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Take Off My Bra

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Sister asks brother to help take off her bra.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Author's Note: The scene with the failed attempts to remove the bra are intentionally over exaggerated to add a little comedy to the story. Please keep that in mind in the comments. Thank you.



Adam heard his sister, Zoe, scream that obscenity from her bedroom upstairs. He was just relaxing on the couch, catching up on some Netflix shows he'd been wanting to watch. He didn't think much about why she screamed that; it only surprised him for a moment before he went back to watch his show. Because he was momentarily distracted, he missed what could've been a key moment in the episode, so he had to rewind it a little to see it again. Of course, he missed that scene again when his sister screamed some more.


Adam had to rewind that scene again, but this time he paused it right before it began to play again. He decided he needed to see what was wrong with his sister before the neighbors started to complain about the foul language she was screaming.

He walked upstairs, knocked on Zoe's bedroom door, and asked what was going on with her. She told him to wait a moment because she was getting dressed. About 20-seconds later, she opened the door fully dressed.

"What's up?" She asked, pretending she was doing nothing wrong that would get her brother's attention.

Zoe was standing there in a pair of light-colored jeans and a tight white shirt that was just translucent enough for Adam to see that she was wearing a black-colored bra underneath. The shirt was also low-cut enough to show off a couple inches of her cleavage, which Adam had a quick look at before averting his eyes when he realized whose cleavage he was looking at.

"What are you screaming about?" Adam asked.

"Nothing, I was just getting dressed," she answered.

"Bullshit," he replied. "With the way you were screaming, something is going on."

"You heard that?"

"Of course, I did. That's why I'm here. So, what's going on?"

Zoe took a moment to think of her answer, but the moment was long enough for Adam to think she was hiding something from him.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's a... the best way I could put it is... a female problem that I'm having."

Adam thought hard about what she was saying and got a surprised look on his face.

"Oh shit, are you pregnant?"

"What? No, you idiot," she replied, with a disturbed look on her face. "How could you think that?"

"I don't know, you seem worried about something, and I know you and Rick have been pretty hot and heavy lately--"

"First of all, Rick and I are over," she began to say.

"Seriously?" Adam interrupted. "You two were just on a date the other night."

"Yeah, and that's when we broke up because he's an ass," she replied. "The second thing I wanted to say is that I'm not going to have a baby for a long damn time. So, hold off on your dreams of being the cool uncle."

"Ok, I'm sorry, but what is going on? You're obviously hiding something from me.

Zoe didn't know what to say. She was having a problem but wasn't sure if her own brother would be the answer to it. It was already an uncomfortable situation for her, and she felt it would be even worse if she asked her brother for the help she needed.

"I can't tell you. It's a girl thing, and I'm not comfortable telling my brother about it."

"Can't you call one of your girlfriends about it?" Adam asked.

"Of course, I tried that genius. But they're all busy right now."

"How about Mom?"

"For this, I need her here, and she can't be, remember?"

Adam and Zoe's parents were on a two-week cruise around the Caribbean. They're already on day 6 of their trip, so they won't be back for a while.

"Well, if you don't want to tell me, at least try to calm down about it so the neighbors won't end up calling the police. All that screaming may make them think you're in trouble or something."

"You're right, I'm sorry," said Zoe. "I can't tell you, my problem. But I promise I'll handle it better."

"At least tell me it's not a matter of life or death, so I wouldn't be too worried about it," said Adam.

Zoe had to laugh a little at that.

"I promise it's definitely not a matter of life or death," she assured him.

They gave each other a quick hug and Zoe went back into her room while Adam went back to watching his TV show that he'd been wanting to finish for a long time.

He thought about what might have been going on with his sister. She assured him it wasn't something too much for him to be concerned about, and that it was a female problem that he probably shouldn't get involved in. But still, she was his younger sister, and he always looked out for her.

