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Tannah The Warrior Pt. 05

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Tannah discovers something new about herself.
4.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/07/2018
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It had been a whole day since Tannah killed Gavwen and fled on her mare with Miala. She knew by now that one of two things had already happened. Either her misdirections had fooled any trackers they sent to find the two of them, or the raiders simply hadn't realized Tannah was gone.

Gavwen's commanders didn't often bother him while he was their general, preferring to speak and take orders only when summoned. For that fact alone they could have anywhere from days to hours between them and their pursuers.

Tannah hoped to take the narrow goat path they were following all the way to the northern route to Tyrrespont, the farther but safer of the two nearby cities in the region. When she finally saw the King's road in the distance she felt relief and worry all at once.

"You see that?" she asked the girl sitting between her thighs, her slender hands clutching Tannah's knees for balance as the animal trotted along uneven ground. "Looks like soldiers. Twenty banners that I can make out. Don't recognize the crest though, which means they aren't anyone from Baoryd's provinces."

"Weyrvurn," Miala said timidly.

"Wouldn't they be interested to know of bandits along their border?" Tannah wondered.

Half a lifetime had taught Tannah never to trust knights, but the dread of being recaptured by the raiders gave her a desire to visit the war camp regardless. As they drew near the road they heard one short bellow from a war horn, announcing their presence.

"Who goes there?" a man spoke as Tannah and the girl approached on horseback. His tone was pleasant and she could see a kind smile beneath the nose guard of his helm.

"Just a local with some intelligence," Tannah answered. The soldiers, men in plates and chain mail, wearing the same black and yellow insignia as the banners, each looked at one another and shrugged.

"Very well then," one of them responded, turning to face his companions, "go fetch the captain." One of them hustled into the camp, returning with a man wearing a colorful tabard. He looked at Tannah and Miala, an intrigued expression on his face.

"Come with me," he said.

Tannah dismounted and felt Miala grip her wrist firmly. She looked up, seeing fear in the girl's eyes.

"I'm coming back," Tannah said, "trust me, don't do anything crazy." She felt Miala's fingers relax. Tannah handed her the reins and her weapon and petted the horse's shoulder to soothe it before following the captain into camp.

She scanned her surroundings cautiously as she followed him, seeing others pound tent pegs into earth while leather and metal clad bodies milled hurriedly around them.

"In here," the man said, leading Tannah into a small tent. He lit a candle and turned to face her, the orange flame dimly illuminating the room as he looked her up and down. "What information do you have barbarian?" The man asked, removing his helm and setting it on the table, brushing his pony tail aside.

Tannah studied him. Knowing a thing or two about war, she doubted his intentions.

"What I have is valuable only to whomever commands here," Tannah answered, placing hands on her hips. "How can I be sure it will reach the right ears westerner?" The man scoffed, the corner of his mouth curling upward.

"Our high commander is a busy man," he responded, smirking. "If it's as important as you think then I'll have to relay it to him personally. You won't get an audience, that is, unless you can change my mind somehow," the man said, giving Tannah a suggestive grin as he undressed her with his eyes.

Tannah sighed and took a step closer to him. Reluctantly she went down on her knees and started unbuckling his trousers. She looked up at him and saw his smile widen as she pulled his pants over his hips exposing his partially erect penis. She gripped it by its hairy base and placed its tip on her tongue.

"Be sure to watch the teeth," he said as he placed a hand on her head and pulled her face against him, forcing his cock into the back of her throat. Tannah felt him stiffen between her lips, her mouth watering as she gagged inaudibly, inhaling the stink of his crotch.

"Mmmh," he sighed, making thrusting motions with his hips, covering his erection in Tannah's drool as she extended her jaw and let it slide along her tongue. "That's really good girl, with a mouth like yours you should consider whoring as a profession."

Tannah clung to his pelvis, feeling his balls beat against her lips, the sweat of his groin mixing with his arousal as the head of his cock slid deep into her throat.

"This is worth it," she said to herself as she slurped back saliva, choking on his girth as he tugged on her scalp, "to remove Gavwen's tribe from this life I'd eat the cum of a hundred men."

"Mnnggyahhh!" Tannah gasped as he pulled her head away, a strand of slimy spittle dangling from his member as it slid from her mouth.

