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TDofF Birth of a Succubus Ch. 05

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Temple of the Moon.
7.6k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/24/2022
Created 05/03/2019
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Ch. 05- Temple of the Moon

Jo screamed for Megan as she was ripped away and disappeared into the ocean of sperm!

She was alone, again!

Tears welling up, she blinked her eyes as tears began mixing with the sea of sperm all around her, and it made her wonder how she actually saw Megan through the opaque-white viscous liquid in the first place. However, she didn't have long to wonder, or time to mourn, or panic when suddenly she was snatched backwards! Bent double as if a belt was strapped around her waist, she hurtled through the sea so fast that all she saw was her own cum matted hair, hands, and feet...

She tried to scream but she couldn't...

Squeezing her eyes shut she wished she was anywhere else but here...

Suddenly the pulling sensation stopped...

Opening her eyes she looked all around,

There was nothing, she was surrounded by darkness...


Fear cut through her like a knife!

She hated the darkness!

She hated being alone, and now, she was both!

The black void was so much worse than the white ocean!

She began shaking, her astral mind and body withdrawing in on herself... and then... just as she lost all hope, she saw it!

The darkness was giving way to light!

As the void began to lighten, so too, was she able to breathe again. In time the light took on color, and then shape, and soon after she opened her eyes and looked around she saw that she was lying down, curled up in a fetal position in the center of a gold disc amidst a vast ocean of tall green grass!

Pushing herself up to hands and knees first, she realized she was completely naked and from her hair to her toes she was covered in a thick layer of creamy white spunk. It dribbled and ran down her arms leaving white palm prints on a large golden disc as she stood up.

Once she was standing, the sperm covering her body began to slide down her skin and drip from her hair, fingertips, the bottoms of her breasts, and finally a large amount coursed down her inner thighs as cum drained from her vagina, bladder, and rectum leaving large dribbles and cum footprints in her wake as she rushed off the disc and squatted in the tall grass as her body evacuated. She blushed as she crouched there, shaking as she puked and coughed up cum out of her lungs. She was vexed and embarrassed and astounded at how long she had to remain there as a seemingly endless stream of cum drained from her body. It felt like it took forever, but when she was finally finished, she stood up on shaky legs and slowly moved back to the golden disc...

The first thing she noticed was that it looked very much like a huge coin, 20 feet in diameter, and all around the circumference were runes. Like a coin, in the center of the disc was a large raised image of a female ankh very similar to the one on her now hairless pubic mound, but it was very different also. Starting at the bottom edge of the disc nearest her but still within the encircling runes, were the broad hips of a woman. There were no legs as the runes cut them off just below her crotch where her thighs and pubic mound made a perfect gently sloping Y-shape where they met. The broad hips led to a strong muscular waist while the pubic mound swept up to a rounded lower belly while above the navel her belly was a hardened 4 pack. The slight depression of the navel was a perfect teardrop. The abdomen led to thickly muscled ribs with 4 extremely large breasts sitting atop a broad chest.

The 4 breasts sat on the image's chest in rows of 2, the bottom set directly below the top. The bottom set of breasts were smaller. If Jo had to guess, they looked to be I-cups, and hung down to within a hand-span of the navel. The top breasts were much larger looking to be L's. The breasts hung unnaturally buoyantly. All 4 breasts were firm, there being absolutely no broken cooper-ligament sag. Both sets of breasts hung like giant upside down hearts, the top overlapping the bottom with nipples that were long thick udders pointing out, up, and slightly to the sides.

Above the 4 breasts were broad shoulders of the image of a woman with 4 arms each of which was curved below each breast, supporting them while the hands held each udder for milking. Behind the female image shoulders were angels' wings that spread out all the way to the edge of the disc and turned down filling up the space with feathers. The head of the image of the woman was directly in the center of the gold disc, and her face was Josephine's face except that from the side of her head, just above her long drooping cow's ears grew long cow's horns that swooped out and curved up and around a huge disc of the moon before turning out and ending in points. Below the horns her hair fanned out around the head of the image and filled up all the space of the disc from the shoulders and wings to the horns and moon disc between them.

'Holy shit,' Jo whispered to herself as she knelt down and traced the lines of her own face on the disc.