Zoe was 19, about two years younger than Adam. She was a little shorter than he was, with short auburn hair. Ever since she started working out with Adam at the gym over a year ago, she has developed a very lean body with curves in all the right places. Adam felt guilty for noticing his sister's body like that sometimes, but he couldn't resist. She had big breasts, a small waist, and a good-sized ass. He tried not to look but sometimes found himself checking her out when she walked by. He hoped that she didn't notice him taking a quick glance at her tits when he spoke with her earlier.

Adam finished his show, plus a few more episodes. He heard her swearing from her room a few more times since then, but not as loud as before.

Later, she joined him for dinner. They heated up one of the dozens of meals their mother made and put in the freezer for them before she went on the cruise. They liked to joke about how their mother went overboard with her cooking and they had enough of her food in the freezer to feed three families.

While they ate, Adam avoided bringing up the subject she was upset about earlier. He figured if Zoe wasn't going to talk about it, then he wasn't going to bring it up either.

Zoe was still wearing her shirt from earlier, and Adam did his best not to look at her cleavage again, but it was hard to resist. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he hadn't been with a girl in over six months at that point because he had been too busy with work and school to go out with anyone. So now, he was getting so sexually frustrated, even his sister was starting to look good to him.

He only found himself jerking off to her just once fairly recently, but not on purpose. A couple of days earlier, when Zoe was out with her now ex-boyfriend Rick, Adam had nothing else for himself to do that night, so he decided to watch some porn and jerk off to release his pent-up sexual energy.

He was trying to focus on the pornstar he was watching on his computer being fucked by two guys when halfway through, Zoe came to his mind. When she left for her date, she was wearing a short black dress that showed off much of her legs and enough of her cleavage on top. He couldn't help imagining how sexy she looked in that dress, and then imagined her taking off the dress in a sexy striptease. He tried to focus on the woman on his computer, but his mind kept going back to Zoe. Soon he was imagining himself fucking his sister in every possible way, and eventually he shot a big load of cum in some tissues he had ready for that moment.

He felt guilty about what he had just done but was glad that he had at least gotten those thoughts about Zoe out of his system. After that, when he was ready to go again off again, and this time his mind was able to focus on the pornstar he was watching. Even the next day, he managed to focus enough to jerk off to another pornstar without Zoe entering his mind.

After dinner, Zoe watched some TV with Adam before going back to her room. Later, Adam went to his room where he played War Mania 7, the newest online multi-player shooter game. He was wearing his headset, talking to his friends, who were in their own homes playing with him in the game. Their players were part of a military unit fighting an alien hoard, who were played by another group of players in Korea.

Adam's team won, and they all logged off. It was at that moment that there was a knock on his door and his sister was asking if she could come in. He told her yes and she entered.

"I thought I heard you finishing your game, so I thought I'd come by," she began to say. "I was hoping I could talk to you about the problem I was having earlier."

"Sure, no problem," said Adam.

Zoe sat on the bed, and Adam went to join her. She was very nervous about what she wanted to say, but Adam didn't pressure her. He let her get to what she wanted to talk about on her own.

"My problem is kind of embarrassing," she began to say. "Obviously, I would normally ask one of my female friends for help, or mom if she was around. Hell, if I was still seeing Rick, I'd probably ask him for this kind of help before I'd ask you. But surprisingly, every woman I know seems to be unavailable, and I can't wait until one of them is available to help me. And, of course, Rick and I are officially over, so I can't go to him. So, after much consideration, I'm left with only you."

"I'm glad I was your final choice," Adam joked. "But whatever this embarrassing problem is, we're adult enough to handle it."

"Please keep what you said in mind," Zoe continued. "Because this isn't just embarrassing, you might end up laughing at me and I need you to promise you won't laugh."

Adam thought about that for a moment.

"I have to be honest with you, I don't think I can promise that," he told her. "If what you tell me is funny enough to make me laugh, I won't be able to help it. Do you remember what Uma Thurman's character from Pulp Fiction said about this similar situation?"

Zoe nodded as she remembered that scene. Uma's character, Mia, was asked not to be offended about something that John Travolta's character wanted to ask her about. Mia explained that she couldn't promise that, because if she did get naturally offended, then through no fault of her own she would break the promise of not being offended. The same thing would go for Adam; if he promised not to laugh, but if there was something funny enough to make him laugh, through no fault of his own, he would end up breaking that promise.

