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The 3 'C's' of life Ch. 01

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Bill learns that, 'Sometimes life just sucks'.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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Hello readers. After a break from 'You're not a serial rapist', I'm back. I tried to get into other themes: Erotic Couplings, Incest (with a cousin); but, I couldn't get my heart into it. Like I've said before, 'I'm a romantic'. I need to 'feel' the interaction between my characters. I couldn't get into it, in those other themes.

So, I'm back with another Romance story. It's independent of my other two stories, although there is one 'flashback'.

This is a story of a 'first love' heart break, of healing, and a journey into what 'real love' is.

I tried to take in some of the helpful comments from my previous story, and tried to at least 'pick up the pace'. I'm not sure how successful I was. It's kind of my writing style... so as they say, 'it is what it is'.

It's all written, just going through final proofing.

So, without any further ado. Enjoy. Oh, please vote and leave a constructive comment, if the mood strikes you.

All sex is between partners 18 and over and all sex is consensual.


The U.S. ends its involvement in the Vietnam War through the Paris 'Peace' talks. March 29 saw the last military unit leave Vietnam. "I'm not a crook" Watergate trials began. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned. Roe vs Wade became the law of the land. OPEC stopped selling oil to the United States, because of the United States' support to Israel during the Yom Kipper War, causing the price of oil to quadruple, from $2.90 a barrel before the embargo to $11.65 in a matter of months.

On a brighter side; marijuana was relatively inexpensive and readily available, through the 'right' connections. The truly iconic, Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album was released and quickly became THE music of the time. Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells", was also an album for those hazy stoned evenings. Headphones helped. "American Graffiti" and "Jesus Christ Super Star" were in our theaters.

Hi. My name is Bill. I graduated from a small Midwestern dairy town in northern Illinois. My graduating class was relatively small, probably around 100. We all knew each other. Going up through the pains and awkwardness of puberty from sixth grade through high school.

I always seemed to have dates for the school dances. Sometimes just a one-time 'fun' date. Sometimes it went on for a while; but, nothing in the realm of 'boyfriend-girlfriend'. Through it all, we stayed friends. We all knew, it was just for fun. Enjoyment.

There were girls that I viewed from afar and dreamed about, 'what it would be like to go out with them'. I viewed them out of my league. I was not a 'social butterfly'; but rather insecure. I seemed to always take the easy way out and didn't want to go the extra mile to push my 'security envelope', so I never had my heart broken.

My senior year found me dating a girl that was a year younger than me. We messed around; but, never did 'the deed'. Make-out sessions on a dark country 'Lover's lane' consisted of some fondling and fingering. I learned a lot about the female body. Those special places that brought beautiful sounds of pleasure. I also felt, for the first time, a female's soft hand on my hard cock.

When I graduated in 1968, I was headed off to a state University at the other end of the state. Southern Illinois University. We each knew I would only be home Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, then three months in the summer for the next four years. Then what? In the late 60's, the Vietnam War was going strong. The future beyond my finishing school was uncertain.

We each decided to give each other some 'freedom'. I wanted her to feel free to go to school dances: Homecoming, Spring dances, Senior Prom, etc. without feeling like she was cheating on me. I also wanted to try and meet new girls at school and do stuff with the same feeling.

We parted that fall, as 'friends'; but, promised to stay connected. There were a few tears, final hugs and 'Good Luck' and 'Best Wishes'. We wrote back and forth through those first few months on a weekly basis. She told me about being asked, and going to the Homecoming dance. I told her I was happy for her and then she wrote that it was just a 'one time' thing. We got together once over my Thanksgiving break. It was fun; but, we each felt it would probably be the last, as she was starting to see someone.

So, 'That was that', as they say. Oh well. At least, nobody got hurt.

Turns out, the summer after she graduated, she got a job as a secretary in a small local manufacturing company, met a guy that worked in the 'shop', got pregnant, and then married; in that order. I never saw her again. Even with a small town, you would think that a casual 'run-in' at a grocery store, our paths would cross. Never happened. I did hear that she had moved, with her husband and little one, to the next town over, and was living in a trailer.

My first year in college was a bust. I mean, coeds were looking for confident upperclassmen, not new awkward freshmen.