Standing up and stepping back she looked around before stepping off the disc. Below her bare feet was soft green grass for as far as she could see in every direction. Above her head was a vast night sky filled with stars, the thick galactic band, and a huge white moon that cast so much light she could easily see as if it were daytime.

Looking to her right, very far away, she could see a large golden pyramid with a large flat top reminiscent of the Aztec pyramids in South America. For it appear to be so large while being so far away, it must have been hundreds if not thousands of feet wide at its base and hundreds or thousands of feet high. There was a wide staircase leading to the top, and at all 4 corners of the pyramid, thousands of feet from each corner, perfectly squared were 4 obelisks. Each obelisk was a perfect square, at least several hundred feet by several hundred feet squared and thousands of feet tall. The main pyramid structure was only half as tall as the obelisks which spoke to their enormity and the scale of the entire structure.

Despite the vast distance from where she was from the Temple and the enormous size of the structure, she knew somehow that she was standing in the very center of the Temple grounds. That, not only the building, but this vast ocean of green pasture land was all part of the place she was...

The remaining white gelatinous cum covering her was beginning to dry. Looking down at her raised palm she suddenly lifted her hand to her nose, sniffed, and then licked the cum off her hand. Her memory had been a haze, and she couldn't fathom why she licked the sperm off her hand, at least, not until memories began flooding her mind!

Recent memories of fucking Owen. Of sucking him off as he dumped a gallon of cum down her throat and into her stomach. Then she remembered her eyes changing, a thing that had been happening more and more often of late when she and Megan would fuck George, but this time her breasts changed and grew as well. A whopping 4 cup sizes larger than they had been mere moments before. Then she remembered her stomach changing and growing inside her, segmenting into 4 chambers like a cow's stomach, and then all of a sudden she was floating in slightly pinkish, cinnamon scented clouds before blinking and finding herself in a vast white sea of cum!

She remembered sinking into those white abyssal depths, and then finding Megan. Of talking to each other without ever uttering a word about Succubi and Soul Prisons, and then Megan being snatched away only to be pulled through that ocean of cum before awakening here... in this field... atop the golden disc.

She gasped as the memories ended, and then she sighed realizing she was no longer trapped in Owen's testicle soul prison. As she stood there admiring the structure, she caught movement at the base of the pyramid. The figure was large, very large, but tiny in comparison to the pyramid. The person, Jo could definitely tell it was a person, took long slow measured strides. Jo's eyes widened, and fear froze her as the slow walking figure moved very quickly towards her, because even though it was walking slowly, at the end of every stride the figure appeared to move an entire mile!

Jo just stood there frozen when a few minutes later the figure stood before her...

It was a giant woman that stopped maybe 20 feet from her. Jo's breath caught in fear and amazement at the sight of her. She was 10 feet tall. From the sides of her head just behind long cow's ears were golden horns that curved out and up nearly 5 feet encircling a large white moon disc halo before curving out and ending in points.

Her face was the same as the image's on the disc, and it was the same as her face except that this woman had a large gold septum nose ring dangling in the philtrum of her top lip and a golden hoop piercing the center of her overly plump bottom lip. Curly golden hair fell like a mane down her back and bellowing out behind her supernaturally like a cloak caught in the wind.

Scanning down the woman, she was as broad across her shoulders and hips as 2 Josephine's standing side-by-side, and she was as thick as 3 Josephine's standing chest-to-back. The enormous woman had 4 arms. Each of the bottom forearms were holding 2 massive shields while her top set of arms brandished a great-sword in the right hand and a maul in the left. The weapons were in sharp contrast to the fact that she was mostly nude...

Between the 4 arms were 4 enormous breasts. Like the image on the disc, each set of breasts was smashed together and shaped like a huge upside down heart. The top set of breasts were much larger than the bottom set, and capping each breast was a thick pink udder for nipples. The woman didn't seem to have any areolas at all. Piercing each udder was a large thick gold hoop with a thick gold rope chain connecting the top set of breasts to each other and another gold chain connecting the bottom set of breasts, and dangling at the center of each chain was a large glowing white opal medallion.

