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Teacher's Pretty New Pet

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Gorgeous girl becomes a teacher's plaything.
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My name is Dorothy McAllister. I am also called "Miss McAllister" and sometimes "Coach McAllister." I am in my mid-thirties and I teach girls physical education and swimming at Dover-Wallace High School in an unspecified midwestern state. And yes, I am a lesbian.

You'd think that it might be difficult for a woman like myself who enjoys girls having a job that requires being around hundreds of pretty young high school girls everyday without my getting into trouble, but surprisingly it's not. My sexual life and my professional life are two totally different things, and I would no more consider risk destroying my teaching career on an encounter with one of my young female students than, say, robbing a bank.

But that doesn't mean I don't occasionally fantasize over some of them. Did I say 'occasionally?' Let's make that 'constantly.'

Like, for example, Amanda Anderson. Beautiful blonde Amanda Anderson. An 18-year old senior with a supermodel's face and a gorgeous, slender, downright luscious figure. Her breasts are best described as succulent, her tummy is perfectly taut, her long legs are silky and smooth, and she's got this perfectly shaped, tight little round ass that I especially love watching. On numerous occasions my eyes have followed her walking into the showers, and it's always taken every ounce of my willpower to keep from openly drooling as she removes her towel. And it's not just me, either. Other girls in the locker room stare, too, their expressions ranging from envy to differing levels of admiration. But they all stare. Like me, they can't help it.

When I stated earlier that I'd never risk my job by having sex with one of my female students, I neglected to point out that I've done a bit more than just watching them. Sometimes, as a punishment, I'll assign pool-cleaning duties to an errant girl after school, after the other students have gone home. If the girl being punished is an exceptionally pretty girl I've been known to assign her to a job that requires her actually going into the pool, and when she complains that she's not prepared to get wet I offer her one of my "work swimsuits," all of which are very skimpy thongs. When she looks shocked I tell her we're the only two people there so what does it matter? And then I enjoy oogling her beauiful body while she completes her assigned chores.

Which brings us to a Friday in mid-May, when beautiful blonde Amanda Anderson finally got into trouble, and her punishment would evolve into a highly memorable and incredibly enjoyable weekend for the both of us.

Actually, Amanda's punishment had been a long time in coming. She had been developing a serious case of "senior-itis" that entire spring semester, which involved her skipping classes with growing abandon. Normally I allow every student three unexcused absences before beginning to dock their PE grade, but pretty Amanda already had no fewer than sixteen no-shows. I had sent a memo regarding this to the front office, and Amanda had been ordered to see me after my Friday PE class ended at three o'clock.

Right before class that day, one of my other students, a very serious-minded girl named Missy Williams, had asked if she could tape my lecture for her sick friend Heather, who would be unable to attend class that day, and I said that would be fine. Missy then placed a small, portable tape-recorder that looked something like a frog on my desk, and pushed the play/record button. And then she forgot about it, leaving it rolling/recording even after class had ended and the students departed for their homes and the weekend.

Amanda Anderson walked into my classroom punctually at three o'clock, to explain her absences. She looked stunning in a pale yellow mini-dress with a tight skirt and cute matching top, but instead of giving me the usual litany of excuses she instead told me that she already knew the material for the course I was teaching and insisted she had better things to do with her time than attend my class. When I responded by telling her she could fail my course she laughed and told me her father would never allow it.

"If I don't graduate," she explained me in her winsome voice, "Daddy will be furious. He's got powerful friends on the school board, Miss McAllister. They won't be happy, either."

"And whose fault will that be, Amanda?" I responded. "It's you who will have gotten herself a failing grade, not me."

"But I've already been accepted into Daddy's alma-mater! I've got the letter and everything. Daddy's even told me he's going to give me a new car for graduation! You see? Your class just isn't important to me right now."

I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "Listen, Amanda, I'm not going to pass you if you don't attend class. And if you fail PE you don't graduate. You don't get your diploma. You'll have to take the course again in summer school!"

That made her mad.

"Summer school?" Amanda stood up, her voice raised in anger. "There's no way I can be here this summer! Daddy's taking us to France in June! That's entirely out of the question!"

"Perfectly understandable," I calmly retorted, "which is why I'm now going to assign you to some after school pool-cleaning duties to make up for this outburst and for all of your absences this semester..."

