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Taking Jenn's Mom Ch. 04

Story Info
Jenn move in with Sandra and Nathan.
3.6k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 07/11/2011
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AUTHOR"S NOTE: Thank you for all your comments and feedback and suggestions. I've got ideas for a few more chapters. Please keep reading!



That's the only word to describe the reaction probably each of us experienced. Jenn, walking out of her bedroom, naked, to be greeted by the sight of her mother on top of her boyfriend - was stunned.

I, seeing Jenn followed from her room by a man at least ten years my senior, was stunned.

Sandra, seeing Rick - her ex-husband and Jenn's dad - follow her out of the bedroom to the shower, was stunned.

Rick, seeing his ex-wife riding a strange man on the couch, may not have been stunned by that. But was definitely stunned by being caught fucking his daughter.

Sandra leapt off me quickly and started for Rick. Shouting and punching at him, naked from the waist down, she threw everything she had at him.

"You bastard! You've been fucking your own daughter?! For how long? I want to know! Tell me, you fuck!" she screamed through her tears.

Jenn had moved to the bathroom and closed the door. Rick was defending himself against Sandra's blows and hopping to the bedroom where he locked himself in and presumably left through the fire escape. We did not see him again.

I buckled my pants and went to pull my pregnant Sandra off Rick, but he had since locked the door between them. I pulled her trembling body up from the floor and brought her to the couch where she covered herself up with a throw before pulling up her panties.

"Sandra," I said, kissing her head as I held her, "I don't want to leave you here, but If I don't get to this job interview, I won't get another shot."

"I know. Go. I'll be fine. I need to talk with Jenn anyway," she sniffed.

"I'll see you at home when I'm through," I promised. I left without saying anything to Jenn.


The job interview went well and I was offered a job as a Case Manager. I had a friend there who was able to overlook the incident at the group home and I'd be working with mostly elderly people.

I was introduced to Megan who would orient me on Monday. She was a well built woman of about thirty who seemed to know her way about and was quite friendly as well. Her airy personality and her pretty face were a breath of fresh air compared to the recent stressors at home.

While I was getting to know my way around, I noticed a voicemail from Sandra.

"Hey, it's me. I told Jenn about us. And the pregnancy. She didn't take that too hard, but I think she's in a bit of shock. So am I really. She's coming back with me and I guess we can talk more at home." Sandra's message ended.

On my way home, I stopped to pick up something easy for dinner. Sometimes food acts as oil on troubled water.

I arrived back at the apartment at three and both Sandra and Jenn were there. Their faces were clearly red and spent from crying and I got the sense that a lot of issues had been talked about.

"So what's going on," I asked, placing the groceries on the counter.

"I guess our little situation today is more than just a one time thing," Sandra spoke.

"I gathered that," nodding.

"Apparently, Rick's been having sex with Jenn since her eighteenth birthday - for money. She'd go back to his house and he'd pay her a couple hundred dollars to have sex with him. I guess that's what paid the rent," Sandra explained.

Jenn was lying on the love-seat, silent.

"Not only that, but the rent never got paid. Once you left, the landlord came up and demanded she pay fifteen-hundred dollars or leave the premises. He threatened to get the police, so I brought her here," Sandra sighed, staring at the ground.

"Is she going to stay here?" I asked.

"Well, it's not my first choice," she glared at me, clearly understating the fact that I had impregnated both of these women.

I brought Sandra into the kitchen. "Do you think that there's the slightest chance Rick might be Jenn's baby's father?" I asked, hopefully.

"After today, I wouldn't be surprised at anything. But Rick's sterile. He couldn't make a baby with me, why would he be able to with Jenn. I clearly wasn't infertile," she said, rubbing the bump of her belly.

"So," she said, continuing, "She's here for the time being until other arrangements can be made. I'm her mother, I'm going to act like it. She is a very vulnerable girl and I expect you to treat her as such. I'm heading out to get Jenn her medication. I need to trust you, Nathan. I know you're attracted to her, but as awkward as this is, if I think you're betraying me with Jenn, I don't know what I'll do."

"Understood," I answered rolling things around in my mind, "I thought she was off meds."

"It's just a vitamin oil to help with the stretch-marks. It needs to be applied three times a day."

"How'd she take the news of the pregnancy?" I asked.

"Better than I thought. She's - I mean we both are, really - looking forward to bonding with two kids the same age. There is a silver lining to the cloud, I guess, if you look for it."

