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Thank God For Second Chances

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I hate you becomes I love you.
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^^^February 14th - 8:04 p.m.^^^

"I need the best man and the maid of honor," the photographer's assistant at the engagement party shouted. She looked down at her list and said, "I need Brett and Brett??"

The two Bretts came forward to get their picture taken. The man was of average height. The woman would have been five foot one inch tall if not for her four-inch heels.

The photographer looked at the pair and said, "The gentleman in the back. Please stand on the 'X'. Lady Brett, please stand in front of him even with his left shoulder."

The couple followed his instruction.

The photographer looked through his camera and said, "That's great. Smile."

The male Brett smiled for the picture. In his mind, he said, "I hate you, Bitch."

The short redhead, standing in front of him, smiled at the camera and said to herself, "God! I can't believe I'm standing next to this jerk."

The bald man took the picture.

Brett looked down at his nemesis. His eyes drifted to her boobs, and he thought, "Damn! Those are nice. They're small but perfect spheres."

The woman looked up at the handsome man and shrieked, "Are you looking down my top?"

"Busted," Brett said to himself. He looked into her hazel eyes and lied, "Of course not. Do you think every man is attracted to you?"

He noticed her eyes had shifted from his eyes to his mouth. He wondered, "Do I have something on my face?" He brushed his lips with a hand and found nothing.

The redhead said to herself, "I like the shape of those lips."

She marched off, thinking," But I don't like him. He's cocky and immature."

^^^Earlier that day^^^

"Fuck! This is a pain in the ass," Brett said as he drove around the lot looking for a parking space.

"This shopping center should have more parking. If Starbucks wasn't here..."

He saw a guy heading to his car and followed him. He stopped, put on his left blinker, and waited for the man to drive away.

Instead of getting in his car, the dude put his phone to his ear and started talking. He leaned against his car, looking like he was settling in for a nice chat.

Brett wanted to shout at him. He restrained himself and only thought, "Hey, buddy. Talk later. I need your parking space."

Brett waited and waited.

"Doesn't the jackass see my blinker?"

A woman waddled out of a maternity shop. She was pregnant and enormous. She went to a car beside Brett's idling vehicle, put her bag in the trunk, and slowly lowered herself into the driver's seat.

Brett was blocking her in. He backed up to let her out. He would have taken her spot, except there was a sign that said, 'Parking reserved for expectant mothers or families with infants'.

While the mom-to-be carefully exited her spot, the guy Brett had been waiting for got in his car and drove off. A red Kia Sportage came around the corner and zipped into the empty parking spot while Brett was blocked by the pregnant woman's car.

"Fuck! That's my spot!" he shouted and slammed his hands on the steering wheel.

A petite redhead exited the red car blissfully unaware of what she'd done.

Brett griped, cursed, and circled the lot. He found another spot, parked, and went into the Starbucks to pick up his order. He went to the counter where mobile orders were placed and didn't see anything waiting for him.

He asked politely, "Do you have something for Brett?"

The barista looked at his order screen and said, "Yes. It'll be up in a second."

A young woman with a pierced nose placed a cup on the counter and called out, "Brett."

Brett picked it up, sipped it, and said, "This isn't what I ordered, and where's my bacon, gouda, and egg sandwich?"

The guy looked at his screen and said, "I have you down for a Starbucks Reserve latte. No sandwich."

Brett said, sounding peeved, "I used your app and ordered a latte with hazelnut and a breakfast sandwich."

The employees scanned the screen. The man said, "I had another Brett in here a minute ago. Your order was up. I gave it to her. Sorry, sir. I'll get started on your order right now."

Brett sighed heavily and turned away from the counter.

He saw the redhead who'd taken his parking space. She took a big bite out of a bacon, gouda, and egg sandwich. The coffee cup in front of her read 'Brett'.

"Hey, that was my order!" he said, unable to stop himself.

The woman chewed, swallowed, and said, "I walked in, said I was Brett, and he gave it to me."

"Did you order a sandwich?

"No, but when you're a cute redhead, you're used to guys doing you special favors. Sorry."

"Sorry," Brett mocked her, using a high-pitched, whining voice. "Are you sorry you took my parking space?"

"What are you talking about? Do you have a specially reserved parking space everywhere you go?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"I was waiting...didn't you see my blinker?"

