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Tallness of Simmone Ch. 07

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The impregnation of Simmone
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 03/07/2014
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7. The Impregnation of Simmone

The day of the wedding came sunny and bright - a perfect day for the event. Daniel dressed smartly, even putting a white carnation in his buttonhole.

It all went really well - both marriage and reception. Daniel had a great time and it was obvious so did the bride and groom. Daniel smiled at the speculation about the honeymoon location, it was not something he had to guess about as he was 'in' on the secret, not only the ultimate destination (Cyprus) but also the hotel they would be spending the first night before flying off on their holiday.

He was not planning any amusing tricks on the couple, though he could see the amusement in an apple pie bed just the same as the next man. It was not something he had discovered by chance: rather Simmone had told him herself. She had confided a fear or worry to Daniel that she might not enjoy a wedding night orgasm, that Wilf might, as he could do rather often, come too soon. Simmone wanted her wedding to be perfect and an orgasm before sleep would round off the day. The idea, the worry in her mind, had not come to her totally unaided; Daniel and his machine had had something to do with it (as might be expected).

Daniel was to be staying surreptitiously at the same hotel and, should he be needed, ready and waiting in his room for Simmone. He looked across at the bride beautiful in her long white flowing dress, a dress he had himself been in. Not wearing it, of course, but been right under it, hidden as he had orally pleasured Simmone. His wedding night plans might come to nothing - Wilf might satisfy Simmone - but if Wilf did not then, Daniel thought it would be very amusing to 'share' the bride on the wedding night.

Daniel arrived at the hotel very much later than the bride and groom, having stayed on at the reception after they left; a departure the happy couple had made in their car with much merriment and noise. In his room he texted his room number to Simmone before running a bath. Lying there in the water he speculated on whether Simmone might visit. Weighing it up he thought the odds were about even. It would be pleasant if she did, but not a disaster if she did not.

The honeymoon did mean he would not now be seeing Simmone for at least a fortnight so this was his last chance of sex with her for some little time. Still, in the meantime, he could think about how to get his machine working on Ashley or perhaps some other girl - she was not the only other tall girl he had noticed.

Daniel did not have that long to wait before discovering whether he was going to be lucky. He had arrived quite late and not a little tired. After his bath he was quite happy to slip without pyjamas into bed and, picking up his book, he wondered if the happy couple were already in bed, perhaps busy with... the knock at the door was pleasing, he put his book down and opened the door to let Simmone in. She was wearing a white nightgown. She slipped in and he closed the door.

"Oh, evening Daniel. What a wonderful day it's been! Did you enjoy it? Wilf's just dropped off to sleep but I couldn't until... I was almost there when he came. Really just almost. I said 'don't come' but it was obviously too late! Well, he had had quite a bit to drink. So here I am for help from my lovely reserve or is it reservoir." She giggled. "It's so kind of you to attend me here!"

She towered over him, the difference in height considerable. Simmone undid the cord around the nightgown and it fell open. She was naked beneath. Daniel was already rising 'down below' as he kissed her breasts; her little round breasts right at his eye level; their nipples erect and rather reddened as if they had recently been sucked.

"Hurry," she said dropping the dressing gown to the floor and lying down on his bed. All the lovely length of her, naked and ready for sex. Her knees opened in invitation; her pudenda red, swollen and wet just ready to be penetrated - again.

The bride was in need, there was to be no gentle foreplay, Daniel was required and he was indeed ready.

"Fuck me hard," she said.

It was to be straight missionary style sex.

Simmone held him to her breast as they came together and he pushed into her, there was no resistance and he was immediately hilted. Simmone was already bucking against him as he started to move in and out - a bride in heat. Intercourse was short, sharp and intensive - Simmone wanted to come and used Daniel to that end. It was exciting, nearly too exciting for Daniel - had Simmone not come and slowed her thrusting he would have ejaculated right inside her. With her arms wrapped around his head, her feet locked around his back, he could not have uncoupled, could not have extracted himself to spurt harmlessly out of her body. It was a near thing and he told her so.

