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Take Your Daughter to Work Day 02

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Father and Daughter porn stars initiate a new performer.
6.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/17/2016
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Alejandro was dreaming of his beautiful, gorgeous Lucinda. Her pretty plump lips were wrapped around his dick and she was giving him the very best blowjob of his life. And the glorious Juana was stroking his balls, waiting jealously for her turn at that tasty cock. But reality was beginning its slow intrusion into his mind. Lucinda, he sadly remembered, was far, far away. She was twenty years ago in another country. And Juana had fled to the States years ago.

But Alejandro had fled to the States himself not too long after that. And with that memory, he came fully awake. He opened his eyes to see Lucinda's daughter Bellarosa with his dick in her mouth. Her eyes were twinkling brightly with fun and delight. She released him long enough to say, "Good morning, Papa!" Then she returned to sucking his cock.

He fell back on the pillow and let her continue. It was a wonderful way to start the morning. With a daughter like Bellarosa, every day was Father's Day and breakfast in bed was a load of hot, fresh cum she sucked out of his balls through his cock.

"Did I ever tell you of my sister Juana?" he asked, still affected by the nostalgia brought on by his dreams.. "You're one of the few I can tell. She taught me how to eat a pussy. She made me practice on her for hours and hours on end, then she started bringing other girls home so I could improve my techniques on them.

"Juana would –oh God, that feels good- she would coach me as I ate these girls out. She would point and say, 'lick here,' or tell me to try and push my tongue inside. Sometimes, she would push my head out of the way and demonstrate what she wanted me to do."

Alejandro was trying to distract himself, to hold off the moment of orgasm. But Bellarosa had gotten too good at sucking cock. And she knew exactly how to please her father. Alejandro could no longer concentrate on the long-ago erotic lessons of his sister Juana when his daughter's tongue was swirling around the crown of his dick right here and now. She was humming lightly, causing vibrations to buzz against the sensitive flesh. She tickled the hairs on his balls, and stroked him up and down with her fingers.

Alejandro tried to hold back. He was a professional. It was his job to come when and where the director wanted him to. But Bellarosa was an artist and he was at her mercy. She had decided to make him come quickly, and she was not going to be denied. When it was clear that he could resist no longer, Alejandro grabbed his daughter's face and thrust his cock deep into her mouth, shooting blasts of fresh cum down her eager throat.

She moaned her acceptance of his gift. "Mmmm-hmmmm. Mmmm-hmmm. Mmmm-hmmm"

And Alejandro groaned his joy as he unloaded on her tongue. "Ohhhhh God. Ohhhhh God. Ohhhhhhhh Go-ha-ha-hod."

Bellarosa held him lovingly in her lips until he was drained. They weren't on set right now. There was no need to show her mouthful of semen to the camera. Without any fuss or ceremony, she simply swallowed down her Papa's babymakers, sending her delicious little brother and sister wannabes to digest in her tummy, a nice little protein shake to start the morning right.

Bellarosa let the dick slip out of her mouth and got up off the bed. There was a gloating smile on her face as she informed him "Four minutes, forty-seven seconds. I win again. You'll never make ten minutes. I promise."

"I have played this game with many, many little sluts who thought they could best me. Your winning streak will not continue. You put me at a disadvantage by starting before I wake up. Some might call it cheating."

"And some might say that old, decrepit men who can barely get it up in the first place might have an advantage in taking forever to come."

"Fuck you, you little cunt. I can pop a log anytime, anywhere."

But Bellarosa was done playing. The day was begun and she was eager to get started. "Hurry up, Papa! We can't be late. You're directing me in a scene with the new guy today. I hope he's not ugly."

The boy was not at all ugly. Alejandro had personally recruited him, knowing how good he would look in front of a camera. He strongly suspected the new guy would be a natural in this business, if he could be talked into entering it.

Ninety minutes later, shaved and showered, he stood in front of David's door and knocked. Bellarosa was already waiting at the studio. Jill was teaching her how to use the cameras and the editing suites to give her more options in the industry. She would be shooting with David as soon as Alejandro got him to the set. David just didn't know it yet.

The door opened and that handsome face appeared from behind it, scowling and irritated, but still gorgeously male. "Look," he said. "I think I've changed my mind. This whole thing makes me a little uncomfortable."

