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Telekinesis - the Undoing Ch. 10

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Attack of the dildoes.
5.2k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/28/2017
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Telekinesis - the undoing of Mandy, Rachel and a few more besides


The girls - Mandy, Rachel and Titch - had agreed to meet up at Mandy's before heading into town. A girls' night out untroubled by boys. The cinema and then a restaurant. A super evening. A lot of giggling on the bus on the way back to Mandy's and then the girls had settled down in the lounge to talk, her parents leaving them to it and going off to bed; aware, no doubt, the girls would be talking into the small hours.

And talk they did, plus a bit of late night television, and a few glasses of Southern Comfort. A couple of hours sped by and then the topic came back around to Mr Derais' E Type. Rachel recalled Mandy's description of it being like a big penis. That was not something she was likely to forget quickly. She liked big and once suggested she saw what Mandy meant and saw the E Type in quite a new light! The conversation became increasingly lewd particular on the subject of penises and size. Unsurprisingly the name 'Buck Sampann' came up accompanied by hoots of laughter.

"How big is Jeff then, Mandy?"

"About so big!" Her hands waving in front of her demonstrating.

"I wonder how big Mr Derais is?"

"Would you like to find out, Rachel?"

More laughter.

"How many have you seen... played with, Mandy?"

"Titch, what a question!"

"Go, on Mandy, tell!" Rachel was egging her on.

"OK - four!"

"Really? Jeff and...?"

"Buck Sampann. No! Only joking. How about you?"

"Err... not as many as you."

"How many?"


"Nik and...?"

"Sam Smith, You remember. We went out for a little while."

"Oh yeah. And...?"

"Not saying. What about you. Jeff and..."

"Um, Simon Farris."

"No!" Exclaimed Rachel and Titch.

"It was a long time ago. Only sort of petting."

"Sort of?"

"Well, he did come. But we didn't really go out."


"Oh some boy on holiday. Nice, very nice. David."


"And another. I'm not telling you about that!"


Indecision on her part. She did not really like to reveal her total inexperience. "Oh, yes I have with a boy. All the way."

"Who. who, who?" A chorus of interest.

"Not saying!"

"Go on Titch, you've got to say."

"You haven't! I mean you've both kept quiet."

"Yeah but only on one, Titch, not all of them."

Titch though was adamant and the girls went back to penis size.

"Whose then was the biggest, the biggest cock, Mandy, since you are the most experienced. Jeff's?"

"No! Hardly!"

The girls laughed at her instant assessment.

"Pretty quick decision, Mandy," said Rachel, "one must have been just so obviously bigger."

"Um, yes."

"Who, Simon?"


"That David?"

"Not him though he was bigger actually and, um, blacker!"


"So the mystery boy. The mystery penis!"


"How big?"

Mandy demonstrated


Rachel swallowed. That was as big as Bobby Robinson she thought. Well, there was no way she was admitting to having played with his penis!

"Mine was that big too," it was Titch.


But Titch was not saying. Not at first.

The girls pushed and pushed until, finally, Titch said, "It was sort of an accident..."

"Tell us more. An accident? Pull the other. How come?"

And Titch began to explain about how she had been out running and her shirt had come off and then her shorts had ripped but Bobby Robinson...

"No!" Went Mandy and Rachel together.

And it all came out.

Titch was a little surprised to find a complete lack of censure. Beyond the 'No!' the girls said nothing, not even querying her description of Bobby as 'big.'

"And he fucked you?"

"Mmmm, yep."

The others were surprisingly quiet.

"So," said Titch, a rather emboldened Titch, to the other girls, "who else has this big penis. Presumably it is the same boy you two have been fucking?"

It was perceptive but it was not some other boy: it was all just Bobby.

Rachel and Mandy said nothing.

"Go on, you've got to tell. I told you. It's only fair.

"Funny things happen when Bobby is around," said Mandy.

"Oh it's not him is it, Mandy?" Titch was quick on the uptake.

"Um, yes!" Mandy looked at Rachel expecting derision but instead Rachel's eyes were wide.

There was a pause, a silence for a while as if Rachel was taking in what Mandy had said and coming up with a suitable reply. To Mandy she was taking a surprisingly long time. Her words, when they came, were simple and unexpected.

"Me too," said Rachel.

There was a further silence for a few moments as the girls took in the fact they had all been fucked by Bobby.

"He certainly is big," said Rachel.

Mandy nodded.