"You're good but I'll need to try you in other ways if you want to see the commander," he said, still holding her head in place. Tannah licked precum and drool from her lips as she loosened her belt. The knight relaxed his grip and she stood up, letting her pants slide to the ground.

"Be quick," she said, leaning over and placing her hands on the small table. He circled behind her and yanked at her panties, pulling them down and pressing the bulging head of his penis against the opening of her vagina.

Tannah considered telling him about the state of her womb so that he wouldn't do anything annoying like squirt his load on her back, or try to shoot it on her face. She decided it wouldn't matter as she felt her cunt spread around him, his fingers digging roughly into her sides as he pushed it in.

"He's going to cum inside of me either way," she thought. Westerners of high social standing assumed all girls wanted to be impregnated, even their whores.

"Ahhh!" she gasped as he took her by the hair and pulled her head back, his naked pelvis beating against her butt, his balls slapping against her pussy as he thrust his length forcibly into her. She gripped the edges of the table firmly and felt it wobble as he fucked her, gritting her teeth and listening to his grunts, her trousers around her ankles and her panties stretched tightly between her knees.

"You have a nice body barbarian girl," he panted as his other hand slid up the front of her shirt, cupping her left breast and squeezing it while he pulled her hair and pounded her from behind. "You belong in someone's bed. Why you're all the way out here is a mystery to me."

"It's worth it, it's worth it ..." Tannah told herself again and again, feeling his slick member slide in and out of her, his hairy scrotum slapping against her pussy, her eye twitching from discomfort as he held her head to one side, pulling at her scalp.

"Ahhh, ahhhhhh, nnnnggh," he moaned, his thrusts slowing, his groans of climax filling Tannah with relief as he clawed at her breasts and held her neck at an awkward angle. She felt his erection throb, his naked pelvis pressed hard against her ass as he pumped his seed into her.

She let out a relaxed sigh of her own as she felt him ejaculate, her butt slick with his groin sweat. He let go of her hair and backed away, his hand sliding out of her shirt.

Tannah clenched to contain his cum as his cock slipped out of her, but still felt liquidy goop run down the inside of her thigh. Her scalp was sore and her hair was a mess. She rubbed at her breasts knowing they would bruise.

"Looks like you've managed to get some nobility into you," he said, slapping Tannah's naked butt as she bent down to pull up her pants. "It'll be a half-blooded Neeverly bastard after all," he chuckled. "If you're so lucky."

Tannah sneered, thanking the gods for her dysfunctional uterus as she pulled up her panties, feeling the knight's seed soak into the cloth as it hugged her cunt. She buckled her pants, still tasting his precum on the roof of her mouth.

They emerged together and she followed him to a large tent in the center of the camp. She entered, surrounded on two sides by the armored men who stood guard.

Six men were in a conference together, some of them still in arms, their brows damp from the heat.

"My lord, this barbarian says she has information, though no doubt she'll demand coin for it," the Neeverly man declared. The room went quiet and a man in silvery armor dismissed his commanders, keeping only the broad-shouldered guards in the room with them.

Tannah studied the tall princely looking man and wondered if he would notice the wet patch in the crotch of her pants. Tannah had made the first move on the captain. They wouldn't prosecute him but they might hang Tannah for prostitution if she told the tale.

"I'll have to say I pissed myself if he asks," she thought to herself.

"I'll first inform you that withholding any information from us, if it would aid our business, would be an action against King Hanmer," the thin man said to Tannah. "Though, as you are volunteering it openly I am willing to assess your words for some sum of gold, upon proof that it is accurate."

"I don't want gold," Tannah said. "I'll give you my information for free. You can take it or you can ignore it." The man furrowed his brow and crossed his arms looking dumbfounded.

"This is an awfully sizable force to be policing the roads with," Tannah said. "At least a thousand strong by my measure. Is there war between Baoryd and Hanmer?" The guards chuckled, the man before her remained serene.

"Are you here to give information or gather it?" he asked, his tone dangerous.

"Apologies," Tannah said, grinning. "I know things must be tense between them, ever since the raid at Arvokisk. The attack wasn't Hanmer's doing, it was the work of hill tribes. I know because I was their slave when it happened." The man cocked his head to one side seeming suddenly more interested.

"What do you know about these hill tribes?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I know their number, I know where they are camped, and I know that if you get there before whatever force Baoryd is sending you'll have a chance to claim the full booty they collected from that battle," Tannah answered. The man before her looked down in contemplation.

