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Tales of the eKids:.. Ch. 06

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The eKids get stronger; the glaciers get weaker.
6.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/10/2004
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Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy

© 2004 by Andrew Wiggin

Part 20

The Attorney General of the United States thought that first he'd try the easy way. He had his secretary place a call to (where was it?), Statesboro, Georgia. He thought, 'we won Georgia pretty easily. Maybe they'll do what I tell them to do without too many questions.'

His phone buzzed and he picked it up. "Whom am I speaking to?"

"This is Chief McArthur of the Statesboro Police Department."

"Chief, Bill Ashton here. The President asked that I give you a call. There's a bit of a problem in your neck of the woods and we thought you would be the man to help us clean it up."

"Well, Mr. Attorney General, is there something going on down here that I don't know about? Everything is pretty quiet, far as I can tell."

"Yes, well, it's these individuals that call themselves 'New Man'. After a thorough investigation it has been determined that they are not human beings and in fact may be a serious subversive threat to the United States of America. We have decided that in their own best interests we should place them in protective custody. Then we can safely determine exactly how extensive a threat they are to society."

There was a pause at the other end of the line. Finally he heard, "Are you asking me to arrest the entire population of New Man University? Do you know how many kids they have there? It's something like a couple thousand, maybe more. My lockup handles eight perps at most. Where the hell do you want me to put them?"

The A.G. realized no one had thought of this particular contingency. Hell, no one had thought of any particular contingency. He was flying by the seat of his pants on this crazy whim of the Vice President's.

"Well, Chief, how about you just place the campus under martial law. Put a few officers at the entrances and don't allow anyone in or out. Then I'll organize things at my end and we'll handle it from there on out."

There was another pause at the other end of the line, and the A.G. imagined that this particular chief of police must think him to be one crazy motherfucker.

"Ahem. Uh, Mr. Attorney General, do you have federal warrants to arrest these kids?"

"Well, not exactly. Since they aren't human, it's been decided that those formalities are unnecessary. We just want you to place them in custody. We'll take it from there."

The A.G. heard the Chief snort at the other end of the line.

"Well, Mr. Attorney General", (the A.G. imagined he heard contempt in the voice of this small town cop). "To be perfectly frank, they are about the best citizens we have around here. That campus has been there for almost ten years and we haven't had a single complaint from anyone. The only time me or any of my officers has been there was for events we were invited to. And now you're telling me that some bean counter in Washington has decided that these kids aren't human? And you wantme to arrest the whole kit and caboodle of them? Without a warrant? No offense sir, but do you think I've lost my mind?"

The A.G. was getting angry. Why can't this dumb-ass local cop just do as he is told?

"Chief, if you can't handle legitimate requests from the President of the United States of America, I guess I'll have to find a patriotic officer whocan. I'll give this assignment to the County Sheriff."

"Mr. Attorney General, you won't find a cop in Georgia who will carry out this nutty assignment. Did you know that New Man Incorporated has paid for the schooling of tens of thousands of the kids of Georgia cops?

"Hell, they sent two ofmy own kids through the University of Georgia. I happen to know that the Sheriff of Buford County has a kid in college right now, Wake Forest I think it is. And New Man Inc. has given him a free ride.

"You go calling him to arrest those little kids and he'll tell you to stick the phone up your ass. No offense intended, sir."

With that, the Chief of Police of Statesboro, Georgia hung up on the Attorney General of the United States of America. It never failed to amaze him the bullshit those rear-echelon motherfuckers in Washington could come up with. He decided to place a call to Drew Adkins.

Part 21

"Hi, Daddy!" Emma Adkins was always pleased to speak to her father. She loved him madly.

"Emmy, it's shit hitting fan time. I just got a call from the Chief of Police. The feds are going to be after us as soon as they can find someone willing to do it. My guess is they'll call out the National Guard. What defenses do you have in place?"

"Daddy, we're ready for them. Our first line of defense is the old 'hide in plain sight' thing we thought up. I'm pretty sure that will hold them for a while."

When New Man University was in its planning stages, Andrew Adkins had engaged an architectural firm to design a modern campus with an antebellum feel about it. The buildings were well under way before Andrew found that his brilliant little boys had a better idea – build the whole thing underground. Emma (all of seven years old at the time) had convinced him to finish the buildings that had been started and then build the boys' design about a half mile down the road.

