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Teasing Brandon

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I sat on his lap. Hiphugger teasing. Got naked at the beach.
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By Emi Tsuruta

When I lived with my host family in Oceanview, I got to know my host mom, Loretta, and her two kids, Brandon and Jennifer, who were around 19 or 20 at the time. Jennifer and I get along fine, but I guess there was some sexual tension between Brandon and me. In front of others, we'd kind of maintained this front that the two of us were sister and brother, but I think the truth was a bit more complicated than that. It wasn't that he was hitting on me or anything. He had stumbled on me in embarrassing situations a couple times. I guess I had flashed him my bottom one time, and got him to spank me on my birthday. I was trying to be good, but my view of him was maybe changing. Anyway, I'll tell you the story, and you'll see what I mean.

At first, I didn't really think Brandon is handsome exactly. Yuuki from the shopping mall thinks he is. He has dark hair and steely blue eyes. He squints a bit. His body is slender, wiry. He reminds me a bit of my cousin Hideki, who is a mischievous pest, and that colored my view of him. I guess in reality, he is handsome, but it's just I know him better than other people. I know his flaws more. Anyway, when all this started, I was still trying to treat him like a brother, keep our relations chaste and above board. Easier said than done.

For one thing, his mom, Loretta, was at first quite blind to the sexual tension between us. For instance, one day, Loretta called me at school to say she was in the neighborhood, and could give me a ride home if I wanted. I said sure, and soon she showed up in her car with her fit boyfriend Hank in the passenger seat and Brandon in the back. (Hank and I have some history, but that's a whole 'nother story). I got in the back. I wasn't dressed up or anything, just wearing something summery: suede ankle boots, a cream cropped sweater and a frilly checkered white and blue mini-skirt. Brandon gave me a nod, but then turned away to stare out the window. He was in jeans and a lumberjack shirt, not exactly dressy himself.

Next, we picked up Jennifer, who got in the back pushing me to the middle closer to Brandon. He glanced over at my bare thighs, but didn't say anything. A bit further on, we spotted Dylan, a neighbor guy who is Brandon's best friend. Loretta slowed down, and offered him a ride. There wasn't really room for Dylan in the back seat, but Loretta said,

"Emi, do you wanna hop up onto Brandon's lap?" as if it was no big deal. I was a bit surprised, but not wanting to make a fuss, I stood up, and then set my miniskirt-clad behind down on Brandon's knees. I was barely touching him, sitting far forward, but I did feel a bit strange. He had gone completely quiet. He'd backed up, arms splayed out against the seat, trying not to touch me. Eventually, I realized what his problem was. He was developing a hard-on. It was kind of weird because he's always pretending like he doesn't like me. Even so, I could definitely feel his penis poking me when we hit a bump.

I didn't say anything, just quietly tried to pull the hem of my miniskirt down, so my panties wouldn't show. When Loretta rounded a corner though, I lost my grip, and slid back into him, trapping his penis between the cheeks of my bottom. I grabbed the seat in front of me, and tried to pull myself out. His cock came free, but when I fell back again, I could feel it underneath now knocking at my gates of heaven. Scandalized, I twirled, and gave him an accusing look, but he was trying to make out like it wasn't his fault.

He eventually placed his hands on my hips, trying to lift me up off of him. Dylan was looking at us, wondering what on earth we were doing. I raised my hands in the air, proving that I wasn't touching Brandon at least. Brandon really did look embarrassed. It was pretty funny.

We got onto a clear stretch of road, so eventually I was able to regain my footing, and slide forward a bit. Brandon had got his hands all tangled up in the frills on the hem of my miniskirt, and kept touching me on my bare thighs, getting me all excited. I reached down, and tried to help him untangle, but touching him, I was probably just making things worse. I could feel his penis growing, rubbing up against my pussy through my panties and his jeans. I lifted the hem of my miniskirt trying to see what Brandon was caught on, but this just let them all see my creamy lace panties. Dylan kind of rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed.

Determined to pull loose, I grabbed the seat back again, and half stood up, getting off of Brandon, but all this flailing around was distracting Loretta from her driving. Just to simplify things, I sat back down, pinning Brandon's penis against his stomach with my bottom. He was starting to look all hot and bothered, having trouble containing himself. Embarrassed no end, I bowed an apology to him and Loretta, not really sure what I should do. I wasn't trying to get him horny. I was honestly surprised he was getting so worked up. I guess he's not use to having a girl sit on his lap. He placed one hand on my bare midriff, while I tried to keep a straight face myself. Boys.

