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Tammy Tate Ch. 01

Story Info
Boy and Girl grow up together but split apart in high school.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/24/2012
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Note: I've had a lot of requests for more young love stories combined with sports. This story is about a boy and a girl who grew up together but separated when they went to high school. They had their lives set until that first party of their senior year. Everyone is at least 18 years old. Enjoy. All rights reserved.


Tammy didn't want to go to the high school party but since it was at Brad's house next door she figured she could always go home. As the smartest kid in her class she didn't really date and most of the boys stayed away from her because she was so smart. It wasn't that she didn't want to date. She did but had not developed her breasts until the last few months. Most guys in high school didn't want to date a flat-chested girl. The one boy she fantasized about was Brad. They had play together when growing up but when his interests went to sports and hers to academics they drifted apart. Her cell phone buzzed and she looked to see her BFF Gina's text message.

"Meet me outside."

"I'm going to the party Ma!" She didn't hear her mother's reply. Once outside she jumped back when Gina sprang from the bushes. "Scare me to death why don't cha?"

"Sorry. Is that what you are wearing?"

"Yes. What's wrong with jeans and a sweatshirt? At least I'm not wearing a slut dress like you are."

"Yeah and I'm planning on losing my cherry before you do. Remember our bet."

"What year was that bet? Maybe the eighth grade?"

"Are you at least going to tell him that you like him?"

"No and promise me you won't say anything either. Promise."

"I promise but he just broke up with Amy. This is your chance."

"That's not going to happen."

"So you want to be the only virgin in Rutgers next year?"

"It's not high on my priority list." They saw the familiar kids walking into Brad's house next door. "Let's get this over with."

Most of the kids were on the back deck, which was next to the Jacuzzi and swimming pool. The invitation said to bring your bathing suit but neither girl went for it. It was a given that kids would be drunk and would be in the pool in their underwear anyway.

They followed a couple of football players into the house and when Brad greeted them Tammy snuck by. She almost made it to the crowd when Brad tapped her shoulder. "Hey aren't you going to say hello?"

She did a fake smile. "Hi Brad. Thank you for inviting me."

He smiled and looked at her sweatshirt. "I'm going to Rutgers too. Full scholarship."

Her heart stopped. She was happy to not see him again in college next year and now she was excited that she would. "That's great!"

"Hey you look different. Did you get a hair cut or something?"

"She has no braces stupid," Gina laughed. "And she grew some boobs." As soon as she said it she knew Tammy would kill her. "Uh I..gotta go."

Tammy blushed as he looked down at her chest. "Don't." She crossed her arms to hide them.

"Sorry," he grinned. "You're not wearing glasses."

She rolled her eyes. "I've wore contacts for two years."

"Say can we talk later? I was hoping that we could get together at Rutgers."

She looked shocked. "You do?"

"Yeah uh maybe you can help me with some school work. God you look so different."

She sighed and went to kill Gina.

After checking out the first floor she headed outside. She saw the popular girls sitting by themselves with the head cheerleader Amy in the middle. She tried to move by but Amy walked up to her. "Tammy do you have a minute?"

"What now?" she thought. "Sure.". They moved away from the crowd. "Someone told me that you were going to Rutgers. I thought you were going to Princeton."

"It didn't work out," Tammy said. "So what's up?"

"I'm going to Rutgers too."

"And you might need help on school work."

"Well maybe but I really wanted to know if you would be my roommate."

It shocked her. "I'm not sure. I mean I sometimes study all night. And you know I can't study if there is noise and parties."

"That's why I need you for a roommate. I can't afford to make bad marks. And that's why I broke up with Brad. Please think about it."

"I will."

Tammy looked all over and found out some of the party was in the basement. She hadn't been down there since she used to play video games with Brad when they were thirteen. She smiled hearing the squeaky stairs and once into the basement headed to the back room. When she opened the door all she saw were couples groping and kissing. She was about to leave when she heard Gina's voice. "I said to slow down!"

She moved closer and saw her petite body under John Hardy's body. Her skirt was high on her thighs and his left hand was pulling at her sexy red thong. "Gina, are you alright?"

"Get out of here nerd," the burly lineman growled. "Can't you see she's busy?"

"Do you want me to leave?" She asked her friend.

