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Tamara In Stockings Ch. 01

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Tamara teases but is 'taken' out of her depth.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/07/2021
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Chapter One: A Teaser Gets Taken

Tamara studied her reflection and allowed herself a satisfied smile. Her life had been good over the last couple of years. She had divorced her miserable, joyless and controlling ex-husband. Her sons had left home, and were doing well at university, and at work. She lived with her new partner, a kind supportive man with whom she regularly had fulfilling, and sometimes imaginatively erotic sex. In short, she had blossomed and, with the help of her partner, had begun to realise that she was a desirable and attractive woman.

Of course, she always had been fanciable. But it was as if she had 'flicked a switch' and she'd found the confidence to be alluring and seductive, as well as appealing to the eye. In fact, she had to admit to herself that she had become a bit of a prick tease. It was November 1996, she would be 46 at the end of the month, and she'd never felt more alive.

She sat at her dressing table in a sexy black bra and panties, applying the finishing touches to her dark brown hair and makeup. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel, and her lips and fingernails were painted bright red. She opened a drawer and took out a six strap suspender belt that matched her bra and panties, and a brand new pair of black stockings.

With the suspender belt in place, she took special care as she rolled a stocking up over the knee and thigh of her left leg. She had been a reluctant stockings wearer, but the expensive underwear that her partner, Jack, had bought for her had led to a change of heart. Now she wore them frequently, because the well made suspender belt was surprisingly comfortable, and stockings made her feel sexy and accessible.

"If he had his way," she thought, as she turned her attention to her right leg, "I'd be wearing heels, stockings and a skirt to dig the garden."

Having attached the metal clips, and adjusted the straps, she stood up and stepped into her four inch heels. She loved her new black court shoes, and she couldn't resist walking over to the full length mirror. "Wow," she thought, as she admired what she saw. She loved the way her classy c-cup bra lifted her breasts.

She slipped off her shoes and pulled on a stretchy black pencil skirt. At three inches above the knee it was short, but not too short, and was snug enough to emphasise the curves of her peachy arse, without showing an outline of suspender clips, well, not too obviously anyway. She finished off with a long sleeved, round necked, knitted cotton top in pale-blue. Over this she wore a heavy necklace that sat between, and drew attention to, her well supported breasts. The final touch was a pair of long dangly pale grey teardrop earrings.

She stepped back into her shoes, and sat down again at the dressing table to rearrange her hair. As she lifted her arms, she could see that the hem of her skirt had risen to mid thigh, about half an inch of stocking top was visible. In the past this would have bothered her, and she would have changed into tights instead; not now though, now she was looking forward to being a tease, and stiffening a few cocks at the party.

Jack wasn't going with her to the party. He was a member of the local council, and on this Friday evening, had been summoned to an emergency meeting that was likely to run on until late into the night. It was almost 7.30 pm and he'd just got in from his day job. He knew that Tamara hadn't left yet, because her car was still on the driveway. One of his many pleasures was watching her carefully putting on stockings or hold ups, whilst getting ready for work or a night out. He climbed the stairs, his cock already half erect at the prospect of seeing Tamara in her sexy underwear. As he entered the bedroom, and laid eyes on her sitting at her dressing table, his pulse quickened and a full erection firmed up beneath his suit trousers.

Tamara greeted him, "Hello darling, I'm running late, must dash. Did you have a good day at work? Oh, poor you, you've got that awful meeting to go to whist I'm having fun at Annie's party."

Jack feasted his eyes on her. The perfect red lips, the way the material of her top fell between the mounds of her breasts, the skirt stretched taut across her thighs revealing a trace of suspender clips, and the shapely legs set off by four inch heels.

He took a breath, "Wow, I'm almost speechless, you look spectacular, really sexy."

She looked like such a fuckable present that he wouldn't be able to open, and this only added to the erotic desire that he felt for her.

She stood up to go, he pulled her to him and pressed his hard erection against her.

"My my, have I been responsible for that? You only laid eyes on me 30 seconds ago."

"Just thinking of you getting ready got me half way there, and seeing you looking like this finished the job."

"I hope it's still this hard when I get home," she said with a leering smile.