"I didn't see you. I saw a minivan backing out of a space."

She looked at him like he was a crazy person.

Brett walked away because he worried that if he stayed, he might strangle her.


Brett was late for work. He checked his emails and saw a note that said a tech was doing upgrades to the system and would need his computer for a few minutes.

Later that morning, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Brett said. He didn't look away from his screen.

The door swung open. A young, cute, petite, redhead said, "I'm here to do the updates on your computer. Is this a good time?" She was looking in a bag. Her hand was in there, searching for something.

Brett looked up from a spreadsheet and said, "You!"

It was the woman from Starbucks.

"Oh, hi," she said.

Brett got up and said, "Do what you have to do. I'm getting a cup of coffee."

He stared at her and added in a voice dripping with sarcasm, "Can I get you one? And a scone, if there are any left."

He walked out of the room before she could answer.

^^^7:30 p.m.^^^

That night, Brett (the man) went to his best friend's engagement party. Family and friends were in attendance.

Brett was drinking with an old buddy. The guy made a mistake and asked, "How are you doing?"

Brett launched into this story.

"I'm glad to be here. I'm happy for Will and Willow. This day got off to a horrible start. I went to Starbucks on Plymouth Avenue. You know how small that lot is."

His buddy nodded and sipped his drink.

"I was waiting for some guy to get off his phone, get in his car, and drive away so I can have his spot, and before I can get in there this entitled redhead whips in and takes the parking space."

"I hate that," his buddy concurred.

"That's not the whole story. I went into Starbucks to pick up my order, and I discovered that redhead has my coffee and egg sandwich."

Brett looked every part the aggrieved victim.

His buddy asked, "How'd she do that?"

"Turns out she is also named Brett. She was there for coffee. She took my hazelnut latte and the sandwich. Her lame excuse was she thought the barista was hitting on her and giving her a free breakfast."

"It happens all the time," the female Brett said.

Brett turned around and faced Brett. The petite redhead was in full make-up and had a WonderBra on that lifted her boobs out of her tight top. A short skirt and four-inch heels showed off her killer pins.

She looked hot. Unlike the conservatively dressed woman, he saw this morning.

The young woman smiled sweetly and said, "Ladies, back me up on this."

She waved her hands, drawing other people in to hear what she had to say.

"We're young," she said, looking at the other women. "Guys fall all over themselves to get on our good side. If you smile at them, show some cleavage or leg, they are putty in your hands. Right?"

The consensus from the crowd was that she was correct.

Brett said, "So why should I be surprised when the Starbucks guy gives me more than I ordered?"

The other women confirmed this was not an unusual occurrence.

Betsy said, "It's the power of pussy."

Everyone laughed.

Will and Willow were on the other side of the room. They stood. Will spoke loudly, "Hello, everyone. Willow and I appreciate you being here to share our good news. I'm new to this..."

Everyone laughed.

Will blushed and continued, "Sorry. I'm not a great public speaker, so I'll keep this short, and, for the record, this is my first and only engagement."

He pointed to his right and said, "The bar is over there, food is against the back wall, and my mother and sister have organized some games. Have fun. Thanks for being here."

There were a fair amount of people at the party, ranging in age from six to eighty-six. They naturally segregated into family and neighbors, and young adults who were friends of the fiance or the fiancee. The groups didn't mix much.

The Bretts were the exception.

They had been neighbors and childhood friends of the betrothed couple and knew half of the relatives. Brett, the male, knew the groom-to-be and his family, and Brett, the female, had been the bride-to-be's BFF.

Brett M was the best man, and Brett F was going to be the maid of honor.

While most of the young adults huddled by the bar and talked among themselves, the Bretts moved easily among the family members they knew. They were greeted warmly.

They started with the older members.

The old men enjoyed looking down Brett's shirt at her breasts. She allowed it, thinking it was one of the few pleasures they could enjoy. They were too old to be sexually active, and their wives' bodies, ravaged by time, could no longer provide a thrill.

Brett M was greeted warmly, especially by the woman. All the mothers and grandmothers hugged him, kissed him on the cheek, and commented on how handsome he was.

Some were cheeky enough to ask if he was dating anyone special, and when he said no, they called over a daughter or granddaughter for him to meet.

There was a play area for the children in one corner of the room. The Bretts played with the children. Brett F buttoned her shirt to cover her boobs, took off her heels, and got on the floor. Brett M laughed and roughhoused with the kids.