"No fucking way!" Her eyes blazed as she looked at me in anger. "You can't treat me like this, Miss McAllister. I'm not a little girl you can push around and threaten any more! And if you try to punish me or fail me in this class I'll simply tell daddy you're a lesbian and that you made a pass at me or even that you tried to rape me!"

"That's right," she continued, as I stared back at her in shock. "I can make up any old story and he'll believe me! And so will the principal! I can get some of my friends to back me up, too! They'll repeat whatever I tell them to say! You're not going to ruin my summer and you're certainly not going to force me to work around here like a slave!"

For a full twenty seconds I stared dumbfounded at her in disbelief. Here she was, threatening my job if I didn't back off from disciplining her for sixteen unexcused absences. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. Meanwhile, she stood there, defiantly facing me.

And then I remembered Missy Williams and her tape-recorder that looked like a frog. It was still on my desk, still rolling. I reached over and picked it up. The on/off, play-and-record switches were all on the underside of it. I clicked stop, then hit rewind. And then I hit play. "... if you try to punish me or fail me in this class I'll simply tell daddy you're a lesbian who made a pass at me or even that you tried to rape me..." Here I clicked it off, a broad smile forming on my face.

I looked at her. Amanda turned white with fright. She immediately sank back down into her chair.

"You go ahead and tell your daddy whatever you want to, Amanda," I said quietly. "And I now think that not only are you going to fail my class, but also that you just might face expulsion after I play this tape back for Principal Dodd."

Amanda started at me in shock.

"You may go now," I said in the same quiet voice.

She didn't move.

I slowly got up from my chair, still holding the tape recorder, and began walking past her.

"Please, Miss McAllister," she blurted out, grabbing at my arm as I walked past her.

"Let go of me, Amanda," I said in my sternest voice.

"Please, miss," she begged. "I did't know what I was saying. I didn't mean any of it. I'll do whatever work you want me to do!"

"Yes, I'm sure you will." I stared back at her. "You just threatened me with something far worse than merely skipping classes. You were threatening my job, young lady. This is beyond you and I. This is something for the school board to listen to."

"Please, Miss McAllister," she cried out, tears forming in her beautiful eyes, "I'll do anything you ask me to do! I'll clean out every swimming pool and I'll even clean your house! I'll wash your windows, I'll..."

"That's enough, Amanda" I said, "This is no minor breach of discipline, young lady. Please leave my office at once."

Amanda responded by falling to her knees before me. "Please forgive me. If I'm expelled, I don't graduate. I don't go to State this fall. I don't get a new car. I don't go to Europe. Everything important to me will be ruined."

"You should have thought of all that before you tried to blackmail me, shouldn't you?"

"Please, miss... I'll do anything."

I stared at her. Beautiful Amanda Anderson, on her knees in front of me, begging me for my forgiveness. This was just too good.

I grabbed her by the chin and stared into her gorgeous face. "What are you doing this weekend," I asked.

"I... uh... was going with Monica Mendez and some other friends to the lake..."

"Wrong!" I said. "You're working for me this weekend at my condo. Call Monica and tell her there's been a change of plans. Otherwise you can leave here at once and I'll be making a phone call to Principal Dodd."

"No, I'll cancel my plans," she said, immediately dialing her friend's number to tell her she couldn't make it. She quickly explained that something important had come up, then hung up and looked teary-eyed at me.

"Call your parents now so that they won't be worried," I ordered.

"They already think I'm spending the weekend at the lake," she said in response. "I'd rather they didn't know I was being punished by you, Miss."

She looked at me pleadingly.

Five minutes later Amanda was in my car as we sped to my place. We arrived shortly thereafter.

"Here's the plan," I told her, after guiding her through my front door. "I'm locking up this tape recorder with your self-incriminating blackmail attempt, putting it here in my hall closet. When this weekend's over, if you've performed to my complete satisfaction, I'll forget it ever existed."

"What will I have to do?" she asked.

I smiled at her wickedly in response.

She backed up as I approached, but I was too fast for her. I grabbed her, pulling her roughly toward myself, then pressing my mouth hard against her very soft, sweet-smelling lips. Her eyes widened in shock. She struggled, but it was useless, her strength nowhere near my own. Again I kissed her hard as she attempted to escape my clutches. I continued kissing her, my lips travelling down to her neck and shoulders.

