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Tannah The Whore Pt. 04

Story Info
Tannah is torn between two lovers during her return.
8.3k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/22/2019
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After allowing Balter to dress himself Tannah led him to the room where she had confronted the monstrous girls. She retrieved the statuette, lifting the weighty thing off the floor and hugging it close to her body. She handed him the torch and together they went back toward the entrance to the ruined temple.

While they were going through the big room where Tannah had encountered the first plant creature she began thinking about the heavy growth covering that third unexplored hallway. When Balter walked near it with the torch Tannah could see the vines writhe and tighten around the arch.

These plants seemed to share their awareness with the luminescent girls. Looking down at the severed lifeless head of the creature that briefly had its way with her Tannah recalled how the stalks connecting them to the plant seemed to be their true source of life.

"Of course," she thought to herself. "They aren't many that are linked, they are one."

"We need to finish this," she said, glancing at Balter then moving briskly toward the overgrown archway. Tannah swiped at the thick vegetation and watched strands of plantlife snap away as they were cut, exposing the passageway beyond. They stepped cautiously into it and together descended down worn steps, the torch flame flickering as they moved.

After two short landings and two more stairwells they finally arrived at a big room where the walls and ceiling seemed to twist and undulate with living growth. The roots of that massive plant all seemed to spread from a single pulsating source at the rooms center. Vines extended upward, coiling together like a huge tree stalk before fanning out and penetrating the roof.

Tannah glanced at Balter and, knowing what to do already, he walked up to the base of the thing and set it alight with the torch flame. The room shuddered and stones shifted as the fire crawled up and enveloped the giant plant.

Balter stepped backward, slowly at first and then quicker as vines began to curl up like snakes from the floor and slam violently down, cracking stones. A tendril pulled itself from the wall and flew like a lash at the two of them. Tannah heard Balter grunt as it struck him in the side, knocking him to the floor. She rushed forward and as the thing took another swipe she brought her blade down slicing cleanly through it and ducking low sending the severed length sailing over her shoulder.

She grabbed Balter by his coat and yanked him to his feet and they both ran while murderous tentacles thrashed blindly. They could hear the thing hiss, screaming through some orifice they hadn't yet seen as they hustled up the stairs, smoke billowing along the ceiling above them.

They returned to the large room with the still luminescent corpse of the creature Tannah had beheaded. She could hear Balter panting noisily from sprinting up the steps.

Tannah looked at him. His shoulders heaved as he took in large gasps of air and his forehead glistened with moisture. His appearance reminded her of that first time she had spread her legs for him and she felt her cunt lubricate itself just from thinking about it.

"I'm really horny," she thought, feeling her juices soak into the crotch of her panties.

Tannah had been fucked six times over the course of the day, which, to her, was an average day of whoring. Sometimes, when working, the sex got her truly aroused and other times it was strictly professional, but for those rare moments when she was bothered enough Tannah would later retire to her room, close the curtains and reach a sweaty conclusion.

Though she had been tempted a few times that day, she'd not had an opportunity to relax and be alone with her thoughts.

"Hey," Tannah said, turning toward Balter. "I need you to help me concentrate." Balter frowned, glancing at Tannah's breasts and bare thighs, then back at her expressionless face.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Tannah set the idol and her blade down on the ground and slipped her thumbs beneath the waist strap of her underwear. She slid her panties down her legs, revealing her shaved cunt, feeling the cool cavern air against her wet labia.

"On your knees, it'll only take a couple minutes," she demanded. Balter looked at her and scoffed.

"You let me get used by that ... that hag, and now you expect me to do you a favor?!" he said scornfully.

"I could have left you to be her plaything forever," she responded, placing a hand on her breast, toying with her nipple while her other hand went down between her thighs. "Those men sent you down here to die Balter," she said as her finger touched her clitoris and slid between her minora, gathering the warm slime that flowed from within her, spreading it along the opening of her womanhood.

"They intended to feed you to that demon," she explained, her chest expanding as she took deep breaths and stroked her wet sex. "Hhh ... and they are still out there waiting to kill you, maybe even both of us, should we emerge."

Balter's gaze fell to the floor. His eyes flitted left and right, his expression showed uncertainty mixed with anger.

