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Temporary Separation

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Honey. We need to talk.
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My wife of ten years walked into the living room and handed me a glass of my favorite wine. This wasn't unusual. She tended to spoil me. Not a lot, but just enough for me to notice and make me spoil her. She had a serious look on her face that got me to wondering what was up. I had a bad feeling that I wouldn't like it.

"Honey, we need to talk."

The classic phrase that strikes terror into the hearts of mortal husbands.

"Sure, Babe. What's on your mind."

"Before I tell you I want you to remember how much I love you. You're the best husband in the world."

"I love you too, Babe."

"I want a temporary separation."

"Huh? Temporary separation? What ever for?"

I was stalling, trying to get my mind around what she had just said.

"I have some issues I need to work out in my mind. I think I could do it better if we were apart for a while."

Stalling again I asked, "For how long? I don't like the idea of us being apart."

"I know, dear. But it won't be for very long. Maybe just a few months."

"Is this open for discussion or it is settled without my input?"

"We can talk about it, but it's what I want. I really need this."

"I need some time to get my mind around this. You came at me all of a sudden. I'm not sure what to say. Can we talk again tomorrow night?"

"Of course we can, Honey."

With that said she threw her arms around my neck and gave the hottest kiss I had gotten in years. Her tongue was going after my tonsils and her hand moved down and she was rubbing my cock. Before I knew it she had it out and deep in her throat. She gave me a world class blow job taking my entire load down her throat. I hadn't had treatment like this in years.

Then it hit me like a freight train. She wanted to fuck someone else. Being a good poker player I looked at her without giving her a tell. She was smiling and licking her lips.

"Come to bed. I have some more plans for that beautiful cock of yours."

It quickly came to me that this might be the last time I would get to enjoy her beautiful body. I decided to go for it. I stood up and pulled her off the sofa. I quickly removed her clothes and picked her up. One hand went under her crotch and the other behind her back. I literally picked her up by her pussy. She squealed and I carried her and dropped her on the bed. I yanked off my shirt and dropped my boxers.

I fell between her legs and attacked her pussy. She was so turned on that she came almost immediately. I made her cum twice and flipped her over on her stomach. I grabbed her hips and lifted her into the classic doggie position. I took her in one stroke. She came again as soon as my pelvic bone hit her ass. I rode her like a two dollar whore. I pulled on her tits till she cried out. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back on my cock. I slammed hard in and out of her dripping cunt. She came two times before I dumped my load in her. I fell on her back, exhausted. She was mewing and moaning from all the orgasms she had. I reached over and turned the light off and pulled the covers up over us. She snuggled up to me with her back to me. She started to say something.

"Shhhh. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow."

She wiggled back against me and soon her breathing evened out and I knew she was asleep. I was wide awake.

I started trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. I figured tonight was a good bye fuck. She was probably leaving tomorrow after we talked. Next I tried to figure what brought it on.

We met in college like most of our friends. We were both sophomores at the time. She was taking business classes and I was going for a degree in mechanical engineering. We were exclusive from day one. I had a few romances before we met, but she was a virgin. I was careful with her the first few times and she took to fucking like a duck took to water. One thing I learned early was to give the woman the freedom to express herself sexually. She did.

It soon came to me that I was the only guy she ever fucked. Now she wanted to see what it was like with someone else. This had to be what was on her mind. I knew it wasn't anything lacking in our marriage. We had a great sex life. We made love at least four times a week and threw some extras in on the weekends. She was always very loving and had two or three orgasms every time. I also knew it wasn't due to me having a small cock. Mine was an honest seven inches long and above average in thickness. Only a size queen would want more.

I wasn't a workaholic either. I seldom had to work overtime. She sold real estate and her job was either feast or famine. We both had plenty of time for each other. It was simple. We loved each other and planned on growing old together.

If she had some legitimate issues she needed to work out that was fine with me. But I was a guy who took my marriage vows seriously. No fucking way I would let her go fuck someone else and take her back. I decided to play it cool and see what happened. Plans for my single life would go on hold for now. We weren't done yet; just on life support.