"I offer all the information you want at no price," she said, "as long as you promise to kill every man and free every woman." The high commander seemed to fight back a smile as she spoke.

"Very well," he responded after a long silence. "You have my word barbarian."

A few minutes later Tannah emerged from the commanders tent under the same guard, having given a very detailed layout of the raider's encampment, in addition to their strengths in horses, men, and weapons.

She approached Miala, climbing into the saddle once more. The foot soldiers raised their spears to let the two of them pass and they rode on. Tannah felt a great weight lift itself from her shoulders in the knowledge that a posting of knights was between them and any search party that may have been sent out.

After some miles they stopped at a stream and Miala watched as Tannah removed her pants and cleansed herself.

"Did ... Did those men ...?" Miala asked as Tannah splashed cold water against her cunt and ran her fingers through her wet bush.

She paused, unsure how to answer what she knew Miala was asking.

"They raped me," she said calmly. She knelt, pushing her panties under the cool running water and rubbed at the cloth with her thumb and forefinger.

"The house of Neeverly, raped me," she thought, remembering the name.

They traveled until dark, making camp in a secluded area beyond view of the road. Once a fire was going Tannah found a smooth patch of earth, laid down some furs, and called it a bed. She laid on her side staring at the flames, thinking about everything she had gone through to buy her freedom.

"Are they going after Gavwen's men?" Miala asked, laying beside her.

"Yeah," Tannah answered. They listened to the crackle of flames together and reflected. Tannah had given them enough to catch Gavwen's bandits completely by surprise.

She could see the whole battle in her mind. Hanmer's knights could take their hill utilizing the high ground if they followed certain mountain paths. Most of the men were drunk past noon and their camp was such a well kept secret that they barely posted scouts after dark.

"An attack at night would be devastating," she had urged while putting marks on the commander's map. Tannah imagined them fleeing downhill in the darkness, over the very entrenchments and traps that they had dug to fend off attackers from the eastern roads. Those that survived the night would run straight into knights of Lord Safford, a force that was allegedly already blockading the roads deeper into Baoryd's kingdom.

"They're all going to die," Tannah told herself, feeling relieved. She felt a little sorrow for the boy she had groomed to be Gavwen's successor. Despite doing what she knew needed to be done Tannah had regrets.

She slipped a hand down the front of her pants and felt her clitoris stiffen as she hooked one finger into herself. She drew it back, spreading moisture from her cunt across the sensitive nodule as she mentally revisited her time with Fanazar. She could still vividly recall the taste of his seed, and the breathy sounds he made while he was cumming in her mouth.

She bit her lower lip and masturbated quietly while she remembered him. Then Miala put a hand on her breast.

Tannah snatched it, and pulled it away, smearing her juices across the girl's wrist and sitting up suddenly. She glared at the girl. Then her anger ebbed as she watched Miala shiver nervously beside her.

"You don't have to do that anymore," Tannah explained, releasing her, seeing her face turn pink under the firelight as she retracted her hand. Miala sat up beside her, looking embarrassed.

"I know I don't have to," she said. Cautiously she reached out to touch Tannah's face. Tannah could smell her cunt on the girl's arm where she had grabbed it. "I want to though," Miala said meekly, her face turning redder. She leaned in closer, stopping just short of a kiss.

Tannah looked into Miala's brown eyes, her warm exhalations tickling Tannah's cheeks as their mouths hovered less than an inch apart. She thought about the girl whom she had reluctantly made love to night after night for over a month. She was weak, pitiable, Gavwen's pet, free only because Tannah had conquered her fear and killed the man.

"But, I was the pitiable one, until that night," she realized. Tannah looked at Miala again and this time she saw only her innocent eyes. She felt her clitoris stiffen as she smelled Miala's breaths, the scent of her hair, the creek water on her skin. She saw Miala blushing from her admission, and then acted, leaning in the rest of the way and pressing their lips together.

Her heart thumped hard in her chest as they kissed, and Tannah knew immediately it wouldn't be like before. Tannah's tongue intertwined with Miala's, her hand touching the girl's face, brushing her dark hair away from her ear as their mouths moved together.

"I don't ... mmhhm ... know why ... hmm ... I'm doing this," she said, still uncertain if it was lust or pity. Tannah had never felt anything for Miala in all the time they had spent together, and yet, suddenly she was excited to be kissing her.