"Get this ass off of me!"

Even though Tammy had taken self-defense classes she knew she couldn't handle someone this big. So she grabbed his cell phone from his rear pocket and found his home direct dial. "Hello Mrs. Hardy? I'm at a party and you son is forcing himself onto my girlfriend. Yes Ma'am he's your son."

The big guy sat up with fear all over his face.

"She wants to talk to you." She handed him the phone and pulled Gina free.

"Yes Ma..I will.". He turned to Gina. "I'm very sorry. Please forgive me." he held up the phone again. "She told me that you are to call her if you ever see me doing something I shouldn't be doing immediately. And if you ever need anything for me to help you."

"Tell you mother thank you for us," Tammy grinned. "Let's go."

Gina looked at John. "You know I think I'll stay."

Tammy sighed. As she walked to the stairs she saw Brad standing in the shadows.

"That was amazing," he grinned.

"You do that for friends," she snapped. She turned to walk away and he grabbed her and pulled her to his lips. She resisted at first but her body melted into his arms. Their tongues mixed and played until someone yelled down the stairs. "Brad come quickly!"

"Don't leave," he smiled as he ran up the steps.

She stood wondering if she was dreaming. His kiss was better than she had ever imagined. She turned and looked at Gina who smiled and gave her a thumbs up. After waiting for ten minutes she walked upstairs to see where he went. The house was empty so she headed outside and saw the pool full of kids. As she moved closer she gasped when she saw the naked breasts of a few girls and then her first adult penis on a drunk boy jumping off the diving board.

"I said everybody out!" Brad yelled from the sidewalk. "Someone called the police and they will be here soon!"

She and the others watched their classmates walking out of the pool naked. The girls made a poor attempt to cover their breasts and lower stomachs but the guys didn't care who saw their dangling penises. It was the tall boy from the basketball team that got everyone's attention. His penis was hard and at least twice the size of the others. "Oh my!" She gasped.

"Tammy," Brad yelled. "Please get some towels,"

She knew his house like her own and rushed inside for the small closet at the end of the hallway. She grabbed as many towels as she could and hurried back outside. He was waiting for her. "Here." As he took the towels he leaned over them and kissed her again. This time it was in front of the whole senior class. She moved back and saw them looking and whispering. She turned and ran to the back gate separating their yards.


An hour later she was in her pajamas lying in bed when she heard tapping on her window. "Go away Gina!" But the tapping continued. She jumped to chase her away when she saw Brad's face in the window. She only stared.

"Let me in."

She unlocked the clasp and lifted. "Shhh, my parents are asleep."

"Move please. I'm about to fall." She held out her hand and helped pull him in.

"What do you want?" She covered her chest, which showed her braless breasts and now hard tips. He was still wearing his tight jeans and tee shirt.

"My parents are pissed and I had to get out. Plus I wanted to thank you."

He looked around his room and saw his newspaper-clipping picture when he won the State Football Championship. "You cut this out."

She hurried around him and pulled it down. "We used to be the best of friends," she said with tears forming. "And then we get to high school and you avoided me."

He moved forward to hug her but she pushed him away. "Please leave."

"Please let me say something." He whispered.


"There has been something missing in my life and I didn't realize what or who it was until tonight. None of the girls I went out with meant anything to me. I kept looking for the special one and tonight I realized that she had always been there. When I was in trouble tonight I knew you had my back. I've been so stupid. Will you please give me another chance?" He heard her crying and waited for her to say something but she didn't turn. "I miss you Tammy."

She heard the window open and close.


She didn't get much sleep but was out cold when her phone rang the next morning. She looked wondering if it was him but saw Gina's name and photo. "What do you want?"

"Are you kidding? Everyone is talking about the kiss! It's all over the senior Facebook page."

"Arrggh!" she grunted. "What was written?"

"The wildest one was the one about you two sleeping together since elementary school."

"I wish."

"You do love him don't you?"

"I know you won't say anything."

"What? Tell me."

"He knocked on my window last night and I let him in."

"Did you?"

"No. He told me that he misses me and that I've always been the one."

"He loves you."

"No...I don't know. He left. Did Amy write anything on the web?"

"She didn't respond. I'm coming over."