The next morning I woke before her. I got ready for work and stood looking at her. She looked peaceful laying there. I suspect she went to sleep knowing she had everything under control. Little did she know that the success of our marriage was in her hands.

I stopped at a doughnut shop on the way and got a maple bar and a cup of coffee. When I got to work I buzzed my boss. I needed to tell him what was going on. I suspected I would be needing some days off.

I was lucky in a sense. My boss and I were both poker players. We had spent many a night playing at the local Indian Casinos. After telling him what was going on he assured me I could take all the time off I needed. Just be sure to let him know.

I did manage to get a little work done that day. I think the boss told the people that worked under me to bring their problems to him. I kept running all the bullshit through my mind. I was amazed that she really thought I would just roll over and let her go off like this. I got to thinking if someone at work was making a move on her. I had met most of her coworkers. He boss was off the list. He was fat and fifty and happily married. No way a woman as hot as Sarah would go for him. There was one other guy that worked there. I had only met him once and an office party. He was the typical salesman. Brash, aggressive and so full of shit his eyes were brown.

Five o'clock rolled around and it was time. I couldn't avoid going home. I had a bad hand but I had to play it out. I pulled into the driveway and put on my poker face.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was two suitcases and a garment bag in the entryway. That meant that there would be no discussion. She was packed and ready to go. I dropped my briefcase and walked into the kitchen.

"Hi, honey. How was your day?"

The standard coming home from work greeting.

"It was OK. More of the same. Putting out fires. How was yours?"

"I showed a couple of listings. No bites. Just a couple of tire kickers."

"Gotta love the tire kickers for wasting your time."

"Dinner is almost ready. Go get your shower and relax. I'll call you when it's ready."

I walked toward the bedroom. I glanced at the dinning room table. She was going all in. Candles, good china and a bottle of wine. Tears welled up in my eyes.

I took a quick shower and sat in front of the TV. I put the news on and she brought me a glass of wine.

"Ten minutes."

I took a couple of sips of wine and got up and sat at the table. She started bringing in the food. Dish after dish of my favorites appeared on the table.

"I see you're all packed. Where will you be staying?"

"Marcie is letting me stay with her."

"Oh, that's nice of her."

Marcie, the three time loser. Two of her husbands caught her cheating. The last one just got tired of her bullshit and walked away. She has had more cocks in her than a nurse sees in an entire career. Now I knew who she had been talking to. She planted the seed about finding a strange cock. It was all clear now. She was using Marcie logic. She could fuck someone with out any guilt because we were separated. She could come back with a clean slate.

We chatted about nothing for the rest of the meal. She got up and cleared the table. All the dishes went in the dishwasher and it was time for her to go.

"I have to go now, honey. You know I love you. This will just be for a little while. I'll get my mind right and come back. Then I'll be the best wife in the world."

"I'll be fine, Babe. I know you love me. I'll miss you but I'll be fine.

With that she got up. She kissed me on the cheek, picked up her bags and loaded them in the car. She gave me one last hug and a kiss and I watched her drive away.

I sat on the sofa trying to figure what would happen next. I drew a blank. I knew I was fucked. If I told her not to go I would spend the rest of our marriage wondering if and when she was fucking someone. The was it was now I would find out for sure. I could only hope she would come to her senses and come back without fucking someone. Impotent rage swept over me. I screamed and screamed. Then the tears fell. The fear of losing her filled me. I finally cried myself out and shuffled into the bedroom. I looked around and saw the partially empty closet. I looked like she just took her work dresses. I looked in the chest of drawers and saw all of her lingerie was gone. Even the sexy Victoria Secret ones I bought her. He jewelry box and all of her make up stuff was gone. I turned on the TV and got in bed. About two hours later I managed to fall asleep.

The next morning I managed to haul myself out of bed and go to work. John saw me come in and walked into my office.

"How did it go, Eric? Did she leave?"

'Yep. She had her bags packed and ready to go. She fixed my favorites for dinner, kissed me and left."

"Do you need some time off? I can handle your business for a while."

"No, I need something to do. I don't want to just sit around feeling sorry for myself."

"Yeah, I hear that. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I'm here for you.'