Thankfully, we reached Dylan's house, and Loretta stopped the car to drop him off. I stood up again, but Brandon just stared at my panty-clad tush now, peeking out from under my miniskirt a few inches from his face. Eventually, Jennifer squished over leaving room for me to sit. Brandon was trying so hard to hide his hard-on. That was pretty funny. I don't think Loretta nor Hank knew what was going on. Jennifer was staring off into the distance, trying to ignore us.

When we arrived at their house, we all bailed out of the car. Brandon ran off into the house. I felt a bit bad for having got him so excited, although I don't think it was really my fault. Loretta was the one who suggested I sit on his lap. Hopefully, she realized her mistake. I didn't want to be the one to tell her.

Anyway, after that, I went back to taking the bus home, and things settled back into a routine. I did notice that Brandon was taking better care of himself, showering more and stuff, especially in the morning before he went to class. I assumed that he was getting all gussied up for some girl at school. I asked him who she was, but he kept denying that there was any such girl. He had to be putting in all this work for someone. I did think it was kind of cute.

One morning, I couldn't resist the temptation anymore. I peeked in on him while he was in the shower, making some remark about how his ladylove would be so pleased at how clean he was getting. All I saw was his bare behind, fairly hairless, but kind of muscular, masculine, attractive even. He quickly chased me out, but when he came out, fully dressed, he was all upset, outraged that I'd peeked in on him. No matter how much I apologized, he still seemed steamed. It seemed a bit unfair. He's seen me naked, spanked me, dry-humped me, but won't even let me see his weenie? Ah well. He's bound to calm down eventually.

Time passed, and I'd almost forgotten about it, when one day, my best friend Satomi and I came back from swimming at the beach. I'd had a shower at the surf center, but Satomi doesn't like to get naked in public. ;-p She ended up having a shower at our house. I was just lying on my bed in shorts and a t-shirt, relaxing when suddenly, I heard Satomi cry out from the bathroom.


At first I didn't know what it was, but when I got up, I saw Brandon dash out from the bathroom back to his room. Darn! I guess he must have thought it was me in the shower, and was trying to get me back for peeking in on him. Poor innocent Satomi had ended up the victim of his peeping tomfoolery.

Brandon was clutching his crotch, so I knew he'd got a look at her. I went over, and tried to get Satomi to calm back down, but she was completely scandalized that this boy I was living with had snuck in, and peeked on in on her while she was naked. Now Satomi doesn't seem to realize this, but she is pretty hot. Her eyes are cat-like and slinky. Her whole body was this light shade of pink, unkissed by the sun, making her thick black pubic hair, streaming with water really stand out. She doesn't like her own behind, but it's actually quite sexy, very much what guys like I think, round, curvy and a bit cushy. I'd told her she should put herself out there more, but I guess this wasn't exactly what I meant.

Once she dried off, and got dressed, I took her over to Brandon's room, and demanded he apologize. He explained what I already knew; he hadn't meant to spy on her. She was still angry though. The whole thing was kind of awkward, because in a way, I guess it was my fault. If I hadn't peeked in on him the other day, he wouldn't have been looking to get me back.

For the next little while, Satomi made a point of not coming over to my house because "that pervert Brandon might be there." Maybe it had been wrong of him to spy on her like that, but I didn't like the way she was dissing him. Satomi didn't know the whole story. I couldn't really tell her either without making things worse.

At home, after these run-ins, I did make more of an effort to keep my guard up. For instance, on this one day, when I went over to shower, I took a knee-length yukata (robe) with me, and wore it when I came back to my room. I'd made a point of pushing my door all the way shut, and then even pulled on some panties and jeans before taking off my yukata. I was looking in my closet--bare-breasted mind you--trying to figure out what blouse I should wear. My breasts aren't huge, but they are all natural, a nice round shape (handful size?) with cute pink nipples. A lot of guys like them. Ryosuke calls them "bi'nyuu," Japanese for 'beautiful breasts.'

Anyway, there I was standing in my own room topless, when, suddenly, Brandon opens the door, and asks,

"Hey, Emi. Have you seen my baseball cap?" He didn't even bother to knock. I covered my breasts with my hands, and turned to glare at him, annoyed that he would burst in on me.