Barely discernible, underneath the giant woman's 4 one ton wine barrel sized breasts, Jo saw 4 thick golden under-wires that curved under each breast from sternum to thick pectoral muscle and seemed to be embedded in her skin and grafted directly to her ribs. They had intricate decorative scroll-work etched into them and small gold hoops that seemingly grew right out of them along the bottom edges. From the hoops dangled 2 diaphanous golden capes that hung behind her back and below long white storks wings all the way to the ground. The capes themselves hid nothing, being nearly transparent.

Below her 4 breasts and the 4 gold under-wires, buried beneath the second set of breasts were thickly muscled, cut obliques an incredibly strong looking 4 pack abdomen with a deep valley leading to a teardrop navel less than a hand span below her breasts. Laced from just below her breasts down her rock hard belly was a gold under-bust corset with flowers and leaf scroll patterns. It's top edge curved up following the curve of her bottom breasts into her cleavage until it reached her sternum, and the bottom edge of the corset curved high over the woman's broad hips, but dived low curving down her lower belly following the line of where her legs and abdominals connected to her pelvis, and stopped on top of her completely hairless pubic mound.

Dangling from her navel like a chandelier in the hollow of her belly button was a gold hoop that poked through the laces of her corset. It had a long gold chain that fell down to the slit of her camel-toe pussy, and riding on her hips, looped 3 times around her waist was a waist chain also of woven gold.

From the giant woman's mid-thighs down, her body changed to that of a hybrid-something. Her thighs were as thick as Jo's whole body with thick rope-like muscles that rippled and flexed as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. Jo could tell that proportionally speaking the woman's legs were much longer than her torso, but it was disguised by the fact that her femur, tibula and fibula bones were all shorter. This made room for a long cannon bone that started where her ankles should have been and ended in large golden cloven hooves. Lastly, swishing from side-to-side behind the woman was a long hairless tail with a spade-shaped tip with long thick golden hair growing from it for least a foot.

Jo felt light headed as she looked back up to the woman's golden cow's eyes. She had seen drawn depictions of what the demonic Succubi should look like, but this was wholly different. This person was sensual, supernaturally beautiful, and fierce looking, but not in a frightening sort of way!

The woman stabbed her golden great-sword into the grass and sat her golden maul down and curtsied with her primary hands holding her capes while her secondary arms held her shields out to her sides.

Jo could tell that she was introducing herself, but she couldn't hear a word the giant Minotauress Succubi Goddess was saying.

Josephine bowed in return and held her hand to her chest as she introduced herself in case the Goddess could hear her, 'Hello, I'm Hathor Josephine Campbell, I'm sorry but I can't hear you...'

The woman looked at her queerly and squinted her eyes and looked her up and down very carefully inspecting her. Her eyes widened when they fell upon her golden ankh tattoo and she took a step forward. Suddenly the giant Minotauress was towering above Jo. Her breath caught in her throat from fear, then the Minotauress was kneeling down as one hand grabbed her arm while the other hand hovered over the ankh tattoo.

Jo felt warmth radiate from the Goddess's hand and penetrate into her body until her womb tingled. She watched the... Minotauress...

What should she call the woman?

What was she?

Was she a Succubi, Minotaur, or possibly a Goddess?

Jo nodded her head, having come to her own answer; whatever she was, this woman held herself with the authority of a Goddess.

Jo couldn't hear anything, but she knew something was wrong when the Goddess made a hissing face before she suddenly spun her around and walked her to the center of the disc. She threw her shields to the ground and spun Jo around in place as she hovered her 4 hands over her body and found all 7 tattoos.

Jo squawked as she placed her hand on the tattoo on her back and pubic mound. Feeling warmth radiate from the Goddess's hands, a burning sensation burned through her body as black sparks repulsed the Goddess's magic. Jo screamed in pain as the Goddess's power surged, overwhelming the black sparks!

The pain disappeared and Jo opened her eyes and looked down in time to see the ankh tattoo lift up out of her skin. The Goddess's magic manipulated the black runes, changing them somehow, and then the ankh's cross-guard wings flapped once and then it settled back into her skin. Spinning her around, Goddess pressed 3 fingers against the rune tattoos on her hip flares and the 2 on the insides of her ass cheeks just behind her vagina, and when she lifted her fingers away each rune was different. The bunny tail was next, and the last rune on her back took the longest. Jo could feel the Goddess's power sink down into her heart as chains tightened until she thought it may stop. The Goddesses power surged and there was incredible pain before she felt the chains shatter and the tattoo was lifted out of her skin. She walked around Josephine as the tattoo hovered above her hand and she tinkered with it spinning the symbols, runes, and the intricate Celtic knots around as she spoke to herself.