"Maybe later. I need some time to think." After she hung up she peed and showered. Naked in the shower she remembered the two kisses. Her eyes closed as she caressed her body. She thought of the naked boys walking from the pool and imagined Brad naked....kissing her. She was almost there when her mother yelled from the other side of the door. "Tammy are you going with us to Gram's house?"

She normally loved to go visit her Gram. "Not today...I uh have some things to finish for school."

"OK...I left some pasta in the Refrigerator. We won't be back until later tonight. Call us if you need anything."

"Tell Gram I love her!" She smiled and continued her fantasy about a naked Brad. She wanted to cum but now that her parents were gone she could take her time in her bedroom without being interrupted. She dried off and wrapped a towel around her short blonde hair and walked naked down the hall to her bedroom. She moved to the dresser and used the towel to dry more of her hair.

Brad couldn't stop thinking about kissing Tammy. He was getting the newspaper when he saw her parents getting into their car. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Tate."

"Hello Bradley," Ellen Tate smiled. "I hear you got a scholarship to Rutgers."

"Yes Ma'am. Are you going out of town?" He was hoping Tammy wasn't going.

"Just for the day to my Mother's house."

He held back his grin. "Say hello to Gram." When he was young he spent more time with Tammy's family than his own. He hurried back into his house and showered. Minutes later he ran to the door and saw the dark clouds. "Shit!" He hurried out the door and ran to the well-built trellis and started climbing. He saw Tammy's and his initials cut inside of a heart in the window frame. He grabbed onto the frame and pulled himself up and saw her standing naked facing away from him. He had no idea that her ass was this beautiful. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't take his eyes from her wonderful creamy back and thighs. It was then that the bolt of lightning flashed close behind him. It hit at the same time the hard rain fell immediately covering his whole body.

She saw the bright light and looked in the dresser mirror and froze. Brad was looking in the window staring at her naked backside. "Oh God!". She hurried and wrapped the wet towel around her mid section. It barely covered her breasts and hips. She ran to the window. "GO AWAY!"

Then another shot of lightning hit near him.

"I don't believe this," she said as she let him inside. She closed the window and turned. "Now you are a Peeping Tom?"

"No...I didn't know you were....."

"Naked?" She glanced at his wet clothing clinging to his body. "Take off your clothes."


She laughed. "You're wet and are getting my rug wet. "I'll get you my brother's robe."

When she left the room he pulled off his shirt but was too shy to remove his shorts and boxers. Plus he had an erection and didn't want to scare her. She walked back in and saw him holding the wet shirt.

"Give me that and take everything off."

He blushed. "That's probably not a good idea." He looked down at the firm bulge in his crotch.

She blushed too. "Turn around. You saw me that way." Her heart raced when he turned and pushed down his shorts and boxers. His butt was also amazing. She wanted to squeeze it but leaned down to take his wet clothes.

"Uh..can I have the robe?"

"Oops...sorry," she laughed reaching the white terry cloth robe around his waist for him to take. She was disappointed when he put on the robe and tied the belt. "Uh you can turn around now." But he hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

"This." He turned and the lower front of the robe under the belt was pushed out about seven inches.

Both were speechless for a minute. "I'll put these in the dryer. Don't go anywhere."

"Ha-ha," he laughed. After she was gone he looked around her room again. He saw more newspaper clippings of his successes as a star quarterback. On her mirror dresser was a heart drawn in lipstick. It had her initials and his with a + between them.

He was looking at the heart when she walked back in. This time she was wearing a white terry cloth robe. He turned and saw her looking into his eyes. "Can we start fresh?"

"I hated you," she told herself she wouldn't cry again.

"I don't blame you. I was so wrong. Can we at least be friends again?"

"I don't want to be friends." She moved to her bed and sat down.

"I see," he said sadly.

"I don't think you do." She reached out for his hand. He moved next to her. "I want to be more than just friends." She leaned her face and lips towards his. Their lips touched and opened. As they frenched their bodies fell back onto her bed. Their lower legs dangled to the floor while they turned and pressed their fronts together.

Now naked under the robes they pressed and rubbed until both were breathing heavily. When his hand moved to the back of her bare right thigh and moved under her robe she stopped him when he touched her bare buttock. "I've never."

Then he shocked her, "I haven't either."