"It will be if you tell me about the trail of the stiff cocks and wet pussies that you're going to leave in your wake at the party."

She had never 'been' with a woman, but Tamara found herself hugely turned on when Jack whispered his dirty fantasies into her ear, whilst using his agile fingers on her in bed. But that's what they were, fantasies, and she couldn't envisage fucking, or being fucked by a woman in reality. Oh sure, she had found a few of her female friends and acquaintances sexually attractive, and she'd wondered what it would be like to go to bed with them, but that was definitely as far as it went, at least she was fairly certain that it would never happen.

"You and your fantasies. There won't be any fucking going on tonight, but in the unlikely event that someone puts their hand on my knee, or I get pulled in close on the dance floor and my arse gets groped, I'll tell you about it later in graphic detail, you naughty man."

"Okay, it's a deal. It's a shame there isn't time for you to wank me off now," he said hopefully "It might help me concentrate on something other than you at that damn meeting."

He lowered his head to hers and fixed his eyes on her red lips hoping to cover them with his own. She eased him away, turned and swayed her hips out of the bedroom on her four inch heels.

"Not happening lover boy. I'm late. It'll have to be self service if you're that desperate."


It was a cold foggy evening as she drove out of the village. Annie's 50th birthday party was in the town, five miles away. Tamara had known Annie for years, they had taught at the same school for at least 15 of them. Annie wasn't one of her very best friends, she liked her and admired her (and her husband truth be known) but, in her less than happy past, she had been a little envious of Annie's seemingly perfect life.

When she'd received the party invitation, she was immediately thrilled at the prospect of rubbing shoulders with Annie's glamorous family and friends, and she was determined to enjoy herself. She'd been disappointed that Jack couldn't make it, but also, secretly, a little pleased that she'd have plenty of time to flirt and toy with any men that got caught in her dazzling headlights.

The fog slowed her down a little, but as she turned right at the road leading past the barracks, she could still see the high chain-link fence, and the security lights shining through the mist. Half a mile further on she turned left on to the road into town. As she came into the outskirts the streetlights improved visibility, and she had no trouble finding the party venue. She was relieved that there were still a few parking spaces.

The car park was not well lit, but she was pleased with how she'd managed to reverse perfectly into a space facing the building. Ten minutes to eight, not too early, not too late. She opened the car door and swung her stocking clad legs around together, so that she could retain her dignity whilst getting out. Even in the poor light, she knew that any other party goers in the vicinity would have had a good view of the tops of her silky thighs and her panties, if she had't been careful to keep her knees together. Not that she intended to be too careful once inside the party. She knew the erotic power of a strategically exposed stocking top, and she intended to wield that power to full effect should the opportunity arise.

"Hi Tamara, well you look fab, are you on the pull tonight?" her friend Mary joked as she greeted her.

"Mary, if I get the chance to dangle one or two on the hook, before throwing them back into the cold water, I'll take it. Otherwise I'll be the perfect lady."

"Perfect lady my arse, you'll attract a lot of attention tonight in those shoes, how come Jack let you out looking this dangerous?"

"I left him in a bit of a state, if you get my meaning," Tamara grinned, "If I arrive home with tales of close encounters, it'll keep him ready and willing for weeks."

"You lucky bitch, I thought he was always ready and willing."

"Well he is, but he'll go to another level if I can fuel his fantasies about me fucking another man."

"My God Tamara you're such a tart. Are you sure it'll be a fantasy?"

"Of course, but if I leave room for a tiny bit of doubt, he'll find it tantalisingly erotic and I'll reap the benefits."

Annie spotted the two friends and came over to welcome them. After a few minutes chatting, Annie said that she needed to 'circulate,' so they grabbed their drinks, and made their way through the other party guests, heading for a table at which their work colleagues were sitting. The bar area was packed, and they had to ease their way through the well dressed bodies. Tamara felt a hand squeeze and then pinch her right buttock. She turned quickly to see the leering face of an unattractive middle aged man, whom she knew to be a lecherous alcoholic.

He leaned in to her and said, "I bet you enjoyed that."

Tamara, flushed with anger and indignation, said in her classroom voice, "Touch me like that again and I'll break your fucking arm." The man looked embarrassed and admonished as he slunk away.