"I plan on protecting you," Tannah sighed, "but right now all I can think about is sex. So get on your knees." Slowly he knelt before her, staring at her bare cunt as she curled two fingers into it then drew the, back spreading her labia apart. With a distasteful look on his face Balter leaned in and pressed his mouth to Tannah's womanhood.

"Ohh yes, that's it," she moaned as he tongued her opening and sucked her stiffened clitoris. Tannah took a handful of Balter's hair and held his head in place, riding his face and gasping. "Ohh Balter, yess!" she cried out, her legs starting to wobble and her toes curling against the stone floor as she rocked her hips.

Balter reached up between Tannah's thighs and she shuddered as his rough fingertips touched her pussy. Two thick digits slid up her vagina while he licked the tender flesh between her labia.

"Ahh!" Tannah squealed, clinging fast to his scalp, feeling chills down her spine as he sucked her clitoral hood and drove his fingers up her cunt, his knuckle already slick with her juices. She put a hand on his shoulder for balance as her body shook. The pleasurable sensations that shot up from her groin grew rapidly more and more intense with each thrust.

"Ahhh ahhhh ohhh by the gods, I'm almost there," Tannah shuddered, her clitoris throbbing against Balter's tongue and her pussy parted around his wet digits, his pinky lightly caressing her asshole as he fingered her deeply. Her climax hit her like a bucket of water from a cold stream, taking her breath away completely.

She squirmed on her feet, her fingernails digging ruthlessly into Balter's back, her face and chest burning hot and her vision narrowing.

"Hhh ... hhhhhahh," she gasped weakly, thrusting her pelvis forward while Balter satisfied her. "I told you it would be quick," she said tremulously, her joints quivering as her orgasm coursed through her.

"Ohhh, damn," she swore, holding a hand in the torchlight and seeing it shake from the aftermath. She stepped away from Balter, releasing him from her grasp and reaching down to pull her panties up, feeling them hug her wet cunt.

"You did well," Tannah complimented as Balter stood up, "I suggest you take up whoring when this is over. It suits you better than treasure hunting I think," she said with a wink and a smile. His eyes narrowed and he spat in the dirt, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

For a moment Tannah thought he might take a swing at her. She watched him, hoping he would do it. She wanted so badly to put him in his place after leaving her at the camp before. Tannah's amused grin widened as he stood there quietly gritting his teeth in rage.

She knelt to retrieve her blade and as she grasped it's handle Tannah saw the severed head of the plant girl again. Suddenly a thought occurred. She walked over to it, bent over and lifted it off the ground by its leafy hair.

"A trophy?" Balter asked as she held it in the light to examine its features, it's mouth lolling, its gaze empty.

"Something like that," she said with a callous smirk on her face. She looked at the idol and then back at Balter with his leather coat and loosely fitting pants. "Hide the statue and follow me," she said, gesturing to the metallic figurine, "and don't try running or you'll end up like her," she told him, raising up the severed head so he could see its grim visage clearly.

Balter winced and looked down at the floor, then began doing as she asked, stuffing it inside his coat before following her up the passageway.

Tannah emerged first into the open air, seeing their two guides sitting on either side of the campfire in just their pants, the moon and flame highlighting their features pale blue and orange.

They each turned to look at Tannah and Balter. At first they seemed spooked seeing something come out of the cave, and with movements that emphasized their regret they each drew their long brush swords.

"I will offer you one last chance whore," the old man said as he and the younger man approached Tannah and Balter together. "Cut the idiot's throat now, or your blood will seep into the earth beside his."

"To what end?" Tannah responded, her gaze following the stout older man with rolls of fat concealing a well-muscled body. "Your demon is dead," she told him, tossing the girl's head at them.

Their eyes followed it as it bounced and rolled down the short decline separating them, coming to a stop at their feet. The younger guide shuddered in horror and jumped back, dropping his sword into the dirt as he recoiled, shaking visibly.

The older man stared at it's dead face for just a moment and then looked up at Tannah again, not seeming to believe.

"You don't understand, the creature is immortal!" he growled, shaking with rage, his face turning red as his nephew retreated into the trees behind him. "She will only come back seeking vengeance!"

"I burned her down to her roots, if that isn't enough go finish her yourself you paranoid cur!" Tannah scolded.