His mom wanted him to be a porn star, for some bizarre reason. But he was trying hard to resist this path. She had arranged this tour with her friend Alejandro, hoping her son would be unable to resist its lures. He wasn't sure how his mom knew this man, and didn't want to think about it too closely. His inability to even discuss the topic with her had led to this moment.

"My dear son," she had explained to him the night before, "You are the light of my life and my very reason for being, but you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I'm afraid."

He had tried again to apologize for the extra years it had taken him to finish high school, but she would not hear of it.

"My boy, I do not blame you for your lack of brains. There is a streak of stupidity that runs in this family and you are simply a victim of bad genes."

He had explained that his jeans were perfectly fine, and that the streak on them was not stupidity but ketchup from when he forgot to get a paper plate for his sandwich. She had given him a sad, fond look and continued her lecture.

"The one thing you seem to be truly good at is fucking girls."

"Mom!" he had protested.

"You try to hide your sexual activities from me, but you are not brilliant, my son. For future reference, there is no mail service at two o'clock on Sunday morning delivered by two girls in their underwear, 19-year-old physics professors do not tutor busboys in the shower, and saving somebody from choking is not called the 'Heinrich Maneuver,' nor is it performed by probing a girl's tonsils with your penis."

Embarrassed, David had been unable to think of a way to defend himself from her assault. All he could say was, "I'm sorry."

"I don't want you to be sorry. You have a talent. Girls like your dick. There's a way to make that into a career. Alex Rivera, the porn star, will be coming by tomorrow to take you on a tour of a studio that produces porn movies. If you're smart, or if you hire someone who's smart, you could star in a few movies, and invest some money toward your future."

David didn't want to be a porn star. He wasn't sure why exactly, but it wasn't supposed to be a good thing. Porn stars were bad people. They were like Republicans or cab drivers or landlords, people who did bad things but not bad enough to go to jail. He also didn't like his mom knowing that he was having sex. That was embarrassing. But he hadn't been able to think of a way to get out of the plans she'd made.

"We're just touring the studio," Alejandro assured him. "You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

David had already agreed to this, so despite his misgivings, he allowed himself to be talked into the tour. And Alejandro assumed that much of the boy's reluctance would evaporate once he saw the sights. There were very few heterosexual males who would not jump at the chance to visit a porn studio.

If David's mother hadn't arranged this, he would probably be more enthusiastic. A boy doesn't like his mother to get him girls. And he doesn't like his mother to know when his dick is hard. His dick was likely to be hard most of this day and his mother would certainly be aware of that. Alejandro remembered the day his own mother took him on a tour of the brothel she owned. For David, this was probably similar.

The tour went as planned. The girls were friendly and sexy. The guys talked sports and beer. David got to watch Delicia Spice get fisted by Angela DeVille and fucked in the ass by Peter Hardwood. Then they had lunch.

When they arrived at Studio #3, everything was in readiness. The contracts were not yet signed, but that could wait. Those were mostly the performer's permission to sell images and videos that he or she appeared in. They were also a safeguard in case a performer claimed to have been forced or coerced, but as long as they kept the cameras and mikes running, that should take care of itself.

"This is Rosie Bell," Alejandro said, introducing his daughter by her porn name. "She's one of our up and coming stars here. Rosie, this is David. He's considering coming to work for us."

"Are you busy right now?" she asked the new guy.

"Not right at the moment. I'm just taking the tour."

"Tour's over," Alejandro said. The other sets are closed today. No drop-ins."

"Then I guess I'm not busy," David said.

"I need your help," Bellarosa told him, quickly going into character, taking his arm and leading him off.

Alejandro excused himself, pretending to a phone call that needed making. Instead, he retreated to the director's booth. This suite was equipped with a dozen hidden cameras so they could film in 360 degrees and not catch the tech crew in the shot. Alejandro made sure everything was recording and chose which cameras to make active.

Inside the studio, Bellarosa led David to an upright metal hoop on a wooden, wheeled frame. It was a new piece of equipment she'd designed herself and talked the construction crew into making for her. "I need to test this thing," she explained to David. "They won't let me use it in a scene until I can prove it works and is safe. But I need help."

Alejandro smiled as she gave her spiel. It wasn't completely an act. Everything she'd said was true, and it had been her idea to turn her frustrations over her device into a method of seducing the new guy.