Simmone was contrite but made it up to Daniel. Simmone took her time in this. She sat astride his cock as he lay on the bed, she teased it, just caressing it with her nether lips as it lay pointing up his tummy; simply rubbing it back and forth with her wet sex, her little clit rubbing along the ridge. It was slow, it was wet and it was very naughty.

Daniel could feel himself about to come as he looked down his body at Simmone, his shiny cockhead appearing and disappearing again and again in the vee of her thighs, her curly hair above it with her pink lips seeming to clasp his cock either side as she rode it. The whole thing and Simmone's sex was covered in a wet gooey mess of Simmone's lubrication and Wilf's leaking spend.

Simmone was coming off again, her eyes closed as she held and pinched her own breasts concentrating on the feeling coming from her sex. Daniel could not believe her sexiness and the strange eroticism of it all. It was all just too sexy. The young bride sitting on him massaging his penis with her sex. And so it happened.

The eye of his penis opened and he watched it disgorge splashes of semen up to his chest. Did he mind his cock being covered in another man's ejaculation - hardly when it meant fucking his bride on their wedding night! Daniel could see Simmone too was coming again as he continued to spurt and then she collapsed onto him burying his face in her breasts and squeezing his ejaculation between their two bodies. They lay together for some minutes.

"Coming twice tonight! Oh thank you Daniel!" She rolled off him and lay wet, dishevelled and spent. "I must be getting back. I'd sleep with you, Daniel, but it would hardly do to wake in the wrong bed tomorrow!" She kissed him on the mouth and her tongue found his for a moment. Rising she bent and kissed his softening penis and made for the door, picking up her dressing gown.

"I'll try and slip back in the morning and do something for you then - breakfast probably..." she winked and slipped out of the door.

She did too. There was a knock at the door in the morning.

"Wilf's gone for breakfast, I said I wasn't hungry yet, though if he'd like to bring something back... I thought I'd wash my hair before he returns. Would you mind?"

Daniel didn't mind. He was very happy to be standing in the shower again, Simmone kneeling as he shampooed her hair, his cock in her mouth – just where he liked it to be. It didn't matter to him that in a few minutes she would be sucking her husband for a second breakfast. Daniel was happy to share. After all it was his plan to share other girls as well whilst Simmone was away!

As it turned out life for Daniel with Simmone away was actually rather more boring than he had expected. He got nowhere with plans for other tall girls and going to the pub with Chris was hardly the same as seeing Simmone. Daniel was still a bit concerned that he had made a big mistake allowing, as he saw it, Wilf to marry Simmone but when he looked at it coldly he was sure it would not have been right for him to marry her and certainly not right for Simmone.

It was good having her back, hearing about the honeymoon and the house they were planning to move to. His substituting resumed and he seemed to remain her best friend though whether Wilf knew, or what he thought about that, Daniel did not know.

Sometime into the New Year, on a particularly cold wet, miserable day, Daniel caught Simmone sobbing. Her eyes were red and it was obvious she had been crying for a little while. With no one around he took her hand and tried to find out what was wrong. It took a little time. Probably in part it was the weather; in part it was that she and Wilf had had an argument though that was nothing serious; in reality it was that she was not becoming pregnant. Despite her and Wilf's best endeavours nature was not taking its course. It was not her fault - to be fair it was not Wilf's either; it was just how he was made. His sperm count was low. The doctor advised them to keep trying for a while longer though there were other solutions.

Daniel was sympathetic, "it'll be all right, it'll just take time." But in his mind an idea hatched, an idea he would need his machine to help.

Later Simmone listened as the machine blinked.

"I could help, Simmone, with Wilf's problem, I could strengthen his semen with my own. If I came inside you when substituting, it would back up what Wilf has done, strengthen it. It wouldn't be as if I was getting you pregnant, no, that would be Wilf - but with help."

Daniel reinforced his message, developing it and overcoming Simmone's resistance over a number of days. His strategy paid off.

"Daniel could you come round?"

His phone had rung on the way to work.

"I need you."

Simmone was not dressed when he arrived, indeed not dressed at all. She took him by the hand and led him straight to the bedroom.

"Daniel," she said, "could you help me in a different way. Coming would be nice and you are so good to me like that but, you know, Wilf's sperm count is low though he comes a lot and he certainly produces lots of semen."

