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The 13th Step

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The 13th Step is where some AA members prey on newcomers.
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Kay pushed open the door and paused as she surveyed the circle of chairs in the middle of the floor. She tried to smooth down the imaginary wrinkles in her jersey dress and coughed gently to attract attention. The heads of the people turned and looked at her; it took every ounce of willpower not to turn and run back out of the door.

"Come on in." said an older grey-haired man with a big smile, "all are welcome here and I guess by your reluctance this is your first time at an AA meeting?"

Kay blushed deeply although it didn't really show against her dark, copper skin that gave her a Mediterranean or Hispanic look. Her long, dark, thick hair cascaded over her shoulders and she bowed her head making her tiny 5' frame seem even smaller. Her dark eyes were wide open; making the fear quite evident as she surveyed the chairs again counting them in her head. She could see that 12 were filled and that next to two blonde haired men there was an empty chair.

One of the men moved quickly and patted the seat between them as he smiled and said, "come on take the chair. I'm Rob and this is my little brother Gary, we don't bite."

"But," stammered Kay, "that's the 13th chair so won't that be unlucky?"

Gary threw back his head and laughed loudly, "There is no such thing as bad luck, just the 12 steps." Then under his breath whispered to his brother, "though for her, I think there will be a 13th step for sure."

Kay sat quietly between the two men and looked at the people sitting around them as they each related their life story. As she listened; Rob told his story about how he and his brother had made moonshine from an early age and would sell to the locals, though they got the taste and started drinking more than they were selling. Then he fell silent and everyone looked at Kay waiting for her to speak and for a moment she sat quietly before the silence was broken by the older man who had welcomed her into the room.

"You don't have to speak if you don't want to," he said kindly, "many find it difficult the first time."

Kay nodded but cleared her throat, "this is something I must do." then she went on, "Hello my name is Kay and I am an alcoholic." She was startled when all of the circle responded with a greeting and then fell silent waiting for her to continue. "My full name is..." but then she stopped as the grey-haired man held his hand up.

"Just first names here Kay, I am Steven, like you I am an alcoholic, that is all we need to know," he said before nodding for her to carry on.

"I started drinking 20 years ago when I was just 14 to blot out the abuse my step father was committing against me." Kay went on to describe how she had run away from home and drifted from one relationship to another, never really settling down. She told how she managed to get it together for long enough to get married but then started drinking again after the birth of her first child. This culminated in her husband leaving her and taking her daughter with him a few months back, which resulted in her going on a huge bender and drinking herself almost to death. Kay sucked her breath to give her time to gather her composure before she went on. "This morning I woke up in an alley and decided I need to change my life so here I am! I haven't had a drink in 13 hours and..." she paused as she glanced at her watch, "...13 minutes."

There were murmurs of support from the group and a couple of the women were visibly shaken by Kay's story so Steven stood and clapped his hands, "OK folks lets grab a quick break and a coffee for 15 minutes."

A couple of the people came over to Kay and hugged her for support before going to the coffee stand. An older woman of around 50 walked over and smiled at Kay before she said," Hi; I'm Mary, your story was so sad and I do hope you get to see your daughter again. You are doing the right thing coming here." She then paused before glancing with her eyes across to the two brothers who were watching from the other side of the room, "Just be careful of those two they have a bit of reputation." Kay raised an eyebrow inquisitively and the woman fished a smartphone from her pocket and after pressing a few buttons showed the screen to Kay.

Kay read the screen which was a website called the Urban Dictionary and read under her breath, "the 13th step is used to describe the efforts of an old timer who tries to screw a newcomer; or someone with less than a year of sobriety."

"Screw as in have sex with them?" Kay said looking at Mary who nodded, "Perhaps it's you that wants to 13th step me," said Kay without any emotion in her voice but maintaining eye contact with Mary. Then Kay reached out and gently touched the small gold brooch that Mary had on the lapel of her expensive suit jacket, showing two female symbols entwined. "After all," smiled Kay with no real warmth in her smile, "You are a lesbian aren't you."

Mary snorted with derision but the flush to her cheeks gave her thoughts away as she said, "I am just trying to warn you that's all." and then moved away to the coffee station.