"What's the cloud?" I questioned with mock ignorance.

"Well, sharing you for one. The fact that our babies will have the same father. Shall I go on?" she replied.

"No. I get it." I said as she picked up her purse.

"I love you," Sandra said, kissing me on the cheek.

She headed out the door and I went to the main room to check on Jenn. I sat down on edge of the love-seat and touched her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't be. We both weren't honest with each other. I'm sorry too. This whole thing is just so fucked up," she offered.

Jenn was wearing grey sweatpants and a loose grey shirt. I lifted her up to hug her and she embraced me tightly.

I inhaled her scent deeply, drawing her close to me as her own breathing quickened and we both started crying, sobbing into each other until we couldn't cry any more. It felt good to hold Jenn again after so long, to feel her soft curves. I kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I don't think Sandra would approve," she said, her tears giving way to a smile.

"It was just a hug and a light kiss. I'm supposed to be supportive," I argued. We kissed some more. Slow, languid and dreamy. Jenn's kisses were like a little breath of heaven, easy to get lost in. Her lips were soft, plump and pouty and when I looked at the clock, it appeared that we'd been making out for nearly ten minutes. The pharmacy wasn't all that far away and Sandra would be back soon.

Fortunately the new job would keep me away from Jenn for part of the day. It took every ounce of my willpower to keep from ripping Jenn's sweats off and fucking her right there on the love-seat. This arrangement was going to be difficult.

I moved to the kitchen and figured I'd start cooking something nice and perhaps get the new arrangement of to a nice start. I looked in the cabinet and pulled out some San Marzano tomatoes and some pasta. Jenn got off the sofa and wrapped a green apron around her ample curves.

"What are we making?" she chimed, doing her best to be cheerful.

With a phony Italian accent, I replied, "We-a going to make-a my special italian sauce-ah."

"Hmm, what can I do to help you with your special sauce?" she offered with all the innuendo.

This was treading VERY dangerous ground. Sandra was due to be home shortly and the atmosphere was very sexually charged.

"Do you want me to take care of the meat," she licked her lips.

"Or maybe I should handle the sausage," she added

"Jenn, we should stop," I protested.

"Shhhhh." she put her finger to my lips and kissed my chin, then my neck.

Fumbling with my belt, she unsnapped my pants and let them fall to the floor. She then pulled my boxers down.

On her knees with my growing cock in her hand she said, "I missed your cock so much, baby."

"It missed you too," I backed up bracing myself against the counter.

"Does Sandra suck your cock as good as me?" she asked, looking up at me doe-eyed, "Does she fuck you with her tits like me, Baby?"

I remained silent, nervous that Sandra might return.

Jenn rose from the floor. Taking my hand, she led me to the love-seat. As I pulled up my pants, she pulled her sweatpants and panties down over the curve of her more than ample hips. Facing the rear of the love-seat, ass in the air, her pussy glistening from her juices - I found her irresistible.

"You see," she started, "The problem with my mother is she can't share. As long as I can have you when I want, I don't mind what you do with her. Now fuck me with that big cock of yours."

Unsure of myself but raging hard, there was little question which side would win out. I entered her slowly from behind, gradually quickening my pace.

"That's it babe! That's so good! Fill me up with that giant dick!" she cried.

My meat was now plunging in and out of her slit as her cheeks jiggled and shook from the pounding. I pulled out and sat on the other side of the love-seat where Jenn mounted me once again, still facing away. In the reflection of the television I could see her curves shaking with the force of every time she slammed her considerable weight on top of me. Her belly was much more pronounced now from the pregnancy and she lifted up her black t-shirt to expose it.

I grabbed the meat of her hips as her breathing quickened. A dewey coat of sweat covered her as I struggled to force the entire length of my shaft into her eager cunt.

"That's it lover! Fuck your little girl! Own me with that cock, Daddy!" she screamed.

With those words, my loins tightened and I was about to spray my cream into Jenn when we both heard the doorknob twist. The door opened but was held back by the chain-lock.

A look of panic flashed over Jenn's face as she bolted upright and pulled her sweatpants back on hurriedly. I pulled my own on as well.

"Hey! Open up!" I heard Sandra say impatiently as my cock twitched in my pants. I tried to hold back but couldn't control myself. A few spurts of cum plastered the inside of my pants and a half-dollar sized stain grew near my pocket.

I rushed to the kitchen and tucked a dishcloth over my belt as Jenn feigned frustration with the lock.