"What can I do?" David offered.

"I need you to bind me into it. Secure my wrists in the cuffs at the top of the hoop, tie my knees to the wide points of the circle on either side, and put my ankles in the cuffs at the downward arcs. Then stay with me until I'm ready to be released."

"Is it safe?"

"Absolutely. One hundred percent. Probably. I think. That's what we're trying to find out"

"Why me?"

"Everyone else is busy. This place is a madhouse. Nobody ever stands still."

"All right," David agreed. "I'll help."

"Hang on," Bellarosa said. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and threw them in a trunk off to the side. "Okay. Now I'm ready. It's intended to be used by naked girls. The test needs to be accurate."

David was trying to keep his eyes on Bellarosa's face, to be polite and respectful, but she noticed and called him on it. "Don't be so silly. I'm a porn star. Many, many people have seen me naked. Don't fuck up this test by keeping your eyes closed. Get me locked in the hoop and you can feast your eyes all you want."

David secured her in place and put the key safely in his pocket. He watched in aroused awe as Bellarosa struggled in her bonds, trying her best to escape, making sure that it would not be possible. She looked like she was crouched down, standing on her tiptoes, her arms over her head in a ballet pose. But she wasn't actually touching the floor.

"Do me another favor," she called. "This thing is supposed to pivot in the middle. Push on the top of the hoop and make sure it works like it's supposed to."

David approached, uncomfortably aware of how hard his dick was. When he was standing in front of Bellarosa, her face was inches away from his crotch. She would very likely see the tent pole in his jeans. Standing as far away as he could, he pushed on the top of the hoop. It moved easily, Bellarosa's face swinging back, down, and away and her legs moving up and toward him. She was like one of those little soccer players in a foosball table.

He pulled her back toward him, enjoying the control he had over her. "Does this thing go all the way around?" he asked, sorely tempted to turn this naked girl upside down. She was totally at his mercy and he was learning the thrill of that power.

"It should. Try spinning me," Bellarosa said. "Spin me hard."

David stood to the side, grabbed the top of the hoop, and shoved it down toward the floor as hard as he could before letting go. Bellarosa spun like a gyroscope inside her hoop, squealing "Eeeeeeeeeeee!" as she went ass over tea kettle again and again and again.

She gradually slowed and finally came to a stop upside down, facing the back of the room, her legs wide and fixed in their spread position. David found himself staring down at her open, vulnerable pussy and the tight squinch of her asshole. He wanted to finger those holes and spank that ass. Dark thoughts of domination and rape bubbled in his brain, resisting his attempts to banish them.

"Do it," Bellarosa urged him, loving the dizziness from her spin, feeling David's hot gaze on her bare cunt, and sensing the direction of his thoughts. "Whatever you're thinking right now, go ahead and do it."

Her voice broke the spell he was under. He shook his head and took a deep breath, regaining control of his mind. "Umm...What?" He asked, embarrassed at where his thoughts had taken him.

"Or don't," Bellarosa said with disappointment.

Inside the control room, Alejandro merely smiled. The boy was hers. There was no doubt. She had lost this one battle, but the final victory was not in question. David was surely conquered. And it was all on video. This was a bizarre, gonzo approach to a scene, but Bellarosa would get a director's credit for this one. Alejandro was pushing the buttons and choosing the cameras, but even bound and helpless, his gorgeous daughter was in control of the action.

"Turn me right side up," Bellarosa demanded. David obeyed, turning the hoop back around, but letting his eyes wander a little more freely over her body as she moved under his hands.

"Do me another favor," she asked.

"Let you loose?" he suggested.

"Put your dick in my mouth," she corrected him.


"Really, you'd be doing me a huge favor. Guys love to grab a girl's head and yank her back and forth on their cock. But it's hard to film because the hands get in the camera's way. If you'll stick your dick in my mouth, you can push me back and forth by holding onto the top of the hoop. If it works, I've got a new technique. So I need to see if it works."

"I can push you back and forth, but are you sure you want me to put my..."

"Dick. Yes. Your cock. Your prick. Your penis. Take it out and put it in my mouth. Better yet, take your pants completely off. Put them on top of the trunk where I put my clothes. But don't let that key fall out of the pocket."