"Wonderful cock; lovely cock; magnificent actually but..."

"Wrong boy!"

"How?" asked Titch.

"Well," said Mandy.


"It was so weird..."

Mandy began explaining: explaining about Mr Derais' strange wandering pen, about how she had tried to sort things out and had gone looking for something to wear/ How she had found the shorts and then they and her skirt had disappeared at which point Bobby Robinson had appeared. Appeared at just that point.

"The thing was he was so nice about it. Offered to lend me his boxers only... only I found myself holding his erection and then it went off in my hand."

"Were you helping it, Mandy?"

"Well, yes but I hadn't meant to."

And then the banana getting stuck and Bobby helping her. But how had it got 'stuck' in the first place? Bobby had been, once more, so nice but then they had showered and she'd let Bobby wash her only... "he was very good with his hands... This is awful; sounds awful telling it all. What about you, Rachel?"

And Rachel had begun to describe. It was not easy for her having to explain how it had all happened because the main protagonist had been Mr Tom. "I like... I like big penises... um I have this toy and its really rather big and, well I don't know how it happened but it was in my school bag on an inspection day and Bobby sort of hid it and I was grateful and I - stupid me - bet he wasn't as big... but, you see, only he was."

It all sounded so stupid but that was how it had been. "And we fucked."

"Did you Mandy?"


"What? You went with him more than just when you said?"

"Yeah, Titch. Bobby just keeps turning up and being so.. so nice really in his way and he does have that lovely appendage. But you know that Titch?"

Titch nodded. "It was a bit strange," she said. "But the other time I saw it again - with Karen - and..."

"What? Karen as well?"

"We went swimming with Bobby after the party at Simon Farris' you see. In the river. It was skinny dipping but we made him cum. I liked seeing that."

"He can be so nice but what I don't get is why such odd things happen when he's around. I mean," said Mandy, "how did Titch's clothes come off on her run, how did Mr Derais' pen go all walkabout, how did your toy get in your bag, why did that light keep switching on in Jeff's car..."

"What light?"

And Mandy had to explain all about that. And how both times Bobby just happened to turn up.

"What about the boys going in the wrong changing room?"

"Bobby was reading outside wasn't he?"

"And Buck Sampann's exhibition."

The girls laughed. "Odd too."

"And Sandy's swimming costume."

"There's something strange about Bobby Robinson."

"Bobby," said Mandy.

Bobby Robinson paused in his step. It was clear to the girls he was heading to his next lesson with a pile of books in his hand.

"Yes, Mandy? Hi Rachel, hi Titch."

"We've been talking." Mandy thought that was clue enough for Bobby.


He looked so innocent, so puzzled, so Bobby Robinson. It was annoying.

"Look Bobby, you've been doing something with us and others and we want to know what and how you do it."

There was no change in his look of puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

It was suddenly not quite so easy to say. "You know. With Titch's running things on the common, Rachel's toy in her bag, our boobs bouncing in the showers, that wandering banana, that,,,"

"Oh, those things. Quite easy really." All bright and breezy with a great big smile.

"Look, Bobby, we..."

Mandy got no further. It was as if a hand had just slipped into her blouse and bra and lifted her left breast up and out. There it was, her blouse and bra pulled downwards and her breast out in the open. Bobby's hand had come nowhere near her and neither had Rachel nor Titch,

"Eeek," went Titch as she felt her panties being tugged downwards and, before she could do anything, they were fluttering, white and frilly, around her ankles.

Rachel, for her part, was suddenly looking startled and standing up unusually straight.

"See," said Bobby, "quite easy really. Be good!" He smiled and walked on leaving the girls hurriedly rearranging themselves or pulling up panties.

"What, how, I mean... what did he do to you Rachel?"

"I felt all of a sudden as if a finger was being pushed up my... um... bottom."

"How does Bobby do those things?"

How indeed! It was a topic of conversation when the girls met at Rachel's that evening. A sleepover. Good things to eat, a little wine and lots of girl talk. A pyjama party indeed - or at least the girls got into pyjamas early. They were sitting on Rachel's bed talking, the stereo quietly playing in the background

"He can move things with his mind that's what I think. I think he was making Mr Derais' pen walk and your clothes fly away into the trees. He's dangerous."

"I think you're being a bit hard on Bobby, Mandy, he's nice really. I think he's kind. There was nothing like that when he took Karen and me swimming."