She opened her legs to demonstrate and Daniel could easily see the aftermath of lovemaking.

"Could you add yours, push his back in and strengthen it, fill me up really. I want to be pregnant, I want you to help Wilf make me pregnant."

Daniel was stripping off his clothes by now, anxious to do what he was told, and stick his cock where he was invited. He was on the bed between her knees in a trice; at last he was going to have the pleasure of coming inside Simmone, yes, properly having intercourse with her, no more coitus interruptus for him, no more holding back or sudden withdrawals. The task must be properly completed. His cock touched her entrance, touched the whiteness that Wilf had left behind and Daniel moved forward pushing Wilf's semen back up into Simmone. Simmone's legs came up locking him in and he began to slide.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," Simmone repeated over and over again as Daniel steadily built up the speed of his stroke. She was holding tight to him clasping him to her breast, his face buried in her breasts - she was not going to let him go. Daniel was not sure who was fucking whom. Simmone seemed in control. With Daniel erect inside her and held so he could not escape, ejaculation was inevitable - she would make it happen, it was not so much him who was impregnating her as she taking his semen, extracting it from him, sucking it from him with her vagina. Simmone was making him come, pulling him as deep into her as she could. The spasm was not long delayed.

"I can feel it, I can feel it," shouted Simmone as Daniel achieved his desire, his semen pumping into her and adding to Wilf's already copious ejaculation - strengthening it if you like.

Simmone was quite beside herself with delight; keen that Daniel should do this as often as possible. Whenever she could she would call Daniel in, after Wilf had both 'come and gone,' if he didn't mind of course. Daniel was too good a friend not to oblige.

The result was not unexpected to Daniel and a joy to Simmone and Wilf. Simmone became pregnant. Daniel was certainly the first in the office to know, possibly even before Wilf. Simmone was over the moon and Daniel was, of course, delighted for her: though it did result in an immediate drop in the number of intimate visits he paid her. The bar on coming inside was not, however, re-instated.

Daniel found her changing shape interesting. Far from finding her less attractive, as she suggested, he found the changes to her body fascinating. The expanding and rounding stomach, the gradual protrusion of her tummy button and growing breasts led to a change to their normal position for intercourse as the missionary position became impractical and uncomfortable and doggy style became the preference. Daniel was happy with that, enjoying her soft bottom against his loins, his hands free to play with her breasts or, as he often liked to do, stroke the roundness of Simmone's tummy.

That he needed to kneel on a cushion to raise himself up to join with her from behind was not commented on by Simmone - she had never really commented on their physical disparity - though that was rather due to the suggestions Daniel had made when Simmone was under the influence of the machine. After all, until he had made his play, interfered with her thoughts and desires, she had not looked twice at him: quite the opposite in fact. Now he was her best friend and a substitute for her husband, her source of additional sexual pleasure and, quite possibly, the father of her baby.

The baby's birth was uncomplicated, not too long in the coming once matters began and, though she was a first time mother, not too painful for Simmone. Luckily Wilf was not away on business at the time - a matter pre-arranged as the baby arrived fairly much 'on time' otherwise she might well have asked Daniel to be with her at the birth, as her best friend, which would have surprised both the midwife and certainly Wilf.

Daniel did not see Simmone for several weeks, though she phoned him for a chat once or twice - well not so much a chat as she talked about the baby to Daniel for about half an hour on each occasion, with him contributing very little indeed to the conversation. He didn't mind, he liked Simmone and was very happy to hear about little Sammy or at least most things about what the baby did.

The obligatory visit to the office followed with all the women making a terrible fuss of Simmone and the baby with lots of comments about how much he looked like Simmone and how much like Wilf. Daniel was not so sure about the latter but it is always very difficult with babies because, thought Daniel, they looked like, well...babies.

Simmone asked Daniel over for coffee and he was permitted to hold the baby. Daniel thought he was doing quite well, supporting its head as he had been told, jiggling it up and down and making appropriate noises but it began to cry. Sammy, explained Simmone, probably wanted feeding. Certainly the crying stopped immediately Simmone took him. Daniel was amused by the little head bumping against Simmone's breast as it was exposed and presented to the little chap, and the quiet little noises of contentment as it fed. It was not long before the baby fell off the breast, eyes closed looking blissful, satiated and full.