"Lying slut!" he swore, dropping into a run and lunging at Tannah. Steel collided with steel as her sword swept his aside and then glided across his blade hurling it away and leaving the short man open to a slice across his neck. He leapt back more nimbly than she would expect from someone his size and her cut missed him by less than an inch.

"Rrrrahh!" he shouted, recovering his stance and launching into a series of rapid attacks aimed at her shoulder and face. Tannah knocked the first light slash aside but before she could riposte he drove his arm forward and Tannah narrowly deflected a chop aimed at her forehead.

His steel slid across hers as he came toward her, reaching for her throat with his empty hand. Tannah snatched his wrist and sidestepped to avoid his large body crashing into her, aiming a slash across his collar bone in the same motion.

The stout man dexterously lifted his brush sword, shielding his chest and deflecting her attack. Despite protecting himself the force of her strike caused him to stumble backwards. He recovered quickly and came at her again, this time making light quick cuts.

Tannah circled him as she beat away his blade, retaliating with equal swiftness, all the while looking for an opening in his guard. Despite his appearance, the man was a skilled swordsman and she knew she shouldn't underestimate him. After evading three quick sword strokes the man attacked suddenly.

Tannah parried and seeing the point of her weapon in line with her opponent's face she thrust her arm forward. He batted her blade aside. Then Tannah felt her breath leave her chest abruptly as he kicked her hard in the stomach.

"Ahhh, hhuff," she gasped, retreating as she absorbed the impact, regaining her balance in just a few steps, her sword arm raised defensively expecting him to continue the assault. Instead he turned and rushed at Balter.

The big man parried a blow from the torch as Balter swung it at him in self-defense. The edge of the stout man's blade stuck in the wooden handle however and he wrenched it from Balter's hand as he yanked his sword away. Tannah ran to his aid, hearing Balter cry out in agony as the older guide's blade raked across his ribs.

"Urrahhhh!" she shouted as she came at the older man, enraged, seeing Balter stumble away with a hand on his abdomen as she leapt over stones and thrust her weapon at her target's belly.

He jumped back and knocked her weapon away with a desperate stroke. She saw Balter collapse against the stone wall from the corner of her eye.

"Rrrahh hahhh hrrahh!" she yelled, her blade making lightning quick motions as she hacked at her opponent's defense, each shout truncated by a ringing of steel, driving him back. For a second his expression looked dire, staring into her eyes, he turned her blade away with skill, but her attacks came with increasing fury, leaving no time for a counter attack.

Then, a powerful beat of his blade flung Tannah's arm wide and she ducked under a sweep of his sword while training the tip of her weapon on her foe.

"Rrraahh!" she cried out, rising from her crouch with a thrust that sliced into the older man's shoulder. He retreated abruptly, swatting her sword point away too late and crying out in agony as the blade cut into muscle.

The two circled each other at a distance, blood trickling down the older man's forearm, Tannah glaring death at him without a scratch on her. Her gaze flitted to Balter who was laying against the rocks holding his side, then she looked back at her enemy.

"What are you waiting for boy!" the older man scolded, "pick up your sword and help me gut this cunt!" Tannah looked quickly at the younger man who was standing near the treeline with his weapon at his feet, remaining a safe distance away from the fight, a look of terrified indecision in his eyes. Then she heard the scuff of dirt under the older man's foot.

She raised her guard just in time to deflect a powerful stroke, bracing the blade with her off-hand. He brought his knee up, aiming a kick at her midsection, but this time Tannah leapt back. His foot landed farther away than intended, having struck naught but air, leaving his stance too wide. Tannah, seeing her chance pinned it to the earth with a strong downward stab.

"Ahhhhh, you bitch!" he moaned unable to retreat, thrusting at Tannah's naked abdomen in desperation. Tannah withdrew her sword, making a wide circular motion, binding the old guide's weapon up and hurling its point into the ground, then plunging her blade into his neck.

"Hhhhhkk," he gasped as rivulets of crimson ran across Tannah's steel. There was a brief look of terror in his eyes as he recognized the graveness of his injury. Then Tannah drew back. Her sword produced a horrible sucking sound as she pulled it from his flesh. He fell forward, blood pouring across his bare chest. Another quick slice separated his head from his body.