Miala swung a leg over Tannah's thighs and sat in her lap, petting the sides of her head as she licked Tannah's palette and sucked her upper lip. Tannah shivered, feeling strangely nervous as she held the girl in her arms, but returned her kisses with real enthusiasm. She felt her juices seep into her panties and her clitoris throb as Miala's breasts pressed against hers.

"Do you want to be with me?" Miala gasped, her hands going to Tannah's chest, their tongues wrestling in Miala's mouth. Tannah inhaled sharply as cold fingers slid up into her shirt. She lifted it, exposing her tits while Miala groped them.

"Kind of, mmmmhhhmmm," Tannah sighed, her nipples stiffening against Miala's palms and her moans muffled by her lips. She pulled at the hem of Miala's shirt and lifted it over her head, gasping in the brief moments when their mouths were apart.

The damp seam of Tannah's underwear rubbed against her cunt, and she could smell the sweet stink of Miala's sex rising from between her legs as they embraced. She felt Miala's fingers tug at her belt, and as it loosened around her waist Tannah reached into the girl's panties.

Her fingertips were covered in warm slime the moment she found the crease of Miala's womanhood. Her clitoris bulged excitedly while she clung to Tannah, her knees wobbling and her pelvis rocking.

"I like men Miala, I'm not really queer," Tannah gasped before pressing her lips to Miala's again.

"Hmm mmmhhmmm!" Miala moaned into Tannah's mouth, her nipples stiff and the skin on her arms prickling as Tannah pleasured her. Then Miala's hand slipped down the front of Tannah's pants. Two fingers slid between her labia and came back covered in her juices, her clitoris throbbing between wet digits. Tannah's cheeks burned and her breaths came fast and sharp while Miala fingered her pussy.

"But you are so wet," Miala said. "I've always loved when we were together Tannah," she sighed. "I know you were acting, but my orgasms were always real. Now that we're alone, I just want to make love to you Tannah."

"Hhhah hhhhh, gods Miala," Tannah shuddered, their wrists rubbing together as they fingered one-another.

"I think ... mhmm ... I think you like women more than you let on," Miala gasped, as Tannah's other hand moved down her back."You taught me to love girls. Now I have these feelings and now that I'm free I don't want to hide them, hahhh. You shouldn't hide them either, mmmhhmm."

Tannah inhaled Miala's hot breaths and the smell of her wet cunt, and felt her pussy spread wider as Miala pushed a third finger into her, her other hand squeezing Tannah's breast. Tannah's heart raced, she felt almost sick with pleasure as she cupped Miala's butt and massaged the inside of her womanhood.

"What is wrong with me," Tannah thought, moaning loudly, her clitoris bulging against Miala's palm, her knuckles brushing against sodden fabric as she curled two fingers into the girl's wet opening. "I can't like this, I ... why can't I like this?"

"Please be with me Tannah, hhahhh," Miala whispered, gazing longingly into her eyes, her slimy fingers sending bolts of pleasure through Tannah's body as they slid in and out. "Be with me so that we can make love."

Tannah's orgasm hit her all at once, erupting from her groin as they embraced each other, the tips of their noses touching, the air between them thick and warm.

"Ahhh ahhhhaaahh!" Tannah squealed, her eyes wide and her cheeks burning, "Oohh, mmmhhm!" she whined.

"Kiss me!" Miala squeaked. Tannah pressed her lips to Miala's again, blushing hotly as she writhed against her slender body. She felt Miala's hand quiver as it moved in her panties, her palm slick, her nipples firm as she licked the insides of Tannah's mouth. "Mmmmahhh aahh ahh ahhhmmmm!" she sighed, her muffled gasps occasionally escaping as Miala continued to stroke her cunt.

"Mmmmh mmmhh," Tannah moaned as her climax subsided. Their lips finally parted and Tannah could see Miala grinning with satisfaction.

"I came when you did," she said before leaning in to resume the long kiss. Tannah blushed, petting her affectionately and holding her close.

They clung to each other for some time, shivering in the aftermath of their mutual orgasm.

"Can we be naked together?" Miala said caressing Tannah's leg with one hand, her other playing idly in Tannah's panties. Tannah frowned, they had just had sex and the girl was asking permission to get naked? "I don't know if I can sleep without feeling you against me," she explained.


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