"Oh sorry. I didn't realize...," he apologized. I looked down at my breasts to make sure I had them covered, but he just continued to stand there, staring at me, this goofy look on his face.

"What?" I demanded sternly. He kind of looked at me sheepishly, but then nodded towards my breasts, saying,

"That's interesting how you can hide them like that."

"Tebura," I explained in Japanese.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Tebura," I repeated. He still didn't understand, so I translated back into English, "A hand bra."

He cocked his head, examining my breasts from this side and that. I finally got fed up, and chased him out, closing the door. I don't get it. He gets all steamed when I peek in on him, but he feels quite at home eyeballing me. That's not fair! Later in the car, I caught him staring at my breasts again, but at least by then, I was dressed in one of my more modest blouses.

That night I was getting ready for bed when I heard a tap tap tap at my door. I was fresh from the shower, but wearing bulky boy-style pajamas, so I finally got up, and answered it. It was Brandon.

"What now?" I demanded, still a bit annoyed.

"Hey, chill out. Truce. Truce," he pleaded, holding up his hand in apology. I went back to my chair, and continued drying my hair. "You know what you were saying this morning about 'hand bra' being a Japanese word..."

"Tebura," I repeated.

"Is there a word for 'hand undies'?"

I looked at him for a minute, and then answered,



"Tepantsu. 'Te' is 'hand,' and 'pantsu' is 'underwear'."

He got out a notebook, and wrote that down.

"What does that look like?" he asked with this evil glint in his eye. It slowly dawned on me that he was asking me to pull down my p.j. bottoms, cover my bush with my hand, and show him. Now it is certainly true that I've teased Brandon now and then. The first time I did it, I think he told on me to his mom. Loretta asked me not to tease him, but a few times I (or my sister or Ryosuke) have gotten carried away. It's weird, you know? Because I live with Brandon, I know him so well. I'd kind of been relying on him to keep these things our secret. Still, it's hard to find the line, you know? How much is too much?

"Here! Go look it up for yourself," I finally replied, shooing him away. He looked disappointed, but he did eventually leave. I closed the door again, nervous, wondering if I'd pushed this whole teasing thing too far. I get all excited when I'm doing it, but I probably should be more careful. Loretta is pretty understanding, but if all this gets out, or heaven forbid, back to my parents, I'll really be in for it then.

Anyway, a few weeks after that, Loretta invited me to join them for a backyard barbecue. That morning, I ended up going to the beach with Satomi. I wanted to swim, but Satomi stayed with our stuff lying out on a towel sunbathing. Guys kept going over to hit on her, but she just kind of lay there, not really responding, hiding behind her big dark sunglasses. When I came back, I told her about the barbecue, but she was still avoiding "that perv Brandon," so I told her we could meet up after, and headed home on my own.

When I got home, I peeked out the back window to see who all was there for the barbecue. It was just the regulars: Hank, Brandon, Dylan, Loretta and Jennifer. Hmm. That's just as well I guess. I don't need to dress up.

I rushed upstairs, had a quick shower, and pulled on a pair of soft pink workout pants and an airy white cotton t-shirt. I went outside, and said hi to them all. Loretta offered me a hot dog. While I was adding some veggies, I slowly began to sense that Brandon was staring at my back. The workout pants I was wearing have a fairly loose belt, so I think they were hanging a bit low on my hips, leaving my butt crack exposed. I wanted to pull them back up, but my hands were full. Brandon wasn't making a scene or anything, but he seemed pretty tickled to see my precious white butt cheeks. A lot of guys seem to like my behind. I'd worn a lot of sunblock at the beach, but it's possible he could see the tan lines from where my bikini was. Some guys find that sexy I guess.

I explained to them all that I had to go meet Satomi later, so I could only stay for a bit. In a carefree mood, I plopped my bottom down in the chair next to Brandon, sitting up straight, my lips pursed together, playing innocent. Brandon seemed distracted, and was trying not to stare at me, but when I turned away, I could sense his eyes dart down to my rump again. I don't know what it is with guys, why they get so excited at seeing a little bit of skin. I look relatively decent in this outfit I thought. It was certainly nothing outrageous.