Our hearts still racing both from desire and panic, Jenn unchained the door, letting Sandra and her bags enter.

"Why was the door locked?" Sandra questioned.

"Just habit, I guess," said Jenn.

"Oh honey, you looked flushed! You should go lay down. I've got your cream and I'll help you with it if you want," Sandra said to Jenn as I chopped up onions and garlic for sauce.

Jenn went in the bedroom and Sandra joined me in the kitchen. She kissed me and let her hands move up and down my body, lingering over my still tumescent pole.

"Mmmm, is this for me?" she cooed playfully, "Maybe after the kids go to bed, the grown-ups can play. I got two things of cream." She kissed me and then looked down.

"Hey," she started, "I'm sorry to have sounded like a bitch before. I mean, everything's so crazy and happening so fast. My emotions are like a roller coaster. Do you understand?"

"I think so. Maybe I sound like a broken record, but I'm going to have to be strong for all of us, and both our babies," I said.

"I know. I just don't like to share," she winked.

"Sandra. I'm going to love these two children equally. Do you think my heart is so small that there's not enough love for both you and Jenn?" I asked.

"To tell the truth, it's not a question I've had to ask before," she said.

"Actually, Sandra - you have - only the answer Rick gave you wasn't one you wanted."

The sauce started boiling. I went to the counter to throw the noodles in and quickly chopped up a salad. Sandra set the table and Jenn came out of the room for dinner.

We ate in near silence. The air was pregnant with unasked questions about our new living arrangements and who would sleep where and what our future would hold.

We finished eating and Sandra said to Jenn, "I probably should show you that oil. I'll help you with your back. I'll meet you in the bedroom."

"Let's do it on the couch, It's time for 'Lost' and I haven't been keeping up," she implored.

As I stacked the dishes in the machine and cleaned the counters, Jenn lay on the couch and Sandra lifted her shirt up. I watched, mesmerized, as Sandra squeezed a moderate amount of the gel on her back. Stretch marks from her weight gain were visible on her sides and back and Jenn shivered as Sandra rubbed the slick oil over her back and sides.

Sandra unsnapped Jenn's bra and lifted her shirt up further. She caught me looking.

"See, it's not that easy to share, is it?" Sandra said with a smile.

FInished with the dishes, I went to the living room to enjoy the show. I sat in the comfy chair across from them, my cock straining against the fabric of my pants. Jenn rolled over, exposing her belly.

"Mom, can you do my belly too," as Sandra drizzled the viscous gel all too willingly over Jenn's growing belly.

"Only if you do mine. This stuff kind of tingles. It smells good too! What is that, rosemary?" Sandra massaged the oil all over Jenn's stomach. Jenn lifted her rear up and rolled the waistband of her sweats to just below her hips.

Sandra cupped her hands over Jenn's abdomen and mock-yelled, "Hello baby! This is Grandma! Can you hear me?"

My cock was raging at this point and Sandra kissed Jenn's belly.

"I think this needs to move to the bedroom," I said. I received in reply only scornful glares.

"I think someone needs to grow up," Jenn said with a wink, "This is just two women bonding over their babies. It's the most natural thing in the world, you don't need to sexualize it."

"It's hard for me not to. The two sexiest women in the world are having an oil party while I have to watch! This is torture!" I sighed.

Jenn sat up while Sandra lifted up her shirt. Her belly was not as pronounced as Jenn's. She got on her knees before her and slathered the rich, earthy smelling lotion over Sandra's smooth tummy.

"Oh God, honey! That feels incredible!"

Jenn continued massaging the oil into Sandra's flesh when she unbuttoned her shorts to give Jenn greater access. Unconsciously, I was rubbing my cock through my pants. This action caught Sandra's eye.

"Hey! Quit touching yourself. You've got two pregnant ladies here. You should be helping us!" Sandra barked, "Jenn, let's get to the bedroom and see if lover-boy can really treat us equally like he says."

Sandra continued, "We'll be in the bedroom. You wait till we're ready."

After about five minutes, I was beckoned into the bedroom where the girls were face-down, each covered with a white sheet. The tube of gel was between them and the CD player was playing some new age music Sandra liked. A candle was flickering on the window sill. I knelt between them on the bed and poured the lotion onto my hand. I warmed it up between my palms and applied them to Sandra's shoulders.

"Oh God, I love a massage," she moaned.