"What did the dyke want?" said Rob as he appeared on one side of Kay and looked down onto her small frame.

"Was she hitting on you?" asked Gary who had appeared on her other side and leered at her as he tried to peer down the top of her dress.

Kay just laughed as she turned to re-join the group and said in a low voice, "She was wasting her time if she was... I like cock too much."

The two brothers looked at each other and could hardly contain their grins as Rob whispered to his brother, " the same method as last year; though this one seems a lot more willing, she is still gonna end up with a couple of Johnsons in her." They were both laughing as they re-joined the group and joined in with the reciting of the 12 steps.


At the end of the meeting as Kay went to leave; the Johnson brothers caught up quickly with her and Gary's voice was laced with sincerity as he said, "Me and Rob here would like to be your sponsors and guide you through the process if you want."

Kay looked up and moved her glance from face to face before smiling and nodding silently, to which Rob said with glee, "well let's get a drink to celebrate." Seeing the look of shock and horror on Kay's face he laughed as he said, "Non-alcoholic beer, let me and Gary show you how to have a good time without being drunk."


In the club despite the alcohol flying round none of the three had touched a drop and consumed the non-alcoholic beer with relish between bouts of dancing with the two brothers taking turns.

"Another round?" said Gary inquisitively.

"I have some in the fridge at my Motel room," said Kay with a smile.

"One for the road, my treat." said Gary as he made his way to the bar while Rob whisked Kay onto the dance floor. As Rob pressed himself against Kay, she kept a careful eye on Gary and watched as he passed his hand over one of the bottles and clearly added something to it.

When Gary returned and handed Kay her bottle they clinked and all of them took long drafts before Kay whooped, "looks like I can have fun sober," and then collapsed giggling as Gary caught her before she hit the ground. "Ooooo you are a big strong man aren't you," slurred Kay as Gary made sure he got a large handful of Kay's firm breasts.

"Time to go Bro," laughed Gary, "this one is primed and ready."


Gary was carrying Kay in his arms as his brother let them into the Motel room. The pair looked round the room and smiled as they saw the large double bed, with a separate living area with a couch, TV and mini bar. Propping Kay on her feet; Gary supported her as he said in a lecherous voice, "time to see how much fun we can have."

"You did get the good stuff didn't you?" said Rob nervously.

"Stop worrying I mixed the roofies with the E like we always do and bingo we have a sex crazed nympho who won't remember a thing. Now just enjoy the show," laughed Gary as Kay started to sway from side to side and then moaned softly as Gary ran his finger along her arm. "You want to get laid baby?" Gary said softly.

"Fuck yes," said Kay as she tore at her clothes ripping the buttons and material in her eagerness to get naked.

"Hey Gary do you fancy a beer before we get started?" said Rob opening the mini bar.

"No," said Kay, then carried on, "I want the cocks you promised me NOW!" The last word said forcefully and loudly.

"Wow, she is an eager one," laughed Rob as he quickly divested himself of his clothing and started to fist his cock to attention turning to his brother and leered, "you want top or bottom first?"

Gary looked at Rob who was being sucked by a very eager Kay and laughed, "looks like Miss nympho slut here has already decided," and roughly pulled Kay onto the bed, her mouth still attached to Rob's cock like a vacuum cleaner.

Pulling her hips upwards Gary slapped Kay's ass cheeks hard leaving a red welt and snarled, "you want my cock baby?" The question was purely rhetoric as Kay was unable to answer in any case as Rob had hold of her head and was face fucking her. Gary spat on the end on his now hard cock and forced it into Kay, and was surprised she was wet and he could slip in easy. "Looks like we have an eager one on our hands." Gary laughed and grabbing Kay's hips started to fuck her hard, causing her to gag on his brother's cock.

"Swap," said Rob and pulled his cock from Kay's mouth causing her to moan with disappointment and feel around blindly for another cock.

Gary had moved around and roughly shoved his cock into Kay's mouth and grabbing her hair started to face fuck with the same ferocity as his brother had.

"Fucking hell Gary," Rob whined," You have stretched her a bit too much for me."

Gary laughed cruelly as he replied, "Well you know what to do pencil dick."