Any maps that showed the location of New Man University retained the old coordinates. Any global positioning system would lead a visitor to the middle of the original quad. Since the only local signs pointing to New Man University were virtual signs, they were turned off at Emma's command.

A machine kept for just this purpose in the maintenance shed of the real New Man U. immediately was employed to sod the road leading into the university. A hydraulic mechanism lifted the road where it entered the college, and a final piece swung into place joining the roadway with the surrounding countryside.

In minutes what had been a well-defined road leading down into the bowels of New Man University became just another country field.

The original campus was now used for community functions. It opened its doors to a church or two that was currently without a building. In the summer, Andrew and his lawyer buddy Jake Randolph ran a tennis camp there. So the buildings looked lived in. They also looked empty.

A day later, when a Georgia National Guard unit appeared at the group of buildings the map told them was New Man University, not a soul was in sight. The young lieutenant in charge considered his options.

He turned to his sergeant.

"Well, Sarge, there doesn't appear to be anyone here to arrest. Got any suggestions?"

"What do they think we are, the FB fuckin' I? If they aren't here, how can we find 'em? LT, we ought to report back and take the rest of the weekend off."

"Good plan, Sergeant. Pack 'em up and move 'em out. We can pick up some Mickey D's on the way back to the armory."

Part 22

Life went on as usual at New Man University. The cameras used to pipe down the views of the outside world were virtually indistinguishable from the grass surrounding them so the campus retained an open-air feel while remaining totally subterranean and undetected.

Elle and Emma Adkins were meeting in Emma's office. Elle and Eamon Turner had recently returned from Eamon's home in Florida.

"How did it go down there? What did you think of his family?"

Elle shrugged. "They were about what we expected. A lot of gorgeous smart women. Some strong handsome men. Everyone rich. His grandmother is very impressive. She's beautiful and seems to be in charge of the family business, kind of like our Mommas. And of course, Jake Turner is all man. And he seemed to like me. Oh, and so did his sister. I didn't need to be a mind reader to know she wanted to throw me on the ground and ravish me.

"Come to think of it, I'd say most of the men and the majority of the women there would have welcomed me into their beds. I'm not ready for such a complicated existence nor will I ever be. I'm just a little country girl from Georgia. I'm a one-man girl. I'm also a no-girl girl, if you know what I mean."

Emma laughed. "Edie and Eddie insist that we don't know what we are missing."

"Don't start with me, Emma! Boy on girl was good enough for our parents and it's good enough for us. Those two girls have convinced themselves that they are masturbating when they do each other. I don't know how you feel, but that sure sounds like a bit of a stretch to me."

Emma had a warm smile on her face. "You're right. What E-man does to me is plenty. After eighteen years of listening to Donnie and Dee Dee's blood-curdling screams, I wanted to do some screaming myself. You've gotta admit, Elle, that those two must be obsessed with sex. Every day, week in, week out, year in, year out. Aren't you just a bit interested in what Daddy does to those two to make them so darned enthusiastic?"

Elle turned a little red. "If Daddy offered to explain it to me, if you know what I mean, I certainly would be willing to find out."

Emma squeaked. "Oh, me too. Me too. I've wanted Daddy forever. I think I've propositioned him about three hundred times. But he has theseHomo sapien scruples about father-daughter sex. I think it's very mean-spirited and old fashioned."

A bell sounded on Emma's desktop. She touched a key and Eamon Turner's countenance appeared on her monitor.

"Oh, God, it's Eamon! Thank goodness. Let him in, Emma! "

"Now look, Elle. You've had him to yourself for several days now. The least you can do is share", said Emma as she pressed the key to open her doors.

Eamon popped his head in, then smiled when he saw the sisters sitting at Emma's desk.

"Morning, ladies. How y'all doing?"

Two radiant smiles lit up two beautiful faces. Two sets of eyes shined in unison. Two musical voices said, "We're better now that you're here."

Eamon's heart almost stopped. He had never been happier than when he was with just one of these magnificent creatures. Being with two doubled his exposure and his joy. His strong young face broke into a goofy grin.

"What have you been talking about, anyway?"

The girls laughed. Emma said, "We've been talking about how much we wanted our Daddy to make love to us."