She pushed through the crowd, and approached the table where her friends were seated. She felt elated, but she smirked at the thought that having her arse groped by one of the more attractive men in the room, would not have elicited anything like the same deadly response that she'd just delivered.

She arrived at the table to a chorus of wolf whistles, and general approval from her colleagues. She felt flattered, but then saw the mischief in Mary's eyes.

"You set that up you cow."

"I told them that you're on the pull tonight, can I help it if they all think that you look the part?"

Tamara decided that despite Mary's sense of fun, she was still flattered at the reaction of her colleagues. She sat herself down next to Mary, on the end of a long curved leather covered bench seat, at a large round table. Her legs were not hidden by the tablecloth like most of her party, so she decided that this was an opportunity to solicit some interest. She crossed her left leg over her right, her skirt became seriously shorter in this position, and almost all of the stocking top on her left leg was visible.

She deliberately avoided looking to her left to the main body of people standing around the bar, and on the edge of the dance floor. She wanted to let any interested parties feel quite safe in ogling her, before springing her trap.

After a couple of minutes deep in conversation with Mary and another colleague, she turned quickly to her left. Immediately, at least three men turned away, and pretended that they had not been looking at her legs. One of them was bold enough to turn back again and smile at her. He was young, around 30, good looking and fit. He looked familiar, but she couldn't place him. She smiled back, and then turned her face away from his gaze. A shiver of excitement ran through her body. The night was still young, but it didn't look as though her new item of interest was attached to anyone else.

Tamara finished her wine, and reminded herself that it would have to be soft drinks from now on.

"Well," she thought, "if I'm not drinking, I'll have my fun on the dance floor."

The DJ knew what his audience wanted: sixties, seventies and eighties classic hits and dance music. Tamara dragged half a dozen of her female colleagues up onto the dance floor. She loved to dance, and as she glanced around, she could see that several of the men at party liked watching her. One of them plucked up the courage to ask her to dance. He was ok, a decent dancer, but he didn't 'light her fire.'

She danced with him for three numbers, he increasingly found opportunities to touch her, trying to draw her close. Tamara fended him off until, towards the end of the third number, she made the mistake of making a slow turn and he seized his opportunity. Before she could react, he moved right in behind her with his arms around her waist, pulling her arse to his groin. She could feel his hard cock pressing between her buttocks.

She broke free from his grip, turned and hissed into his ear, "You need to go and take a cold shower."

He shot back straight away, "I'd take a hot shower with you any day." Then he walked away grinning to himself.

After sitting down for buffet food and another round of drinks, Tamara encouraged her colleagues back on to the dance floor. This time a couple of the male members of staff were persuaded to join in. Before long Tamara found herself dancing with Geoff, a long standing work colleague about the same age as her. She'd always liked Geoff for his honesty and sense of humour; although he wasn't bad looking, she hadn't really thought of him in a carnal sense. They laughed and joked as they danced then, out of the blue, Geoff asked her if she was wearing stockings.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," she quipped, instantly regretting what might have been construed as an invitation for him to familiarise himself with her nether regions.

"You wear them at work sometimes don't you?"

"I wear them at work all of the time," she grinned, "does that turn you on."

"I've always had a thing for you," admitted a slightly drunk Geoff.

He moved in close and pressed his erect cock against her hip whilst feeling her skirt for the tell tale sign of suspenders.

She let him have his moment, even though his cock felt unremarkable, and he was fondling her rather clumsily, and in public.

As the number came to an end she said, "It's a good job I know you Geoff," and very naughtily added, "think of me when you wank yourself off later."

Geoff looked suitably embarrassed, but two things were certain: he would definitely think of Tamara (as he often did) whilst masturbating later on; and, he was now even more in thrall to her than ever. He wanted to be dominated by her, to have her restrain him and bring him to the brink of an orgasm, never quite letting him come. A fitting symbol of how she was always tantalisingly out of his reach.

"My God, Geoff couldn't keep his hands off you. I didn't think he had it in him," said Mary.

"He's definitely got too much beer in him," laughed Tamara.