Rob grinned as he pulled out of Kay's open pussy and after a couple of tentative jabs at her anal star buried himself deep into her. Kay let out a deep guttural moan and pushed back forcing his cock deeper into her bowels and rocked back and forward as she sucked on Gary's cock.

Rob looked at Gary over Kay's back and as their eyes met the unspoken signal passed between them. Gary pulled his cock out of Kay's mouth to allow Rob to lift Kay up with his cock still buried deep in her ass. Rob laid back onto the bed so that Kay was on top on him and Gary lifted her legs up and wide as he moved between her thighs.

"Time for the double Johnson," Gary said as he forced his cock into her pussy that was tight from his brother's cock buried in her ass. The brothers started to fuck Kay like a rag doll sawing their cocks in and out and to their delight, they both felt her tense as she orgasmed on their cocks. With a grunt, Gary unloaded into Kay's pussy and was quickly followed by Rob spurting his seed deep into her bowels.

Panting hard Gary stood up from Kay leaving her pussy open and oozing with his seed as his brother rolled her over an pulled out of her ass. As they stood; they could see the cum trickling down her ass crack and mixing together before it dripped slowly onto the sheets. Kay's eyes were tightly closed and seemed to be totally passed out.

"Nice one bro." said Gary as he grabbed a couple of zero beers from the fridge, "what do you say we finish these cold ones, pop another blue pill and go in for round two. "

"Sure thing," said Rob as he took a long draft from the bottle, "through this time let's see if we can get both our cocks in her pussy at the same time, then her ass."

Laughing crudely both men finished their bottles but before they could move there was a numbness that spread through their bodies causing them both to sit heavily on the couch.

"Hey what the fuck," slurred Gary as he felt his legs and arms too heavy to move and to his surprise, he saw Kay who was previously sprawled naked and comatose rise to her feet like a cat.

"Did you really think I drank from that spiked bottle?" laughed Kay sardonically, "I had my tongue over the opening you fools."

Kay moved over to in front of them and looked at them with contempt written all over her face. "The drug you have just ingested will kill you in approximately 13 minutes and will dissipate without a trace." Seeing the look of confusion and terror in the two men's eyes she went on, "but before you die perhaps an explanation."

"It has taken me over a year to track you down and before we got to the real reason I am here I wanted to enjoy a good fucking." laughed Kay as she placed a small recorder on the table and pressed play and a voice floated out.

"Hi Kay it's me... I am so so sorry I have let you down and I just wanted to say goodbye. I was trying so hard to get it together and even went to an AA meeting but something happened." The sobs that followed were wracked with emotion as she went on, "I must have slipped off the wagon and got drunk. They both fucked me over and over, took my virginity." There were further sobs before the pain wracked voice went on, "and worse of all I wanted their cocks. I cannot come back to you soiled in this way. Goodbye my love maybe we will meet again in heaven."

The tears rolled down Kay's cheeks as the recording came to an end and silence filled the room. Kay cleared her throat before she began, "The voice you have just heard is the last know message from Alison Batley who was my long-term lesbian partner. She sent that message 13 months ago, just before she took her own life. Unlike me who enjoys cock from time to time, Alison had never been with a man before that night."

Kay paused before she went on, "My full name is Kayoosh Al-Dulaim and I am a Bedouin Iraqi. My parents were both chemists in the Saddam Hussein administration before they escaped to the west but they did manage to bring their knowledge with them, which you have just received and on behalf of Alison I claim revenge."

Kay could see the life was about to slip out of both of them and she knew from reading her parents notes that despite their quietness the pain would be excruciating. She leant forward to make sure they heard her final words, "and by the way, as a Muslim, I never touch alcohol, so all your steps were wasted on me."

Kay checked the pulses of the two men to confirm they were dead and a quick look in Gary's jeans gave her the vial that she seen him use to spike her drink earlier. Taking the two bottles she rinsed the inside carefully to remove any possible traces of the drug before she took a fresh bottle from the fridge. Pouring a little into each bottle she swilled it around and then placed them on the table before adding a few drops of the liquid to the new bottle before returning the vial to Gary's jeans.