Elle smiled at Eamon's look. "Don't looked so shocked. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be with your mother? Remember I was with your family the other day. They were putting out sexual vibrations all over the place. I'm an empath, remember? The sexual dynamic in your family is off of the charts."

Eamon said, "So your family does that sort of thing too?" He couldn't help thinking about Elle and Emma's beautiful and sexy mothers.

Both girls shook their heads in unison. "In our dreams", said Emma. "Our Daddy is a straitlaced old-fashioned guy. And his feelings about us are very ambivalent. He knows we are smarter than he is; so he has let us make our own decisions about almost everything our entire lives, just with a little guidance when he thinks we might be going too far.

"But in his heart-of-hearts, so deep he would never admit it, we are his little porcelain princesses. Sure, there is a sexual component in every father-daughter relationship. And we don't want to brag, E-man, but a guy would have to be dead not to want at least a taste of Elle and me, am I right?"

Eamon could only nod.

Elle took over. "But our Daddy gets the willies whenever we approach him about sex with us. It violates that feeling he has deep down that he is our protector, our knight in shining armor. And he is, Eamon. He is."

Emma put her arms around Eamon's neck, looking up directly into his eyes. "Eamon, we live with the sexiest man alive, as has been acknowledged byPeople Magazine for years. We had no alternative fallback position so of course we fantasized about Daddy, sexually. But then you came along. Sweetie, as far as we are concerned,you are the sexiest man alive. From now on, no other man will ever be good enough."

She pulled his head down and gave him a soft, sweet, romantic kiss. When their lips finally parted, Elle nudged Emma away and took her place.

"Me, too, Eamon. Emma's right. After you, no other man will do for us."

She kissed Eamon in the same romantic manner. But slowly the kiss changed from romantic to passionate. Elle's soft body was glued to Eamon. She recognized Eamon's reaction instantly. She felt it in her empathic mind. She also felt it pressing against her belly.

Emma and Elle looked at each other. Unspoken thoughts raced between the two. They stood as one. Each raised a hand to Eamon, who in turn enveloped one small hand in each of his large ones.

As one they said, "Follow us, Eamon. We need to talk to you."

The back wall of Emma's office changed slightly and a door appeared. Eamon knew from experience where that door led and strolled toward it gladly, his breath quickening from the touch of his lovely girlfriends and with the knowledge of where they were going.

The two girls were walking slightly in front of Eamon, and suddenly clothes started dropping on to the floor. They released his hand so they could take off their blouses. Their silky smooth backs were revealed to him. No bras were evident and he noted that neither girl sported tan lines.

The girls stopped again and quickly two sets of shorts dropped to the floor. The two most beautiful asses in the world were on display for him. They continued walking into Emma's bedroom. Eamon followed, mesmerized by two perfectly round and firm butts, bouncing enticingly with every step. Oh how he longed to plant his lips on those perfect orbs.

Emma and Elle got to the large bed and turned towards Eamon. He had seen them both naked before. Still he was mesmerized by their beauty. The tiny, perfect bodies with the small pert breasts; the beautiful faces with the flashing eyes; the soft blonde hair; the intelligence in the eyes, the laughter in those wonderful, sensuous lips. Eamon couldn't believe it was all his for the taking.

Although he had only known them for a few days, he was already madly in love with both of them. He just couldn't figure out what he had done to deserve them. What the hell did they see in him?

Emmy and Elle crawled onto the bed and turned. Each had one leg bent under, their perfect asses resting on a foot, while the other leg was extended.

Each raised one hand towards Eamon. Their sweet smiles and lovely tear-shaped eyes made them look like wood nymphs.

Elle said, "Eamon aren't you warm with all of those clothes on?"

Eamon started toward the bed, clothing flying everywhere as he stripped. He was already hard and ready; a fact noted by both girls. Two sets of eyes converged on Eamon's dick.

Emmy motioned with her shoulders and her eyes and Eamon joined the two beauties in bed. Each girl took a side of Eamon. Both gave him slow loving kisses, one on each cheek. Both put a tiny hand on Eamon's chest and rubbed the sparse hair there.

Eamon suddenly felt two hands on his dick. It stiffened perceptibly from the soft machinations of Emma's left hand and Elle's right hand.