Jenn remained still on her side while I worked up and down the length of Sandra's fit and shapely curves. She was completely naked under the sheet but utterly comfortable in the relaxed atmosphere. After about fifteen minutes of working on Sandra, I turned my attention to Jenn.

Jenn, although she had gained weight, was still very tight. Rubbing the oil into her made it easier for me to appreciate how exquisitely sculpted her curves were. After ten minutes, her cocoa skin shone in the flickering candlelight. The pulsing music was hypnotic. I removed myself from the bed to remove my own oil-soaked clothes and Jenn grabbed Sandra's hand.

"Get close to me Sandra. Let's let the babies feel each other's heartbeats."

Sandra slowly mover toward Jenn. They grabbed each other and pressed their slick flesh together. What started as a brief touch turned into an embrace and then I lost my breath when Jenn kissed Sandra right on the mouth. Their lips explored each other lightly at first but soon their limbs and lips became more frenzied.

I completely undressed and got behind Sandra. I whispered into her ear, "She's hard to resist, isn't she."

Sandra moaned in agreement as she continued the kiss. I pulled her face toward me to kiss her and she curled up to the headboard. She kissed me hard and passionately. Jenn came over and kissed the both of us, then just Sandra, then her neck and then took her breasts in her hand and kissed each of those lingering to suck on a nipple. She kissed her belly and then got between her legs and started kissing Sandra's slick shaved pussy.

Sandy's head was lolling in a sort of ecstasy as Jenn probed her juicy engorged folds with her tongue. The adjusted their position so that Jenn was eating her out and bent over the bed. I saw my opportunity and shoved my rock hard weapon into her cunt from behind. I could see than Jenn was also finger-fucking her and that Sandra was coiling the sheets in her hands.

I was in a state of hyper - turn-on-edness. Watching Sandra squirm and wiggle in euphoria; gasping and moaning and Jenn ate out her mom's pussy while I reamed Jenn's slippery oiled body from behind.

"Oh, honey! You lick me so good. You're getting me close. Can you taste how wet I am for you? Oh, baby - you're going to make mummy cum!" Sandra whispered as her hand lovingly stroked her daughter's smooth black hair.

Jenn responded by sticking another finger into Sandra's tight pink ass. Sandra's soft moans grew to cries of rapture as she built up to a sweaty climax.

"Oh Jenny! I didn't know that could feel so good! I'm going to cum! I'm cumming baby!"

As her body seized up in ecstasy, Sandra's fingernails dug into the glistening smooth skin of Jenn's shoulders-leaving raw scratch marks. Jenn continued lapping at her swollen cunt until Sandra's orgasm had subsided.

I pulled out of Jenn and drew Sandra down to me. I spread her long shapely legs and lifted them above my shoulders. Jenn took this opportunity to position her sopping pussy right above Sandra's face. If Sandy had any apprehension about eating out her own daughter, she didn't show it. She obliged willingly, grabbing Jenn's considerable rear and forcing her down. Jenny leaned into me and kissed me fully as I sunk my meat into her mother.

Jenn's breathing was heavy and her skin was coated with lotion and sweat. Her moans of contentment were building into gasps. I took one of Jenn's slick oiled melons and squeezed it, pinching the nipple. This elicited another moan from Jenn.

"Oh babe, this is so good with the three of us. It's how I hoped it would be."

I slammed my shaft further into Sandra and as I felt her cunt close around me, Jenn ground her own puss into Sandra's face.

"I'm going to cum!! I'm so close! Make me cum!" Jenn wailed.

I was close myself and as Jenn let herself be consumed with claiming her own release, Sandra was writhing in her own ecstasy beneath her. I wasn't sure I could let these two finish and was just barely able to hold off when Jenn dismounted and collapsed on the bed.

Blast after sticky blast of pearl strands shot all over Sandra. She immediately started rubbing the gooey mess all over her belly but my seed still sprayed, possibly from being denied release earlier. Milky ropes of cum continued spewing onto Sandra's tits. Jenn spooned into her mother and licked my cum off her nipple as the last of my juice trickled out.

None of us spoke a word as we settled into the bed. I lay between them, intoxicated by the love of these two beautiful women. They fell asleep contented.

At three I woke up from Jenn touching me. I kissed her and found my cock hard as steel. I got on top of her and we made love to each other slowly, silently, and deliberately while her mother slept beside us. I let her build up and rubbed her clit with my finger as I slowly moved the length of my meat inside her. She shuddered silently, stifling her gasps by biting into my shoulder. I came inside her, owning her with my seed.


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