really, there's only one thing I'd like to eat tonight," I said, unoriginally.

"Well, let's see if we can't put something in the oven later, hmm?" she said, and we broke into fits of laughter. "We're not very good at this, are we?" she giggled.

"Hey, Ems, we just need to break the tension, and keep it light. We all know this is important to us, but let's just try to be natural. Seriously though, I can't wait to contribute my part to this," I smiled, and swatted her ass.

"You always contribute admirably, Tom," she blushed. Even after all this time, Emily, Chrissie and I would be caught out by a little comment or gesture, and we'd feel self-conscious. After all the intimacy we had shared, it was endearing that we could still bring that out of each other.

I saw Chrissie at the stove, walked to her, embraced her, and kissed her neck. She slyly pushed her butt onto me, wriggling it to and fro.

"Evening, darling. What's cookin'?" I asked.

"This is for the kids. We're having a light chicken salad, okay? We need to make an effort, right?" she smiled, and pushed back again. I swatted her butt, and walked to the kids, busy doing their homework, so I sat with them and put my two cents in.

I expected the conversation to be fraught with tension, as we had so much riding on tonight, but it was all light and easy. We caught up on the day, made plans for the weekend, and just relaxed into

another domestic evening.

I handed them a wrapped present, a photo book of all my candid shots of them over the last year.

"Happy Anniversary," I smiled, and kissed them both.

"It's our...anniversary?" Chrissie asked, shocked and taken aback.

"Well, we don't have an official one because..."I laughed. "But it was a year ago I gave you our rings, and that seems to work for me," I said.

I had embarrassed them both. Fuck!

"I...we had no idea, darling. I'm SO sorry. God! What bad wives we are! Fuck, Tom!" Chrissie said, catching her expletive too late. "I'm so sorry, Tom. I...I hadn't thought about it."

"Hey. Relax, okay? We had never talked about it before, or made anything 'official', so don't worry, all right? Just have the book as a gift, okay? Nothing more," I said, trying to settle them down.

They weren't happy with themselves, but that was out of my hands. I reassured them that it wasn't a big deal, next year, yeah, but not this one. They finally calmed down, and we got on with the evening.

The kids were soon in bed, and we sat in the front room, talking low, holding hands, and gently flirting. Chrissie excused herself to set the bedroom up, as she had done for the last three 'sessions'. Emily and I thought it was so endearing of her, setting a memorable scene for the lovemaking to come. She needed to be a part of this, as much as we wanted her to be.

"I think tonight's the night, Tom," Emily whispered.

"Shhh, darling. No pressure, okay. When it happens, it'll happen. Just...let it be," I said.

"I know, Tom. I've always been so relaxed, but I feel different tonight, darling," she smiled, calm and confident.

"Then let's go make our baby, darling," I smiled, and took her hand.

We held hands and climbed the stairs, our hearts composed and sure. I lightly knocked on the door, and heard Chrissie answer, "Enter, please." Well, she outdid herself tonight!

She had remade the bed, the soft red sheets adding a different allure to our regular white sheets. Emily and I saw the gossamer-thin scarves over the dimmed lights, casting a mellow glow on the room. The lightly scented candles only added to the ambience of what she had prepared for us. Emily spied a plate of cinnamon-covered chocolates we had bought in Paris, and Chrissie had obviously stashed away, and the gentle, ambient seductive music filled the air.

We finally looked at Chrissie! She was wearing a silk, red chemise, again, obviously new. Her hair was loosely braided, her makeup minimal but stunning. She wore a simple silver necklace with a small heart attached. She walked to us, handed me a small package, and took Emily's hand.

"Tom? Would you mind having a quick shower in the kid's bathroom? Take your time, darling...and knock before you come back?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

As if I'd say no, hmm?

Emily's POV

Goodness knows what Chrissie had in mind, but it was bound to be incredible! After all the effort she had put into the ambience, I couldn't wait! She walked to me, wrapped her arms around me, and softly kissed me.

"C'mon, darling. We have things to do," she smiled, undid the buttons on my dress, gently pulling it over my shoulders, and letting it drop to the floor. She leant over, collected the material and laid it on the chair.

"Panties, darling?" she said, her head tilted sideways, and her eyebrows cocked. I did as she asked, slipped the lacy panties down my legs, and handed them to her. She laid them on top of my dress, took my hand and walked me to the shower room. This was different, I thought. Usually, she'd be on her knees, holding and smelling me. At the very least, she'd be breathing in my used panties. What was she up to?

She set the shower up, and motioned for me to get in alone!

"Be quick, darling...and don't get your hair wet, okay," she smiled, and stood there watching me as I tardily gelled my body, rubbing my breasts and waking them up. I loved to be watched, and reveled in her leering gaze. I looked at her as I slowly ran my fingers through my moist labia. She looked, but made no move to join me. This was getting frustrating!

"Won't you join me, darling?" I asked, hopefully.

"Wash!" was the only word she uttered, faux scowling at me.

Oops... I made a show of washing myself, turning around so she could see me cleansing my ass, then bending over too dramatically and washing my legs, my butt sticking out...for her. She didn't even spank me! I casually but seductively washed my neck, the soft cloth sweeping over my body. I even lifted a breast to my mouth, and sucked a nipple in, my moans filling the room. Still, nothing! I could imagine how wet her panties were, though. Her calm exterior may fool me, but not her pussy.

I turned the shower off, and reluctantly took the offered towel, quickly drying myself.

"You're no fun!" I smiled. "You used to be fun," I faux pouted. I saw just a glimmer of a smile in her eyes, but not enough to entice her.

"C'mon, darling. Your husband is waiting," she sighed.

She walked me back to our bedroom, the music and scent enlivening me. She sat me on the lone chair, brushed my hair, applied just a spritz of perfume on my neck, and her slight touches enlivened my desires between my breasts. She fussed with my hair, her small caresses causing my nipples to tingle.

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