Alejandro watched with pride as Bellarosa manipulated her victim. David had nervously looked toward the door before stripping out of his clothes, but the clever girl assured him that nobody would be coming in for at least another hour and a half.

Once naked, his cock hard and throbbing in response to the naked girl offering to blow him, David came back to stand by Bellarosa's hoop. She opened her lips, inviting him to claim her mouth.

After just a moment's hesitation, he did so, pushing his dick into that sweet, lipsticked orifice. David loved getting blowjobs. He loved the squeeze of soft, wet female lips sliding up and down his grateful cock and the stroke of a female tongue caressing and massaging his most sensitive flesh. A pussy was a wonderful place to spend one's passion, a deep, secret, feminine vault made by nature to receive a man's seed. But a woman's mouth was so versatile, her lips gripping and twisting, tensing and relaxing, and her tongue was a tentacle, tickling, tasting, teasing.

David had fucked many a woman's mouth. Twenty-seven females had eagerly coaxed him into giving up his creamy DNA. But Bellarosa had more talent in the tip of her tongue than most women could demonstrate in their lips and pussies combined. David soon reached his point of no return, faster than he'd ever reached that goal before.

His entire body tense and vibrating, his cock throbbing, he pumped hot cum into Bellarosa's waiting mouth. Her lips held him tight and firm, refusing to let go, collecting his offering on her tongue.

When he was spent, when he'd filled the bound girl's cheeks with the product of his now-empty balls, he pulled out and staggered away, barely able to stand. Bellarosa lifted her head, smiled at the hidden camera she knew was trained on her face, and opened her lips to show off the mouthful of semen she'd taken from David.

In the control booth, Alejandro zoomed in on his daughter's face. He'd proudly watched her bring David from reluctant tourist to active porn star. And he'd performed like a real champ. That was a goodly amount of goo he'd deposited in her mouth. With the camera trained on her, Bellarosa displayed the cum, swallowed it, then opened wide to show it was gone.

Unfortunately, her device was not as functional as she had hoped. "Get me out of this thing," she told David. He tried to put on his pants first, but she wasn't done with him yet. "Just get the key. Hurry up, I'm cramping."

He released her, and she made a big show of stretching and twisting to get out the cramps. "Do me a favor and massage my shoulders, will you?"

There was no way a heterosexual man was going to refuse to help out a naked woman, especially when it meant touching her gorgeous body. David rubbed and squeezed her shoulders and arms, then moved down to her back and ass. She had him kneel down in front of her and rub down her thighs and calves.

Bellarosa had practiced certain exercises for years on the advice of her aunt and grandmother in the brothel. Now she flexed the muscles those exercises had developed. David's eyes went wide with surprise when her pussy opened and closed in front of his face.

She kept a close eye on the new guy's crotch as she played him. He was a young man and she expected him to recover quickly from his earlier orgasm. And she strongly suspected he was genetically predisposed to be a master cocksman anyway. When she saw his dick bobbing and waving between his crouched legs, she figured it was time to move on.

"Thank you, David. You did great. I'm feeling loose and limber again. You've done me a lot of favors today. Now it's time for me to do one for you."

"Not necessary," the gallant young man said. But his curiosity got the better of him. "What favor?"

"I'm gonna let you fuck me. Go sit in that chair."

Not even pretending to resist anymore, David did as she said, planting his naked butt in the easy chair Bellarosa had indicated. She waited till he was seated, then followed him, letting him watch as she strutted and sashayed toward him.

"You ever been to a strip club, David?" she asked, standing at his side and leaning in close, dangling her hair against the side of his face.

"Yeah," he admitted. David loved strip clubs.

Bellarosa kissed his ear, licked it, softly spoke into it, "Topless or full nude?"

"Um...usually nude."

"Good boy," Bellarosa commended him. "What's the point of that little scrap of thong anyway? You're cheating yourself if you settle for that. Did you ever buy yourself a lap dance?"

"Yeah." No point in denying it.

"Of course you did," she murmured. "Of course you did. That's the whole point, isn't it? A naked girl writhing in your lap, grinding her pussy against your crotch. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah. Of course."

"Yes. Naturally you enjoyed it. But let me tell you a little secret, David. A lap dance feels so much fucking better when the guy is naked too. Have you ever had one of those?"


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