A rambunctious kid ran into Brett F's arms at full speed and bowled her over. Brett went ass over tea kettle and ended up on her back with her feet in the air. Her skirt fell away, and everyone could see her butt cheeks.

They would have seen everything she had, but, at the last minute, she decided against going commando and put on a green thong.

Brett M rushed over, stood her up, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm a little stunned," she said. "I feel like I was hit by a tank."

The mother of the boy who flattened Brett F rushed to her. The woman's face was ashen. She said, "I'm sorry. Timmy gets too excited sometimes."

"It's okay," the redhead said. "Kids will be kids."

The mother took Timmy away.

Brett M grasped Brett F's arm, led her away, and said, "Come. Let's find you a chair. You can rest and get your bearings."

He took her to a secluded table and sat in a chair beside her.

"You don't have to stay with me," she said. "I'm just some selfish bitch who thinks the world revolves around me."

Brett M frowned and said, "I may have misjudged you. I was having a bad day when we met. I see how you interacted with Willow's family. If the old folks and the kids like you, you can't be that bad."

She laughed and said, "How is it that a jerk, like you, can have all those women snowed? They introduced you to their daughters and granddaughters like you're a normal human being!"

"You saw me at my worst. Maybe I deserve a second chance."

Jake, one of Brett M's friends, came up to the two of them. He dropped two twenties on the table in front of Brett M and said, "Here's your money. You won the pool. The maid of honor was wearing green underwear."

"What?" Brett F shrieked. "You scum! You bet on the color of my underwear!"

She stood and marched off.

Brett M looked at his friend and said, "I wish you hadn't done that."

"Bro, it was funny," Jake said. "She's cute, but you said she's rude, manipulative, self-centered, and arrogant. She deserved to be pranked."

Jake smiled and looked at his friend expecting a word, a nod, or some sign of agreement. The smile left his face, and he said, "Do you like her?"

Instead of answering, Brett sighed, went to the bar, and got a drink.


A chubby blonde stood and tapped her glass with a knife to get everyone's attention.

"Hello. For those whom I have not had the pleasure to meet yet, I'm Jennifer, Will's sister. I am your master of ceremonies for the night. I have been told now is not the time to tell embarrassing stories about my brother

"Well, maybe just a quick one. This one is G rated. Will and a friend were on holiday in Corfu. It was a hot sunny day. They found a table in a shady square, sat down, and ordered a beer from the lady who came over to them.

"They rested and drank the beer. When they tried to pay their tab, the woman shook her finger and said, "No need. This is my house. Enjoy your day."

The room laughed; Will shrugged his shoulders and blushed.

"Let's play a game. This one is for the children." She raised her hand and held up a large plastic ring.

"Kids, plastic rings like this are hidden all over the room, including the play area. The person who finds the most wins a prize."

The kids stood.

Jennifer said, "You have fifteen minutes to find as many as you can. Begin!"

The children ran around, looking on tables, and in the centerpieces. They checked under furniture and searched the playground. They giggled, squealed, and shouted when they found one.

The adults looked on, smiling and enjoying the obvious fun the kids were having. The top three ring gathers were recognized. All the kids received stuffed animals.

Jennifer said, "Now it's time for the shoe game!"

Some in the crowd smiled, others chuckled, and a few asked, 'What?'

Will and Willow knew what to expect. They came to the center of the room. Two guys brought out chairs and placed them back-to-back. The couple sat, removed their shoes, and handed one to Jennifer, who gave them a shoe of their betrothed.

The game began with Jennifer asking questions like, 'Who is the messy one?' and 'Who dresses better?' and 'Who made the first move?'

The couple raised a shoe in response to the questions. Neither could see their to-be-wed's answer. Laughter ensued.

Brett F went to the bar, ordered a martini, and took a big sip when it was handed to her. She sat on a barstool and watched the shoe game.

Two women her age joined her at the bar. They ordered drinks. The bleach blonde said, "I'm Bobbie." She pointed to her flat-chested friend and said, "This is Tina."

"Hi. I'm Brett."

The women got their drinks and took a sip.

Bobbie said, "You know how in every group of guys there's the smart one, the good-looking one, the nice guy, some average dudes..."

"And a dumbass," Tina added, interrupting her friend.