Throughout the evening Tamara and the handsome young man made frequent eye contact. She was aware of his whereabouts all of the time as she tracked his movements out of the corner of her eye, He seemed to always know where she was too. She had seen him talking and laughing with members of Annie's family, and at other times he'd been with what she assumed were a couple of his friends.

Apart from him being 'dragged' onto the dance floor by a couple of Annie's bridge club friends, he hadn't been in the company of any woman in particular. The party was in it's final half an hour when Annie, circulating as ever, came up to Tamara and asked if she was enjoying herself. Tamara said she was, complimented Annie on how she looked, and on her classy party, and asked who the young man was that she'd seen with her family group.

"Why that's Daniel, my nephew," said Annie, "you must recognise him, I think you taught him geography when he was about fifteen."

"Oh yes!" exclaimed Tamara, "I thought he was vaguely familiar, but he wore glasses and was such a skinny nerd when he was in my class. He's really developed since then"

"You're telling me, if I wasn't married, and he wasn't my nephew..." she didn't finish the sentence because she'd seen Tamara's face flush deep red.

"My God Tamara, you've got the hots for him. You dirty cow. I'll bring him over, I'm sure he'd love to say hello."

"Wait, Annie..." but she was gone.

Moments later Annie was back with Daniel in tow, "he says he's been waiting for a chance to speak to you," said Annie as she winked at Tamara, and went off to speak to some other guests.

"Hello Daniel," said Tamara trying to act casually, "what, it must be twelve years since you were in my class?"

"It is Mrs Miles, I have very fond memories of your lessons."

"Thank you Daniel, it's nice of you to say so even if you don't mean it. You can drop the formalities by the way, I'm divorced, my surname is Fox now, but please call me Tamara,"she said, neglecting to mention her relationship with Jack.

Tamara had dropped her first husband's surname, and changed hers to the English version of her original Polish family name of 'Lis.' Daniel thought 'Fox' a highly appropriate description of the enticing and desirable woman standing in front of him.

"Anyway, what are you doing with yourself these days?"

"Well, Tamara, I'm a junior officer in the Royal Navy, on shore leave at the moment, but I'm due back on ship the day after tomorrow. But never mind that, this party has just gone up several notches," he teased.

She ignored the rather obvious compliment and countered with an obvious remark of her own, "a girl in every port eh?" as the words came out of her mouth, she realised how trite she sounded.

"Not every port, but I'm always on the lookout for new recruits."

There was an awkward silence as she tried to think of something clever to say that couldn't be deliberately misconstrued.

Daniel broke the silence, "Would you like a drink?"

"No thanks Daniel, I'm driving, and I've had enough iced tonic water to last a lifetime. How about a dance?"

She thought this might be a safe option, because she wouldn't be able to put her foot in her mouth quite so easily, and so often.

"Good idea," he said, "lead the way"

He put his hand in the small of her back and guided her onto the dance floor. It was a firm yet gentle touch, and it sent shivers down her spine all the way to her pussy.

They danced to an upbeat number and when it finished the DJ said "Okay people, time to slow things down a bit now." "Oh shit" thought Tamara, but she still felt safer on the dance floor than trying to stop herself behaving like an awkward teenager in one to one conversation with him. It was gone eleven o'clock and some of the guests had left. Mary and the work 'crowd' were still there. Mary lewdly waggling her tongue at Tamara when Daniel's back was turned.

Tamara had her left hand on his right shoulder, and was holding his right hand with her left. He had his right arm round her waist. Halfway through the first slow number, Daniel told her that he (and the rest of the boys in his class) had really fancied her, and that she had been, and still was, the subject of many a delightful self induced orgasm. Now, any pretence at keeping a respectable distance between their bodies had been abandoned.

At first there was slight contact, her left nipple brushed his arm and immediately set rock hard, but as the number wore on Daniel pressed his right thigh into Tamara's pussy. She responded by pushing her right thigh into his groin. There it was again, another erect cock, she seemed to be collecting them, this was the fourth one that she'd had pressed against her this evening, only this one was bigger than the rest, and like a rod of steel. She'd rarely felt so turned on, her pussy juices started flowing, she knew that her panties would get wet but she didn't care.

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