"Ok, fine," Zoe said, feeling very annoyed. "I'll tell you anyway. Hopefully, you won't laugh too much."

"So, what's the problem?"

"I have been stuck wearing this bra for two days now," Zoe finally revealed.

Adam thought about his response for a moment, but all he could say was, "Say what?"

Zoe explained how, after her disastrous date with Rick, when they broke up, she went home and wanted to change into her pajamas and go to bed. But that night, she found that she couldn't take off her bra because something was wrong with the clasp. Feeling frustrated and upset about her breakup with Rick, she decided to let the bra problem go until the next morning. But the next morning, she found that she was still unable to take off her bra.

She couldn't figure out why it was stuck the way it was, but she could only conclude that the clasp was the main problem. She did try turning the bra around her torso so she could look at the clasp, but from the position she was in, she had trouble getting a closer look at that clasp.

She explained how she tried to just lift it over her head, but the underwire around the bottom of it was preventing her from doing so. She had no choice but to admit to her own brother that her breasts were too big to pull the bra over her head. She then told him that she even tried to push it down past her hips to get it off that way, but again, the underwire prevented that from happening. She didn't think she had a big ass, but it was big enough to prevent her from achieving that goal.

After trying multiple ways of getting her bra off, she tried calling her friends for help. Surprisingly, each of them was too busy in one way or another to come to her aid. It was very bad timing that they all couldn't help her with this all at once. The best they could do was offer her some advice about what to do, but none of the advice worked. A couple of them said they could come to her aid in a couple of days when they were ready, but Zoe couldn't wait that long.

Zoe finally called her mother while she was on her cruise for some advice, but she could only offer the same kind of advice that her own friends were offering. When her mother found out that none of Zoe's friends were available to come and help her take off her bra, she suggested she should ask Adam as a last resort. Zoe was appalled by that suggestion and told her so, but at the same time admitted that the thought had crossed her mind that she should go to Adam if all else failed.

So, after two days of trying to take off her own bra, without any success, and the fact that she hadn't taken a shower in two days because of this, which grossed her out, she felt that she had no choice but to go to Adam for help.

"So, that's the story," said Zoe. "Do you think you can help me?"

Adam was just silent. Throughout most of the day, he was pondering what his sister's problem was, but he would never have guessed this was the situation she was having.

"So, are you going to ask me what I think you're going to ask me?" he asked.

"Yes. I need you to help me take off my bra."

After a few seconds of silence, Adam burst out in laughter. Not a big laugh, but enough to make Zoe roll her eyes at him. He really tried not to, for his sister's sake, but he just couldn't resist. Zoe, feeling very embarrassed, got a little flushed in her face. She couldn't blame Adam for laughing; the whole situation was too ridiculous not to.

"I'm sorry, I really tried not to laugh," Adam said as he finally settled down.

"It's OK, I can't blame you," said Zoe. "So, can you please help me or not?"

"Of course, I will. The clasp is probably twisted in some way. It shouldn't take me that long to fix it since I can get a closer look at it than you can."

"Thank you."

"I guess you should..." Adam had to pause a moment to keep himself from laughing again. "I'm sorry. I never thought I'd say this to my own sister. I guess you should take your shirt off for me."

Adam gave another small laugh as he said that.

"I hope you got that out of your system. Because there's one more thing, I need to tell you before I take my shirt off."

"What's that?" Adam asked.

"I chose this bra when I went out with Rick that night, and... well... I was expecting to spend the night with him at his place, so I decided to wear something... sexy."

"Wait, what are you trying to say?"

"You're going to see that that bra is pretty sexy, and revealing," she told him.

Zoe was expecting Adam to laugh again, but to her relief he didn't. Although, Adam himself was the one who felt a little embarrassed this time. He had been having sexual thoughts about his sister lately, due to his long drought of meeting other women, and now he was going to see her in something very sexy, something he had occasionally imagined seeing her in. He would've handled it if it was a standard bra that women would wear on a daily basis, but he wasn't sure how he was going to handle himself when he saw her in something sexy.