"What are you doing? Please stop," she half screamed.

"Do we have an agreement or not?" I hissed, roughly grabbing her shoulders. "Do you want me to play that tape for the principal or don't you? Because if I do they're not going to believe anything you say about what happened here." Here, I gently stroked her face. "Do you belong to me, Amanda? Or don't you?"

Tears were forming in her pretty eyes as she stared into mine. "No, I can't do this," she cried. "I'm not like that."

"Do you belong to me or don't you?" I persisted.

She hesitated, then nodded slightly.

"But please, Miss McAllister, I'm not like that."

"I didn't say you were. But you belong to me, don't you? You're here to be punished, and I'm going to punish you. Agreed?"

Again she nodded slightly, her eyes welling up again with tears.

"Excellent," I murmured. Then I forcibly turned her around, gently but firmly pressing her hands and face against my foyer wall. "Stick your ass out," I ordered. She did.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! May hand revelled in the feel of her firm, curvy backside as I repeatedly spanked it.

"Please stop! Ow! Ow! Ow! Please, stop it!" I enjoyed her cries and continued slapping her gorgeous ass several more times.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

She was crying piteously as my hand came to rest on her skirt-covered bottom, I then proceeded to squeeze and fondle her gorgeous buns. She let out an involuntary moan that sounded almost as wistful as was mournful.

"Upstairs, Amanda," I ordered, giving her butt one final slap. She instantly obeyed.

When we reached the top of the stairs I pushed her toward my bedroom and once inside I immediately began pulling off her clothes. She faintly resisted at first, but another smack on her ass and her surrender was complete. Off came her sandals, her top, her tight skirt, and her sexy, lacy bra. I licked my lips as I then ordered her to slowly remove her panties for me. She complied, staring at me with a frightened expression.

"Turn around," I ordered. "I want to see that beautiful ass of yours!"

She did. I let out an involuntary gasp as she bent over to pull her panties complete off, exposing that mouth-watering rump to my appreciative gaze.

I then began to undress myself. I was wearing my usual coaching outfit of shirt and slacks, and I enjoyed the sight of her eyes widening as she saw my body revealed. Years of aerobic workouts and hours in the swimming pool have given me an athletic trim that all of my female lovers have appreciated, but it was especially gratifying to see a beautiful young girl staring in awe, even if it was frightened awe. My body was harder and stronger than her own, but decidedly feminine nonetheless.

When I was completely nude I opened my dresser drawer, pulling from it a strap-on dildo, which I quickly pulled on while Amanda stared at it with an expression like a deer in the headlights.

"Please, no!" she cried as I then approached her, smiling and squeezing the rather realistic rubber cock.

"Be quiet," I ordered, pushing her onto my bed, then grabbing her by the feet and turning her over onto her hands and knees. I then sharply slapped her ass, my fingers leaving their imprint on her silky smooth flesh.

"Don't move, gorgeous girl," I said in a quiet voice. "I told you that you belong to me now, and that means you're mine to play with, to punish, and yes, Amanda... to fuck!"

She started crying again, but remained motionless on her hands and knees. "Please don't, Miss..."

"Shut up, you little bitch," I growled, "This is for your own good. What were you thinking, trying to blackmail a teacher at your school. What you did was a felony. You could have gone to jail for something like this!"

I lectured her, all the while squirting some baby oil and rubbing it onto my strap-on dildo, and once finished I then climbed up onto the bed behind where she awaited me.

I positioned her head toward the wall, pushing it down onto one of my pillows, her beautiful ass poised invitingly upward. My hands gripped the sides of her lovely round rear, kneading and caressing the gorgeous flesh, my nails sinking deeply into her skin. Smack! Smack! Smack! I couldn't help spanking her ass some more before positioning the dildo towards the entry position.

And then the fucking began.