"Don't know about kind, Titch, but he's manipulative. Do you think he can't just move things but can manipulate minds as well? I mean I can't sort of get his big cock out of my mind."

"That, Rachie, is 'cos you've a thing about big dongs! I have to admit he's outsize but you can't just go around sticking pens or bananas in girls. I mean..."

"His balls are so heavy as well. Have you lifted them? Have you cupped your hand and raised his scrotum up? They are actually a weight in your hand. I mean..."

"Rachie! We're meant to be being all cross about Bobby not lusting after him and his tackle. It's as if you'd like him to be here now for us to play with his him. Play with his big penis and balls!"

"No... but he does have a lovely set, um, to play with."

"Rachie! We should be planning what to do with him. How to get back at him. I think... EEEK! A mouse!"

The girls all looked where Mandy was pointing and there was movement behind the parted curtains and a little nose peeked out. The girls leapt off the bed and stared at the little thing which then pulled itself back behind the curtains.

"That's not a mouse," said Rachel pulling the curtains right back. The thing scuttled into the corner of the window sill hiding in the folds of the curtains. "It's one of my toys." She looked out through the window glass into the blackness of the night. "It's Bobby. He's watching us from his bedroom. He's controlling it." Rachel tried to tug the curtains back but they would not move.

"It's what?"

"Hey, it moved." And Titch was right. Whatever it was it had dropped down and had scuttled across the floor towards Rachel's dressing table. The girl's eyes followed it as it hid behind a leg and then made its way up a leg. It was indeed a dildo. They could see it now. Pink and penis shaped. It was one of those realistically moulded ones -- just like an erection only moulded in plastic, perhaps even moulded from real life.

So strange the pink plastic willy making its way up the chair leg. What was it going to do? What had Bobby in mind? It bobbed across the dressing table towards a jar of lotion. The girls watched spellbound by the sight as the jar's lid unscrewed all by itself and dropped to the table with a clatter. It was as if there was an invisible man in the room. The plastic penis bobbed over to the jar and seemed almost to be looking at it and thinking. It nodded to itself and then dipped its head, its perfectly moulded head right into the lotion before raising itself up and seeming to turn to look at the girls.

"Oh, oh," said Mandy, "it looks like it's just... um... cum."

And it did! White cream smeared around its 'business' end, running down like semen. The now upright penis, its head raised walked across the table as if both looking and coming towards the girls.

"Oh," said Mandy, "It's coming for us. You know what it's going to do!"

The girls did, they backed away from it as it moved towards them, they backed away as it leapt into the air and flew slowly but steadily across the room.

"The door. Quick!" Said Titch but the door would not open however much they pushed it. Again they moved, backing across the room towards the sofa Rachel had in her room, the sofa opposite the window.

"We're being herded," said Rachel, "like a flock of woolly sheep."

It was just as she said it that her pyjama bottoms all on their own accord suddenly descended to her ankles and there, for all to see, was indeed her wool! Her dark, vee shaped patch of curly wool!

"Oh"! She said reaching down and trying to pull her pyjamas up but as she did so the buttons to her top started undoing themselves. "Help me!"

But as the other girls reached to help her so too did their pyjamas start removing themselves. Girls hands flapping around trying to control their clothing whilst all the time the plastic penis got closer.

"Hey!" said Mandy as she fell over backwards onto the settee. Her pyjama bottoms came right off and flew up into the air to land right on top of the wardrobe. The plastic erection moved in on her. She grabbed it. It was slippery with its mock ejaculate and its movement was strong. She had to use all her force to hold it back from her"

The other girls were fighting to hold onto to their pyjamas. They were losing!

"I know," said a now naked Rachel. "The wardrobe. He can't see us in there. We'll be safe"

There was a mass scramble, the wardrobe door pulled open and the three girls pushed inside amongst the dresses and coats and pulled the door shut.

In Mandy's hand the dildo stopped moving. It did not exactly go 'limp' in her hand as it remained hard plastic! But it stopped fighting against her. It was just a plastic dildo slippery with body lotion.

"It's stopped," she said. "What should I do with it?"

"You can do what you like with it," said Rachel, "I think we all know where it was trying to go. Now what do we do? This was not quite how I envisaged the evening, playing naked sardines with my friends. I mean, this is rather intimate."

"And going to be rather hot," said Titch.

It was. Three naked girls crammed together in a wardrobe and embraced by a range of dresses and other clothing. Their bodies tight together.

"I mean, girls, I like you all and that but I'd rather be here with the boys."