Tannah turned, hearing it bounce downhill and into the bushes. She looked at the younger guide. He looked at her, then at his uncle's slumping body. He glanced down at the brush sword laying before him, then looked back at Tannah, her curved sword completely still, it's edge dripping.

He began to shake visibly as she took a step closer to him. Tannah stopped. She looked at Balter again, seeing him hunched against the rocks, clutching his midsection with blood running across his hand. She looked at the young man before her seeing him shiver nervously, his eyes flitting back and forth between the discarded weapon and her.

"Don't!" she said when he crouched to pick it up, taking two quick steps towards him and raising the point of her blade. He stood up straight and retreated, raising his hands to display empty palms. "Stop!" she demanded. The young man froze in place and she knelt to pick up the sword, her eyes never leaving him. "Calm down, I don't want to hurt you," she said holding both weapons.

Steadily the young man leaned back against a tree and slid down against its trunk, his whole body shaking, his face pale. Tannah walked toward the pony, placed both swords on the ground, and retrieved a rope from the saddle bag. She approached the boy again, seeing uneasiness in his eyes as she got closer.

He was reluctant at first, writhing and pulling away when she grabbed at his wrists. Tannah sat on his legs and held him down, overpowering him in seconds. She clamped her knees around his hips and waited for him to quit struggling, glancing frequently at Balter for any sign that the man was still alive.

"This is only temporary," she told him through clenched teeth, her sweat moistened tits pressing against the boy's bare chest as he fought back uselessly. "I'll let you go when I know you won't try to cut my throat," she growled. Eventually, recognizing futility in his struggle, the lean youth stopped resisting her. Tannah lifted herself off of him and tied his hands behind the tree while observing Balter from the corner of her eye.

"You can't die on me yet you idiot," she thought as she bound the young man.

Once he was tied up Tannah dug a sewing kit out of her bag and sat down before Balter. She began tearing strips of cloth from the older guide's shirt, seeing Balter's chest rise and fall, his breaths sounding forced and painful. She gripped his wrist and pulled it away from the injury. She could see muscle and fat and bone but no viscera. She pulled Balter's flask from his coat and tore his shirt open to expose the wound.

"You'll live," she told him, uncorking the container, seeing Balter raise his head and nod blearily, his face moist with sweat. "But, this is going to hurt ... a lot," she said, pouring wine across the gash.

"Hnnggyyahhh!" he groaned, writhing in pain. Tannah gripped his shoulder to keep him steady.

"Don't move around so much, you'll make it worse!" she scolded. "I'm guessing this is the first time you've been wounded in a fight," Tannah said as she drew a needle and thread from her sewing kit. "I can tell. I've stitched up kids who squirmed less."

"Just what did you do before you were a whore," Balter asked, his voice weak.

"A lot of hunting, fighting, and fucking," she answered, tugging at the thread in Balter's flesh and seeing his muscles twitch.

"You were a brigand," Balter said, chuckling softly and then wincing in pain.

"Not by choice," she answered as she pushed the needle through torn skin. "On the matter of fighting and fucking though, I want you to know ..." Tannah began as she sutured his wound, pulling the ragged edges of lacerated skin slowly closer together, "I'm charging you my mercenary's fee for saving your life, both times."

"Well, that shouldn't be any problem, once we've sold off that relic," he laughed weakly. An amused grin spread across Tannah's face.

"I wouldn't go around saying words like, we, if I were you Balter," she said, pulling the thread tight. "I found that idol, and I paid for this expedition."

"With information that I provided!" Balter growled, his face tightening as he endured the agony brought on by his outburst. Tannah laughed.

"Information that I also paid for, with my body," Tannah said. Balter chuckled darkly, then with seemingly no regard for his wound he let out a full breasted laugh. He laid his head against the rocks and shook gently while Tannah sewed his wound shut.

"You'll never make any coin off that thing," Balter said with confidence as Tannah tied the end of the thread, "not without my connections."

"Why do you think you're still alive?" Tannah scoffed as she unfurled the strips of cloth and began binding his abdomen. "Do you really think I saved you because I like sucking your cock?" His smile faded. "You're going to help me sell my treasure Balter, and if you get me a good deal then maybe you'll get a portion of the gold."

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