'Thanks, John. I know you are."

I finished out the week as best as I could. I suspect the word got around what was going on. I got a lot of sympathetic looks from everyone. I got some nice smiles from some of the secretaries. I figured some were hoping for a shot at me.

Friday night I started planning. I would wait on separating our finances. I would do that after I found our if she was fucking someone. I needed to find out the address of the dip shit at work. I suspected he would make a move on her as soon as he found out she moved out. I went in the den and turned on our home PC. I searched for the real estate company home page she worked for. I found the one she worked at. There was his mug, a big shit eating grin on his face. I got his name and searched and got his address.

I checked my email. It was just some advertising and other bullshit. I tried to open Sarah's. It was password protected. I tired some combinations and finally hit it. It was her maiden name with our anniversary date. For an hour I looked around. I didn't fine anything at all. She may have deleted all the hot ones. I opened the Netflix home page and subscribed. I confirmed it from the email they sent.

I made a sandwich and got a beer. I kicked back and watched the beginning of a Star Trek marathon. I woke up at three and went to bed.

Saturday morning I went shopping. I went to a spy store. I told the guy what I had planned. He put me on to a pair of glasses. They had a clear lens with a camera and microphone built in. They just looked like any pair of dark horn rimmed glasses. He assured me they worked good in low light. He showed me a GPS tracker that had a range of five miles. It took a nine volt battery. Eight hundred dollars later I walked out. I stopped off at a men's store and bought a nice looking fedora. With the hat and the glasses I figured I had a pretty good disguise.

I got home and played with the glasses. They were pretty easy to operate. Just click a button on the ear piece and they started recording. The guy was right. They worked good in low light. I loaded the GPS AP on my phone and tested it. A map popped up and showed it was at my address.

Next I called a car rental and ordered a gray Honda. They agreed to deliver it. All I needed to do now was plant the GPS gadget on Sarah's car. I ate some lunch and kept busy the rest of the day doing yard work.

That evening I decided to forgo the Star Trek marathon and I went to the casino. I ate at the buffet and bought in a five ten pot limit holdem game. Over the next three hours I managed to win about three hundred dollars.

On he way home I drove my Marcie's house. I saw Marcie's car was gone and the house was dark. Sarah's car was there. I suspected they were out on the town. I parked down the block and walked back to Sarah's car. I looked around and saw no one. I put the GPS thingy under the fender. I got back in my car and pulled around the block to check to see if it worked. Just like the man said, it showed the map with Marcie's address.

I went home and watched some more of the Star Trek marathon.

Wednesday night I decided to check on Sarah. I didn't think Marcie would let much time go by before breaking Sarah into the singles scene. I got near her house and checked the GPS. Sarah's car wasn't there. I drove around to some of the close night spots. I suspected they would be at some place with a live band and dancing. Sure enough, at the third place I checked I found her car. I pulled in the parking lot and put on my glasses and hat. The guy at the door wanted a five dollar cover charge. While I was paying him I scanned the room. I saw them at a table for two in the back. I took a seat at the bar so I could see them in the mirror. I ordered a Bud Light and settled in for a while.

The stag line kept them pretty busy, but it didn't look like anyone was getting any action. About an hour later they got up and left. I had my back to them as they walked out. I followed a few minutes later. I followed them a few miles behind. The went back to Marcie's house. I decided to wait till Saturday night to go again.

Saturday night I was parked in on the other side of the block in my rental watching my phone. Sure enough, her car was moving. I pulled out and drove by Marcie's house. I saw there were lights on in the house. The last time they both went our the house was dark.

I followed her to the same night club. She went in and I followed about ten minutes later. As I paid the cover I saw her and asshole sitting at a table by the dance floor. I took my spot at the bar and clicked the button on my glasses. The got their drinks and he pulled her up to dance. It was a slow one and he pulled her close. My stomach tightened up and I tasted bile in my mouth. The stayed on the floor for three songs. When that sat down he leaned over and kissed her. She didn't pull back. The danced two more songs and sat down again. This time he kissed her again. Her hand went up and she caressed his cheek. Her hand went around to the back of his head and she ran her fingers through his hair. I could see their tongues were working out. I did some deep breathing to keep from rushing him and kicking his ass. I had to maintain my cool. An hour later they got up and left. I followed them out. They were standing by her car and were kissing again. Both of her arms were around his neck. I almost barfed on my steering wheel. I couldn't watch any more. I pulled out of the lot and parked. Soon her car was moving. I followed her to Marcie's house. I parked and waited a while. He didn't show up.