When I put the end of the hot dog in my mouth, Brandon started squinting trying to keep from laughing. I think instead of the hot dog, he was imagining me putting something else in my mouth. I played dumb, but wrapped my lips around the wiener vaguely miming what he was thinking. He licked his lips, but didn't say anything. I polished off the first hot dog, and then went over to get another. Brandon was still eyeing my backside, but Hank and Loretta seemed unconcerned, not really paying attention to us.

When I came back, just for kicks, I slid my rear along the seat of my chair, pulling my pants down exposing even more of my bottom. I don't think Brandon could see at first, but he had this little grin, enjoying my antics. Still playing innocent, I slowly hopped forward giving him a better look at my bare behind.

I'm not really sure why I was doing all this. It was a nice day out, and I'd had fun at the beach. I was just in a frisky mood I guess, glad for the attention. Brandon was being surprisingly shy, avoiding my gaze, trying not to get caught ogling my tush.

When I slid back in my chair again, I accidentally(?) pulled my waistband down even further. I actually overdid it this time, pulling my pants down so far you could almost see my pussy. I just stayed there like that, completely bare ass, contentedly munching on my hot dog, giving Brandon a big smile whenever he looked this way. He looked pretty nervous actually. I wanted to get some lettuce for my hot dog, but I was worried that if I stood up like this, I would lose my bottoms, so I finally had to pull them back up. Brandon looked disappointed.

I was vaguely toying with the idea of pushing it further, flashing him my pussy even, but this was getting too dangerous. He came over to ask where I was headed, and I told him just down to campus, Satomi's dorm. I think he wanted to come, but Satomi wouldn't like that, so I had to tell him next time. Anyway, when I finished, I thanked Loretta for the food, and then headed off. On campus, no one seems to care how I dress, so my outfit wasn't as big of a deal.

One weekend not long after that, Loretta told me she was taking her kids to the beach, and I asked if I could tag along. I really wanted to change. I was just dressed plain not beachy: beige cargo shorts and a baggy white button up short-sleeve blouse, but Loretta and them were all raring to go. I paused a moment to put on my lucky necklace, stuffed my phone, a towel, my bikini and a bottle of sunblock into my bag, and went downstairs. At the door, I pulled on a straw hat, sunglasses and beach sandals. We piled into Loretta's(? or maybe Hank's) SUV, and headed out.

Loretta drove us down to the south end of the beach in search of parking. She finally settled on a spot in one of the town's parking lots among the trees, not far from the shore. The three of them got out their stuff, but I hadn't changed yet, so I told them to go on ahead, and save me a spot. Loretta gave me her keys, so I could lock up, and then headed out with Brandon and Jenn in tow. Brandon turned to look back at me, but his mom yelled at him to catch up. He did seem awfully curious.

It was a really gorgeous day out, sunny and warm with a nice cool breeze blowing in off the ocean. I could hear crickets chirping away. It reminded me of summers in Japan. I went around to the back of the SUV, and opened the rear hatch to get my stuff.

I had a vague idea of where we were. This was south of the main beach where all the restaurants and attractions are. I usually walk or bike to the beach, so I don't usually come this far down. It strikes me that it's less crowded here, which is good, but I don't think there are any public washrooms nearby for me to change in. I guess I could just change here by the car. I'd seen a Chinese girl do this once, get naked near their SUV on the beach. No one tried to stop her or anything. I have got in trouble changing near the beach before, but maybe it would be OK this time.

The parking lot was empty save a few parked cars. I walked along the tree line, peering through the branches trying to see if anyone was there. Even in the woods, it was bright and sunny, the leaves rippling in the breeze, but it seemed safe. There were cars going by on the road back at the entrance, but I don't think anyone driving by in a car would notice me sandwiched between our van on one side and trees on the other.

When I looked back though, something caught my eye, a shadow or person, moving in the trees. I hid behind a car, and peered out at it through the windshield. As it came closer, I realized it was Brandon! Same mirror sunglasses, wiry physique, long blue swim trunks. The sneaky little devil! He'd come back, looking for me, probably hoping to catch me changing. I knew it! I knew he might try something like this! He's usually a good boy, but lately, he's been acting so strange. Maybe he's still trying to get me back for peeking in on him in the shower.

As I thought about it some more, I kind of realized that maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. Instead of changing out here all alone, it might be safer to have him stand guard, protect me. He wasn't coming out of the woods though. He was just huddling there, hiding behind a tree. What does he think he is? Some kind of ninja? That's silly. Also, no help. What's the point of coming back here if he's not going to talk with me?


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