"I'm sure you would, Rachie -- sure we all would. Hard male bodies pressed against us -- and I mean hard!"

"Yes, Mandy, that would be a game! Intercourse would be a bit difficult."

"Oh, I don't know, if you could get your arms around a boy's neck and lift yourself up and wrap your thighs around him."

"Depends how cramped and how many boys!" Said Rachel. I think it might be more a case of hands everywhere. No possibility of intercourse or... just hands. I wonder. Two boys' hands at once!"

"It would get so sweaty!"

"Yeah, hot slippery bodies -- tactile gone mad."

"You wouldn't know whose penis was hard against your bottom or pubes."

"One pushing in from the back and one from the front --wow!

"I don't really think this talk, amusing as it is, is exactly sorting out what we are going to do," said Titch, "and I'm getting a little hot with you pressed against me. Nice though your breasts are, Rachie!"

"We're going to have to accept what Bobby has planned. I mean we're cornered. Shall we just lie back and be fucked? We could, I suppose, ring him up and tell him to stop. I mean he'll probably say 'yes' if we let him come around and play with us. Who wants now to be fucked by Bobby -- again it seems as he's done us all -- or more likely lie back and let him take us one by one."


"Alternatives, Mandy?"

"I can't think of any, Rachel but you mean just lie back and let Bobby play with your plastic toys -- how many have you got. That's not the big one?"

Outside the wardrobe a tapping and scratching started. There was more than one thing making the noises.

"Um... no, not at all... um... quite a few, I..."

"Your own business, Rachie, I'm sure you have fun but what do we do. Can we just lie back and enjoy it? I mean is anyone feeling, how should I put it, receptive?"



"Not really," said Titch.

"Um... I like the talk of sardines with the boys."

"Me too," said Mandy, "it would be easiest. We can't escape. Let's face the plastic. It's too hot in here."

The girls tumbled out of the wardrobe and the pink dildo came alive in Mandy's hand. Rachel's dildo collection had all escaped the drawer they were kept in and turned as one as if watching the girls. The girls edged back to the sofa and sat down in a row.

"What do we do?" Asked Titch.

"I think we just lie back raise our hands up above our heads and open our legs."

"What, like surrender?"

"Yeah, just like that! You first, Mandy. You'll have to let go of that."

Nothing happened at first. Mandy just let go of the pink dildo and it hung there in the air. Slowly she raised her hands and parted her legs as she leant back into the sofa.

Rachel turned. Across the room the window with its drawn curtains was black. She could see nothing out in the darkness, instead there was the reflection of the room and the naked girls. She knew, though, beyond the blackness was Bobby Robinson, probably with binoculars watching their every move. Was he too naked, was he erect, was he wanking or were his hands full with dealing with his control over her bedroom? Her toys were moving across the room, following big black Mr Tom as if he was their leader. They were lining up on the dressing table as if waiting their turn, like men queuing to fuck the girls! She watched her pink realistic dildo shake itself as if all excited and go back and dip itself in the lotion once again. It did so look like an ejaculated penis staying improbably hard and coming back for more. It advanced towards the girls once again.

Rachel looked at Mandy, Mandy looked at Rachel and then it happened. The plastic penis nudged against Mandy's thighs leaving a touch of lotion and then advanced upwards towards where the thighs joined. Mandy's eyes widened.

"Rachie, it's... ooof."

Rachel looked. The dildo had slid into her friend. She could see it sticking out down below Mandy's blond curls. It was moving to and fro.

"Here comes another," said Titch, "who do you think it's for?"

Seemingly Mandy. The dildo, a bright blue one again realistically sculpted seemed to be heading straight for Mandy. It flew slowly across the room rotating gently."

"Oh no, not with my friends watching, no...mmmph!"

It had flown unerringly for her mouth and there was Mandy suddenly looking so different with a blue plastic penis in her mouth as if she was fellating it. Titch and Rachel stared. It was not how they saw their friend normally. Her upraised hands were gesticulating as both the penises moved to and fro. One in her vagina, the other gagging her mouth,

Rachel watched Mr Tom launching itself from the dressing table like a space rocket or ballistic missile, rising to the ceiling, following a parabolic arc and heading right for Titch.

"No! No! I can't. I'm not and it's too big."

Rachel moved and grabbed the big black dildo and thrust it between her own legs. She knew she was wet enough and practised enough to accommodate Mr Tom and protect her friend.

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