Emma looked Eamon in the eyes. "You must be tired, sweetie. Why don't you lay down?" She and Elle applied gentle but firm pressure on Eamon's chest until he laid down upon the bed. Eamon found himself on his back with his engorged dick pointing skyward. Still two hands from two different individuals continued their caresses.

Two sets of lips came closer and he felt warm breaths on each ear. In his left ear one whispered, "E-man could you do us a special favor?"

In his right ear the other whispered, "Have you ever done two girls at once?"

Eamon wrapped an arm around each girl. He said, "Ladies, your wish is my... well, you get the picture. I'll do anything for either of you. Or both at the same time, if I can figure out how."

They lay quietly for a few minutes. Eamon had an arm around both girls, each of his hands massaging a soft but firm breast. The girls were rubbing against him They had found time for sex, but very little time for romance. Snuggling closely together, the three young people felt the empathic closeness that New Men had inherited from the Institute for the Advancement of Mankind twins.

Eamon felt like he was in between two amorous kittens. He felt four hands roaming his body while two mouths kissed and sucked their ways down his face on onto his chest. He only had two hands to work with, but those hands vigorously explored the two wondrous sets of tits within his easy reach.

Emmy said, "It's been days since I've been with you, Eamon. Elle and I agreed that I get first dibs."

She softly grabbed Eamon's dick and swung herself up onto his legs. She eased herself forward, then backward, rubbing his dick along the lips of her slit. As the head of Eamon's dick slid along her little clit, Emmy's eyes closed and her face contorted in a sensuous mask of lust.

Still holding Eamon's dick, she allowed its head to insinuate itself between her nether lips. She began humping herself upon the head, moving only an inch or two at a time. She seemed to be oblivious to Eamon's and Elle's presence, as her entire concentration was on the interplay between Eamon's dick head and her pussy lips.

Her rubbing became quicker, more intense. Her head began to swing back and forth. She seemed to be bringing herself closer and closer to a peak of lust. Suddenly she plunged onto Eamon's dick, her entire weight forcing his engorged penis deep within her pussy.

Emmy's head flew back as she screamed in orgasm, her tiny body shuddering its release, her toes curled, her pussy clenching and unclenching itself around Eamon's dick.

Finally Emma took a deep breath and relaxed. Her eyes flew open and she saw Eamon and Elle starring at her intently.

"Oh my God! I got a little carried away there, didn't I? I just don't know what got into me."

Elle replied, "If you don't know what got into you, then Eamon has a problem. Geez, Emmy, at least Edie and Eddie use each other to masturbate. You use Eamon. Well, Eamon, how does it feel to be a sex toy?"

Eamon gave her a satisfied smile. "Fucking awesome!"

"Well you climb off of there, Emmy. Poor Eamon didn't come close before you climaxed all over him. Aren't you even a little bit ashamed?"

Emma leaned over and gave Eamon a long, sensuous kiss. She smiled lazily and said, "Foreplay. That was just very excellent foreplay, wasn't it E-man? But if you feel you need to climb on, Elle, don't let me stop you. I think I can find someplace else to sit."

Emma moved off her lover as Elle climbed on. Like her sister before her, Elle took hold of Eamon's dick and playfully rubbed it around the various parts of her sex. Her already lubricated pussy was dripping onto Eamon's dick, which retained Emmy's juices as well. In one motion Elle slid down the length of Eamon's dick. Her tiny body was impaled on it.

"Oh damn, E-man. You feel so good inside of me!" She began to ride Eamon's dick. She leaned forward as several inches of dick appeared between their bodies, only to be swallowed again by her tight little pussy. As she slid down Eamon's pole she wiggled her ass to create extra stimulation of her clit.

What started as a lazy bout of lovemaking began to accelerate as Elle became crazed. Emma's hands took hold of Eamon's head and her lips found his. Their tongues sparred with each other's as their faces ground softly, sensuously together.

Suddenly Emma replace one set of lips with another. She moved her body up Eamon's face, dragging her soft round breasts over his mouth. She allowed him access to her nipple as he licked and sucked that erect little nub. Then she slid her stomach across Eamon's mouth. She raised herself up and threw one knee over his head. Eamon looked into the soft wet confines of Emmy's pussy as it slowly lowered itself onto his face.


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