Second that third years were a bit better. I continued to live in the dorm. I enjoyed the camaraderie of always having something to do, be it a card game, a board game, or just watching TV with a bunch of guys. The cafeteria food never bothered me, as it did some of the guys. I came to live with the lack of privacy (roommate) and the restrictions on 'no alcohol', which if you were discrete, was not a problem.

I did venture out, of my 'social shell' a few times, and worked up the courage to ask out a few freshman coeds that also that shared the same cafeteria. Had a couple of comfortable 'make-out' sessions; but, nothing beyond casual get-togethers. It was difficult to find 'alone' places, as you could only have a girl in your room on 'special' Sunday afternoons and then only with the door open, for a limited amount of time.

My third year, as a Junior, that changed. Members of the opposite sex could now hang out in each other's rooms at any time of the day, or evening, as long as each other's roommate was OK with that. Of course, the door was 'required' to be open... Sometimes it was. Most of the time it wasn't. It resulted in some nice 'quality' make-out and groping sessions.

On a few occasions, I got lucky with probably two or three freshman coeds. No completely nude sessions. Just some bare breasts and 'suckable' sensitive nipples. It was fun and casual for each of us. Which was all either of were looking for, just some casual fun.

My Senior year, I wanted something different. I had outgrown the dorm. I mean, I was three years older and wiser, in my humble opinion, than the incoming new freshmen. I moved off-campus into a trailer with two of my earlier dorm-mates. That meant I could now have a car.

It was that year that I met 'her', early in the fall quarter, Terri. We accidently met in the library. All through my previous years, I had always studied in the library. It got me away from the distractions and noise of the dorm. Each night I would walk to the library with my necessary books and notes, no matter what the weather was. It gave me time to get my brain in 'study mode'.

So, there I was, a mechanical engineering major, sitting to the back and off to the side of a small room in the library with my books, notes, and slide rule all out in the open. Yes, 'slide rule'. Remember, this was the early 70's there were no such things as 'hand-held' calculators. And whatever 'desk-top' calculators that were around were the size of two 4-slice toasters.

I had been in 'study mode' for nearly an hour, with probably two more to go. Then I was looking forward to heading back to the trailer for a few beers and sit in front of my roommate's TV.

It was only 8:00, when all of a sudden I sense a 'presence', as my concentration on whatever calculation I was deeply involved in, was broken. I looked up to see this petite green-eyed blonde girl, with a serious and apprehensive look. As I quickly looked her over, I could tell she came from a family with some 'means' as she wore more than the usual 'coed' faded jeans and t-shirts. Her makeup and hair were done up very nice. But, what caught my eyes were the small, almost, indistinguishable little mounds that sat high on her chest.

"Hi. I don't mean to interrupt your concentration. I can see you must have some math background."

"I've had through differential equations. Why?"

"I know you're busy, and I hate to intrude. I mean, you don't even know me. But, can I ask a favor?"

"What would you like to ask?"

"I'm taking algebra-trigonometry, and I'm lost. None of the girls on my floor are any help. They're as lost as I am," hesitating, "Can you help me?"


"I'll pay you."

I'm a sucker for a girl 'in need'. A girl that 'needs help'. Always have been. I used to help my high school girlfriend with her math and elementary algebra class, just because she needed help. I didn't expect anything in return. I just felt, it was the right thing to do. We were friends. But, here. A complete stranger, out of nowhere.

"You don't need to do that. What's your name?"


"I'm Bill."

So, that's how it started. She was a sophomore, living in the dorm. Terri had attended a community college the year before and had lived at home, which I found out was in Winnetka, north side of Chicago. I later found out that it definitely was not the 'poverty' side of town. This year she wanted to experience 'college life'.

Over the next few weeks, we spent a lot of time together in the library. Then, in her room afterwards, just hanging out. On the weekends, we would hit a few bars. I was over 21 and Terri was 19, so getting into bars and buying alcohol, for us, was not a problem. Later in her room, we'd hang out with some form of 'adult beverage', which we shared with her roommate. I actually became the 'alcohol supplier' for a number of her close 'floor-mates'.