"Why do you say that?" He kept his fingers on her butt and continued caressing it.

"Because you're the big quarterback school stud. Haven't you heard all the rumors?"

"Yes and I also heard that you and I have been sleeping together since elementary school."

"I heard that was on the senior Facebook page."

"Yes along with our kiss."

"Uh are you having a good time touching my ass?"

"That's what I love about you. If you have something to say you say it. And you have a wonderful ass by the way."

Her eyes closed as he massaged her butt and moved his hands upward to her bare back. "Your fingers feel so good." She didn't stop him from moving his hand from under her cheeks to her shoulders. She didn't realize the front of her robe had move up baring her stomach until his bare thigh moved against her damp pussy lips. "Ohhh," she moaned as she tried to push away but he held her tight.

He had never fucked another girl but had been naked with Amy. He had rubbed his leg bringing her to completion and wanted to do the same to Tammy. "Let yourself go."

"Oh God!" She moaned as he pressed and retreated. Then he rubbed up and down slowly until she started humping his now wet thigh. As they moved she pulled open his robe and felt his bare hard cock against her upper belly. She had never touched a bare hard penis before but had read books and saw videos. Her small fingers curled around it and moved up and down while he continued to rub against her.

"You're so big," she whispered wondering how something so thick could fit into her tight vagina. "And so hard."

"I'm going to clum," he moaned. But then he felt her stop. "What's wrong?" he looked her way but she turned her head. "Are you ok?"

She couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing. "HA...HA...HA..HA..HA!"

"What's so funny?"

"You said clum."

"No I said cum."

"You said I'm going to clum." She stopped laughing and reached again for his hard-on but he pushed her away and pulled his leg from between her thighs.

She remembered how he got mad when they were growing up when he messed up and she laughed at him. "You said cum. I was wrong."

She reached again under his robe but he pushed her fingers away. She pushed him onto his back and jumped up on top of him. "Are you sure you want to stop?" She sat on his covered hard-on and reached down to pull her robe off.

"Jesus!" His eyes locked onto her perfect breasts and small light pink nipples.

She knew he had him now. She moved back onto his thighs and pulled open his robe. She stopped to admire his rigid shaft, thick dark pubic hair and his taunt sac of jewels below. "We can't go all the way."

His hands rose to cup her marvelous titties while she shifted forward and rubbed her moist pussy lips against his swollen pink pole. He forgot about the clum joke and played with her tips while she rubbed forward and back on his cock.

"Ohhh God...it feels so good," he moaned. "Tam.....Tam...Tammy!"

She was close as well so when he started moaning she moved faster and faster until she climaxed. "ME TOO!!....OH YES!". His spunk shot like it was from a cannon up onto his chest. She looked and watched her first ejaculation. She knew it wouldn't be the last.

"Here use this towel," she said looking at the same penis but this time in its natural state.

"Would you do it?" He still couldn't take his eyes off her nakedness. She had a small golden bush over her shaven lips.

"Sure," she giggled as she lifted his spent dick and rubbed the cum from his curly forest. She touched it a little too long because it stated to swell in her fingers. "Wow..fast recovery."

"We have all day right?"

"Gina will be here soon."

"Call and tell her you are busy."

She dropped his cock, which had returned to its action size. "How far have you gone with a girl?"

"We shouldn't talk about it."

Her fingers touched his shaft again. "Please tell me."

"That's not fair."

She stroked him some more and when his eyes closed she let it go.

"OK." When she started jerking him off again he answered. "Amy is the only one I've really been intimate with. We've touched each other until you know...and have been naked in bed together."

"Why haven't you done it?"

"She didn't want to."

"Did you have oral sex?"

"I did her but she wouldn't really do me. She would just jerk me off and would lick the side. How about you? You dated that Nathan guy for a while."

"Nothing happened."

He grabbed her and pulled her naked body down. "Oh no. I told you."

She giggled. "I let him touch my boobs. They weren't that big and he was touching the wrong place. I had to direct him."

He laughed and she smacked his arm.


"Don't laugh at my boobs."

He cupped her right one. "Sorry boob," he grinned before sucking on the tip. She stopped talking feeling lips and a tongue on her nipple for the first time. Then his finger moved down into her soaking slit.

"Ohhh," she moaned. This was also a first.


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