Moving to the bed Kay checked her watch as the drug would have almost disappeared from their system in 13 hours which should tie up with the time for the Rohypnol to wear off. Kay climbed onto the bed and took one final look at the scene before she clipped her wrist to the bed and started to drink from the drugged bottle. Kay felt the room start to spin and as she lost consciousness, she placed the almost empty bottle on the nightstand before the room went blank.


13 hours later Kay glanced at her watch and shaking her head to clear it and managed to hook the phone with her foot and dial the police. A few minutes later the door opened and police poured inside taking in the scene of the diminutive naked woman sobbing on the bed to the two dead men slouched on the couch.


It was a few weeks later in the local police station, in a room that was filled with nosy conversations that died as the inspector stood and glared at the room and barked. "OK children when we have finished playing any chance, we could review any open cases so we can all go and get a drink. Let's start with the Johnson Brothers over at Motel 38. Want to fill us in Kozlowski."

The young blonde detective stood and cleared her throat and started to recount the case line by line but before she could get very far the inspector held up his hand and growled, "We don't have all night young lady, give us the highlights."

Blushing deeply the young blonde spoke clearly in an accent that indicated that her family name either came from marriage or she had been in the country for a long time as there was no trace of a Polish accent. "The two brothers Gary & Rob Johnson were found dead in a motel room along with a woman handcuffed to the bed. Toxicology reports showed that the woman, Kayoosh Al-Dulaim, had been drugged with a combination of Rohypnol and MDMA and the vial of the same stuff was found in the clothing of the deceased. Medical examination of Ms Al-Dulain indicated that she had been sexually assaulted both vaginally and anally."

"What about the men?" said the inspector gruffly,

The detective cleared her throat and a look from the inspector reminded her she needed to be brief. "The tape found at the scene indicated their involvement in the rape and subsequent death of an Alison Batley a few weeks back. DNA tests on the men match with the rape kit results taken from the deceased Alison Batley and the chemical compound in the vial matches up as well."

"What did the ME say?" said the inspector, his eyes closed in thought.

The detective hurriedly flicked through the pages and said, "Toxicology of the males show traces of Viagra and Medical Examiner's report indicates that they both suffered respiratory failure due to a reaction. No other drug traces were found in the initial tests and any further tests would require signoff due to the additional costs. Scene of Crime team confirm no suspicious drugs found at the scene apart from the Rohypnol and MDMA in the vial and the bottle drank by the victim."

"Any form on this Kay Al whatever her name is," said the inspector, his tone of voice starting to show his boredom.

"No previous convictions or arrests, clean as a whistle, her records indicate she had a relationship with..." said the detective but her words were cut off before she could finish as the inspector held up his hand.

"Seems to me that we have a case of a couple of predators who make a habit of 13th stepping vulnerable women. Kay whatever confronts them but gets overpowered and raped for her troubles. Looks like karma is a bitch on this one. Unless anyone has anything to add we close this and look at cases that are actually criminal." The glare around the room from the inspector left no doubt that he was not going to take any argument.

Detective Jane Kozlowski smiled inwardly to herself as she closed the file and sat down; and wondering idly if she should take up the offer of dinner with Kay or whether it breached professional etiquette. It had been 13 weeks since her husband had left after catching her in bed with the maid, locked in a 69 position. Since then sex had been thin on the ground, though she had received a few offers from the men in the station who wanted to try their luck, what she really craved was the taste of pussy. Certain that what would be on offer would be more than just dinner she made a mental note to call her as soon as she could.

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skiestaskiestaalmost 2 years ago

Karma is a bitch! Enjoyed the details :)

Shady_LadyShady_Ladyabout 2 years agoAuthor

I have had some feedback that this can't be true.

It was written for a contest where the theme was 13. When I researched for ideas I came across the expression the 13th Step. I was horrified yet set my mind racing; this story was the result.

Try googling 13th Step and you may find some of the articles I read with disgust.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

this would make a great movie!

dustybluesdustybluesover 5 years ago
Another Fan

twists and turns......... enjoyed the read Shady_Lady.. looking forward to reading more of your stories,, you got 5 stars from me :-)

UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518over 5 years ago
Great Story!

Of course, I'm one of your biggest fans, so no surprise you got 5 stars from me!

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