"How revealing is it?" Adam asked. "I've seen you in bikinis, so I could be ok with a little--"

"It's a lot more revealing than that."

"This just got more awkward," Adam finally said.

"How do you think I feel?"

"True, it's definitely more awkward for you," said Adam. "But we're both adults. We can get through this without it being too much of a problem."

"I'm glad you said that," said Zoe. "Let's get started."

Zoe took off her shirt without any hesitation and tossed it on the floor. There she sat, wearing nothing but her jeans and the incredibly sexy bra that made Adam gasp. It was a black demi-cup bra made of sheer floral lace fabric. The shoulder straps were very thin, and Adam was surprised that they were able to hold up her large breasts. He had seen her in bikinis before, but never quite like this. He guessed her bra size had to be a 38DD, but he wasn't going to ask.

"You might as well tell me what you think of it now that you've got a good look," said Zoe.

"You did warn me it was sexy, I just had no idea how much," Adam replied. "Rick missed out."

"Indeed, he did," Zoe said with a small giggle. "Ok, let's do this."

Zoe turned around so that Adam could get a good look at the bra's clasp. Adam took a moment to clear his head. He was astonished by how hot his sister looked in that bra. He quickly pushed aside any dirty thoughts he was having and focused on the task at hand.

He tried just unhooking the clasp the standard way; Zoe already told him that didn't work before, but he wanted to get an initial idea of what he was dealing with. It wasn't working, so he began moving it around at different angles to see if it would come loose some other way, but to no avail. He moved his head in closer to get a closer look at the clasp to see what could be the problem.

All of the twisting and turning around behind her was making Zoe uncomfortable. Every time Adam tried to do something with it, it would shake her around and make the bra tighten around her.

"What are you doing back there?" she asked.

"I'm trying to see what I can do to get this thing off of you. "Sorry, if I'm making you uncomfortable."

"I figured you would have more experience taking off a woman's bra's," she joked.

"Trust me, I never have a problem with that issue," he replied. "But this is more complicated than I realized it was going to be."

Adam described how it was hard for him to see the problem because the hooks and the fabric were made of a very dark material. The best he could see was somehow the hooks were tangled and somehow twisted into the fabric of the clasp. And because the fabric around that part is made of thicker material, it was difficult to break it apart. What amazed him was that somehow all the hooks in the clasp got twisted this way all at once. He couldn't imagine how something like this was possible.

"I'm going to need some tools," said Adam.

"Tools? Are you serious?"

"I have no choice."

Adam left the room and went to the garage. He grabbed a few items he thought he needed, put them in an empty tool bag, and went back to his room, where his sister was still sitting on the bed waiting for him. The first thing he grabbed was a mini flashlight to shine on the areas where he had trouble seeing because of the dark material. Zoe was surprised that a flashlight was needed for this task.

Adam then took out a pair of pliers to hold one part of the clasp while he used a pair of needle-nose pliers to try and twist around the hook to pry it loose. He went back and forth on a couple of other tools to try to achieve that task.

"Oh my God, is all this really necessary?" Zoe asked, astonished by what was going on behind her.

"I didn't think it would come to this, but here we are."

Adam couldn't see it, but Zoe smiled and shook her head from the situation she was in. The whole situation is becoming very comedic; she never would have thought that one bra could cause so much trouble.

After a lot of work, Adam finally got that hook free.

"Ok, that's one hook I got undone. I think there are three more to go."

"Oh, thank God, it's almost over," Zoe replied, feeling relieved.

"But before I continue, are you sure this bra is even worth all this trouble?" Adam asked. "It took me fifteen minutes to get that one hook undone. It will probably be the same for each of the other ones. If you want, I can use a wire cutter I brought with me to just cut through the back strap and be done with it."

"No way, I love this bra," said Zoe. "It's not just something I wear when I'm ready to fuck a guy, it works well for a lot of my outfits as well."


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