Brett looked up, listening.

"We know Brett and his gang of friends. We grew up together. Jake is the dumbass of the group," Bobbie said.

"He thinks he's hilarious," Tina said. She pushed her chest out and said, "He calls me Tiny Tina because I'm barely an A cup, and he has for years."

"That's cruel," Brett said.

"Yes," Bobbie agreed.

Tina said, "There was no betting pool concerning the color of your panties."

"Brett is a nice guy," Bobbie said. "Most of the guys in his crew are. They'd never do anything as crude as that."

"Jake is another story," Tina said, "He would, and he'd also pretend he did to embarrass you and Brett. I'd bet my life that the story was a lie. It was Jake being Jake."

Bobbie nodded and said, "Crude, heartless, and not funny. That's Jake."

"Another reason I'm so sure," Tina said, "is that Brett likes you."


"You're his type," Bobbie said. "Cute, petite, and..."

"It's your hair," Tina said. She gulped her drink and added, "The guy's gaga for redheads."

"Do you like him?" Bobbie asked. "He's good-looking, nice, and has a good job."

"If he's so great, why aren't one of you with him?"

"Who says we haven't been with him?" Tina asked boldly and looked the redhead dead in the eyes.

Tina cracked up, laughed, and said, "I'm fooling with you. We grew up together. We played tag, hide and seek, and kick the can. Neither of us ever dated Brett. Not because he isn't nice, but because he is like a brother to us. He could never be a love interest."

Bobbie drained her glass and said, "We are good friends. That's how we know he has a thing for redheads. In our senior year of high school, a new girl transferred in. She was short, had gorgeous curly red hair, and a face full of freckles."

"All the guys noticed her," Bobbie said. "She dated a couple of them and ended up going steady with Brett. She was his first love."

"Her Dad was in the military," Tina said. "He was transferred, and she left town soon after graduating. Brett took it hard. He was miserable. We consoled him and let him cry on our shoulders.

"Do you have any interest in our friend?" Bobbie asked.

"He does have nice lips..."

"Yes." the bleach blonde agreed.

"We didn't get off to a great start..."

"But..." Bobbie added, leading her on and looking for more information.

"He apologized, and things were moving in a good direction until Jake intervened. I got angry, thinking he had done something so juvenile."

"Do you believe us when we say he knew nothing about that? It was all dumbass Jake."

Brett looked from one woman to the other, took their measure, and said, "Yes."

The women smiled, looked over their shoulders, and waved, beckoning someone to come forward.

Brett M walked over as the women walked away. He thanks his friends.

Brett F grinned, shook her head, and said, "You sent your girlfriends to plead your case?"

"They're good friends; we never dated. I knew they would vouch for me, and I hoped that would carry the day."

"Why does it matter? You don't like me," she said coyly.

"I didn't like you at first sight..."

"Or second sight...when I was eating your breakfast sandwich," she said in a playful tone.

"Correct. However, I realize I made a mistake. I hope I can have another chance."

"Kiss me."


"This is your last chance. If you're a good kisser, I'll give you another chance."

"It all turns on this one kiss?" he asked.

She nodded and gave him a serious look.

Brett M put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her softly and tenderly. He was nervous, and his heart pounded in his chest.

She was nervous as she returned the kiss. Her heart was beating fast. She liked his soft lips and the tenderness he showed. She felt light-headed and swooned.

He felt her go limp and wrapped his arms around her.

Her eyes opened. She looked dazed and said, "Ah...Ah. Okay. You passed the test. You can kiss. Can you dance?"


The shoe game had ended, and a DJ was playing tunes. People were dancing.

Brett F grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. She moved smoothly; he had a herky-jerky style. She laughed at his efforts but was happy that he persevered.

They hung out for an hour.

Brett F grabbed his hand and said, "Come with me."

She dragged him out of the main room towards the bathroom. She opened the door to a unisex bathroom and pulled him inside.

She locked the door and pounced on him. She kissed him passionately.

They made out in the small room. It was a heavy petting session with lots of kisses and caresses.

Brett F hopped up on the sink and spread her legs. Since her skirt was short. He saw her green panties. There was a dark wet spot where her slit was.

"Do you need an engraved invitation?" she asked in a challenging manner.

Brett knelt, put his head between her legs, and kissed her lips through her panties.


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