She moved a sequence of runes and suddenly Jo could hear the deep husky voice of the Goddess in her head, '...if one of these sequences doesn't work soon I will...'

'Oi! What was that,' Jo interrupted as the sound of her voice suddenly went silent again.

The Goddess looked up sharply, smiled and spun the sequence of runes back until Jo could hear her again, 'Can you hear me now?'

'Yes,' Jo gushed in relief!

'Good good,' The Goddess purred as she walked around behind Jo and hovered her hand over her back and let the tattoo settle into her skin.

Walking back around as Jo spun to face her host, the Goddess introduced herself again, 'Hello, my name is Seline.'

Jo smiled at the familiar name and held a hand to her own breast, 'Hello Seline, my name is Hathor Josephine Campbell.'

Seline nodded as she gathered up her shields and weapons, 'I saw you smile just now. Why was that?'

Jo blushed as she answered, 'I was just thinking what a normal name you have. I figured a Minotaur, Succubi, Goddess personage such as yourself would have a much more unique or abstract name.'

'Oh,' Seline responded, sounding a little insulted before she turned back to Jo, 'And, here I thought my name was unique. Are you sure that it is normal to you only because humanity has stolen my name for generations?'

That made Jo think before she answered, 'I guess you're right.'

'Of course I am, I am a Goddess! So, I assume that you are the Queen-Mother,' Seline said as she turned back to Jo and stood in front of her, 'It is also good that my daughter Hathor is your Aspect of motherhood. However, I can't imagine what sorceress you have made an enemy of when so young.'

'Hathor,' Jo asked then immediately remembered the voice in her head when she was sent into Owen's testicle soul prison, 'Oh yeah, Hathor... but, what do you mean enemy?'

Seline pointed to her tattoo as she answered, 'Your tattoos.'

'What about them,' Jo asked, 'What's wrong with them? What did you do to them? And, why couldn't I hear you before?'

Seline smiled, very proud of herself, 'There is nothing wrong with them now, thanks to me. What concerns me is that you have a very powerful enemy. Someone that is very knowledgeable of Soul, Spirit and Power, and more importantly how to seal, tear apart, and expel the soul, spirit, and power from one another.'

Pointing at the tattoo above Jo's pussy she continued, 'That is what those do, the tattoos on your body, and they were specifically designed for Nymphilli such as yourself...'

Jo shook her head, not understanding, 'What is a Nymphilli?'

Seline looked shocked, her mouth falling agape before she blinked, closed her mouth, and explained, ''From top to bottom I guess is the best way to start; I am Seline, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother-Goddess of all goddesses. There is no goddess greater than I.'

'My direct descendants are the Queen-Mothers of the 12 Houses of Sin; Hathor, Isis, and Ashtoreth, whom I sense are your Aspects, are but a few of the hundreds of generations of my daughters. These 12 Queen-Mothers are the only ones capable of giving birth to new generations of Succubi. All other Succubi give birth to Nymphilli. Nymphilli are half-Succubi and half-Human offspring, and given enough Life Force they can embrace their heritage and become full Succubi. You, Hathor Josephine Campbell, are one such Chosen Nymphilli born from another Chosen Nymphilli and a Human...''

'What do you mean Chosen Nymphilli,' Jo asked, 'What is a Chosen?'

'Ah,' Seline ahh-hawed, 'That is a very good question; because you see, not even a pure Succubus has a definite chance of being born a Chosen!'

'They don't,' Jo whispered almost to herself.

Seline still heard her thoughts and answered with a shake of her head, 'No... You see, there are many factors that go into the choosing of a Queen-Mother potential. Timing, Heritage, and personality are the Chosen's Trinity. A Chosen is just one of many Nymphilli or Succubus daughters who, before they are even born, is foreseen to have a complimentary personality to 3 previous Queen-Mothers born of her House. Once a Chosen is foreseen, the spirits of 3 fore-Queen-Mothers become her Aspects of birth,life, and death.'

'What if the Chosen Succubus doesn't accept becoming a Queen-Mother or a Nymphilli doesn't change into a Succubus,' Jo asked.

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