I sat on the sofa as the impotent rage consumed me again. I screamed and swore at Sarah. I knew it was just a matter of time before she fucked him.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I downloaded the video to my laptop. I ran it to where she was caressing his cheek and captured that one frame. I bumped it to where she had her fingers in his hair and did the same. I put them in my photo program and enhanced and cropped both of them. Those glasses were pretty good. It clearly shows the hot kiss. I named them asshole1 and asshole2 and saved them in my pictures folder.

I got in bed and watched TV till I finally fell asleep.

I spent a miserable Sunday trying to stay busy. I did a lot of yard work and that evening I played some poker. I managed to lose two hundred dollars.

Monday I showed up for work. John took one look at me and shook his head.

"You look like shit. Did it happen?"

"I don't think so. She went out with that asshole from work. He was working on her big time. I think it's just a matter of time."

"I'm sorry for you, buddy. Hang in there and you'll get through this. It will get easier."

I didn't get much work done so I took off Friday afternoon. I contacted my lawyer and had him prepare the divorce papers. We went over the nuts and bolts of it. We didn't have any kids so it would be a fifty fifty split. I didn't want the house so she could buy me out or we could sell it. I instructed him to hold them till I called.

I had to wait till she fucked him so I didn't go to the bank yet. I didn't want to tip my hand.

That night I decided to check on Sarah. Maybe she planned on doing the weekend with him. I parked in my usual place and waited. I watched my phone and at eight her car started moving. I had my disguise ready and my camera also. I figured tonight was the night. I followed her to the same club. I waited till she went in. I put on my hat and glasses and went in. I say them sitting by the dance floor. This time Marcie was with her and she had a guy with her. Asshole was with Sarah. I clicked my glasses and started recording. I noticed that asshole was all over Sarah. He was holding her hand on the table. When they danced his hands were on her ass. I tasted the bile again. Finally they got up and left. Marcie got in the car with her date and they left. Asshole pulled out and Sarah followed him. I hung back a little and followed. The went to his house. As I cruised by she pulled into his driveway. I didn't see them get out. I really didn't need to.

I drove around for about twenty minutes. I came back and parked across the street from his driveway. I needed a picture of her car there. I waited till the lights went out and pulled out. I aimed my headlights on the back of their cars. I quickly took three snapshots of both cars. I pulled away. I stopped and checked to see if I got a good picture. All three turned out just fine.

The impotent rage consumed me as I drove home.

I captured the shots of his hands on her ass and enhanced them. I downloaded the ones of her car and enhanced one of them. It had a time stamp on it. Her license plate showed clearly. I saved them with all the others.

I set my alarm for five and turned on the TV.

The next morning my alarm jolted we awake. I was dreaming of them fucking. I saw her naked under him with her legs wrapped around his ass. Her hips were thrusting up and his ass cheeks were clenching as he pumped his cum in her. I rushed to the bathroom and puked up green bile. The rage hit me again.

I got dressed and drove to his house. I took three snapshots of their cars and drove off.

I suffered through the rest of the day planning my single life. I had what I needed and I intended to use it. I loaded the pictures on my phone and prepared a text for her.

'I see you have your mind right and all your issues worked out. We had a great ten years. I hope your next ten are as good. Eric.'

I attached the pictures to it and saved it in drafts.

Monday morning I called John and took the day off.

First I went to the bank. I took half the savings and the value of our CD's and opened another account. I left the checking alone. I put three thousand in my new checking account. I stopped by my lawyers office and picked up Sarah's copy of the divorce papers. I contacted a process server and paid him his fee. I gave him an extra one hundred to help me with my plan on serving her. We set it up for Tuesday at nine in the morning.


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