We found we could talk to each other about anything. We shared the same view on "The War". Mistake. Terri was really interested in what it was like, growing up in a small town, with a small graduating class. She said she barely knew most of her classmates, as her graduating class was 255. Kind of envied what I had. I found out that her dad was into investment banking. I didn't pay attention to her reaction when I volunteered that my dad worked in the local dairy, as he had for that last 15 years. That he had been a carpenter before that, and that had built their house before my mom and dad were married. That he worked as much 'over time' as he could. Each week he would buy enough building materials to keep busy for the coming week. By, the time they got married, the house was mostly built, livable, and no debt.

We got to know each other, really well over the next few weeks. To the point of her staying over at the trailer and in my bed, nude, on a number of nights. My 'V' card still intact. Condoms weren't readily available, and I wasn't about to take a risk for a few minutes of intense pleasure, and neither was she.

Her breasts were bit larger than two half apples... probably a small B cup. It was the first time I had been with a girl with that small of breasts. In the dim light of my cramped bedroom, I found them captivating. They would virtually disappear when she would lie on her back. But, those two prominent dark pink peaks and surrounding rust-colored ovals were sexy beyond what I had ever seen, or tasted. Then there was that blonde, at the juncture of her legs. Light and wispy.

I found out she had extremely sensitive nipples and an equally sensitive clit.

I had never 'gone down' on a girl, just never thought of it. Actually Terri was only the second girl that I had ever touched 'down there' and the first girl I had been with, that was completely naked. From her reaction, as I headed from her freshly stimulated nipples down her body, neither had she. Then she asked me in a hushed tone, as my chin brushed through that soft Garden of Eden, "Do you believe in kissing down there?"

"I've never done it before. But, I would like to try it. For you to be my first. Is that OK? I mean, are you comfortable with me doing that?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's a first for me too. If you want to. I've heard guys don't like doing that. So, I'm kind of nervous. I mean, what if you don't like it? I'd be embarrassed."

"Terri, I would never embarrass you. If you get uncomfortable, just let me know. OK?"

"OK," her voice, hesitant.

It was the first pussy I had ever seen. Even in the dim light from my bedside desk, it was incredible. Thin delicate pink inner lips forming an inverted "V". My first kiss to the open folds was tentative. My tongue probed... tasting the flavor of female arousal for the first time. It was rich. It was earthy. It was musky. In a short word... exquisite.

"mmmm. Terri. So wonderful. I never knew a woman could taste so good."

I felt her relax, as she fell back into the pillow. Her initial anxiousness, at this new experience subsiding, as Terri now concentrated on what was happening between her open legs, which were getting wider.

"The top. Kiss me at the top," her voice soft, raspy with a building need.

I knew of the clit, from my high school girlfriend. I had found it by accident one night in one of our 'semi-nude' groping sessions on a back country road. My finger had grazed that sensitive button. Her instant reaction was one of surprise, and then a need for me to touch that spot again. She experienced her first orgasm that night. The first of many in the days and weeks to follow. Yes, she was that innocent.

My tongue bathed her clit. Terri cried out at her release. Trying to muffle those cries in the quiet of the occupied trailer.

Her first kiss to me was one of passion. Followed by a slow and steady kiss. Terri rested her head on my stomach, facing my completely engorged cock. I gasped as her cool hand encircled my warm erection. I ran my fingers softly through her soft blonde hair. I had no idea what was on her mind. I felt Terri slowly raise her head off my stomach. The next thing I felt was the head of my cool dick being enveloped in a wet warmth. I gasped. Terri just held me in her warm mouth for about five glorious seconds. I was certain this was as much a first for her, as it was for me.

Raising back up. Our lips met.

"That took a lot of guts for me to do. I've never done that. I didn't know what to do, that would feel good for you."

"Terri. That felt wonderful. Thank you."

"What can I do to make you feel really good? Like you made me."

"You could use your hand."

"You'll have to show me what to do. I've never done anything like that."

I showed her the basics of how my short foreskin would move up and partially over the glans. As her hand replaced mine, I lay back and enjoyed the first time I came by the use of a hand that was not my own.

So, that was how the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving progressed. Nights in the trailer. Me, with my tongue on her clit. Terri, getting more proficient at the 'art of the hand-job'. Going down on me, was something that she wasn't really into, and I never pushed it. I was fine with nice hand-job.