She whimpered and complained for the first few seconds, but a few more sound slaps to her ass finally convinced her to accept the inevitable. Her whimpering eventually turned into a quiet bleating, which then became a series of short moans. My hands continued to enjoy the feel of her rump as I pulled her body gently back and forth. I was doing it! I was fucking Amanda Anderson from behind in my bed and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

The thought hit me that she might actually tell her father about this, but that was a risk I was fully prepared to take now that I had her voice threatening me on tape. Anything she might say about this encounter wouldn't be believed by anyone who heard her taped conversation earlier in my office. She was mine to do whatever I wanted with. I laughed aloud, and again slapped her gorgeous ass.

Amanda was still softly crying as I finally pulled the strap-on dildo out of her and gently eased her body down onto the bed, where she lay flat on her stomach. I then got down beside her, moving her hair aside so that I could kiss the back of her neck, my hands squeezing and fondling her lovely bottom as my lips travelled over her silky, sweet-smelling skin.

"That was good... very good, my gorgeous girl," I murmured into her ear. "Are you OK?"

In a little girl voice she answered with a single word. "Mistress..."

"What did you say?" I softly asked her.

"Mistress..." she whimpered. "I'm sorry, mistress."

"Good girl." I smiled, then proceeded to kiss the back of her neck again. I then kissed a slow trail down her naked back, all the way down to her lovely round tush. Here, I paused, licking my lips. Hers was the most beautiful round butt I'd ever seen, and I took a moment to relish the lovely sight before my eyes. My mouth was watering as my lips pressed against Amanda's soft, firm behind. I then repeatedly kissed the flesh of her sweet ass.

For the next couple of minutes I enoyed her in this fashion. I kissed, licked, nibbled, and gently bit the beautiful young blonde's gorgeous round rump. I was in ecstasy, and it's obvious that I wasn't the only one feeling so as she also softly moaned and then slowly wiggled her ass seductively and sensually for me, as if asking for more.

"I never thought anything could feel like this," I heard her whisper. "And from another woman..."

I laughed and bit down hard enough onto her gorgeous right ass cheek to leave a mark and elicit a muffled yelp.

"Let's not forget that you're being punished, my gorgeous girl," I said, squeezing and then once again kissing the beautiful butt still at my face level.

"Yes, mistress... whatever you say," was her obedient response.

Minutes later I gently prodded her up, leading her with me into the shower. I turned on the water, hot and steamy. Then I positioned her hands against the walls as I lathered up her lovely body with one of my beauty soaps, my hands happily working their way over her smooth, wet, silky skin.

After she was clean, I ordered her to wash me. She was hesitant at first, but her eyes were now worshipful as they gazed into my own. "Whatever you say, mistress," were her only words before soaping up my skin.

As her hands tentatively washed my vagina, I grabbed her by the wet hair and firmly pulled her head down to where her mouth was pressed against my clit. She briefly resisted, but only briefly. Once she realized what I wanted she immediately succumbed, giving me a reasonably good tongue bath. Considering how new this experience was for her I've certainly had worse.

When the shower was over we dried eachother off, and took her back downstairs. I ordered Chinese that night for dinner. Neither of us felt much like cooking, and both were famished. I had put on silk pajamas, and gave Amanda a silky, light blue baby doll lingerie outfit to wear. She objected at first, saying she'd freeze in something that skimpy, but then I said I had ways of instantly warming her up and she immediately acquiesed. I wanted to see as much of her body as possible right now. Besides, the baby doll outfit really did show it off, especially highlighting those long, silky, slender legs.

After we finished eating I pulled her over to the couch where we kissed eachother for a few minutes. When she complained again about being cold in her skimpy baby doll p-j's, I suggested she warm herself up by dancing for me.

"You want me to dance for you?" she asked. "How exactly do you mean?"

"I mean a lap-dance," I said. "You know what a lap-dance is?"

Amanda blushed in response, and nodded.

I got up and put on my favorite Shakira CD. As the sensual, rythmic music began playing I sat myself down onto a hard-backed, padded chair in my living room. "Start dancing, gorgeous girl," I ordered.

Dressed only in the skimpy baby doll pajamas I'd given her Amanda proceeded to start swaying her beautiful body to the music. "Closer," I ordered. "I want you as close to me as you can possibly get."

Again, she complied withour comment.

She then proceeded to give me the sexiest lap dance any woman has ever had the pleasure to receive from another woman. My hands were all over her the entire time. By the time the second song started I had pulled off her skimpy blue p-j's, leaving her completely nude. She didn't complain.


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