"I only fed him just before you came," explained Simmone as she went to put him down in the bedroom.

Daniel sat sipping his coffee as he waited for Simmone to return musing on the visit being rather different from those of the last few months. She came and sat opposite him.

"I was hoping Sammy would take rather more milk. I do seem to produce a lot - more than little Sammy seems to need and these," she clasped her breasts through her blouse, "do get so full, uncomfortable and hurt. Would you mind, Daniel dear, if I expressed some milk while we talk?"

She had to explain what she meant to Daniel as he was not too up on maternal matters. Simmone explained that with the aid of a little vacuum device she could release milk from her breasts, relieving the discomfort.

"Oh, a bit like milking a..." Daniel stopped himself in time as he realised just what he was about to say would sound.

"Yes, quite! Wilf helps me sometimes," she said conversationally as she got up to get the equipment.

"Oh?" said Daniel, suddenly interested, "how?"

Simmone looked sideways at him. "The usual way. Why, would you like to try?"

Daniel would. The idea had not occurred to him - but why not? He had sucked on Simmone's breasts often enough in the past. Why not now when they were larger and... well, this would be different.

Simmone slipped off her blouse and bra. One breast was noticeably larger than the other, though both were larger than he remembered, and full of milk - the skin was taut, the nipple raised. Reclining back on the settee she waited for Daniel.

Daniel had lain across Simmone often enough nuzzling her breasts but the immediate spurt of liquid into his mouth as soon as he took her nipple was very different from before. Whilst hardly unexpected it still surprised him. The taste was different from cow's milk, sweeter, thinner and, moreover, it was hot being at body temperature. He sucked, drinking Simmone's milk.

"Oh, that is better," said Simmone, "what a relief, and nice too." She wriggled beneath him and he felt her hand on his trouser fly. His cock, already hard, was soon in her grasp and she slowly manipulated it. The milk kept coming as Daniel sucked on, drinking Simmone. Raising his head, he watched a drip of milk slowly appear on Simmone's red, wet and swollen nipple. He licked it off before swapping and settling onto the other breast, drawing the nipple into his mouth and encouraging it too into producing for him.

"You're a greedy little boy, is there nothing for me?" She gave his penis a tug.

He was quite full now and not loath to lie back and let Simmone milk him in turn. His penis was very much larger than her own swollen nipples but nonetheless still something she could get in her mouth and suck! She suckled on the shiny head, stroking and encouraging it into production. It took a little time but she was not disappointed any more than Daniel had been and she too drank.

The milking of Simmone seemed to become a regular occurrence. Perhaps it was easier or more comfortable than the breast pump, perhaps Simmone liked the sex, perhaps she just liked being with her best friend Daniel. It was not long before intercourse started again.

Daniel's height had always prevented the more usual entwining of tongues during intercourse but it did mean he could suck on her breasts. Simmone found intense pleasure in giving her milk at the very moment she was orgasming - the sensation of the milk leaving her body whilst electric waves of pleasure spread out from her clit was in her own words, "something else."

A second pregnancy followed quickly on the first, Simmone seemingly oblivious to the real cause of Wilf's increased potency. Daniel's delight in Simmone's productive breasts was continued; though, with a toddler not always ready to sleep and a baby more prone to being awake than the first, the sex was not as frequent as it had been when Sammy was first on the scene.

It was a shock to Daniel when Simmone announced that she and Wilf were going abroad. Wilf had a new post, it was a new and exciting prospect, she was sure the children would like it, knew Wilf would and was content with the plan. She would of course miss her best friend and would write, or e-mail or text. It was a shock and a blow to Daniel but not something he felt he could fairly stop with his machine. He liked Simmone too much to spoil things for her, upset her marriage (despite his rather intimate involvement in it) or do the wrong thing. Their last sex together was prolonged and unprotected.

Contact was not lost for some time. Daniel learnt of a third baby, he smiled at the news thinking of the quite large family he now had; the success of the change of location; what they were all doing and so on. As things happen, contact did break and it was not for many years before Daniel saw Simmone again.


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