I was falling for her. My first love. It wasn't because of our 'sex play'. It went deeper than that, for me anyway. We would need to talk about it. I was curious what her thoughts and feelings were.

Thanksgiving break. Our plan was for me to drive her to her house and then I would head out to my parents, after meeting her parents. Sunday, would be the reverse, as I would pick her up on the way back to school.

It was around 6:00 when we finally pulled into her parent's driveway. Being dark, it was difficult to really get a good look around. But, with the nearby streetlight, I could tell it was a pretty big house that was surrounded with full grown trees.

We came in through the front door and into a foyer. Off to the right was a large formal living area. I kind of thought, 'the first floor of my parent's house would fit inside this area'. Off to the back was a large formal dining table. Toward the side was a family room with an attached den. Everything was very nicely decorated. Still, it lacked the 'warmth' and 'coziness' of my parent's house.

I don't know how much detail Terri had given her parents on me.

As we sat at their kitchen table having some Lasagna, I could feel each of her parents giving me the 'eye'. Trying to gauge me. Later, as I looked back, it was one of those looks like, 'Is this guy good enough for our daughter?'.

It should have set off alarms when her dad asked what my major was. And then asked why I didn't go into business or finance, as they made more money than engineers. It was kind of demeaning. I should have been insulted, instead, I let it pass.

In the car, on the way back to school, with Terri cuddled up next to me, I jokingly asked, "Well, did I pass inspection?"

"Why would you ask that?" her voice somewhat serious.

"I could that tell your mom and dad were giving me the 'once over'. After all, you are your dad's little girl. I would do the same thing."

"You mean you would check out our daughter's first date?"

It was the first time any mention of our future together, as a couple, had been brought up. But then we had only been really together for maybe six weeks.

"Of course. Wouldn't you want me to?"

"Most definitely. I think you would be very protective with our daughter, or daughters."

"So, you see us, as becoming a long lasting couple?"

"Don't you?"

"I do. I just didn't know how you felt. Because, Terri, I'm really falling for you."

"I'm glad to hear that. Me too. I've never felt like this, with anyone. It's a nice feeling."

"Do your parents know how you feel about us?"

"I don't think so. Not yet anyway. They will. Probably over Christmas break. Maybe you can come in, and spend the night. You can sleep in the den."

"I'd like that. I was thinking of coming in to get you one day over the break, and bring you back to meet my parents. Just a day thing."

"I'd like that."

We got back into our class routine.

One Saturday night, I took Terri over to the neighboring town. I knew of a tavern that served great pizza and where she could have a drink, as she was under 21. Taking a trip to the men's room, I discovered a condom machine. I thought, 'why not?'. I had three quarters in my pocket. Fortunately, there was something wrong with the condom machine. The first quarter, I got three. The second quarter, two. The last quarter, three. I was tempted to go to the bar and get more quarters. I mean I was hitting the jackpot here; but, that would have been pretty obvious, and embarrassing. We were going to have fun and I was hoping to turn-in my "V" card later that night.

On the way back to the trailer, I told Terri of my treasures.

"Sounds like fun," as she snuggled in closer.

"So, have you ever done it," she asks.

"No. You?"

"Nope. But I'm glad my first time will be with someone I really... really like. And who really... really likes me."

The trailer was empty. The guys had gone out to the bars.

I would like to say that we slowly and sensually undressed each other. That we took our time to savor each other's body, as we approached the 'main event' for 'Our First Time'. Like I said, 'I would like to say that'. Reality was more like we could get each other naked quick enough.

I did slow down, realizing that this was going to be each other's 'first'. It would be something that I would never forget. I wanted the same for Terri and not to be over in 30 seconds. We had the trailer to ourselves.

I wanted to 'make love' to her. I really didn't have a clue what that entailed. Well, I did, kind of, from the 'men's' magazines that I had gotten my hands on in previous years. I knew about 'foreplay', to get her 'going' and relaxed. From my high school girlfriend, I knew about her 'pleasure' centers: nipples and clit. Beyond that, I was clueless. So, I let my instincts, and common sense take over.

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